Name | Description |
Create, update, delete, and query Account entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
Create, update, delete, and query ActivityMimeAttachment entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
Create, update, delete, and query ActivityParty entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
Create, update, delete, and query ActivityPointer entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
Create, update, delete, and query Annotation entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
Create, update, delete, and query annual fiscal calendar entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
Create, update, delete, and query ApplicationFile entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
Create, update, delete, and query Appointment entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
Create, update, delete, and query AsyncOperation entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
Create, update, delete, and query Attachment entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
Create, update, delete, and query AttributeMap entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
Create, update, delete, and query Audit entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
Create, update, delete, and query BulkDeleteFailure entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
Create, update, delete, and query BulkDeleteOperation entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
Create, update, delete, and query BulkOperation entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the BulkOperationLog entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the BusinessUnit entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the BusinessUnitMap entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the BusinessUnitNewsArticle entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the Calendar entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the CalendarRule entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the Campaign entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the CampaignActivity entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the CampaignActivityItem entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the CampaignItem entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the CampaignResponse entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the ClientUpdate entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the ColumnMapping entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the Commitment entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the Competitor entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the CompetitorAddress entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the CompetitorProduct entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the CompetitorSalesLiterature entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the Connection entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the ConnectionRole entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the ConnectionRoleAssociation entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the ConnectionRoleObjectTypeCode entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the ConstraintBasedGroup entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the Contact entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the ContactInvoices entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the ContactLeads entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the ContactOrders entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the ContactQuotes entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the Contract entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the ContractDetail entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the ContractTemplate entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the CustomerAddress entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the CustomerOpportunityRole entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the CustomerRelationship entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the Dependency entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the DependencyNode entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the Discount entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the DiscountType entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the DisplayString entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the DisplayStringMap entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the DocumentIndex entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the DuplicateRecord entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the DuplicateRule entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the DuplicateRuleCondition entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the Email entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the EmailHash entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the EmailSearch entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the EntityMap entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the Equipment entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the Fax entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the FieldPermission entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the FieldSecurityProfile entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the FilterTemplate entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the FixedMonthlyFiscalCalendar entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the Goal entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the GoalRollupQuery entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the Import entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the ImportData entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the ImportEntityMapping entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the ImportFile entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the ImportJob entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the ImportLog entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the ImportMap entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the Incident entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the IncidentResolution entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the IntegrationStatus entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the InternalAddress entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the InterProcessLock entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the InvalidDependency entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the Invoice entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the InvoiceDetail entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the IsvConfig entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the KbArticle entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the KbArticleComment entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the KbArticleTemplate entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the Lead entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the LeadAddress entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the LeadCompetitors entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the LeadProduct entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the Letter entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the License entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the List entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the ListMember entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the LookUpMapping entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the MailMergeTemplate entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the Metric entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the MonthlyFiscalCalendar entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the Notification entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the Opportunity entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the OpportunityClose entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the OpportunityCompetitors entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the OpportunityProduct entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
Gets basic information about the OptionSet values available for a given table and displays the mapping of OptionSet string values to OptionSet int values. | |
This is a table representing the OrderClose entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the Organization entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the OrganizationStatistic entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the OrganizationUI entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the Owner entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the OwnerMapping entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the PhoneCall entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the PickListMapping entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the PluginAssembly entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the plug-in type entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the PluginTypeStatistic entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the PriceLevel entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the PrincipalAttributeAccessMap entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the PrincipalEntityMap entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the PrincipalObjectAccess entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the PrincipalObjectAttributeAccess entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the Privilege entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the PrivilegeObjectTypeCodes entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the ProcessSession entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the Product entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the ProductAssociation entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the ProductPriceLevel entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the ProductSalesLiterature entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the ProductSubstitute entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the Publisher entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the PublisherAddress entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the QuarterlyFiscalCalendar entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the Queue entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the QueueItem entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the Quote entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the QuoteClose entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the QuoteDetail entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the RecurrenceRule entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the RecurringAppointmentMaster entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the RelationshipRole entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the RelationshipRoleMap entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the Report entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the ReportCategory entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the ReportEntity entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the ReportLink entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the ReportVisibility entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the Resource entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the ResourceGroup entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the ResourceGroupExpansion entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the ResourceSpec entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the RibbonCommand entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the RibbonContextGroup entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the RibbonCustomization entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the RibbonDiff entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the RibbonRule entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the RibbonTabToCommandMap entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the Role entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the RolePrivileges entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the RoleTemplate entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the RoleTemplatePrivileges entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the RollupField entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the SalesLiterature entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the SalesLiteratureItem entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the SalesOrder entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the SalesOrderDetail entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the SalesProcessInstance entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the SavedQuery entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the SavedQueryVisualization entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the SdkMessage entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the SdkMessageFilter entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the SdkMessagePair entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the SdkMessageProcessingStep entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the SdkMessageProcessingStepImage entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the SdkMessageProcessingStepSecureConfig entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the SdkMessageRequest entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the SdkMessageRequestField entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the SdkMessageResponse entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the SdkMessageResponseField entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the SemiAnnualFiscalCalendar entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the Service entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the ServiceAppointment entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the ServiceContractContacts entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the ServiceEndpoint entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the SharePointDocumentLocation entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the SharePointSite entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the Site entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the SiteMap entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the Solution entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the SolutionComponent entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the StatusMap entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the StringMap entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the Subject entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the Subscription entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the SubscriptionClients entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the SubscriptionManuallyTrackedObject entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the SubscriptionSyncInfo entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the SubscriptionTrackingDeletedObject entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the SystemForm entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the SystemUser entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the SystemUserBusinessUnitEntityMap entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the SystemUserLicenses entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the SystemUserPrincipals entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the SystemUserProfiles entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the SystemUserRoles entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the Task entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the Team entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the TeamMembership entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the TeamProfiles entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the TeamRoles entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the Template entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the Territory entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the TimeZoneDefinition entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the TimeZoneLocalizedName entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the TimeZoneRule entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the TransactionCurrency entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the TransformationMapping entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the TransformationParameterMapping entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the UnresolvedAddress entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the UoM entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the UoMSchedule entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the UserEntityInstanceData entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the UserEntityUISettings entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the UserFiscalCalendar entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the UserForm entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the UserQuery entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the UserQueryVisualization entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the UserSettings entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the WebResource entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the WebWizard entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the WizardAccessPrivilege entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the WizardPage entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the Workflow entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the WorkflowDependency entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the WorkflowLog entities in Dynamics CRM. | |
This is a table representing the WorkflowWaitSubscription entities in Dynamics CRM. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the account. |
AccountCategoryCode | String | False | Drop-down list for selecting the category of the account. |
AccountClassificationCode | String | False | Drop-down list for classifying an account. |
AccountId | String | False | Unique identifier of the account. |
AccountNumber | String | False | User-provided account number used in correspondence about the account. |
AccountRatingCode | String | False | Drop-down list for selecting account ratings. |
Address1_AddressId | String | False | Unique identifier for address 1. |
Address1_AddressTypeCode | String | False | Type of address for address 1, such as billing, shipping, or primary address. |
Address1_City | String | False | City name for address 1. |
Address1_Country | String | False | Country/region name for address 1. |
Address1_County | String | False | County name for address 1. |
Address1_Fax | String | False | Fax number for address 1. |
Address1_FreightTermsCode | String | False | Freight terms for address 1. |
Address1_Latitude | Double | False | Latitude for address 1. |
Address1_Line1 | String | False | First line for entering address 1 information. |
Address1_Line2 | String | False | Second line for entering address 1 information. |
Address1_Line3 | String | False | Third line for entering address 1 information. |
Address1_Longitude | Double | False | Longitude for address 1. |
Address1_Name | String | False | Name to enter for address 1. |
Address1_PostalCode | String | False | ZIP code or postal code for address 1. |
Address1_PostOfficeBox | String | False | Post office box number for address 1. |
Address1_PrimaryContactName | String | False | Name of primary contact for address 1. |
Address1_ShippingMethodCode | String | False | Method of shipment for address 1. |
Address1_StateOrProvince | String | False | State or province for address 1. |
Address1_Telephone1 | String | False | First telephone number associated with address 1. |
Address1_Telephone2 | String | False | Second telephone number associated with address 1. |
Address1_Telephone3 | String | False | Third telephone number associated with address 1. |
Address1_UPSZone | String | False | United Parcel Service (UPS) zone for address 1. |
Address1_UTCOffset | Integer | False | UTC offset for address 1. This is the difference between local time and standard Coordinated Universal Time. |
Address2_AddressId | String | False | Unique identifier for address 2. |
Address2_AddressTypeCode | String | False | Type of address for address 2, such as billing, shipping, or primary address. |
Address2_City | String | False | City name for address 2. |
Address2_Country | String | False | Country/region name for address 2. |
Address2_County | String | False | County name for address 2. |
Address2_Fax | String | False | Fax number for address 2. |
Address2_FreightTermsCode | String | False | Freight terms for address 2. |
Address2_Latitude | Double | False | Latitude for address 2. |
Address2_Line1 | String | False | First line for entering address 2 information. |
Address2_Line2 | String | False | Second line for entering address 2 information. |
Address2_Line3 | String | False | Third line for entering address 2 information. |
Address2_Longitude | Double | False | Longitude for address 2. |
Address2_Name | String | False | Name to enter for address 2. |
Address2_PostalCode | String | False | ZIP code or postal code for address 2. |
Address2_PostOfficeBox | String | False | Post office box number for address 2. |
Address2_PrimaryContactName | String | False | Name of the primary contact located at address 2. |
Address2_ShippingMethodCode | String | False | Method of shipment for address 2. |
Address2_StateOrProvince | String | False | State or province for address 2. |
Address2_Telephone1 | String | False | First telephone number associated with address 2. |
Address2_Telephone2 | String | False | Second telephone number associated with address 2. |
Address2_Telephone3 | String | False | Third telephone number associated with address 2. |
Address2_UPSZone | String | False | United Parcel Service (UPS) zone for address 2. |
Address2_UTCOffset | Integer | False | UTC offset for address 2. This is the difference between local time and standard Coordinated Universal Time. |
Aging30 | Double | True | For internal use only. |
Aging30_Base | Double | True | Base currency equivalent of the aging 30 for the account. |
Aging60 | Double | True | For internal use only. |
Aging60_Base | Double | True | Base currency equivalent of the aging 60 for the account. |
Aging90 | Double | True | For internal use only. |
Aging90_Base | Double | True | Base currency equivalent of the aging 90 for the account. |
BusinessTypeCode | String | False | Type of business associated with the account. |
CreatedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who created the account. |
CreatedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | True | |
CreatedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the account was created. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the account. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
CreditLimit | Double | False | Credit limit for the account. |
CreditLimit_Base | Double | True | Base currency equivalent of the credit limit for the account. |
CreditOnHold | Boolean | False | Information about whether credit for the account is on hold. |
CustomerSizeCode | String | False | Size of the account. |
CustomerTypeCode | String | False | Type of the account. |
DefaultPriceLevelId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the default price list associated with the account. |
DefaultPriceLevelId_LogicalName | String | False | |
DefaultPriceLevelId_Name | String | False | |
Description | String | False | Description of the account. |
DoNotBulkEMail | Boolean | False | Information about whether to allow sending direct email to the account. |
DoNotBulkPostalMail | Boolean | False | Information about whether to allow sending bulk-rate postal mail to the account. |
DoNotEMail | Boolean | False | Information about whether to allow sending email to the account. |
DoNotFax | Boolean | False | Information about whether to allow sending faxes to the account. |
DoNotPhone | Boolean | False | Information about whether to allow phone calls to the account. |
DoNotPostalMail | Boolean | False | Information about whether to allow sending postal mail to the account. |
DoNotSendMM | Boolean | False | Information on whether to allow sending marketing mail to the account. |
EMailAddress1 | String | False | First email address for the account. |
EMailAddress2 | String | False | Second email address for the account. |
EMailAddress3 | String | False | Third email address for the account. |
ExchangeRate | Double | True | Exchange rate for the currency associated with the account with respect to the base currency. |
Fax | String | False | Fax telephone number for the account. |
FtpSiteURL | String | False | FTP site URL for the account. |
ImportSequenceNumber | Integer | False | Unique identifier of the data import or data migration that created this record. |
IndustryCode | String | False | Type of industry with which the account is associated. |
LastUsedInCampaign | Datetime | False | Date and time when the account was last contacted as a part of a marketing campaign. |
MarketCap | Double | False | Market capitalization of the account. |
MarketCap_Base | Double | True | Base currency equivalent of the market capitalization of the account. |
