User Guide > Publishing Resources > Configuring TEMP Table Space for a Data Service
Configuring TEMP Table Space for a Data Service
Temporary tables come in handy for a variety of business integration tools. The temporary tables allow the tools to store filters for visualizations because of their simplicity. Temporary tables also create space to accommodate DDL capabilities that you might also configure for your data service. Specifically, the temporary tables can streamline the creation and removal of the table for use during a working session.
You can use Studio to configure a location where you would prefer to have temporary tables created for your data services.
You can create the temporary tables in Oracle, Netezza, SQL Server, Teradata, MySQL, and DB2. Support for creation of other TEMP tables depends on the physical data source where you want to create them.
For information on limitations, see About the TDV DDL Feature.
To specify the temporary table locations
1. Follow the instructions in Publishing Resources to a Database Service.
2. Open the database service.
3. Select the Temp Tables tab.
4. Type or browse to the container path where a client might later want to temporary tables.
5. Optionally, if your data source supports it, you can specify more than one location where tables can be created or dropped. These locations are typically called Catalogs or Schemas.
a. Type or browse to the Published Container Path.
b. Type or browse to the Physical Container Path (as it exists in Studio).
c. Add more locations as necessary.
6. Save your changes.