Administration Guide > System Management with Manager > Manager UI Reference > TRANSACTIONS Page
In Manager, you access sessions information by choosing Transactions from the MONITORING menu. The TRANSACTIONS page is displayed, providing information about the current and recently active transactions. Summary information and information about each individual transaction is displayed.
This section includes:
TRANSACTIONS Summary Information
Work with the TRANSACTIONS Page
Studio Manager provides a Transactions panel. See Transactions Panel for more information.
You might need to scroll the display to the right to see all of the information provided.
By default, the TRANSACTIONS page displays transactions that occurred within the last 5 minutes. Transactions created by Manager itself are not displayed.
Some of the information displayed on the TRANSACTIONS page is controlled by the following Studio configuration parameters:
Transaction Events
Transactions are removed from the table periodically, based on the Studio Manager configuration setting: Transaction Purge Period
The default setting purges transactions every 5 minutes.
TRANSACTIONS Summary Information
The TRANSACTIONS page provides the following summary information:
Status - Aggregated status of all transactions can be OK, Warning, Error, or Unknown. A single warning or error supersedes display of a status of OK.
Total Transactions Run - The total number of transactions processed since the server was started.
Total Transactions Rolled Back - The total number of transactions that were rolled back since the server was started.
Total Transactions Failed - The total number of transactions that failed since the server was started.
Active Transactions - The total number of currently active transactions.
Work with the TRANSACTIONS Page
If you want to limit the display of transactions to only active transactions, you can remove the completed transactions by clicking the Purge Completed Transactions button.
If you want to terminate a transaction, you can select one or more transactions in the TRANSACTIONS table by check box and then click the Cancel Transactions button.
The TRANSACTIONS table displays these columns for each transaction:
ID - Unique transaction identifier.
Status - Can be any one of the following values:
Indicates that the transaction...
Was started.
Has been committed.
Was rolled back.
Was compensated.
Mode - Displays the mode for this transaction: AUTO or EXPLICIT.
Owner - User who initiated this transaction.
Session ID - Unique identifier for the transaction.
Session Name - Name of the component that issued the transaction. For example, Studio.
Start Time - Time at which the transaction was initiated.
End Time - Time at which the transaction was completed.
Duration - Amount of time for which the transaction has been running or ran.
Transaction Details
Every transaction has additional detailed information available. To view the read-only details, click the Show Row Details button for the row.
In addition to the information presented in the TRANSACTIONS table (and described in The TRANSACTIONS Table), these details are provided:
Owner domain - Name of the domain to which the session owner belongs.
Session Type - STUDIO, HTTP (Web service), INTERNAL, or client procedure.
Active Requests - The total number of currently active transactions.
Total Requests - The total number of transactions since the server started.