MasterId_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the master account for merge. |
MasterId_LogicalName | String | True | |
MasterId_Name | String | True | |
Merged | Boolean | True | Information regarding whether the account has been merged with a master account. |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who last modified the account. |
ModifiedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | True | |
ModifiedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the account was last modified. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the account. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
Name | String | False | Name of the account. |
NumberOfEmployees | Integer | False | Number of employees at the account. |
OriginatingLeadId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the lead from which the account was created. |
OriginatingLeadId_LogicalName | String | False | |
OriginatingLeadId_Name | String | False | |
OverriddenCreatedOn | Datetime | False | Date and time that the record was migrated. |
OwnerId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the user or team who owns the account. |
OwnerId_LogicalName | String | False | |
OwnerId_Name | String | False | |
OwnershipCode | String | False | Type of company ownership, such as public or private. |
OwningBusinessUnit_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the business unit that owns the account. |
OwningBusinessUnit_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningBusinessUnit_Name | String | True | |
OwningTeam_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the team who owns the account. |
OwningTeam_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningTeam_Name | String | True | |
OwningUser_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who owns the account. |
OwningUser_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningUser_Name | String | True | |
ParentAccountId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the parent account. |
ParentAccountId_LogicalName | String | False | |
ParentAccountId_Name | String | False | |
ParticipatesInWorkflow | Boolean | False | Information that specifies whether the account participates in workflow rules. |
PaymentTermsCode | String | False | Payment terms for the account. |
PreferredAppointmentDayCode | String | False | Day of the week preferred by the account for scheduling service activities. |
PreferredAppointmentTimeCode | String | False | Time of day preferred by the account for scheduling service activities. |
PreferredContactMethodCode | String | False | Preferred contact method for the account. |
PreferredEquipmentId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the facility/equipment preferred by the account for scheduling service activities. |
PreferredEquipmentId_LogicalName | String | False | |
PreferredEquipmentId_Name | String | False | |
PreferredServiceId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the service preferred by the account for scheduling service activities. |
PreferredServiceId_LogicalName | String | False | |
PreferredServiceId_Name | String | False | |
PreferredSystemUserId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the system user preferred by the account for scheduling service activities. |
PreferredSystemUserId_LogicalName | String | False | |
PreferredSystemUserId_Name | String | False | |
PrimaryContactId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the primary contact for the account. |
PrimaryContactId_LogicalName | String | False | |
PrimaryContactId_Name | String | False | |
Revenue | Double | False | Revenue amount for the account. |
Revenue_Base | Double | True | Base currency equivalent of the revenue amount for the account. |
SharesOutstanding | Integer | False | Outstanding shares for the account. |
ShippingMethodCode | String | False | Method of shipment for the account. |
SIC | String | False | Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) code for the account. |
StateCode | String | True | Reason for the status of the account. |
StatusCode | String | False | Status of the account. |
StockExchange | String | False | Stock exchange on which the business associated with the account is listed. |
Telephone1 | String | False | First telephone number for the account. |
Telephone2 | String | False | Second telephone number for the account. |
Telephone3 | String | False | Third telephone number for the account. |
TerritoryCode | String | False | Territory to which the account belongs. |
TerritoryId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the territory to which the account belongs. |
TerritoryId_LogicalName | String | False | |
TerritoryId_Name | String | False | |
TickerSymbol | String | False | Stock Exchange symbol for the account. |
TimeZoneRuleVersionNumber | Integer | False | For internal use only. |
TransactionCurrencyId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the currency associated with the account. |
TransactionCurrencyId_LogicalName | String | False | |
TransactionCurrencyId_Name | String | False | |
UTCConversionTimeZoneCode | Integer | False | Time zone code that was in use when the record was created. |
WebSiteURL | String | False | Web site URL for the account. |
YomiName | String | False | Pronunciation of the account name, written in phonetic hiragana or katakana characters. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the activity MIME attachment. |
ActivityId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the activity with which the email attachment is associated. |
ActivityId_LogicalName | String | False | |
ActivityId_Name | String | False | |
ActivityMimeAttachmentId | String | False | Unique identifier of the email attachment. |
ActivityMimeAttachmentIdUnique | String | False | For internal use only. |
AttachmentId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the attachment with which this activity MIME attachment is associated. |
AttachmentId_LogicalName | String | False | |
AttachmentId_Name | String | False | |
AttachmentNumber | Integer | False | Number of the email attachment. |
Body | String | False | Contents of the email attachment. |
ComponentState | String | True | For internal use only. |
FileName | String | False | File name of the attachment. |
FileSize | Integer | True | File size of the email attachment. |
IsManaged | Boolean | True | Indicates whether the solution component is part of a managed solution. |
MimeType | String | False | MIME type of the email attachment. |
ObjectId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the record with which the attachment is associated. |
ObjectId_LogicalName | String | False | |
ObjectId_Name | String | False | |
ObjectTypeCode | String | False | Object type code of the entity that is associated with the attachment. |
OverwriteTime | Datetime | True | For internal use only. |
OwnerId_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user or team who owns the activity_mime_attachment. |
OwnerId_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwnerId_Name | String | True | |
OwningBusinessUnit_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the business unit that owns the activity MIME attachment. |
OwningBusinessUnit_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningBusinessUnit_Name | String | True | |
OwningUser_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who owns the activity MIME attachment. |
OwningUser_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningUser_Name | String | True | |
SolutionId | String | True | Unique identifier of the associated solution. |
Subject | String | False | Descriptive subject for the email attachment. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the activity party. |
ActivityId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the activity associated with the activity party, any person who is associated with an activity. |
ActivityId_LogicalName | String | False | |
ActivityId_Name | String | False | |
ActivityPartyId | String | False | Unique identifier of the activity party. |
AddressUsed | String | False | Email address to which an email is delivered, and which is associated with the target entity. |
DoNotEmail | Boolean | True | Information about whether to allow sending email to the activity party. |
DoNotFax | Boolean | True | Information about whether to allow sending faxes to the activity party. |
DoNotPhone | Boolean | True | Information about whether to allow phone calls to the lead. |
DoNotPostalMail | Boolean | True | Information about whether to allow sending postal mail to the lead. |
Effort | Double | False | Amount of effort used by the resource in a service appointment activity. |
ExchangeEntryId | String | False | For internal use only. |
InstanceTypeCode | String | True | Type of instance of a recurring series. |
IsPartyDeleted | Boolean | True | Information about whether the underlying entity record is deleted. |
OwnerId_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user or team who owns the activity party. |
OwnerId_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwnerId_Name | String | True | |
ParticipationTypeMask | String | False | Role of the person in the activity, such as sender, to, cc, bcc, required, optional, organizer, regarding, or owner. |
PartyId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the party associated with the activity. |
PartyId_LogicalName | String | False | |
PartyId_Name | String | False | |
ResourceSpecId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the resource specification for the activity party. |
ResourceSpecId_LogicalName | String | False | |
ResourceSpecId_Name | String | False | |
ScheduledEnd | Datetime | True | Scheduled end time of the activity. |
ScheduledStart | Datetime | True | Scheduled start time of the activity. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the activity pointer. |
ActivityId | String | False | Unique identifier of the activity. |
ActivityTypeCode | String | True | Type of activity. |
ActualDurationMinutes | Integer | False | Actual duration of the activity in minutes. |
ActualEnd | Datetime | False | Actual end time of the activity. |
ActualStart | Datetime | False | Actual start time of the activity. |
CreatedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who created the activity. |
CreatedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | True | |
CreatedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the activity was created. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the activity pointer. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
Description | String | False | Description of the activity. |
ExchangeRate | Double | True | Exchange rate for the currency associated with the activity pointer with respect to the base currency. |
InstanceTypeCode | String | True | Type of instance of a recurring series. |
IsBilled | Boolean | False | Information regarding whether the activity was billed as part of resolving a case. |
IsRegularActivity | Boolean | True | Information regarding whether the activity is a regular activity type or event type. |
IsWorkflowCreated | Boolean | False | Information regarding whether the activity was created from a workflow rule. |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who last modified the activity. |
ModifiedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | True | |
ModifiedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the activity was last modified. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the activitypointer. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
OwnerId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the user or team who owns the activity. |
OwnerId_LogicalName | String | False | |
OwnerId_Name | String | False | |
OwningBusinessUnit_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the business unit that owns the activity. |
OwningBusinessUnit_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningBusinessUnit_Name | String | True | |
OwningTeam_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the team that owns the activity. |
OwningTeam_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningTeam_Name | String | True | |
OwningUser_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user that owns the activity. |
OwningUser_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningUser_Name | String | True | |
PriorityCode | String | False | Priority of the activity. |
RegardingObjectId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the object with which the activity is associated. |
RegardingObjectId_LogicalName | String | False | |
RegardingObjectId_Name | String | False | |
ScheduledDurationMinutes | Integer | False | Scheduled duration of the activity, specified in minutes. |
ScheduledEnd | Datetime | False | Scheduled end time of the activity. |
ScheduledStart | Datetime | False | Scheduled start time of the activity. |
SeriesId | String | True | Unique identifier specifying the Id of a recurring series of an instance. |
ServiceId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of an associated service. |
ServiceId_LogicalName | String | False | |
ServiceId_Name | String | False | |
StateCode | String | True | Status of the activity. |
StatusCode | String | False | Reason for the status of the activity. |
Subject | String | False | Subject associated with the activity. |
TimeZoneRuleVersionNumber | Integer | False | For internal use only. |
TransactionCurrencyId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the currency associated with the activity pointer. |
TransactionCurrencyId_LogicalName | String | False | |
TransactionCurrencyId_Name | String | False | |
UTCConversionTimeZoneCode | Integer | False | Time zone code that was in use when the record was created. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the note. |
AnnotationId | String | False | Unique identifier of the note. |
CreatedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who created the note. |
CreatedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | True | |
CreatedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the note was created. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the annotation. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
DocumentBody | String | False | Contents of the note's attachment. |
FileName | String | False | File name of the note. |
FileSize | Integer | True | File size of the note. |
ImportSequenceNumber | Integer | False | Unique identifier of the data import or data migration that created this record. |
IsDocument | Boolean | False | Specifies whether the note is an attachment. |
LangId | String | False | Language identifier for the note. |
MimeType | String | False | MIME type of the note's attachment. |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who last modified the note. |
ModifiedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | True | |
ModifiedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the note was last modified. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the annotation. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
NoteText | String | False | Text of the note. |
ObjectId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the object with which the note is associated. |
ObjectId_LogicalName | String | False | |
ObjectId_Name | String | False | |
ObjectTypeCode | String | False | Type of entity with which the note is associated. |
OverriddenCreatedOn | Datetime | False | Date and time that the record was migrated. |
OwnerId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the user or team who owns the note. |
OwnerId_LogicalName | String | False | |
OwnerId_Name | String | False | |
OwningBusinessUnit_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the business unit that owns the note. |
OwningBusinessUnit_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningBusinessUnit_Name | String | True | |
OwningTeam_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the team who owns the note. |
OwningTeam_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningTeam_Name | String | True | |
OwningUser_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who owns the note. |
OwningUser_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningUser_Name | String | True | |
StepId | String | False | Workflow step Id associated with the note. |
Subject | String | False | Subject associated with the note. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the annual fiscal calendar. |
annual | Double | False | Sales quota for the first period in the fiscal year. |
annual_base | Double | True | Base currency equivalent of the sales quota for the first period in the fiscal year. |
BusinessUnitId_Id | String | True | |
BusinessUnitId_LogicalName | String | True | |
BusinessUnitId_Name | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who created the quota for the annual fiscal calendar. |
CreatedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | True | |
CreatedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the quota for the annual fiscal calendar was created. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the annual fiscal calendar. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
EffectiveOn | Datetime | False | Date and time when the fiscal calendar sales quota takes effect. |
ExchangeRate | Double | True | Exchange rate for the currency associated with the annual fiscal calendar with respect to the base currency. |
FiscalPeriodType | Integer | True | Type of fiscal period used in the sales quota. |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who last modified the quota for the annual fiscal calendar. |
ModifiedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | True | |
ModifiedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the annual fiscal calendar was last modified. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the annual fiscal calendar. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
SalesPersonId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the salesperson associated with the sales quota. |
SalesPersonId_LogicalName | String | False | |
SalesPersonId_Name | String | False | |
TimeZoneRuleVersionNumber | Integer | False | For internal use only. |
TransactionCurrencyId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the currency associated with the annual fiscal calendar. |
TransactionCurrencyId_LogicalName | String | False | |
TransactionCurrencyId_Name | String | False | |
UserFiscalCalendarId | String | False | Unique identifier of the user associated with the annual fiscal calendar. |
UTCConversionTimeZoneCode | Integer | False | Time zone code that was in use when the record was created. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the application file. |
Body | String | False | Body of the application file. |
CreatedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who created the application file. |
CreatedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | True | |
CreatedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the application file was created. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the application file. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
FileId | String | False | Unique identifier for application file instances. |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who last modified the application file. |
ModifiedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | True | |
ModifiedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the application file was modified. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the application file. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
Name | String | False | File name |
OrganizationId_Id | String | True | Unique identifier for the organization. |
OrganizationId_LogicalName | String | True | |
OrganizationId_Name | String | True |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the appointment. |
ActivityId | String | False | Unique identifier of the appointment. |
ActivityTypeCode | String | True | Type of activity. |
ActualDurationMinutes | Integer | False | Actual duration of the appointment in minutes. |
ActualEnd | Datetime | False | Actual end time of the appointment. |
ActualStart | Datetime | False | Actual start time of the appointment. |
Category | String | False | Category of the appointment. |
CreatedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who created the appointment. |
CreatedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | True | |
CreatedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the appointment was created. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the appointment. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
Description | String | False | A description of the appointment. |
ExchangeRate | Double | True | Exchange rate for the currency associated with the appointment with respect to the base currency. |
GlobalObjectId | String | False | Unique Outlook identifier to correlate appointments across Exchange mailboxes. |
ImportSequenceNumber | Integer | False | Unique identifier of the data import or data migration that created this record. |
InstanceTypeCode | String | True | Type of instance of a recurring series. |
IsAllDayEvent | Boolean | False | Information on whether the appointment is an all day event. |
IsBilled | Boolean | False | Information regarding whether the appointment was billed as part of resolving a case. |
IsRegularActivity | Boolean | True | Information regarding whether the activity is a regular activity type or event type. |
IsWorkflowCreated | Boolean | False | Information regarding whether the appointment was created from a workflow rule. |
Location | String | False | Location where the appointment is to occur. |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who last modified the appointment. |
ModifiedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | True | |
ModifiedFieldsMask | String | True | For internal use only. |
ModifiedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the appointment was last modified. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the appointment. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
OptionalAttendees_Ids | String | False | List of optional attendees for the appointment. |
OptionalAttendees_LogicalNames | String | False | |
OptionalAttendees_Names | String | False | |
Organizer_Ids | String | False | Person who organized the appointment. |
Organizer_LogicalNames | String | False | |
Organizer_Names | String | False | |
OriginalStartDate | Datetime | True | The original start date of the appointment. |
OutlookOwnerApptId | Integer | False | Unique identifier of the Microsoft Office Outlook appointment owner that correlates to the PR_OWNER_APPT_ID MAPI property. |
OverriddenCreatedOn | Datetime | False | Date and time that the record was migrated. |
OwnerId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the user or team who owns the appointment. |
OwnerId_LogicalName | String | False | |
OwnerId_Name | String | False | |
OwningBusinessUnit_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the business unit that owns the appointment. |
OwningBusinessUnit_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningBusinessUnit_Name | String | True | |
OwningTeam_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the team who owns the appointment. |
OwningTeam_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningTeam_Name | String | True | |
OwningUser_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who owns the appointment. |
OwningUser_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningUser_Name | String | True | |
PriorityCode | String | False | Priority of the appointment. |
RegardingObjectId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the object with which the appointment is associated. |
RegardingObjectId_LogicalName | String | False | |
RegardingObjectId_Name | String | False | |
requiredattendees_Ids | String | False | List of required attendees for the appointment. |
requiredattendees_LogicalNames | String | False | |
requiredattendees_Names | String | False | |
ScheduledDurationMinutes | Integer | False | Scheduled duration of the appointment, specified in minutes. |
ScheduledEnd | Datetime | False | Scheduled end time of the appointment. |
ScheduledStart | Datetime | False | Scheduled start time of the appointment. |
SeriesId | String | True | Unique identifier specifying the Id of a recurring series of an instance. |
ServiceId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier for an associated service. |
ServiceId_LogicalName | String | False | |
ServiceId_Name | String | False | |
StateCode | String | True | Status of the appointment. |
StatusCode | String | False | Reason for the status of the appointment. |
Subcategory | String | False | Subcategory of the appointment. |
Subject | String | False | Subject associated with the appointment. |
TimeZoneRuleVersionNumber | Integer | False | For internal use only. |
TransactionCurrencyId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the currency associated with the appointment. |
TransactionCurrencyId_LogicalName | String | False | |
TransactionCurrencyId_Name | String | False | |
UTCConversionTimeZoneCode | Integer | False | Time zone code that was in use when the record was created. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the system job. |
AsyncOperationId | String | False | Unique identifier of the system job. |
CompletedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the system job was completed. |
CorrelationId | String | False | Unique identifier used to correlate between multiple SDK requests and system jobs. |
CorrelationUpdatedTime | Datetime | False | Last time the correlation depth was updated. |
CreatedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who created the system job. |
CreatedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | True | |
CreatedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the system job was created. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the async operation. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
Data | String | False | Unstructured data associated with the system job. |
DependencyToken | String | False | Execution of all operations with the same dependency token is serialized. |
Depth | Integer | False | Number of SDK calls made since the first call. |
ErrorCode | Integer | True | Error code returned from a canceled system job. |
ExecutionTimeSpan | Double | True | Time that the system job has taken to execute. |
FriendlyMessage | String | False | Message provided by the system job. |
HostId | String | False | Unique identifier of the host that owns this system job. |
IsWaitingForEvent | Boolean | True | Indicates that the system job is waiting for an event. |
Message | String | True | Message related to the system job. |
MessageName | String | False | Name of the message that started this system job. |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who last modified the system job. |
ModifiedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | True | |
ModifiedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the system job was last modified. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the async operation. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
Name | String | False | Name of the system job. |
OperationType | String | False | Type of the system job. |
OwnerId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the user or team who owns the system job. |
OwnerId_LogicalName | String | False | |
OwnerId_Name | String | False | |
OwningBusinessUnit_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the business unit that owns the system job. |
OwningBusinessUnit_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningBusinessUnit_Name | String | True | |
OwningExtensionId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the owning extension with which the system job is associated. |
OwningExtensionId_LogicalName | String | False | |
OwningExtensionId_Name | String | False | |
OwningTeam_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the team who owns the record. |
OwningTeam_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningTeam_Name | String | True | |
OwningUser_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who owns the record. |
OwningUser_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningUser_Name | String | True | |
PostponeUntil | Datetime | False | Indicates whether the system job should run only after the specified date and time. |
PrimaryEntityType | String | False | Type of entity with which the system job is primarily associated. |
RecurrencePattern | String | False | Pattern of the system job's recurrence. |
RecurrenceStartTime | Datetime | False | Starting time in UTC for the recurrence pattern. |
RegardingObjectId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the object with which the system job is associated. |
RegardingObjectId_LogicalName | String | False | |
RegardingObjectId_Name | String | False | |
RequestId | String | False | Unique identifier of the request that generated the system job. |
RetryCount | Integer | True | Number of times to retry the system job. |
StartedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the system job was started. |
StateCode | String | False | Status of the system job. |
StatusCode | String | False | Reason for the status of the system job. |
TimeZoneRuleVersionNumber | Integer | False | For internal use only. |
UTCConversionTimeZoneCode | Integer | False | Time zone code that was in use when the record was created. |
WorkflowActivationId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the workflow activation related to the system job. |
WorkflowActivationId_LogicalName | String | False | |
WorkflowActivationId_Name | String | False | |
WorkflowStageName | String | True | Name of a workflow stage. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the attachment. |
AttachmentId | String | False | Unique identifier of the attachment. |
Body | String | False | Contents of the attachment. |
FileName | String | False | File name of the attachment. |
FileSize | Integer | True | File size of the attachment. |
MimeType | String | False | MIME type of the attachment. |
Subject | String | False | Subject associated with the attachment. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the attribute map. |
AttributeMapId | String | False | Unique identifier of the attribute map. |
AttributeMapIdUnique | String | True | For internal use only. |
ComponentState | String | True | For internal use only. |
CreatedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who created the attribute map. |
CreatedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | True | |
CreatedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the attribute map was created. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the attribute map. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
EntityMapId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the entity map with which the attribute map is associated. |
EntityMapId_LogicalName | String | False | |
EntityMapId_Name | String | False | |
IsManaged | Boolean | True | |
IsSystem | Boolean | False | Information about whether this attribute map is user-defined or system-defined. |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who last modified the attribute map. |
ModifiedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | True | |
ModifiedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the attribute map was last modified. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the attribute map. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
OrganizationId_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the organization with which the attribute map is associated. |
OrganizationId_LogicalName | String | True | |
OrganizationId_Name | String | True | |
OverwriteTime | Datetime | True | For internal use only. |
ParentAttributeMapId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the parent attribute map. |
ParentAttributeMapId_LogicalName | String | False | |
ParentAttributeMapId_Name | String | False | |
SolutionId | String | True | Unique identifier of the associated solution. |
SourceAttributeName | String | False | Name of the source attribute for the mapping. |
TargetAttributeName | String | False | Name of the target attribute for the mapping. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the audit. |
Action | String | True | Actions the user can perform that cause a change. |
AttributeMask | String | True | Contains a CSV of the ColumnNumber metadata property of attributes. |
AuditId | String | True | Unique identifier of the auditing instance. |
CallingUserId_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the calling user in case of an impersonated call. |
CallingUserId_LogicalName | String | True | |
CallingUserId_Name | String | True | |
CreatedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the audit record was created. |
ObjectId_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the record that is being audited. |
ObjectId_LogicalName | String | True | |
ObjectId_Name | String | True | |
Operation | String | True | The action that causes the audit. This value will be create, delete, or update. |
TransactionId | String | True | Unique identifier for multiple changes that are part of a single operation; this field contains the same GUID for all the audit rows generated in a single transaction. |
UserId_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who caused a change. |
UserId_LogicalName | String | True | |
UserId_Name | String | True |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the bulk deletion failure record. |
AsyncOperationId_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the system job that created this record. |
AsyncOperationId_LogicalName | String | True | |
AsyncOperationId_Name | String | True | |
BulkDeleteFailureId | String | True | Unique identifier of the bulk deletion failure record. |
BulkDeleteOperationId_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the bulk operation job that created this record. |
BulkDeleteOperationId_LogicalName | String | True | |
BulkDeleteOperationId_Name | String | True | |
ErrorDescription | String | True | Description of the error. |
ErrorNumber | Integer | True | Error code for the failed bulk deletion. |
OrderedQueryIndex | Integer | True | Index of the ordered query expression that retrieved this record. |
OwnerId_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user or team who owns the bulk operation log. |
OwnerId_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwnerId_Name | String | True | |
OwningBusinessUnit | String | True | Unique identifier of the business unit that owns the bulk deletion failure record. |
OwningUser | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who owns the bulk deletion failure record. |
RegardingObjectId_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the record. This value cannot be deleted. |
RegardingObjectId_LogicalName | String | True | |
RegardingObjectId_Name | String | True |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the bulk deletion job. |
AsyncOperationId_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the system job that created this record. |
AsyncOperationId_LogicalName | String | True | |
AsyncOperationId_Name | String | True | |
BulkDeleteOperationId | String | True | Unique identifier of the bulk deletion job. |
CreatedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who created the bulk deletion job. |
CreatedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | True | |
CreatedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the bulk deletion job was created. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the bulk delete operation. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
FailureCount | Integer | True | Number of records that could not be deleted by the bulk deletion job. |
IsRecurring | Boolean | True | Information about if recurrence is defined for the bulk deletion job. |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who last modified the bulk deletion job. |
ModifiedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | True | |
ModifiedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the bulk deletion job record was last modified. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the bulk delete operation. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
Name | String | True | Name of the bulk deletion job. |
NextRun | Datetime | True | Next scheduled time for the bulk deletion job to run. |
OrderedQuerySetXml | String | True | Fetch XML of the ordered query set. |
OwnerId_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user or team who owns the bulk delete operation. |
OwnerId_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwnerId_Name | String | True | |
OwningBusinessUnit_Id | String | True | Business unit that owns the bulk deletion job. |
OwningBusinessUnit_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningBusinessUnit_Name | String | True | |
OwningUser_Id | String | True | Business user who owns the bulk delete operation. |
OwningUser_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningUser_Name | String | True | |
ProcessingQEIndex | Integer | True | Index of the ordered query expression that defines the deletion set. |
StateCode | String | True | Status of the bulk deletion job. |
StatusCode | String | True | Reason for the status of the bulk deletion job. |
SuccessCount | Integer | True | Number of records deleted by the bulk deletion job. |
TimeZoneRuleVersionNumber | Integer | False | For internal use only. |
UTCConversionTimeZoneCode | Integer | False | Time zone code that was in use when the record was created. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the bulk operation. |
ActivityId | String | False | Unique identifier of the bulk operation. |
ActivityTypeCode | String | True | Type of activity. |
ActualDurationMinutes | Integer | True | Actual duration of the bulk operation in minutes. |
ActualEnd | Datetime | True | Actual end time of the bulk operation. |
ActualStart | Datetime | True | Actual start time of the bulk operation. |
BulkOperationNumber | String | True | Unique number that identifies the bulk operation. |
CreatedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who created the bulk operation. |
CreatedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | True | |
CreatedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the bulk operation was created. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the bulk operation. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
CreatedRecordTypeCode | String | True | Type code of the objects created in the bulk operation. |
Description | String | True | Description of the bulk operation. |
ErrorNumber | Integer | True | Error code for a failed bulk operation. |
FailureCount | Integer | True | Number of records which failed in the bulk operation. |
IsBilled | Boolean | True | For internal use only. |
IsRegularActivity | Boolean | True | Information regarding whether the activity is a regular activity type or event type. |
IsWorkflowCreated | Boolean | True | Specifies if the bulk operation was created from a workflow rule. |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who last modified the bulk operation. |
ModifiedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | True | |
ModifiedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the bulk operation was last modified. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the bulk operation. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
OperationTypeCode | String | True | Type of bulk operation to be performed. |
OwnerId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the user or team who owns the bulk operation. |
OwnerId_LogicalName | String | False | |
OwnerId_Name | String | False | |
OwningBusinessUnit_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the business unit that owns the bulk operation. |
OwningBusinessUnit_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningBusinessUnit_Name | String | True | |
OwningTeam_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the team who owns the bulk operation. |
OwningTeam_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningTeam_Name | String | True | |
OwningUser_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who owns the bulk operation. |
OwningUser_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningUser_Name | String | True | |
Parameters | String | True | XML string that contains the parameters to the bulk operation. |
RegardingObjectId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the object with which the bulk operation is associated. |
RegardingObjectId_LogicalName | String | False | |
RegardingObjectId_Name | String | False | |
ScheduledDurationMinutes | Integer | True | Scheduled duration of the bulk operation, specified in minutes. |
ScheduledEnd | Datetime | True | Scheduled end date and time of the bulk operation. |
ScheduledStart | Datetime | True | Scheduled start date and time of the bulk operation. |
ServiceId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier for an associated service. |
ServiceId_LogicalName | String | False | |
ServiceId_Name | String | False | |
StateCode | String | True | Status of the bulk operation. |
StatusCode | String | False | Reason for the status of the bulk operation. |
Subject | String | True | Subject associated with the bulk operation. |
SuccessCount | Integer | True | Number of records which succeeded in the bulk operation. |
TargetedRecordTypeCode | String | True | Type code of the objects targeted in the bulk operation. |
TargetMembersCount | Integer | True | Number of members to target. |
TimeZoneRuleVersionNumber | Integer | False | For internal use only. |
UTCConversionTimeZoneCode | Integer | False | Time zone code that was in use when the record was created. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the bulk operation log. |
AdditionalInfo | String | False | Additional information for the log. |
BulkOperationId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the bulk operation that this log relates to. |
BulkOperationId_LogicalName | String | False | |
BulkOperationId_Name | String | False | |
BulkOperationLogId | String | False | Unique identifier of the bulk operation log. |
CreatedObjectId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the object created by the bulk operation. |
CreatedObjectId_LogicalName | String | False | |
CreatedObjectId_Name | String | False | |
ErrorNumber | Integer | True | Error code for a failed bulk operation. |
OwnerId_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user or team who owns the bulk operation log. |
OwnerId_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwnerId_Name | String | True | |
OwningBusinessUnit | String | True | Unique identifier of the business unit that owns the bulk operation log. |
OwningUser | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who owns the bulk operation log. |
RegardingObjectId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the object with which the bulk operation is associated. |
RegardingObjectId_LogicalName | String | False | |
RegardingObjectId_Name | String | False |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the business unit. |
Address1_AddressId | String | False | Unique identifier for address 1. |
Address1_AddressTypeCode | String | False | Type of address for address 1, such as billing, shipping, or primary address. |
Address1_City | String | False | City name for address 1. |
Address1_Country | String | False | Country/region name for address 1. |
Address1_County | String | False | County name for address 1. |
Address1_Fax | String | False | Fax number for address 1. |
Address1_Latitude | Double | False | Latitude for address 1. |
Address1_Line1 | String | False | First line for entering address 1 information. |
Address1_Line2 | String | False | Second line for entering address 1 information. |
Address1_Line3 | String | False | Third line for entering address 1 information. |
Address1_Longitude | Double | False | Longitude for address 1. |
Address1_Name | String | False | Name to enter for address 1. |
Address1_PostalCode | String | False | ZIP Code or postal code for address 1. |
Address1_PostOfficeBox | String | False | Post office box number for address 1. |
Address1_ShippingMethodCode | String | False | Method of shipment for address 1. |
Address1_StateOrProvince | String | False | State or province for address 1. |
Address1_Telephone1 | String | False | First telephone number associated with address 1. |
Address1_Telephone2 | String | False | Second telephone number associated with address 1. |
Address1_Telephone3 | String | False | Third telephone number associated with address 1. |
Address1_UPSZone | String | False | United Parcel Service (UPS) zone for address 1. |
Address1_UTCOffset | Integer | False | UTC offset for address 1. This is the difference between local time and standard Coordinated Universal Time. |
Address2_AddressId | String | False | Unique identifier for address 2. |
Address2_AddressTypeCode | String | False | Type of address for address 2, such as billing, shipping, or primary address. |
Address2_City | String | False | City name for address 2. |
Address2_Country | String | False | Country/region name for address 2. |
Address2_County | String | False | County name for address 2. |
Address2_Fax | String | False | Fax number for address 2. |
Address2_Latitude | Double | False | Latitude for address 2. |
Address2_Line1 | String | False | First line for entering address 2 information. |
Address2_Line2 | String | False | Second line for entering address 2 information. |
Address2_Line3 | String | False | Third line for entering address 2 information. |
Address2_Longitude | Double | False | Longitude for address 2. |
Address2_Name | String | False | Name to enter for address 2. |
Address2_PostalCode | String | False | ZIP Code or postal code for address 2. |
Address2_PostOfficeBox | String | False | Post office box number for address 2. |
Address2_ShippingMethodCode | String | False | Method of shipment for address 2. |
Address2_StateOrProvince | String | False | State or province for address 2. |
Address2_Telephone1 | String | False | First telephone number associated with address 2. |
Address2_Telephone2 | String | False | Second telephone number associated with address 2. |
Address2_Telephone3 | String | False | Third telephone number associated with address 2. |
Address2_UPSZone | String | False | United Parcel Service (UPS) zone for address 2. |
Address2_UTCOffset | Integer | False | UTC offset for address 2. This is the difference between local time and standard Coordinated Universal Time. |
BusinessUnitId | String | False | Unique identifier of the business unit. |
CalendarId_Id | String | False | Fiscal calendar associated with the business unit. |
CalendarId_LogicalName | String | False | |
CalendarId_Name | String | False | |
CostCenter | String | False | Name of the business unit cost center. |
CreatedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who created the business unit. |
CreatedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | True | |
CreatedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the business unit was created. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the businessunit. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
CreditLimit | Double | False | Credit limit for the business unit. |
Description | String | False | Description of the business unit. |
DisabledReason | String | True | Reason for disabling the business unit. |
DivisionName | String | False | Name of the division to which the business unit belongs. |
EMailAddress | String | False | email address for the business unit. |
ExchangeRate | Double | True | Exchange rate for the currency associated with the businessunit with respect to the base currency. |
FileAsName | String | False | Alternative name under which the business unit can be filed. |
FtpSiteUrl | String | False | FTP site URL for the business unit. |
ImportSequenceNumber | Integer | False | Unique identifier of the data import or data migration that created this record. |
InheritanceMask | Integer | False | Inheritance mask for the business unit. |
IsDisabled | Boolean | True | Information about whether the business unit is enabled or disabled. |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who last modified the business unit. |
ModifiedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | True | |
ModifiedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the business unit was last modified. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the businessunit. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
Name | String | False | Name of the business unit. |
OrganizationId_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the organization associated with the business unit. |
OrganizationId_LogicalName | String | True | |
OrganizationId_Name | String | True | |
OverriddenCreatedOn | Datetime | False | Date and time that the record was migrated. |
ParentBusinessUnitId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier for the parent business unit. |
ParentBusinessUnitId_LogicalName | String | False | |
ParentBusinessUnitId_Name | String | False | |
Picture | String | False | Picture or diagram of the business unit. |
StockExchange | String | False | Stock exchange on which the business is listed. |
TickerSymbol | String | False | Stock exchange ticker symbol for the business unit. |
TransactionCurrencyId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the currency associated with the businessunit. |
TransactionCurrencyId_LogicalName | String | False | |
TransactionCurrencyId_Name | String | False | |
UTCOffset | Integer | False | UTC offset for the business unit. This is the difference between local time and standard Coordinated Universal Time. |
WebSiteUrl | String | False | Web site URL for the business unit. |
WorkflowSuspended | Boolean | False | Information about whether workflow or sales process rules have been suspended. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the business unit map. |
BusinessId | String | False | |
BusinessUnitMapId | String | False | Unique identifier of the business unit map. |
SubBusinessId | String | False |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the announcement. |
ActiveOn | Datetime | False | Date and time for the announcement to become active. |
ActiveUntil | Datetime | False | Date and time of the last day the announcement is active. |
ArticleTitle | String | False | Title of the announcement. |
ArticleTypeCode | String | False | Type of announcement. |
ArticleUrl | String | False | URL for the Web site on which the announcement is located. |
BusinessUnitNewsArticleId | String | False | Unique identifier of the announcement. |
CreatedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who created the announcement. |
CreatedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | True | |
CreatedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the announcement was created. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the businessunitnewsarticle. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
ImportSequenceNumber | Integer | False | Unique identifier of the data import or data migration that created this record. |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who last modified the announcement. |
ModifiedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | True | |
ModifiedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the announcement was last modified. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the businessunitnewsarticle. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
NewsArticle | String | False | Text for the announcement. |
OrganizationId_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the organization associated with the announcement. |
OrganizationId_LogicalName | String | True | |
OrganizationId_Name | String | True | |
OverriddenCreatedOn | Datetime | False | Date and time that the record was migrated. |
ShowOnHomepage | Boolean | False | Information about whether to show the announcement on the Web site home page. |
TimeZoneRuleVersionNumber | Integer | False | For internal use only. |
UTCConversionTimeZoneCode | Integer | False | Time zone code that was in use when the record was created. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the bulk deletion failure record. |
AsyncOperationId_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the system job that created this record. |
AsyncOperationId_LogicalName | String | True | |
AsyncOperationId_Name | String | True | |
BulkDeleteFailureId | String | True | Unique identifier of the bulk deletion failure record. |
BulkDeleteOperationId_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the bulk operation job that created this record. |
BulkDeleteOperationId_LogicalName | String | True | |
BulkDeleteOperationId_Name | String | True | |
ErrorDescription | String | True | Description of the error. |
ErrorNumber | Integer | True | Error code for the failed bulk deletion. |
OrderedQueryIndex | Integer | True | Index of the ordered query expression that retrieved this record. |
OwnerId_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user or team who owns the bulk operation log. |
OwnerId_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwnerId_Name | String | True | |
OwningBusinessUnit | String | True | Unique identifier of the business unit that owns the bulk deletion failure record. |
OwningUser | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who owns the bulk deletion failure record. |
RegardingObjectId_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the record. This value cannot be deleted. |
RegardingObjectId_LogicalName | String | True | |
RegardingObjectId_Name | String | True |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the bulk deletion job. |
AsyncOperationId_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the system job that created this record. |
AsyncOperationId_LogicalName | String | True | |
AsyncOperationId_Name | String | True | |
BulkDeleteOperationId | String | True | Unique identifier of the bulk deletion job. |
CreatedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who created the bulk deletion job. |
CreatedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | True | |
CreatedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the bulk deletion job was created. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the bulk delete operation. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
FailureCount | Integer | True | Number of records that could not be deleted by the bulk deletion job. |
IsRecurring | Boolean | True | Information about if recurrence is defined for the bulk deletion job. |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who last modified the bulk deletion job. |
ModifiedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | True | |
ModifiedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the bulk deletion job record was last modified. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the bulk delete operation. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
Name | String | True | Name of the bulk deletion job. |
NextRun | Datetime | True | Next scheduled time for the bulk deletion job to run. |
OrderedQuerySetXml | String | True | Fetch XML of the ordered query set. |
OwnerId_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user or team who owns the bulk delete operation. |
OwnerId_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwnerId_Name | String | True | |
OwningBusinessUnit_Id | String | True | Business unit that owns the bulk deletion job. |
OwningBusinessUnit_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningBusinessUnit_Name | String | True | |
OwningUser_Id | String | True | Business user who owns the bulk delete operation. |
OwningUser_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningUser_Name | String | True | |
ProcessingQEIndex | Integer | True | Index of the ordered query expression that defines the deletion set. |
StateCode | String | True | Status of the bulk deletion job. |
StatusCode | String | True | Reason for the status of the bulk deletion job. |
SuccessCount | Integer | True | Number of records deleted by the bulk deletion job. |
TimeZoneRuleVersionNumber | Integer | False | For internal use only. |
UTCConversionTimeZoneCode | Integer | False | Time zone code that was in use when the record was created. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the bulk operation. |
ActivityId | String | False | Unique identifier of the bulk operation. |
ActivityTypeCode | String | True | Type of activity. |
ActualDurationMinutes | Integer | True | Actual duration of the bulk operation in minutes. |
ActualEnd | Datetime | True | Actual end time of the bulk operation. |
ActualStart | Datetime | True | Actual start time of the bulk operation. |
BulkOperationNumber | String | True | Unique number that identifies the bulk operation. |
CreatedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who created the bulk operation. |
CreatedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | True | |
CreatedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the bulk operation was created. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the bulk operation. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
CreatedRecordTypeCode | String | True | Type code of the objects created in the bulk operation. |
Description | String | True | Description of the bulk operation. |
ErrorNumber | Integer | True | Error code for a failed bulk operation. |
FailureCount | Integer | True | Number of records which failed in the bulk operation. |
IsBilled | Boolean | True | For internal use only. |
IsRegularActivity | Boolean | True | Information regarding whether the activity is a regular activity type or event type. |
IsWorkflowCreated | Boolean | True | Specifies if the bulk operation was created from a workflow rule. |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who last modified the bulk operation. |
ModifiedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | True | |
ModifiedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the bulk operation was last modified. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the bulk operation. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
OperationTypeCode | String | True | Type of bulk operation to be performed. |
OwnerId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the user or team who owns the bulk operation. |
OwnerId_LogicalName | String | False | |
OwnerId_Name | String | False | |
OwningBusinessUnit_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the business unit that owns the bulk operation. |
OwningBusinessUnit_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningBusinessUnit_Name | String | True | |
OwningTeam_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the team who owns the bulk operation. |
OwningTeam_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningTeam_Name | String | True | |
OwningUser_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who owns the bulk operation. |
OwningUser_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningUser_Name | String | True | |
Parameters | String | True | XML string that contains the parameters to the bulk operation. |
RegardingObjectId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the object with which the bulk operation is associated. |
RegardingObjectId_LogicalName | String | False | |
RegardingObjectId_Name | String | False | |
ScheduledDurationMinutes | Integer | True | Scheduled duration of the bulk operation, specified in minutes. |
ScheduledEnd | Datetime | True | Scheduled end date and time of the bulk operation. |
ScheduledStart | Datetime | True | Scheduled start date and time of the bulk operation. |
ServiceId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier for an associated service. |
ServiceId_LogicalName | String | False | |
ServiceId_Name | String | False | |
StateCode | String | True | Status of the bulk operation. |
StatusCode | String | False | Reason for the status of the bulk operation. |
Subject | String | True | Subject associated with the bulk operation. |
SuccessCount | Integer | True | Number of records which succeeded in the bulk operation. |
TargetedRecordTypeCode | String | True | Type code of the objects targeted in the bulk operation. |
TargetMembersCount | Integer | True | Number of members to target. |
TimeZoneRuleVersionNumber | Integer | False | For internal use only. |
UTCConversionTimeZoneCode | Integer | False | Time zone code that was in use when the record was created. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the bulk operation log. |
AdditionalInfo | String | False | Additional information for the log. |
BulkOperationId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the bulk operation that this log relates to. |
BulkOperationId_LogicalName | String | False | |
BulkOperationId_Name | String | False | |
BulkOperationLogId | String | False | Unique identifier of the bulk operation log. |
CreatedObjectId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the object created by the bulk operation. |
CreatedObjectId_LogicalName | String | False | |
CreatedObjectId_Name | String | False | |
ErrorNumber | Integer | True | Error code for a failed bulk operation. |
OwnerId_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user or team who owns the bulk operation log. |
OwnerId_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwnerId_Name | String | True | |
OwningBusinessUnit | String | True | Unique identifier of the business unit that owns the bulk operation log. |
OwningUser | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who owns the bulk operation log. |
RegardingObjectId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the object with which the bulk operation is associated. |
RegardingObjectId_LogicalName | String | False | |
RegardingObjectId_Name | String | False |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the business unit. |
Address1_AddressId | String | False | Unique identifier for address 1. |
Address1_AddressTypeCode | String | False | Type of address for address 1, such as billing, shipping, or primary address. |
Address1_City | String | False | City name for address 1. |
Address1_Country | String | False | Country/region name for address 1. |
Address1_County | String | False | County name for address 1. |
Address1_Fax | String | False | Fax number for address 1. |
Address1_Latitude | Double | False | Latitude for address 1. |
Address1_Line1 | String | False | First line for entering address 1 information. |
Address1_Line2 | String | False | Second line for entering address 1 information. |
Address1_Line3 | String | False | Third line for entering address 1 information. |
Address1_Longitude | Double | False | Longitude for address 1. |
Address1_Name | String | False | Name to enter for address 1. |
Address1_PostalCode | String | False | ZIP Code or postal code for address 1. |
Address1_PostOfficeBox | String | False | Post office box number for address 1. |
Address1_ShippingMethodCode | String | False | Method of shipment for address 1. |
Address1_StateOrProvince | String | False | State or province for address 1. |
Address1_Telephone1 | String | False | First telephone number associated with address 1. |
Address1_Telephone2 | String | False | Second telephone number associated with address 1. |
Address1_Telephone3 | String | False | Third telephone number associated with address 1. |
Address1_UPSZone | String | False | United Parcel Service (UPS) zone for address 1. |
Address1_UTCOffset | Integer | False | UTC offset for address 1. This is the difference between local time and standard Coordinated Universal Time. |
Address2_AddressId | String | False | Unique identifier for address 2. |
Address2_AddressTypeCode | String | False | Type of address for address 2, such as billing, shipping, or primary address. |
Address2_City | String | False | City name for address 2. |
Address2_Country | String | False | Country/region name for address 2. |
Address2_County | String | False | County name for address 2. |
Address2_Fax | String | False | Fax number for address 2. |
Address2_Latitude | Double | False | Latitude for address 2. |
Address2_Line1 | String | False | First line for entering address 2 information. |
Address2_Line2 | String | False | Second line for entering address 2 information. |
Address2_Line3 | String | False | Third line for entering address 2 information. |
Address2_Longitude | Double | False | Longitude for address 2. |
Address2_Name | String | False | Name to enter for address 2. |
Address2_PostalCode | String | False | ZIP Code or postal code for address 2. |
Address2_PostOfficeBox | String | False | Post office box number for address 2. |
Address2_ShippingMethodCode | String | False | Method of shipment for address 2. |
Address2_StateOrProvince | String | False | State or province for address 2. |
Address2_Telephone1 | String | False | First telephone number associated with address 2. |
Address2_Telephone2 | String | False | Second telephone number associated with address 2. |
Address2_Telephone3 | String | False | Third telephone number associated with address 2. |
Address2_UPSZone | String | False | United Parcel Service (UPS) zone for address 2. |
Address2_UTCOffset | Integer | False | UTC offset for address 2. This is the difference between local time and standard Coordinated Universal Time. |
BusinessUnitId | String | False | Unique identifier of the business unit. |
CalendarId_Id | String | False | Fiscal calendar associated with the business unit. |
CalendarId_LogicalName | String | False | |
CalendarId_Name | String | False | |
CostCenter | String | False | Name of the business unit cost center. |
CreatedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who created the business unit. |
CreatedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | True | |
CreatedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the business unit was created. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the businessunit. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
CreditLimit | Double | False | Credit limit for the business unit. |
Description | String | False | Description of the business unit. |
DisabledReason | String | True | Reason for disabling the business unit. |
DivisionName | String | False | Name of the division to which the business unit belongs. |
EMailAddress | String | False | email address for the business unit. |
ExchangeRate | Double | True | Exchange rate for the currency associated with the businessunit with respect to the base currency. |
FileAsName | String | False | Alternative name under which the business unit can be filed. |
FtpSiteUrl | String | False | FTP site URL for the business unit. |
ImportSequenceNumber | Integer | False | Unique identifier of the data import or data migration that created this record. |
InheritanceMask | Integer | False | Inheritance mask for the business unit. |
IsDisabled | Boolean | True | Information about whether the business unit is enabled or disabled. |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who last modified the business unit. |
ModifiedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | True | |
ModifiedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the business unit was last modified. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the businessunit. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
Name | String | False | Name of the business unit. |
OrganizationId_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the organization associated with the business unit. |
OrganizationId_LogicalName | String | True | |
OrganizationId_Name | String | True | |
OverriddenCreatedOn | Datetime | False | Date and time that the record was migrated. |
ParentBusinessUnitId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier for the parent business unit. |
ParentBusinessUnitId_LogicalName | String | False | |
ParentBusinessUnitId_Name | String | False | |
Picture | String | False | Picture or diagram of the business unit. |
StockExchange | String | False | Stock exchange on which the business is listed. |
TickerSymbol | String | False | Stock exchange ticker symbol for the business unit. |
TransactionCurrencyId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the currency associated with the businessunit. |
TransactionCurrencyId_LogicalName | String | False | |
TransactionCurrencyId_Name | String | False | |
UTCOffset | Integer | False | UTC offset for the business unit. This is the difference between local time and standard Coordinated Universal Time. |
WebSiteUrl | String | False | Web site URL for the business unit. |
WorkflowSuspended | Boolean | False | Information about whether workflow or sales process rules have been suspended. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the business unit map. |
BusinessId | String | False | |
BusinessUnitMapId | String | False | Unique identifier of the business unit map. |
SubBusinessId | String | False |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the announcement. |
ActiveOn | Datetime | False | Date and time for the announcement to become active. |
ActiveUntil | Datetime | False | Date and time of the last day the announcement is active. |
ArticleTitle | String | False | Title of the announcement. |
ArticleTypeCode | String | False | Type of announcement. |
ArticleUrl | String | False | URL for the Web site on which the announcement is located. |
BusinessUnitNewsArticleId | String | False | Unique identifier of the announcement. |
CreatedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who created the announcement. |
CreatedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | True | |
CreatedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the announcement was created. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the businessunitnewsarticle. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
ImportSequenceNumber | Integer | False | Unique identifier of the data import or data migration that created this record. |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who last modified the announcement. |
ModifiedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | True | |
ModifiedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the announcement was last modified. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the businessunitnewsarticle. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
NewsArticle | String | False | Text for the announcement. |
OrganizationId_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the organization associated with the announcement. |
OrganizationId_LogicalName | String | True | |
OrganizationId_Name | String | True | |
OverriddenCreatedOn | Datetime | False | Date and time that the record was migrated. |
ShowOnHomepage | Boolean | False | Information about whether to show the announcement on the Web site home page. |
TimeZoneRuleVersionNumber | Integer | False | For internal use only. |
UTCConversionTimeZoneCode | Integer | False | Time zone code that was in use when the record was created. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the calendar. |
BusinessUnitId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the business unit with which the calendar is associated. |
BusinessUnitId_LogicalName | String | False | |
BusinessUnitId_Name | String | False | |
CalendarId | String | False | Unique identifier of the calendar. |
CreatedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who created the calendar. |
CreatedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | True | |
CreatedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the calendar was created. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the calendar. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
Description | String | False | Calendar used by the scheduling system to define when an appointment or activity is to occur. |
IsShared | Boolean | False | Calendar is shared by other calendars, such as the organization calendar. |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who last modified the calendar. |
ModifiedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | True | |
ModifiedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the calendar was last modified. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the calendar. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
Name | String | False | Name of the calendar. |
OrganizationId_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the organization with which the calendar is associated. |
OrganizationId_LogicalName | String | True | |
OrganizationId_Name | String | True | |
PrimaryUserId | String | False | Unique identifier of the primary user of this calendar. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the calendar rule. |
BusinessUnitId | String | True | Unique identifier of the business unit with which the calendar rule is associated. |
CalendarId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the calendar with which the calendar rule is associated. |
CalendarId_LogicalName | String | False | |
CalendarId_Name | String | False | |
CalendarRuleId | String | False | Unique identifier of the calendar rule. |
CreatedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who created the calendar rule. |
CreatedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | True | |
CreatedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the calendar rule was created. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the calendarrule. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
Description | String | False | Defines free/busy times for a service and for resources or resource groups, such as working, non-working, vacation, and blocked. |
Duration | Integer | False | Duration of the calendar rule in minutes. |
EffectiveIntervalEnd | Datetime | False | Effective interval end of the calendar rule. |
EffectiveIntervalStart | Datetime | False | Effective interval start of the calendar rule. |
Effort | Double | False | Effort available for a resource during the time described by the calendar rule. |
EndTime | Datetime | False | For internal use only. |
ExtentCode | Integer | False | Extent of the calendar rule. |
GroupDesignator | String | False | Unique identifier of the group. |
InnerCalendarId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the inner calendar for non-leaf calendar rules. |
InnerCalendarId_LogicalName | String | False | |
InnerCalendarId_Name | String | False | |
IsModified | Boolean | False | For internal use only. |
IsSelected | Boolean | False | Flag used in vary-by-day calendar rules. |
IsSimple | Boolean | False | Flag used in vary-by-day calendar rules. |
IsVaried | Boolean | False | Flag used in leaf nonrecurring rules. |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who last modified the calendar rule. |
ModifiedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | True | |
ModifiedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the calendar rule was last modified. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the calendarrule. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
Name | String | False | Name of the calendar rule. |
Offset | Integer | False | Start offset for leaf nonrecurring rules. |
OrganizationId | String | True | Unique identifier of the organization with which the calendar rule is associated. |
Pattern | String | False | Pattern of the rule recurrence. |
Rank | Integer | False | Rank of the calendar rule. |
ServiceId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the service with which the calendar rule is associated. |
ServiceId_LogicalName | String | False | |
ServiceId_Name | String | False | |
StartTime | Datetime | False | Start time for the rule. |
SubCode | Integer | False | Sub-type of calendar rule. |
TimeCode | Integer | False | Type of calendar rule such as working hours, break, holiday, or time off. |
TimeZoneCode | Integer | False | Local time zone for the calendar rule. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the campaign. |
ActualEnd | Datetime | False | Actual end date for the campaign. |
ActualStart | Datetime | False | Actual start date for the campaign. |
BudgetedCost | Double | False | Budgeted cost for the campaign. |
BudgetedCost_Base | Double | True | Base currency equivalent of the budgeted cost for the campaign. |
CampaignId | String | False | Unique identifier of the campaign. |
CodeName | String | False | Unique code name that identifies the campaign. |
CreatedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who created the campaign. |
CreatedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | True | |
CreatedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the campaign was created. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the campaign. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
Description | String | False | Description of the campaign. |
ExchangeRate | Double | True | Exchange rate for the currency associated with the campaign with respect to the base currency. |
ExpectedResponse | Integer | False | Percent expected response for the campaign. |
ExpectedRevenue | Double | False | Expected revenue from the campaign. |
