Adapter Online Help > TDV Informix Adapter > Datasource Configuration > Common Properties
Common Properties
The following table and the sections below lists and explains the connection properties that are common to all data sources:
Basic Connection Properties
The name of the Datasource.
Name of the host machine or the host machine’s IP address.
The Port number.
Name or alias of the underlying data source. TDV Server uses this name to find and connect to the data source.
User name and password required to access the data source.
The degree to which transactions are isolated from data modifications made by other transactions.
Flag to indicate whether pass-through login is enabled or not.
The type of Authentication used by the datasource.
Advanced Connection Properties
A template for generating a URL to connect to the physical data source.
The URL string generated from the connection URL pattern with the connection information you provide.
Lets you specify property-value pairs to pass to the JDBC data source
Maximum number of connections (both active and idle) allowed for the data source. When the maximum is reached, new requests must wait until a connection is available.
Minimum number of connections in the pool even when the pool is inactive.
Number of seconds that a connection can remain idle without being dropped from the pool when there are more than the minimum number of connections.
The number of minutes that a connection that was returned to the pool persists if there are more open connections than the minimum pool size.
A data-source-specific query that the TDV query engine sends to see if the data source connection is valid. This query is executed every time a connection is checked out from the pool. Enter a query that returns quickly.
Let the data source use its proprietary functionality to optimize performance.
TDV does not use the SORT MERGE join algorithm if any data source involved in the join is marked Collation Sensitive.
Works with the Massively Parallel Processing engine configuration parameters to control the amount of parallelization for the queries for a particular data source.
The number of seconds an execution query on the data source can run before being canceled.
Lets a SELECT statement be executed using a new connection from the connection pool, and committed immediately after completion. INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE statements are executed using the same connection as part of the transaction.
A procedure that returns a valid SQL statement that can be used to initialize the connection.
Time that a connection doing a checkout can remain idle without being dropped.
See the documentation for semijoins and the TDV Administration Guide for more information.
See the documentation for semijoins and the TDV Administration Guide for more information.
Sets the minimum target-to-source ratio of cardinality for semijoins. Refer to the TDV Administration Guide for more information.
Check only if this data source supports very large predicates and very large cardinalities for star schema semijoins.
Datasource Name
The name of the data source.
Data Type
Default Value
Name of the host machine or the host machine’s IP address.
Data Type
Default Value
The Port number
Data Type
Default Value
Database Name
Name or alias of the underlying data source. TDV Server uses this name to find and connect to the data source.
Data Type
Default Value
Login/User, Password
User name and password required to access the data source.
Data Type
Default Value
When the data source is used as a target for cache tables or data ship, the user must also have permission to create tables, execute DDL, and perform other required tasks. Refer to the individual data source descriptions for details.
Transaction Isolation
The degree to which transactions are isolated from data modifications made by other transactions.
Data Type
Default Value
Valid values are:
Read Uncommitted—Dirty reads, nonrepeatable reads, and phantom reads can occur.
Read Committed—Nonrepeatable reads and phantom reads can occur.
Repeatable Read—Only phantom reads can occur.
Serializable—Dirty reads, nonrepeatable reads, and phantom reads are prevented.
Pass-through Login
Flag to indicate whether pass-through login is enabled or not.
Data Type
Default Value
Disabled (default)—This allows automated provisioning of a connection pool. Open connection threads can be used by authorized users after the validation query verifies connection status. If pass-through login is disabled, the Save Password check box is not available.
Enabled—A new connection to the data source uses the credentials supplied by the client when data is requested from that data source for the first time. Subsequent requests by the same user reuse the existing connection. When another user attempts to connect to a data source, a new connection is created.
See “Managing Security for TDV Resources” in the TDV Administration Guide for details.
Authentication Type
Indicates the type of authentication used by the data source.
Data Type
Default Value
Select BASIC or Kerberos authentication method, where offered.
See the TDV Administration Guide for more information about Kerberos authentication.
Connection URL Pattern
A template for generating a URL to connect to the physical data source.
Data Type
Default Value
TDV does not validate modifications at the time of configuration. The data source adapter might not validate changes.
Connection URL String
The URL string generated from the connection URL pattern with the connection information you provide.
