Data Catalog Navigation

The Navigation Panel of the Data Catalog displays all the TDV resources and is grouped in the following categories:

Published Data

The Published Data section of the Data Catalog lists all of the virtual databases, published flows and the system tables. To view the contents of each resource in the Details panel, choose a specific category from Published data section and then click on the resource listed in the Resource Browser. The Details panel in the far right displays content of the resource, the columns, endpoints where the resource can be accessed by downstream applications and other details about the resource.


The Integration section of the Data Catalog lists all the flows created in the TDV Web UI as well as the views created in TDV Studio.

Note: The flows that you have created will be listed under the category "My flows". The flows you have been given access to will be listed under the "All Flows" category along with the flows created by you. The full listing of all non-published views across all of TDV that the user has access to will be listed under the "Views created in Studio" category.

Data Stores

The Data Stores section of the Data Catalog screen lists all the data sources that have been introspected and that has tables. To view the contents of the data store in the Details panel, click on the data store listed in the Resource Browser. The Details panel also displays the contents in the data store, columns and the details of the selected data store such as the full path, owner and date created/modified.


Resource Browser

The Resource Browser of the Data Catalog lists all the resources available for the selected category in the Navigation Panel on the left. For example, choose the category "system" under the "Published Data" to list all System Tables.

Click on a resource in the resource browser to view the details in the Resource Details panel on the right. Refer to Data Catalog Details for more information.