ExpectedRevenue_Base | Double | True | Base currency equivalent of the expected revenue from the campaign. |
ImportSequenceNumber | Integer | False | Unique identifier of the data import or data migration that created this record. |
IsTemplate | Boolean | False | Indication of whether the campaign is a template. |
Message | String | False | Promotional message for the campaign. |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who last modified the campaign. |
ModifiedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | True | |
ModifiedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the campaign was last modified. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the campaign. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
Name | String | False | Name of the campaign. |
Objective | String | False | Objective of the campaign. |
OtherCost | Double | False | Other miscellaneous costs of the campaign. |
OtherCost_Base | Double | True | Base currency equivalent of the other miscellaneous costs of the campaign. |
OverriddenCreatedOn | Datetime | False | Date and time that the record was migrated. |
OwnerId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the user or team who owns the campaign. |
OwnerId_LogicalName | String | False | |
OwnerId_Name | String | False | |
OwningBusinessUnit_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the business unit that owns the campaign. |
OwningBusinessUnit_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningBusinessUnit_Name | String | True | |
OwningTeam_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the team who owns the campaign. |
OwningTeam_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningTeam_Name | String | True | |
OwningUser_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who owns the campaign. |
OwningUser_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningUser_Name | String | True | |
PriceListId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the price list for the campaign. |
PriceListId_LogicalName | String | False | |
PriceListId_Name | String | False | |
PromotionCodeName | String | False | Promotion code for the campaign. |
ProposedEnd | Datetime | False | Proposed end date for the campaign. |
ProposedStart | Datetime | False | Proposed start date for the campaign. |
StateCode | String | True | Status of the campaign. |
StatusCode | String | False | Reason for the status of the campaign. |
TimeZoneRuleVersionNumber | Integer | False | For internal use only. |
TotalActualCost | Double | True | Total actual cost of the campaign. |
TotalActualCost_Base | Double | True | Base currency equivalent of the total actual cost of the campaign. |
TotalCampaignActivityActualCost | Double | True | Sum of all the actual costs of the campaign activities for this campaign. |
TotalCampaignActivityActualCost_Base | Double | True | Base currency equivalent of the sum of all the actual costs of the campaign activities for this campaign. |
TransactionCurrencyId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the currency associated with the campaign. |
TransactionCurrencyId_LogicalName | String | False | |
TransactionCurrencyId_Name | String | False | |
TypeCode | String | False | Type of the campaign. |
UTCConversionTimeZoneCode | Integer | False | Time zone code that was in use when the record was created. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the campaign activity. |
ActivityId | String | False | Unique identifier of the campaign activity. |
ActivityTypeCode | String | True | Type of activity. |
ActualCost | Double | False | Actual cost of the campaign activity. |
ActualCost_Base | Double | True | Base currency equivalent of the actual cost of the campaign activity. |
ActualDurationMinutes | Integer | False | Actual duration of the activity in minutes. |
ActualEnd | Datetime | False | Actual end time of the campaign activity. |
ActualStart | Datetime | False | Actual start time of the campaign activity. |
BudgetedCost | Double | False | Budgeted cost for the campaign activity. |
BudgetedCost_Base | Double | True | Base currency equivalent of the budgeted cost for the campaign activity. |
Category | String | False | Category of the campaign activity. |
ChannelTypeCode | String | False | Channel type code for the campaign activity. |
CreatedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who created the campaign activity. |
CreatedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | True | |
CreatedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the campaign activity was created. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the campaignactivity. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
Description | String | False | Description of the campaign activity. |
DoNotSendOnOptOut | Boolean | False | Information about whether to send marketing material to list members that prohibit sending of marketing material. |
ExchangeRate | Double | True | Exchange rate for the currency associated with the campaign activity with respect to the base currency. |
ExcludeIfContactedInXDays | Integer | False | Ignore if the campaign ran in the last X days. |
from_Ids | String | False | For internal use only. |
from_LogicalNames | String | False | |
from_Names | String | False | |
IgnoreInactiveListMembers | Boolean | False | Information regarding whether to ignore inactive lists during propagation/execution. |
ImportSequenceNumber | Integer | False | Unique identifier of the data import or data migration that created this record. |
IsBilled | Boolean | False | Information regarding whether the campaign activity was billed as part of resolving a case. |
IsRegularActivity | Boolean | True | Information regarding whether the activity is a regular activity type or event type. |
IsWorkflowCreated | Boolean | False | Information about whether the campaign activity is created by a workflow rule. |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who last modified the campaign activity. |
ModifiedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | True | |
ModifiedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the campaign activity was last modified. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the campaignactivity. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
OverriddenCreatedOn | Datetime | False | Date and time that the record was migrated. |
OwnerId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the user or team who owns the campaign activity. |
OwnerId_LogicalName | String | False | |
OwnerId_Name | String | False | |
OwningBusinessUnit_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the business unit that owns the campaign activity. |
OwningBusinessUnit_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningBusinessUnit_Name | String | True | |
OwningTeam_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the team who owns the campaign activity. |
OwningTeam_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningTeam_Name | String | True | |
OwningUser_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who owns the campaign activity. |
OwningUser_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningUser_Name | String | True | |
Partners_Ids | String | False | Unique identifier of the partner of the campaign activity. |
Partners_LogicalNames | String | False | |
Partners_Names | String | False | |
PriorityCode | String | False | Priority code for the campaign activity. |
RegardingObjectId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the object with which the campaign activity is associated. |
RegardingObjectId_LogicalName | String | False | |
RegardingObjectId_Name | String | False | |
ScheduledDurationMinutes | Integer | True | Scheduled duration, specified in minutes, of the campaign activity. |
ScheduledEnd | Datetime | False | Scheduled end time of the campaign activity. |
ScheduledStart | Datetime | False | Scheduled start time of the campaign activity. |
ServiceId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the associated service. |
ServiceId_LogicalName | String | False | |
ServiceId_Name | String | False | |
StateCode | String | True | Status of the campaign activity. |
StatusCode | String | False | Reason for the status reason for the campaign activity. |
Subcategory | String | False | Subcategory of the campaign activity. |
Subject | String | False | Subject associated with the campaign activity. |
TimeZoneRuleVersionNumber | Integer | False | For internal use only. |
TransactionCurrencyId_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the currency associated with the campaign activity. |
TransactionCurrencyId_LogicalName | String | True | |
TransactionCurrencyId_Name | String | True | |
TypeCode | String | False | Type of the campaign activity. |
UTCConversionTimeZoneCode | Integer | False | Time zone code that was in use when the record was created. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the campaign activity item. |
CampaignActivityId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the campaign activity for the item. |
CampaignActivityId_LogicalName | String | False | |
CampaignActivityId_Name | String | False | |
CampaignActivityItemId | String | False | Unique identifier of the campaign activity item. |
ItemId | String | False | Unique identifier of the item. |
ItemObjectTypeCode | String | False | Identification of the type of the campaign activity item. |
OwnerId_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user or team who owns the campaign activity item. |
OwnerId_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwnerId_Name | String | True | |
OwningBusinessUnit | String | True | Unique identifier of the business unit that owns the campaign activity item. |
OwningUser | String | True | Unique identifier of the user that owns the campaign activity item. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the campaign item. |
CampaignId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the campaign that is associated with the individual item. |
CampaignId_LogicalName | String | False | |
CampaignId_Name | String | False | |
CampaignItemId | String | False | Unique identifier of the campaign item. |
EntityId | String | False | Unique identifier of the entity for the campaign item. |
EntityType | Integer | False | Object type of entity for the campaign item. |
OwnerId_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user or team who owns the campaign item. |
OwnerId_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwnerId_Name | String | True | |
OwningBusinessUnit | String | True | Unique identifier of the business unit that owns the campaign item. |
OwningUser | String | True | Unique identifier of the user that owns the campaign item. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the campaign response. |
ActivityId | String | False | Unique identifier of the campaign response. |
ActivityTypeCode | String | True | Type of activity. |
ActualDurationMinutes | Integer | False | Actual duration of the campaign response in minutes. |
ActualEnd | Datetime | False | Actual end time of the campaign response. |
ActualStart | Datetime | False | Actual start time of the campaign response. |
Category | String | False | Category of the campaign response. |
ChannelTypeCode | String | False | Channel type code of the campaign response. |
CompanyName | String | False | Name of the company with which the campaign response is associated. |
CreatedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who created the campaign response. |
CreatedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | True | |
CreatedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the campaign response was created. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the campaignresponse. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
Customer_Ids | String | False | Customer with which the campaign response is associated. |
Customer_LogicalNames | String | False | |
Customer_Names | String | False | |
Description | String | False | Description of the campaign response. |
EMailAddress | String | False | email address of the customer from whom this response is received. |
ExchangeRate | Double | True | Exchange rate for the currency associated with the campaignresponse with respect to the base currency. |
Fax | String | False | Fax number of the customer from whom this response is received. |
FirstName | String | False | First name of the customer from whom this response is collected. |
from_Ids | String | False | For internal use only. |
from_LogicalNames | String | False | |
from_Names | String | False | |
ImportSequenceNumber | Integer | False | Unique identifier of the data import or data migration that created this record. |
IsBilled | Boolean | False | Specifies whether the campaign response was billed as part of resolving a case. |
IsRegularActivity | Boolean | True | Information regarding whether the activity is a regular activity type or event type. |
IsWorkflowCreated | Boolean | False | Specifies whether the campaign response is created by a workflow rule. |
LastName | String | False | Last name of the customer from whom this response is collected. |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who last modified the campaign response. |
ModifiedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | True | |
ModifiedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the campaign response was last modified. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the campaignresponse. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
OriginatingActivityId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the originating activity for the campaign response. |
OriginatingActivityId_LogicalName | String | False | |
OriginatingActivityId_Name | String | False | |
OverriddenCreatedOn | Datetime | False | Date and time that the record was migrated. |
OwnerId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the user or team who owns the campaign response. |
OwnerId_LogicalName | String | False | |
OwnerId_Name | String | False | |
OwningBusinessUnit_Id | String | True | Unique identifier for the business unit that owns the campaign response. |
OwningBusinessUnit_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningBusinessUnit_Name | String | True | |
OwningTeam_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the team who owns the campaign response. |
OwningTeam_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningTeam_Name | String | True | |
OwningUser_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who owns the campaign response. |
OwningUser_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningUser_Name | String | True | |
Partner_Ids | String | False | Unique identifier of the partner for the campaign response. |
Partner_LogicalNames | String | False | |
Partner_Names | String | False | |
PriorityCode | String | False | Priority of the campaign response. |
PromotionCodeName | String | False | Promote code name associated with this response. |
ReceivedOn | Datetime | False | Date on which this campaign response was received. |
RegardingObjectId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the object with which the campaign response is associated. |
RegardingObjectId_LogicalName | String | False | |
RegardingObjectId_Name | String | False | |
ResponseCode | String | False | Code of the campaign response. |
ScheduledDurationMinutes | Integer | True | Scheduled duration of the campaign response in minutes. |
ScheduledEnd | Datetime | False | Scheduled end time of the campaign response. |
ScheduledStart | Datetime | False | Scheduled start time of the campaign response. |
ServiceId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier for the associated service. |
ServiceId_LogicalName | String | False | |
ServiceId_Name | String | False | |
StateCode | String | True | Status of the campaign response. |
StatusCode | String | False | Reason for the status for the campaign response. |
Subcategory | String | False | Subcategory of the campaign response. |
Subject | String | False | Subject associated with the campaign response. |
Telephone | String | False | Telephone number of customer from whom this response is received. |
TimeZoneRuleVersionNumber | Integer | False | For internal use only. |
TransactionCurrencyId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the currency associated with the campaignresponse. |
TransactionCurrencyId_LogicalName | String | False | |
TransactionCurrencyId_Name | String | False | |
UTCConversionTimeZoneCode | Integer | False | Time zone code that was in use when the record was created. |
YomiCompanyName | String | False | Pronunciation of the company name, written in phonetic hiragana or katakana characters, with which the campaign response activity is associated. |
YomiFirstName | String | False | Pronunciation of the first name of the customer, written in phonetic hiragana or katakana characters, from whom this response is collected. |
YomiLastName | String | False | Pronunciation of the last name of the customer, written in phonetic hiragana or katakana characters, from whom this response is collected. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the client update. |
ClientUpdateId | String | False | Unique identifier of the client update. |
CreatedOn | Datetime | True | For internal use only. Date and time when the ClientUpdate script was created on server. |
Description | String | False | Description of the client update. |
SqlScript | String | False | Contents of the client update. |
WasExecuted | Boolean | False | For internal use only. Should be set by client to 1 after action was executed. |
WhenExecute | String | False | For internal use only. Values are: 1 - Before SchemaChanges; 2 - After SchemaChanges but before Download data; 3 - After download data. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the column mapping. |
ColumnMappingId | String | False | Unique identifier of the column mapping. |
CreatedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who created the column mapping. |
CreatedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | True | |
CreatedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the column mapping was created. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the columnmapping. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
ImportMapId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the associated data map. |
ImportMapId_LogicalName | String | False | |
ImportMapId_Name | String | False | |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who last modified the column mapping. |
ModifiedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | True | |
ModifiedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the column mapping was last modified. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the columnmapping. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
ProcessCode | String | False | Information about whether the column mapping needs to be processed. |
SourceAttributeName | String | False | Name of the source attribute. |
SourceEntityName | String | False | Name of the source entity. |
StateCode | String | True | Status of the column mapping. |
StatusCode | String | False | Reason for the status of the column mapping. |
TargetAttributeName | String | False | Name of the Microsoft Dynamics CRM attribute. |
TargetEntityName | String | False | Name of the Microsoft Dynamics CRM entity. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the commitment. |
ActivityId | String | True | |
ActivityTypeCode | Integer | True | |
CommitmentId | String | True | |
Effort | Double | True | |
ParticipationTypeMask | Integer | True | |
PartyId | String | True | |
ResourceSpecId | String | True | |
ScheduledEnd | Datetime | True | |
ScheduledStart | Datetime | True | |
ServiceId_Id | String | True | |
ServiceId_LogicalName | String | True | |
ServiceId_Name | String | True | |
StateCode | String | True | |
StatusCode | String | True | |
Subject | String | True |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the competitor. |
Address1_AddressId | String | False | Unique identifier for address 1. |
Address1_AddressTypeCode | String | False | Type of address for address 1, such as billing, shipping, or primary address. |
Address1_City | String | False | City name for address 1. |
Address1_Country | String | False | Country/region name for address 1. |
Address1_County | String | False | County name for address 1. |
Address1_Fax | String | False | Fax number for address 1. |
Address1_Latitude | Double | False | Latitude for address 1. |
Address1_Line1 | String | False | First line for entering address 1 information. |
Address1_Line2 | String | False | Second line for entering address 1 information. |
Address1_Line3 | String | False | Third line for entering address 1 information. |
Address1_Longitude | Double | False | Longitude for address 1. |
Address1_Name | String | False | Name to enter for address 1. |
Address1_PostalCode | String | False | ZIP Code or postal code for address 1. |
Address1_PostOfficeBox | String | False | Post office box number for address 1. |
Address1_ShippingMethodCode | String | False | Method of shipment for address 1. |
Address1_StateOrProvince | String | False | State or province for address 1. |
Address1_Telephone1 | String | False | First telephone number associated with address 1. |
Address1_Telephone2 | String | False | Second telephone number associated with address 1. |
Address1_Telephone3 | String | False | Third telephone number associated with address 1. |
Address1_UPSZone | String | False | United Parcel Service (UPS) zone for address 1. |
Address1_UTCOffset | Integer | False | UTC offset for address 1. This is the difference between local time and standard Coordinated Universal Time. |
Address2_AddressId | String | False | Unique identifier for address 2. |
Address2_AddressTypeCode | String | False | Type of address for address 2. such as billing, shipping, or primary address. |
Address2_City | String | False | City name for address 2. |
Address2_Country | String | False | Country/region name for address 2. |
Address2_County | String | False | County name for address 2. |
Address2_Fax | String | False | Fax number for address 2. |
Address2_Latitude | Double | False | Latitude for address 2. |
Address2_Line1 | String | False | First line for entering address 2 information. |
Address2_Line2 | String | False | Second line for entering address 2 information. |
Address2_Line3 | String | False | Third line for entering address 2 information. |
Address2_Longitude | Double | False | Longitude for address 2. |
Address2_Name | String | False | Name to enter for address 2. |
Address2_PostalCode | String | False | ZIP Code or postal code for address 2. |
Address2_PostOfficeBox | String | False | Post office box number for address 2. |
Address2_ShippingMethodCode | String | False | Method of shipment for address 2. |
Address2_StateOrProvince | String | False | State or province for address 2. |
Address2_Telephone1 | String | False | First telephone number associated with address 2. |
Address2_Telephone2 | String | False | Second telephone number associated with address 2. |
Address2_Telephone3 | String | False | Third telephone number associated with address 2. |
Address2_UPSZone | String | False | United Parcel Service (UPS) zone for address 2. |
Address2_UTCOffset | Integer | False | UTC offset for address 2. This is the difference between local time and standard Coordinated Universal Time. |
CompetitorId | String | False | Unique identifier of the competitor. |
CreatedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who created the competitor. |
CreatedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | True | |
CreatedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the competitor was created. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the competitor. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
ExchangeRate | Double | True | Exchange rate for the currency associated with the competitor with respect to the base currency. |
ImportSequenceNumber | Integer | False | Unique identifier of the data import or data migration that created this record. |
KeyProduct | String | False | Key products of the competitor. |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who last modified the competitor. |
ModifiedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | True | |
ModifiedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the competitor was last modified. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the competitor. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
Name | String | False | Name of the competitor. |
Opportunities | String | False | Competitive opportunities against the competitor. |
OrganizationId_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the associated organization. |
OrganizationId_LogicalName | String | True | |
OrganizationId_Name | String | True | |
OverriddenCreatedOn | Datetime | False | Date and time that the record was migrated. |
Overview | String | False | Summary description of the competitor. |
ReferenceInfoUrl | String | False | URL for the Web site where reference information about the competitor is located. |
ReportedRevenue | Double | False | Reported revenue for the competitor. |
ReportedRevenue_Base | Double | True | Base currency equivalent of the reported revenue for the competitor. |
ReportingQuarter | Integer | False | Fiscal year quarter for the competitor's business. |
ReportingYear | Integer | False | Fiscal year for the competitor's business. |
StockExchange | String | False | Stock exchange on which the competitor is listed. |
Strengths | String | False | Strengths of the competitor. |
Threats | String | False | Competitive threats posed by the competitor. |
TickerSymbol | String | False | Stock exchange ticker symbol for the competitor. |
TimeZoneRuleVersionNumber | Integer | False | For internal use only. |