Data Type
Default Value
This string is used by the JDBC adapter to connect to the physical data source. This field cannot be edited. For details, see the section “Connecting through JDBC Adapters” in the TDV Administration Guide.
JDBC Connection Properties
Lets you specify property-value pairs to pass to the JDBC data source.
Data Type
Default Value
Click to add custom connection properties for any JDBC data source. Commonly used properties are populated with default values. Use the Add Argument button to specify other properties and values.
TDV does not validate property names. Some data source adapters ignore invalid property names or values; others return an error.
The driver properties specify connection timeout settings required by specific drivers. To avoid leaving connections open indefinitely, specify properties explicitly for your data source.
Connection Pool Maximum Size
Maximum number of connections (both active and idle) allowed for the data source. When the maximum is reached, new requests must wait until a connection is available.
Data Type
Default Value
If the maximum number of connections is in use when a request comes in (even with pass-through authentication), the new request is blocked and queued until a connection is available or the Connection Pool Idle Timeout is reached.
If no connection was made available within the specified timeout, a check is made for an available connection by the same user. If none is available, the least recently used connection for another user is dropped and a new connection is opened.
Studio reuses pooled connections if they continue to be valid after changes (such as connection name), but JDBC requests are forced to use new connections if any part of the data source connection configuration has changed.
Connection Pool Minimum Size
Minimum number of connections in the pool even when the pool is inactive.
Data Type
Default Value
When a connection has been idle, a validation query is used to verify whether an open connection is still valid just prior to submission of a request. If the connection is invalid, the connection is discarded and another is used.
Connection Pool Idle Timeout
Number of seconds that a connection can remain idle without being dropped from the pool when there are more than the minimum number of connections.
Data Type
Default Value
Maximum Connection Lifetime
The number of minutes that a connection that was returned to the pool persists if there are more open connections than the minimum pool size.
Data Type
Default Value
The duration is calculated from connection creation. Default value is 60 minutes. Set a smaller value if the pool is likely to run out of connections. Be sure to add a validation query. Set a larger value if you want the connections to be held for a longer period. Set a value of 0 to keep connections alive indefinitely.
Connection Validation Query
A data-source-specific query that the TDV query engine sends to see if the data source connection is valid. This query is executed every time a connection is checked out from the pool. Enter a query that returns quickly.
Data Type
Default Value
If this query returns a non-error result, the data source connection is considered valid. If this query fails, the connection is discarded and a new connection is checked out from the available pool.
No one SELECT statement works with all data sources. To verify that TDV is running and that it can connect to the data source, devise a query against a published table from that data source.
Enable Native Data Loading
Let the data source use its proprietary functionality to optimize performance.
Data Type
Default Value
See the User Guide, Chapter About Data Source Native Load Performance Options” for more details,.
Collation Sensitive
TDV does not use the SORT MERGE join algorithm if any data source involved in the join is marked Collation Sensitive.
Data Type
Default Value
Concurrent Request Limit
Works with the Massively Parallel Processing engine configuration parameters to control the amount of parallelization for the queries for a particular data source.
Data Type
Default Value
Execution Timeout
The number of seconds an execution query on the data source can run before being canceled.
Data Type
Default Value
Execute SELECTs Independently
Lets a SELECT statement be executed using a new connection from the connection pool, and committed immediately after completion. INSERT and UPDATE statements are executed using the same connection as part of the transaction.
Data Type
Default Value
Connection Checkout Procedure
A procedure that returns a valid SQL statement that can be used to initialize the connection.
Data Type
Default Value
The signature of the initialization procedure should be:
(IN ds_name VARCHAR, OUT sqlText VARCHAR)
Give the full path to the procedure in the Connection Check-out Procedure box.
Connection Checkout Timeout
Time that a connection doing a checkout can remain idle without being dropped.
Data Type
Default Value
Max Source Side Cardinality for Semi Join
Data Type
Default Value
Max Source Side of Semi Join To Use OR Syntax
Data Type
Default Value
Min Target to Source Ratio for Semi Join
Sets a minimum ratio to trigger use of semi join optimization.
Data Type
Default Value
Supports Star Schema
Check only if this data source supports very large predicates and very large cardinalities for star schema semijoins.
Data Type
Default Value
Refer to the section Star Schema Semijoin in the User Guide, for more information.