Application Programming Interface Guide > Web Services Operations > Operations Reference > getIntrospectedResourceIdsResult
Get the results from getIntrospectedResourceIdsTask. The number of resource identifiers returned is limited by page size and total number of known resources.
Subsequent calls to this operation incrementally return the full list of resource identifiers introspected from the data source.
If the block element is set and TRUE, this operation blocks until the task is complete. Otherwise, this operation does not block.
The page size controls the maximum number of resource identifiers that are returned from this call.
The page start determines which resource is returned first. This can be used to jump ahead in the resource list. This jump is relative to the current position. Providing a non-zero page start with every call to this operation has the effect of skipping a page-size number of resources each time.
Specifying the page start sets the position where you would like to start receiving resource identifiers. Subsequent calls to this operation starts from that point. If an insufficient number of resource identifiers have been found during a call to this operation, this operation either times out or returns with COMPLETED set to TRUE. In either case, an empty list of identifiers is returned.
This operation returns a taskId that can be used to get results using the getIntrospectedResourceIdsResult operation or canceled using cancelServerTask.
This operation returns the total number of introspected resource identifiers in the totalResults element. If the data source has not yet been introspected, this element is set to zero.
This operation returns a completed element that indicates whether or not processing has completed and these are the last results the caller receives. If TRUE, a subsequent call to this operation generates a NotFound fault.
The lastUpdate return element indicates when the data source was last introspected. If the data source has never been introspected, the lastUpdate element is unset.
The resourceIdentifiers element provides the list of native resources paths, types, and subtypes. Paths are relative to the containing data source.
This operation must be run within the same explicit transaction that the original call to getIntrospectedResourceIdsTask was invoked. Otherwise the taskId is reported as NotFound.
Request Elements
taskId: The task ID associated with the original call.
block (optional): Whether or not to block until processing is complete. Default is FALSE.
page (optional):
size: The number of resource identifiers to return in the result.
start: The page number to start retrieving data from. Defaults to 0.
Response Elements
taskId: The task ID associated with the original call.
totalResults (optional): If known, the total result set size. Otherwise this element does not exist.
completed: TRUE if processing is completed and the result set has been exhausted.
lastUpdate (optional): The date and time the resource cache was last created.
resourceIdentifiers (optional): List of native resource paths and types available within a data source.
DataSourceError: If a data source connection cannot be established or if a data source request returns an error.
IllegalArgument: If the taskId or page is malformed.
IllegalState: If the data source is disabled.
NotFound: If the taskId does not exist or has completed.
NotFound: If a different TDV session was used to create the server task.
Security: If the user does not have the ACCESS_TOOLS right.