TransactionCurrencyId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the currency associated with the competitor. |
TransactionCurrencyId_LogicalName | String | False | |
TransactionCurrencyId_Name | String | False | |
UTCConversionTimeZoneCode | Integer | False | Time zone code that was in use when the record was created. |
Weaknesses | String | False | Competitive weaknesses of the competitor. |
WebSiteUrl | String | False | Web site URL for the competitor. |
WinPercentage | Double | False | Percentage of opportunities that the competitor wins. |
YomiName | String | False | Pronunciation of the competitor name, written in phonetic hiragana or katakana characters. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the competitor address. |
AddressNumber | Integer | False | Information about which competitor address is applicable. |
AddressTypeCode | String | False | Type of address for the competitor, such as primary address. |
City | String | False | City name in the competitor address. |
CompetitorAddressId | String | False | Unique identifier of the competitor address. |
Country | String | False | Country/region name in the competitor address. |
County | String | False | County name in the competitor address. |
CreatedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who created the competitor address. |
CreatedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | True | |
CreatedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the competitor address was created. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the competitor address. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
Fax | String | False | Fax number for the competitor address. |
Latitude | Double | False | Latitude for the competitor address. |
Line1 | String | False | First line for entering address information. |
Line2 | String | False | Second line for entering address information. |
Line3 | String | False | Third line for entering address information. |
Longitude | Double | False | Longitude for the address for the competitor. |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who last modified the competitor address. |
ModifiedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | True | |
ModifiedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the competitor address was last modified. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the competitor address. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
Name | String | False | Name used to identify the competitor address. |
ParentId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the parent object with which the competitor address is associated. |
ParentId_LogicalName | String | False | |
ParentId_Name | String | False | |
PostalCode | String | False | ZIP Code or postal code in the competitor address. |
PostOfficeBox | String | False | Post office box number in the competitor address. |
ShippingMethodCode | String | False | Method of shipment for the competitor. |
StateOrProvince | String | False | State or province in the competitor address. |
Telephone1 | String | False | First telephone number for the competitor address. |
Telephone2 | String | False | Second telephone number for the competitor address. |
Telephone3 | String | False | Third telephone number for the competitor address. |
UPSZone | String | False | United Parcel Service (UPS) zone for the address of the competitor. |
UTCOffset | Integer | False | UTC offset for address 1. This is the difference between local time and standard Coordinated Universal Time. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the competitor product. |
CompetitorId | String | True | |
CompetitorProductId | String | False | Unique identifier of the competitor product. |
ProductId | String | True |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the sales literature for the competitor product. |
CompetitorId | String | True | |
CompetitorSalesLiteratureId | String | False | Unique identifier of the sales literature for the competitor product. |
SalesLiteratureId | String | True |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the connection. |
ConnectionId | String | False | Unique identifier of the connection. |
CreatedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who created the connection. |
CreatedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | True | |
CreatedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the connection was created. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the connection. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
Description | String | False | Description of the connection. |
EffectiveEnd | Datetime | False | Effective end date for this connection. |
EffectiveStart | Datetime | False | Effective start date for this connection. |
ExchangeRate | Double | True | Exchange rate between the currency associated with the connection and the base currency. |
ImportSequenceNumber | Integer | False | Unique identifier of the data import or data migration that created this record. |
IsMaster | Boolean | True | Indicates that this is the master record. |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who last modified the connection. |
ModifiedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | True | |
ModifiedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the connection was last modified. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who modified the connection. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
Name | String | True | Name of the connection. |
OverriddenCreatedOn | Datetime | False | Date and time that the record was migrated. |
OwnerId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the user or team who owns the connection. |
OwnerId_LogicalName | String | False | |
OwnerId_Name | String | False | |
OwningBusinessUnit_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the business unit that owns the connection. |
OwningBusinessUnit_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningBusinessUnit_Name | String | True | |
OwningTeam_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the team who owns the connection. |
OwningTeam_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningTeam_Name | String | True | |
OwningUser_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who owns the connection. |
OwningUser_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningUser_Name | String | True | |
Record1Id_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the source record. |
Record1Id_LogicalName | String | False | |
Record1Id_Name | String | False | |
Record1ObjectTypeCode | String | True | Record type of the source record. |
Record1RoleId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the role for the source record. |
Record1RoleId_LogicalName | String | False | |
Record1RoleId_Name | String | False | |
Record2Id_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the target record. |
Record2Id_LogicalName | String | False | |
Record2Id_Name | String | False | |
Record2ObjectTypeCode | String | True | Record type of the target record. |
Record2RoleId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the role for the target record. |
Record2RoleId_LogicalName | String | False | |
Record2RoleId_Name | String | False | |
RelatedConnectionId_Id | String | True | Unique identifier for the reciprocal connection record. |
RelatedConnectionId_LogicalName | String | True | |
RelatedConnectionId_Name | String | True | |
StateCode | String | True | Status of the connection. |
StatusCode | String | False | Reason for the status of the connection. |
TransactionCurrencyId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the currency associated with the connection. |
TransactionCurrencyId_LogicalName | String | False | |
TransactionCurrencyId_Name | String | False |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the connection role. |
Category | String | False | Categories for connection roles. |
ComponentState | String | True | State of the component. |
ConnectionRoleId | String | False | Unique identifier of the connection role. |
ConnectionRoleIdUnique | String | True | Unique identifier of the published or unpublished connection role record. |
CreatedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who created the relationship role. |
CreatedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | True | |
CreatedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the connection role was created. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the relationship role. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
Description | String | False | Description of the connection role. |
ImportSequenceNumber | Integer | False | Unique identifier of the data import or data migration that created this record. |
IsManaged | Boolean | True | Indicates whether the solution component is part of a managed solution. |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who last modified the connection role. |
ModifiedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | True | |
ModifiedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the connection role was last modified. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who modified the relationship role. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
Name | String | False | Name of the connection role. |
OrganizationId_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the organization that this connection role belongs to. |
OrganizationId_LogicalName | String | True | |
OrganizationId_Name | String | True | |
OverwriteTime | Datetime | True | Date and time when the record was last overwritten. |
SolutionId | String | True | Unique identifier of the associated solution. |
StateCode | String | True | Status of the connection role. |
StatusCode | String | False | Reason for the status of the connection role. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the connection role association. |
AssociatedConnectionRoleId | String | False | |
ConnectionRoleAssociationId | String | False | Unique identifier of the connection role association. |
ConnectionRoleId | String | False |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the connection role object type association. |
AssociatedObjectTypeCode | Integer | False | |
ConnectionRoleId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the connection role associated with the connection role object type code. |
ConnectionRoleId_LogicalName | String | False | |
ConnectionRoleId_Name | String | False | |
ConnectionRoleObjectTypeCodeId | String | False | Unique identifier of the connection role object type association. |
OrganizationId | String | True | Unique identifier of the organization associated with the connection role object type code. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the constraint-based resource group. |
BusinessUnitId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the associated business unit. |
BusinessUnitId_LogicalName | String | False | |
BusinessUnitId_Name | String | False | |
ConstraintBasedGroupId | String | False | Unique identifier of the resource group. |
Constraints | String | False | Constraints defined for the resource group, such as availability and location. |
CreatedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who created the resource group. |
CreatedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | True | |
CreatedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the resource group was created. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the constraint-based group. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
Description | String | False | Description of the resource group. |
GroupTypeCode | String | False | Resource type, such as user/facility or equipment. |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who last modified the resource group. |
ModifiedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | True | |
ModifiedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the resource group was last modified. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the constraint-based group. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
Name | String | False | Name for the resource group. |
OrganizationId_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the organization associated with the resource group. |
OrganizationId_LogicalName | String | True | |
OrganizationId_Name | String | True |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the contact. |
AccountId_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the account with which the contact is associated. |
AccountId_LogicalName | String | True | |
AccountId_Name | String | True | |
AccountRoleCode | String | False | Account role of the contact. |
Address1_AddressId | String | False | Unique identifier for address 1. |
Address1_AddressTypeCode | String | False | Type of address for address 1, such as billing, shipping, or primary address. |
Address1_City | String | False | City name for address 1. |
Address1_Country | String | False | Country/region name for address 1. |
Address1_County | String | False | County name for address 1. |
Address1_Fax | String | False | Fax number for address 1. |
Address1_FreightTermsCode | String | False | Freight terms for address 1. |
Address1_Latitude | Double | False | Latitude for address 1. |
Address1_Line1 | String | False | First line for entering address 1 information. |
Address1_Line2 | String | False | Second line for entering address 1 information. |
Address1_Line3 | String | False | Third line for entering address 1 information. |
Address1_Longitude | Double | False | Longitude for address 1. |
Address1_Name | String | False | Name to enter for address 1. |
Address1_PostalCode | String | False | ZIP Code or postal code for address 1. |
Address1_PostOfficeBox | String | False | Post office box number for address 1. |
Address1_PrimaryContactName | String | False | Name to enter for address 1 for the primary contact. |
Address1_ShippingMethodCode | String | False | Method of shipment for address 1. |
Address1_StateOrProvince | String | False | State or province for address 1. |
Address1_Telephone1 | String | False | First telephone number associated with address 1. |
Address1_Telephone2 | String | False | Second telephone number associated with address 1. |
Address1_Telephone3 | String | False | Third telephone number associated with address 1. |
Address1_UPSZone | String | False | United Parcel Service (UPS) zone for address 1. |
Address1_UTCOffset | Integer | False | UTC offset for address 1. This is the difference between local time and standard Coordinated Universal Time. |
Address2_AddressId | String | False | Unique identifier for address 2. |
Address2_AddressTypeCode | String | False | Type of address for address 2, such as billing, shipping, or primary address. |
Address2_City | String | False | City name for address 2. |
Address2_Country | String | False | Country/region name for address 2. |
Address2_County | String | False | County name for address 2. |
Address2_Fax | String | False | Fax number for address 2. |
Address2_FreightTermsCode | String | False | Freight terms for address 2. |
Address2_Latitude | Double | False | Latitude for address 2. |
Address2_Line1 | String | False | First line for entering address 2 information. |
Address2_Line2 | String | False | Second line for entering address 2 information. |
Address2_Line3 | String | False | Third line for entering address 2 information. |
Address2_Longitude | Double | False | Longitude for address 2. |
Address2_Name | String | False | Name to enter for address 2. |
Address2_PostalCode | String | False | ZIP Code or postal code for address 2. |
Address2_PostOfficeBox | String | False | Post office box number for address 2. |
Address2_PrimaryContactName | String | False | Name to enter for address 2 for the primary contact. |
Address2_ShippingMethodCode | String | False | Method of shipment for address 2. |
Address2_StateOrProvince | String | False | State or province for address 2. |
Address2_Telephone1 | String | False | First telephone number associated with address 2. |
Address2_Telephone2 | String | False | Second telephone number associated with address 2. |
Address2_Telephone3 | String | False | Third telephone number associated with address 2. |
Address2_UPSZone | String | False | United Parcel Service (UPS) zone for address 2. |
Address2_UTCOffset | Integer | False | UTC offset for address 2. This is the difference between local time and standard Coordinated Universal Time. |
Aging30 | Double | True | For internal use only. |
Aging30_Base | Double | True | Base currency equivalent of the aging 30 for the contact. |
Aging60 | Double | True | For internal use only. |
Aging60_Base | Double | True | Base currency equivalent of the aging 60 for the contact. |
Aging90 | Double | True | For internal use only. |
Aging90_Base | Double | True | Base currency equivalent of the aging 90 for the contact. |
Anniversary | Datetime | False | Wedding anniversary of the contact. |
AnnualIncome | Double | False | Annual income of the contact. |
AnnualIncome_Base | Double | True | Base currency equivalent of the annual income of the contact. |
AssistantName | String | False | Name of the contact's assistant contact. |
AssistantPhone | String | False | Phone number for the contact's assistant. |
BirthDate | Datetime | False | Birth date of the contact. |
ChildrensNames | String | False | Names of the contact's children. |
ContactId | String | False | Unique identifier of the contact. |
CreatedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who created the contact. |
CreatedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | True | |
CreatedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the contact was created. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the contact. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
CreditLimit | Double | False | Credit limit for the contact. |
CreditLimit_Base | Double | True | Base currency equivalent of the credit limit for the contact. |
CreditOnHold | Boolean | False | Information about whether credit for the contact is on hold. |
CustomerSizeCode | String | False | Size of the contact's business. |
CustomerTypeCode | String | False | Type of business associated with the contact. |
DefaultPriceLevelId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the default price list for the contact. |
DefaultPriceLevelId_LogicalName | String | False | |
DefaultPriceLevelId_Name | String | False | |
Department | String | False | Department in the business unit or organization associated with the contact. |
Description | String | False | Description of the contact. |
DoNotBulkEMail | Boolean | False | Information about whether to allow sending direct email to the contact. |
DoNotBulkPostalMail | Boolean | False | Information about whether to allow sending bulk-rate postal mail to the contact. |
DoNotEMail | Boolean | False | Information about whether to allow sending email to the contact. |
DoNotFax | Boolean | False | Information about whether to allow sending fax transmittals to the contact. |
DoNotPhone | Boolean | False | Information about whether to allow phone calls to the contact. |
DoNotPostalMail | Boolean | False | Information about whether to allow sending postal mail to the contact. |
DoNotSendMM | Boolean | False | Information regarding whether to allow sending marketing mail to the contact. |
EducationCode | String | False | Formal education level that the contact has attained. |
EMailAddress1 | String | False | First email address for the contact. |
EMailAddress2 | String | False | Second email address for the contact. |
EMailAddress3 | String | False | Third email address for the contact. |
EmployeeId | String | False | Employee ID for the contact. |
ExchangeRate | Double | True | Exchange rate for the currency associated with the contact with respect to the base currency. |
ExternalUserIdentifier | String | False | Identifier for an external user. |
FamilyStatusCode | String | False | Marital status of the contact. |
Fax | String | False | Fax number for the contact. |
FirstName | String | False | First name of the contact. |
FtpSiteUrl | String | False | FTP site URL for the contact. |
FullName | String | True | Full name of the contact. |
GenderCode | String | False | Gender of the contact. |
GovernmentId | String | False | Government ID for the contact. |
HasChildrenCode | String | False | Information about whether the contact has children. |
ImportSequenceNumber | Integer | False | Unique identifier of the data import or data migration that created this record. |
IsBackofficeCustomer | Boolean | False | Information about whether the contact is in an associated Microsoft Great Plains database. |
JobTitle | String | False | Job title of the contact. |
LastName | String | False | Last name of the contact. |
LastUsedInCampaign | Datetime | False | Date and time when the contact was last contacted as a part of a marketing campaign. |
LeadSourceCode | String | False | Source of the lead of the contact. |
ManagerName | String | False | Name of the contact's manager. |
ManagerPhone | String | False | Phone number for the contact's manager. |
MasterId_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the master contact for merge. |
MasterId_LogicalName | String | True | |
MasterId_Name | String | True | |
Merged | Boolean | True | Information regarding whether the account has been merged with a master contact. |
MiddleName | String | False | Middle name of the contact. |
MobilePhone | String | False | Mobile phone number for the contact. |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who last modified the contact. |
ModifiedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | True | |
ModifiedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the contact was last modified. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the contact. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
NickName | String | False | Nickname of the contact. |
NumberOfChildren | Integer | False | How many children the contact has. |
OriginatingLeadId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the lead from which the contact was created. |
OriginatingLeadId_LogicalName | String | False | |
OriginatingLeadId_Name | String | False | |
OverriddenCreatedOn | Datetime | False | Date and time that the record was migrated. |
OwnerId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the user or team who owns the contact. |
OwnerId_LogicalName | String | False | |
OwnerId_Name | String | False | |
OwningBusinessUnit_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the business unit that owns the contact. |
OwningBusinessUnit_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningBusinessUnit_Name | String | True | |
OwningTeam_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the team who owns the contact. |
OwningTeam_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningTeam_Name | String | True | |
OwningUser_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who owns the contact. |
OwningUser_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningUser_Name | String | True | |
Pager | String | False | Pager number for the contact. |
ParentContactId_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the parent contact. |
ParentContactId_LogicalName | String | True | |
ParentContactId_Name | String | True | |
ParentCustomerId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the account or contact associated with the contact. |
ParentCustomerId_LogicalName | String | False | |
ParentCustomerId_Name | String | False | |
ParticipatesInWorkflow | Boolean | False | Information about whether the contact participates in workflow rules. |
PaymentTermsCode | String | False | Payment terms for the contact. |
PreferredAppointmentDayCode | String | False | Day of the week that the contact prefers for scheduling service activities. |
PreferredAppointmentTimeCode | String | False | Time of day that the contact prefers for scheduling service activities. |
PreferredContactMethodCode | String | False | Preferred contact method for the contact. |
PreferredEquipmentId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the facility/equipment preferred by the contact for scheduling service activities. |
PreferredEquipmentId_LogicalName | String | False | |
PreferredEquipmentId_Name | String | False | |
PreferredServiceId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the service preferred by the contact for scheduling service activities. |
PreferredServiceId_LogicalName | String | False | |
PreferredServiceId_Name | String | False | |
PreferredSystemUserId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the system user preferred by the contact for scheduling service activities. |
PreferredSystemUserId_LogicalName | String | False | |
PreferredSystemUserId_Name | String | False | |
Salutation | String | False | Salutation for correspondence with the contact. |
ShippingMethodCode | String | False | Method of shipping for the contact. |
SpousesName | String | False | Name of the contact's spouse/partner. |
StateCode | String | True | Status of the contact. |
StatusCode | String | False | Reason for the status of the contact. |
Suffix | String | False | Suffix for the contact name, such as Jr., Sr., or III. |
Telephone1 | String | False | First telephone number for the contact. |
Telephone2 | String | False | Second telephone number for the contact. |
Telephone3 | String | False | Third telephone number for the contact. |
TerritoryCode | String | False | Unique identifier of the territory to which the contact is assigned. |
TimeZoneRuleVersionNumber | Integer | False | For internal use only. |
TransactionCurrencyId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the currency associated with the contact. |
TransactionCurrencyId_LogicalName | String | False | |
TransactionCurrencyId_Name | String | False | |
UTCConversionTimeZoneCode | Integer | False | Time zone code that was in use when the record was created. |
WebSiteUrl | String | False | Web site URL for the contact. |
YomiFirstName | String | False | Hiragana or Katakana phonetic guide for the contact first name, used for Yomi sorting. |
YomiFullName | String | True | Hiragana or Katakana phonetic guide for the contact full name, used for Yomi sorting. |
YomiLastName | String | False | Hiragana or Katakana phonetic guide for the contact last name, used for Yomi sorting. |
YomiMiddleName | String | False | Hiragana or Katakana phonetic guide for the contact middle name, used for Yomi sorting. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the invoices for the contact. |
ContactId | String | True | |
ContactInvoiceId | String | False | Unique identifier of the invoices for the contact. |
InvoiceId | String | True |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the leads for the contact. |
ContactId | String | True | |
ContactLeadId | String | False | Unique identifier of the leads for the contact. |
LeadId | String | True |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the orders for the contact. |
ContactId | String | True | |
ContactOrderId | String | False | Unique identifier of the orders for the contact. |
SalesOrderId | String | True |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the quotes for the contact. |
ContactId | String | True | |
ContactQuoteId | String | False | Unique identifier of the quotes for the contact. |
QuoteId | String | True |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the contract. |
AccountId_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the account with which the contract is associated. |
AccountId_LogicalName | String | True | |
AccountId_Name | String | True | |
ActiveOn | Datetime | False | Date and time when the contract becomes active. |
AllotmentTypeCode | String | False | Type of allotment that the contract supports. |
BillingAccountId_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the account to which the contract is to be billed. |
BillingAccountId_LogicalName | String | True | |
BillingAccountId_Name | String | True | |
BillingContactId_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the contact to whom the contract is to be billed. |
BillingContactId_LogicalName | String | True | |
BillingContactId_Name | String | True | |
BillingCustomerId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the account or contact to which the contract is to be billed. |
BillingCustomerId_LogicalName | String | False | |
BillingCustomerId_Name | String | False | |
BillingEndOn | Datetime | False | Date and time when the billing period ends. |
BillingFrequencyCode | String | False | How often the customer or account is to be billed. |
BillingStartOn | Datetime | False | Date and time when the billing period begins. |
BillToAddress_Id | String | False | Address to bill for contract charges. |
BillToAddress_LogicalName | String | False | |
BillToAddress_Name | String | False | |
CancelOn | Datetime | True | Date when the contract was canceled. |
ContactId_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the contact specified for the contract. |
ContactId_LogicalName | String | True | |
ContactId_Name | String | True | |
ContractId | String | False | Unique identifier of the contract. |
ContractLanguage | String | False | Description of the contract. |
ContractNumber | String | False | System-generated contract identification number. |
ContractServiceLevelCode | String | False | Response level or level of service specified for the contract. |
ContractTemplateAbbreviation | String | True | Abbreviation of the contract template name. |
ContractTemplateId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the template associated with the contract. |
ContractTemplateId_LogicalName | String | False | |
ContractTemplateId_Name | String | False | |
CreatedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who created the contract. |
CreatedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | True | |
CreatedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the contract was created. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the contract. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
CustomerId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the account or contact associated with the contract. |
CustomerId_LogicalName | String | False | |
CustomerId_Name | String | False | |
Duration | Integer | True | Calculated duration of time that the contract spans. |
EffectivityCalendar | String | False | Days of the week and times during which customer service support is available for the duration of the contract. |
ExchangeRate | Double | True | Exchange rate for the currency associated with the contract with respect to the base currency. |
ExpiresOn | Datetime | False | Date when the contract expires. |
ImportSequenceNumber | Integer | False | Unique identifier of the data import or data migration that created this record. |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who last modified the contract. |
ModifiedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | True | |
ModifiedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the contract was last modified. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the contract. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
NetPrice | Double | True | Sum of all net values calculated on the contract lines. |
NetPrice_Base | Double | True | Base currency equivalent of the sum of all net values calculated on the contract lines. |
OriginatingContract_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the original contract from which this current contract was derived. |
OriginatingContract_LogicalName | String | False | |
OriginatingContract_Name | String | False | |
OverriddenCreatedOn | Datetime | False | Date and time that the record was migrated. |
OwnerId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the user or team who owns the contract. |
OwnerId_LogicalName | String | False | |
OwnerId_Name | String | False | |
OwningBusinessUnit_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the business unit that owns the contract. |
OwningBusinessUnit_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningBusinessUnit_Name | String | True | |
OwningTeam_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the team who owns the contract. |
OwningTeam_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningTeam_Name | String | True | |
OwningUser_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who owns the contract. |
OwningUser_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningUser_Name | String | True | |
ServiceAddress_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the address at which service is to be provided. |
ServiceAddress_LogicalName | String | False | |
ServiceAddress_Name | String | False | |
StateCode | String | True | Status of the contract. |
StatusCode | String | False | Reason for the status of the contract. |
TimeZoneRuleVersionNumber | Integer | False | For internal use only. |
Title | String | False | Title of the contract. |
TotalDiscount | Double | True | Total of all discounts specified on the contract lines. |
TotalDiscount_Base | Double | True | Base currency equivalent of the total of all discounts specified on the contract lines. |
TotalPrice | Double | True | Total price of the contract. |
TotalPrice_Base | Double | True | Base currency equivalent of the total price of the contract. |
TransactionCurrencyId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the currency associated with the contract. |
TransactionCurrencyId_LogicalName | String | False | |
TransactionCurrencyId_Name | String | False | |
UseDiscountAsPercentage | Boolean | False | Information about whether the discount is a percentage or a monetary amount. |
UTCConversionTimeZoneCode | Integer | False | Time zone code that was in use when the record was created. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the contract line. |
AccountId_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the account with which the contract is associated. |
AccountId_LogicalName | String | True | |
AccountId_Name | String | True | |
ActiveOn | Datetime | False | Date and time when the contract line becomes active. |
AllotmentsOverage | Integer | True | Number of overage allotments for the contract line. |
AllotmentsRemaining | Integer | True | Number of allotments remaining for the contract line. |
AllotmentsUsed | Integer | True | Number of allotments that have been used for the contract line. |
ContactId_Id | String | True | Unique identifier for the contact associated with the contract line. |
ContactId_LogicalName | String | True | |
ContactId_Name | String | True | |
ContractDetailId | String | False | Unique identifier of the contract line. |
ContractId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the contract associated with the contract line. |
ContractId_LogicalName | String | False | |
ContractId_Name | String | False | |
ContractStateCode | String | True | Status of the contract. |
CreatedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who created the contract line. |
CreatedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | True | |
CreatedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the contract line was created. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the contractdetail. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
CustomerId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier for the account or contact associated with the contract line. |
CustomerId_LogicalName | String | False | |
CustomerId_Name | String | False | |
Discount | Double | False | Discount for the contract line. Specified as a monetary amount. |
Discount_Base | Double | True | Base currency equivalent of the discount for the contract line. |
DiscountPercentage | Double | False | Discount for the contract line. Specified as a percentage. |
EffectivityCalendar | String | False | Days of the week and times for which the contract line item is effective. |
ExchangeRate | Double | True | Exchange rate for the currency associated with the contract detail with respect to the base currency. |
ExpiresOn | Datetime | False | Date when the contract line item expires. |
ImportSequenceNumber | Integer | False | Unique identifier of the data import or data migration that created this record. |
InitialQuantity | Integer | False | Initial quantity of units allocated in the contract line item. |
LineItemOrder | Integer | False | Position of item in the list of contract line items. |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who last modified the contract line. |
ModifiedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | True | |
ModifiedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the contract line was last modified. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the contractdetail. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
Net | Double | True | Net price for the contract line. Net price is the total price minus any applicable discount. |
Net_Base | Double | True | Base currency equivalent of the net price for the contract line. |
OverriddenCreatedOn | Datetime | False | Date and time that the record was migrated. |
OwnerId_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user or team who owns the contract detail. |
OwnerId_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwnerId_Name | String | True | |
OwningBusinessUnit | String | True | Unique identifier of the business unit that owns the contract line. |
OwningUser | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who owns the contract line. |
Price | Double | False | Price of the contract line. |
Price_Base | Double | True | Base currency equivalent of the price of the contract line. |
ProductId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the product associated with the contract line. |
ProductId_LogicalName | String | False | |
ProductId_Name | String | False | |
ProductSerialNumber | String | False | Serial number of the product referenced in the contract line. |
Rate | Double | True | Billing rate for the contract line. |
Rate_Base | Double | True | Base currency equivalent of the billing rate for the contract line. |
ServiceAddress_Id | String | False | Address at which service is to be provided. |
ServiceAddress_LogicalName | String | False | |
ServiceAddress_Name | String | False | |
ServiceContractUnitsCode | String | False | Unique identifier of the product units specified on the contract line. |
StateCode | String | True | Status of the contract line item. |
StatusCode | String | False | Reason for the status of the contract line item. |
TimeZoneRuleVersionNumber | Integer | False | For internal use only. |
Title | String | False | Title of the contract line. |
TotalAllotments | Integer | False | Total allotments for the contract line. |
TransactionCurrencyId_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the currency associated with the contract detail. |
TransactionCurrencyId_LogicalName | String | True | |
TransactionCurrencyId_Name | String | True | |
UoMId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the unit associated with the contract line. |
UoMId_LogicalName | String | False | |
UoMId_Name | String | False | |
UoMScheduleId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the unit group associated with the contract line. |
UoMScheduleId_LogicalName | String | False | |
UoMScheduleId_Name | String | False | |
UTCConversionTimeZoneCode | Integer | False | Time zone code that was in use when the record was created. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the contract template. |
Abbreviation | String | False | Abbreviation of the contract template name. |
AllotmentTypeCode | String | False | Criteria for the contracts based on the template, such as number of cases, time, or coverage dates. |
BillingFrequencyCode | String | False | How often the customer or account is to be billed in contracts that are based on the template. |
ComponentState | String | True | For internal use only. |
ContractServiceLevelCode | String | False | Unique identifier of the level of service specified in contracts that are based on the template. |
ContractTemplateId | String | False | Unique identifier of the contract template. |
ContractTemplateIdUnique | String | True | For internal use only. |
CreatedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who created the contract template. |
CreatedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | True | |
CreatedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the contract template was created. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the contracttemplate. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
Description | String | False | Description of the contract template. |
EffectivityCalendar | String | False | Days of the week and times for which contracts based on the template are effective. |
ImportSequenceNumber | Integer | False | Unique identifier of the data import or data migration that created this record. |
IsManaged | Boolean | True | Indicates whether the solution component is part of a managed solution. |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who last modified the contract template. |
ModifiedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | True | |
ModifiedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the contract template was last modified. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the contracttemplate. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
Name | String | False | Name of the contract template. |
OrganizationId_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the organization associated with the contract template. |
OrganizationId_LogicalName | String | True | |
OrganizationId_Name | String | True | |
OverriddenCreatedOn | Datetime | False | Date and time that the record was migrated. |
OverwriteTime | Datetime | True | For internal use only. |
SolutionId | String | True | Unique identifier of the associated solution. |
UseDiscountAsPercentage | Boolean | False | Specifies whether the discount is a percentage or a monetary amount in contracts based on the template. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the customer address. |
AddressNumber | Integer | False | Specifies which customer address is applicable. |
AddressTypeCode | String | False | Type of address for the customer, such as billing, shipping, or primary address. |
City | String | False | City name in the customer address. |
Country | String | False | Country/region name in the customer address. |
County | String | False | County name in the customer address. |
CreatedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who created the customer address. |
CreatedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | True | |
CreatedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the customer address was created. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the customeraddress. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
CustomerAddressId | String | False | Unique identifier of the customer address. |
ExchangeRate | Double | True | Exchange rate for the currency associated with the customeraddress with respect to the base currency. |
Fax | String | False | Fax number for the customer address. |
FreightTermsCode | String | False | Freight terms for the customer address. |
ImportSequenceNumber | Integer | False | Unique identifier of the data import or data migration that created this record. |
Latitude | Double | False | Latitude for the customer address. |
Line1 | String | False | First line for entering address information. |
Line2 | String | False | Second line for entering address information. |
Line3 | String | False | Third line for entering address information. |
Longitude | Double | False | Longitude for the customer address. |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who last modified the customer address. |
ModifiedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | True | |
ModifiedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the customer address was last modified. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the customeraddress. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
Name | String | False | Name used to identify the customer address. |
ObjectTypeCode | String | False | Type of entity with which the customer address is associated. |
OverriddenCreatedOn | Datetime | False | Date and time that the record was migrated. |
OwnerId_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user or team who owns the customer address. |
OwnerId_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwnerId_Name | String | True | |
OwningBusinessUnit_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the business unit that owns the customer address. |
OwningBusinessUnit_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningBusinessUnit_Name | String | True | |
OwningUser_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who owns the customer address. |
OwningUser_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningUser_Name | String | True | |
ParentId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the parent object with which the customer address is associated. |
ParentId_LogicalName | String | False | |
ParentId_Name | String | False | |
PostalCode | String | False | ZIP Code or postal code in the customer address. |
PostOfficeBox | String | False | Post office box number in the customer address. |
PrimaryContactName | String | False | Name of the primary contact at the customer address. |
ShippingMethodCode | String | False | Method of shipment for the customer address. |
StateOrProvince | String | False | State or province in the customer address. |
Telephone1 | String | False | First telephone number for the customer address. |
Telephone2 | String | False | Second telephone number for the customer address. |
Telephone3 | String | False | Third telephone number for the customer address. |
TimeZoneRuleVersionNumber | Integer | False | For internal use only. |
TransactionCurrencyId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the currency associated with the customeraddress. |
TransactionCurrencyId_LogicalName | String | False | |
TransactionCurrencyId_Name | String | False | |
UPSZone | String | False | United Parcel Service (UPS) zone for the address of the customer. |
UTCConversionTimeZoneCode | Integer | False | Time zone code that was in use when the record was created. |
UTCOffset | Integer | False | UTC offset for the address. This is the difference between local time and standard Coordinated Universal Time. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the opportunity relationship. |
CreatedBy_Id | String | True | Unique Identifier of the user who created the opportunity relationship. |
CreatedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | True | |
CreatedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the opportunity relationship was created. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the customer opportunity role. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
CustomerId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the customer for the opportunity relationship. |
CustomerId_LogicalName | String | False | |
CustomerId_Name | String | False | |
CustomerOpportunityRoleId | String | False | Unique identifier of the opportunity relationship. |
Description | String | False | Description of the opportunity relationship. |
ImportSequenceNumber | Integer | False | Unique identifier of the data import or data migration that created this record. |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who last modified the opportunity relationship. |
ModifiedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | True | |
ModifiedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the opportunity relationship was last modified. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the customeropportunityrole. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
OpportunityId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the opportunity for the opportunity relationship. |
OpportunityId_LogicalName | String | False | |
OpportunityId_Name | String | False | |
OpportunityRoleId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier for role the customer plays with the opportunity. |
OpportunityRoleId_LogicalName | String | False | |
OpportunityRoleId_Name | String | False | |
OpportunityStateCode | Integer | True | Status of the opportunity. |
OpportunityStatusCode | Integer | True | Reason for the status of the opportunity. |
OverriddenCreatedOn | Datetime | False | Date and time that the record was migrated. |
OwnerId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the user or team who owns the customer opportunity role. |
OwnerId_LogicalName | String | False | |
OwnerId_Name | String | False | |
OwningBusinessUnit_Id | String | True | Unique identifier for the business unit that owns the customer opportunity role. |
OwningBusinessUnit_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningBusinessUnit_Name | String | True | |
OwningTeam_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the team who owns the customer opportunity role. |
OwningTeam_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningTeam_Name | String | True | |
OwningUser_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who owns the customer opportunity role. |
OwningUser_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningUser_Name | String | True |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the customer relationship. |
ConverseRelationshipId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the converse relationship of the customer relationship. |
ConverseRelationshipId_LogicalName | String | False | |
ConverseRelationshipId_Name | String | False | |
CreatedBy_Id | String | True | Unique Identifier of the user who created the customer relationship. |
CreatedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | True | |
CreatedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the customer relationship was created. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the customerrelationship. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
CustomerId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the primary customer in the relationship. |
CustomerId_LogicalName | String | False | |
CustomerId_Name | String | False | |
CustomerRelationshipId | String | False | Unique identifier of the customer relationship. |
CustomerRoleDescription | String | False | Description of the customer and the customer's role in this relationship. |
CustomerRoleId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the customer role. |
CustomerRoleId_LogicalName | String | False | |
CustomerRoleId_Name | String | False | |
ImportSequenceNumber | Integer | False | Unique identifier of the data import or data migration that created this record. |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who last modified the customer relationship. |
ModifiedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | True | |
ModifiedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the customer relationship was last modified. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the customerrelationship. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
OverriddenCreatedOn | Datetime | False | Date and time that the record was migrated. |
OwnerId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the user or team who owns the customer relationship. |
OwnerId_LogicalName | String | False | |
OwnerId_Name | String | False | |
OwningBusinessUnit_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the business unit that owns the customer relationship. |
OwningBusinessUnit_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningBusinessUnit_Name | String | True | |
OwningTeam_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the team who owns the customer relationship. |
OwningTeam_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningTeam_Name | String | True | |
OwningUser_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who owns the customer relationship. |
OwningUser_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningUser_Name | String | True | |
PartnerId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the secondary customer in the relationship. |
PartnerId_LogicalName | String | False | |
PartnerId_Name | String | False | |
PartnerRoleDescription | String | False | Description of the customer and the customer's role in this relationship. |
PartnerRoleId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the relationship role of the secondary customer. |
PartnerRoleId_LogicalName | String | False | |
PartnerRoleId_Name | String | False |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the dependency. |
DependencyId | String | True | Unique identifier of a dependency. |
DependencyType | String | True | The dependency type of the dependency. |
DependentComponentBaseSolutionId | String | True | |
DependentComponentNodeId_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the dependent component's node. |
DependentComponentNodeId_LogicalName | String | True | |
DependentComponentNodeId_Name | String | True | |
DependentComponentObjectId | String | True | |
DependentComponentParentId | String | True | |
DependentComponentType | String | True | |
RequiredComponentBaseSolutionId | String | True | |
RequiredComponentNodeId_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the required component's node |
RequiredComponentNodeId_LogicalName | String | True | |
RequiredComponentNodeId_Name | String | True | |
RequiredComponentObjectId | String | True | |
RequiredComponentParentId | String | True | |
RequiredComponentType | String | True |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the node. |
BaseSolutionId_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who created the solution |
BaseSolutionId_LogicalName | String | True | |
BaseSolutionId_Name | String | True | |
ComponentType | String | True | The type code of the component. |
DependencyNodeId | String | True | Unique identifier of the dependency node. |
IsSharedComponent | Boolean | True | Whether this component is shared by two solutions with the same publisher. |
ObjectId | String | False | Unique identifier of the object with which the node is associated. |
ParentId | String | True | Unique identifier of the parent entity. |
TopSolutionId_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the top solution. |
TopSolutionId_LogicalName | String | True | |
TopSolutionId_Name | String | True |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the discount. |
Amount | Double | False | Amount of the discount, specified either as a percentage or as a monetary amount. |
Amount_Base | Double | True | Base currency equivalent of the amount of the discount. |
CreatedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who created the discount. |
CreatedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | True | |
CreatedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the discount was created. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the discount. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
DiscountId | String | False | Unique identifier of the discount. |
DiscountTypeId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the discount list associated with the discount. |
DiscountTypeId_LogicalName | String | False | |
DiscountTypeId_Name | String | False | |
ExchangeRate | Double | True | Exchange rate for the currency associated with the discount with respect to the base currency. |
HighQuantity | Double | False | Upper boundary for the quantity range to which a particular discount can be applied. |
ImportSequenceNumber | Integer | False | Unique identifier of the data import or data migration that created this record. |
IsAmountType | Boolean | True | Specifies whether the discount is specified as a monetary amount or a percentage. |
LowQuantity | Double | False | Lower boundary for the quantity range to which a particular discount is applied. |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who last modified the discount. |
ModifiedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | True | |
ModifiedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the discount was last modified. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the discount. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
OrganizationId | String | True | Unique identifier of the organization associated with the discount. |
OverriddenCreatedOn | Datetime | False | Date and time that the record was migrated. |
Percentage | Double | False | Percentage discount value. |
StatusCode | String | False | Reason for the status of the discount. |
TransactionCurrencyId_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the currency associated with the discount. |
TransactionCurrencyId_LogicalName | String | True | |
TransactionCurrencyId_Name | String | True |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the discount list. |
CreatedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who created the discount list. |
CreatedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | True | |
CreatedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the discount list was created. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the discounttype. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
Description | String | False | Description of the discount list. |
DiscountTypeId | String | False | Unique identifier of the discount list. |
ImportSequenceNumber | Integer | False | Unique identifier of the data import or data migration that created this record. |
IsAmountType | Boolean | False | Information about whether the discount list amounts are specified as monetary amounts or percentages. |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who last modified the discount list. |
ModifiedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | True | |
ModifiedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the discount list was last modified. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the discounttype. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
Name | String | False | Name of the discount list. |
OrganizationId_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the organization associated with the discount list. |
OrganizationId_LogicalName | String | True | |
OrganizationId_Name | String | True | |
OverriddenCreatedOn | Datetime | False | Date and time that the record was migrated. |
StateCode | String | True | Status of the discount list. |
StatusCode | String | False | Reason for the status of the discount list. |
TransactionCurrencyId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the currency associated with the discount type. |
TransactionCurrencyId_LogicalName | String | False | |
TransactionCurrencyId_Name | String | False |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the display string. |
ComponentState | String | True | For internal use only. |
CreatedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who created the display string. |
CreatedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | True | |
CreatedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the display string was created. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the display string. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
CustomComment | String | False | Comment for a customized display string. |
CustomDisplayString | String | False | Customized display string. |
DisplayStringId | String | False | Unique identifier of the display string. |
DisplayStringIdUnique | String | True | For internal use only. |
DisplayStringKey | String | True | For internal use only. |
FormatParameters | Integer | True | Parameters used for formatting the display string. |
IsManaged | Boolean | True | |
LanguageCode | Integer | False | Language code of the display string. |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who last modified the display string. |
ModifiedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | True | |
ModifiedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the display string was last modified. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the displaystring. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
OrganizationId_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the organization associated with the display string. |
OrganizationId_LogicalName | String | True | |
OrganizationId_Name | String | True | |
OverwriteTime | Datetime | True | For internal use only. |
PublishedDisplayString | String | True | Published display string. |
SolutionId | String | True | Unique identifier of the associated solution. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the display string map. |
ComponentState | String | True | For internal use only. |
DisplayStringId | String | False | Unique identifier of the display string. |
DisplayStringMapId | String | False | Unique identifier of the display string map. |
DisplayStringMapIdUnique | String | True | For internal use only. |
IsManaged | Boolean | True | |
ObjectTypeCode | Integer | False | Type of entity with which the note is associated. |
OverwriteTime | Datetime | True | For internal use only. |
SolutionId | String | True | Unique identifier of the associated solution. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the indexed article. |
CreatedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who created the indexed article. |
CreatedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | True | |
CreatedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the indexed article was created. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the documentindex. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
DocumentId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the document. |
DocumentId_LogicalName | String | False | |
DocumentId_Name | String | False | |
DocumentIndexId | String | False | Unique identifier of the indexed article. |
DocumentTypeCode | String | False | For internal use only. |
IsPublished | Boolean | False | Flag indicating that the document is published. |
KeyWords | String | False | Keywords for the document. |
Location | String | False | Location of the document. |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who last modified the indexed article. |
ModifiedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | True | |
ModifiedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the indexed article was last modified. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the documentindex. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
Number | String | False | For internal use only. |
OrganizationId_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the organization associated with the indexed article. |
OrganizationId_LogicalName | String | True | |
OrganizationId_Name | String | True | |
SearchText | String | False | For internal use only. |
SubjectId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the subject associated with the indexed article. |
SubjectId_LogicalName | String | False | |
SubjectId_Name | String | False | |
Title | String | False | Title of the indexed article. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the duplicate record. |
AsyncOperationId_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the system job that created this record. |
AsyncOperationId_LogicalName | String | True | |
AsyncOperationId_Name | String | True | |
BaseRecordId_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the base record. |
BaseRecordId_LogicalName | String | True | |
BaseRecordId_Name | String | True | |
CreatedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the duplicate record was created. |
DuplicateId | String | False | Unique identifier of the duplicate record. |
DuplicateRecordId_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the potential duplicate record. |
DuplicateRecordId_LogicalName | String | True | |
DuplicateRecordId_Name | String | True | |
DuplicateRuleId_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the duplicate rule against which this duplicate was found. |
DuplicateRuleId_LogicalName | String | True | |
DuplicateRuleId_Name | String | True | |
OwnerId_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user or team who owns the duplicate record. |
OwnerId_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwnerId_Name | String | True | |
OwningBusinessUnit | String | True | Unique identifier of the business unit that owns the duplicate record. |
OwningUser | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who owns the duplicate record. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the duplicate detection rule. |
BaseEntityMatchCodeTable | String | True | Database table that stores match codes for the record type being evaluated for potential duplicates. |
BaseEntityName | String | False | Record type of the record being evaluated for potential duplicates. |
BaseEntityTypeCode | String | True | Record type of the record being evaluated for potential duplicates. |
CreatedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who created the duplicate detection rule. |
CreatedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | True | |
CreatedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the duplicate detection rule was created. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the duplicaterule. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
Description | String | False | Description of the duplicate detection rule. |
DuplicateRuleId | String | False | Unique identifier of the duplicate detection rule. |
IsCaseSensitive | Boolean | False | Indicates if the operator is case-sensitive. |
MatchingEntityMatchCodeTable | String | True | Database table that stores match codes for potential duplicate records. |
MatchingEntityName | String | False | Record type of the records being evaluated as potential duplicates. |
MatchingEntityTypeCode | String | True | Record type of the records being evaluated as potential duplicates. |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who last modified the duplicate detection rule. |
ModifiedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | True | |
ModifiedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the duplicate detection rule was last modified. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the duplicaterule. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
Name | String | False | Name of the duplicate detection rule. |
OwnerId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the user or team who owns the duplicate detection rule. |
OwnerId_LogicalName | String | False | |
OwnerId_Name | String | False | |
OwningBusinessUnit_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the business unit that owns duplicate detection rule. |
OwningBusinessUnit_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningBusinessUnit_Name | String | True | |
OwningTeam_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the team who owns the duplicate detection rule. |
OwningTeam_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningTeam_Name | String | True | |
OwningUser_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who owns the duplicate detection rule. |
OwningUser_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningUser_Name | String | True | |
StateCode | String | True | Status of the duplicate detection rule. |
StatusCode | String | False | Reason for the status of the duplicate detection rule. |
TimeZoneRuleVersionNumber | Integer | False | For internal use only. |
UTCConversionTimeZoneCode | Integer | False | Time zone code that was in use when the record was created. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the condition. |
BaseAttributeName | String | False | Field that is being compared. |
CreatedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who created the condition. |
CreatedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | True | |
CreatedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the condition was created. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the duplicate rule condition. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
DuplicateRuleConditionId | String | False | Unique identifier of the condition. |
MatchingAttributeName | String | False | Field that is being compared with the base field. |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who last modified the condition. |
ModifiedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | True | |
ModifiedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the condition was last modified. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the duplicate rule condition. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
OperatorCode | String | False | Operator for this rule condition. |
OperatorParam | Integer | False | Parameter value of N if the operator is Same First Characters or Same Last Characters. |
OwnerId_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user or team who owns the duplicate rule condition. |
OwnerId_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwnerId_Name | String | True | |
OwningBusinessUnit | String | True | Unique identifier of the business unit that owns the condition. |
OwningUser | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who owns the condition. |
RegardingObjectId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the object with which the condition is associated. |
RegardingObjectId_LogicalName | String | False | |
RegardingObjectId_Name | String | False |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the email. |
ActivityId | String | False | Unique identifier of the email activity. |
ActivityTypeCode | String | True | Type of activity. |
ActualDurationMinutes | Integer | False | Duration of the email activity specified in minutes. |
ActualEnd | Datetime | False | Time when the email activity ends. |
ActualStart | Datetime | False | Time when the email activity begins. |
bcc_Ids | String | False | Blind carbon copy (BCC) recipients. |
bcc_LogicalNames | String | False | |
bcc_Names | String | False | |
Category | String | False | Category of the activity. |
cc_Ids | String | False | Carbon copy (CC) recipients. |
cc_LogicalNames | String | False | |
cc_Names | String | False | |
Compressed | Boolean | True | Indicates if the body is compressed. |
CreatedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who created the email activity. |
CreatedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | True | |
CreatedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the email activity was created. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the email. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
DeliveryAttempts | Integer | False | Number of attempts made to deliver the email. |
DeliveryReceiptRequested | Boolean | False | Delivery receipt requested. |
Description | String | False | Main body text of the email. |
DirectionCode | Boolean | False | Direction code for the email: incoming or outgoing. |
ExchangeRate | Double | True | Exchange rate for the currency associated with the email with respect to the base currency. |
from_Ids | String | False | Who the email is from. |
from_LogicalNames | String | False | |
from_Names | String | False | |
ImportSequenceNumber | Integer | False | Unique identifier of the data import or data migration that created this record. |
IsBilled | Boolean | False | Information regarding whether the email activity was billed as part of resolving a case. |
IsRegularActivity | Boolean | True | Information regarding whether the activity is a regular activity type or event type. |
IsWorkflowCreated | Boolean | False | Indication if the email was created by a workflow rule. |
MessageId | String | False | Unique identifier of the email message. Used only for email that is received. |
MimeType | String | False | MIME type of the email message data. |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who last modified the email activity. |
ModifiedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | True | |
ModifiedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the email activity was last modified. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the email. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
Notifications | String | False | Notifications for detail form. |
OverriddenCreatedOn | Datetime | False | Date and time that the record was migrated. |
OwnerId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the user or team who owns the email activity. |
OwnerId_LogicalName | String | False | |
OwnerId_Name | String | False | |
OwningBusinessUnit_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the business unit that owns the email activity. |
OwningBusinessUnit_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningBusinessUnit_Name | String | True | |
OwningTeam_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the team who owns the email activity. |
OwningTeam_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningTeam_Name | String | True | |
OwningUser_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who owns the email activity. |
OwningUser_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningUser_Name | String | True | |
PriorityCode | String | False | Priority code of the email. |
ReadReceiptRequested | Boolean | False | Indicates that a read receipt is requested. |
RegardingObjectId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the object with which the email is associated. |
RegardingObjectId_LogicalName | String | False | |
RegardingObjectId_Name | String | False | |
ScheduledDurationMinutes | Integer | True | Scheduled duration of the email activity, specified in minutes. |
ScheduledEnd | Datetime | False | Scheduled end time of the email activity. |
ScheduledStart | Datetime | False | Scheduled start time of the email activity. |
Sender | String | False | Sender of the email. |
ServiceId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier for the associated service. |
ServiceId_LogicalName | String | False | |
ServiceId_Name | String | False | |
StateCode | String | True | Status of the email activity. |
StatusCode | String | False | Reason for the status of the email activity. |
Subcategory | String | False | Subcategory of the email activity. |
Subject | String | False | Subject associated with the email activity. |
SubmittedBy | String | False | email delivery source. |
TimeZoneRuleVersionNumber | Integer | False | For internal use only. |
to_Ids | String | False | Recipient party list for the email, and references recipient records such as users and queues. |
to_LogicalNames | String | False | |
to_Names | String | False | |
ToRecipients | String | False | String that lists email addresses corresponding to the recipients. |
TrackingToken | String | False | Tracking token number. |
TransactionCurrencyId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the currency associated with the email. |
TransactionCurrencyId_LogicalName | String | False | |
TransactionCurrencyId_Name | String | False | |
UTCConversionTimeZoneCode | Integer | False | Time zone code that was in use when the record was created. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the email hash. |
ActivityId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the activity with which the hash is associated. |
ActivityId_LogicalName | String | False | |
ActivityId_Name | String | False | |
EmailHashId | String | False | Unique identifier of the email hash. |
Hash | Integer | False | Hash value. |
HashType | Integer | False | Hash type. |
OwnerId_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user or team who owns the email hash. |
OwnerId_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwnerId_Name | String | True | |
OwningBusinessUnit | String | True | Unique identifier of the business unit that owns the email hash. |
OwningUser | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who owns the email hash. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the email search entry. |
EmailAddress | String | False | The email address. |
EmailSearchId | String | False | Unique identifier of the email search entry. |
ParentObjectId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the parent object with which the email address is associated. |
ParentObjectId_LogicalName | String | False | |
ParentObjectId_Name | String | False |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the entity map. |
ComponentState | String | True | For internal use only. |
CreatedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who created the entity map. |
CreatedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | True | |
CreatedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the entity map was created. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the entitymap. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
EntityMapId | String | False | Unique identifier of the entity map. |
EntityMapIdUnique | String | True | For internal use only. |
IsManaged | Boolean | True | |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who last modified the entity map. |
ModifiedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | True | |
ModifiedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the entity map was last modified. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the entitymap. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
OrganizationId_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the organization with which the entity map is associated. |
OrganizationId_LogicalName | String | True | |
OrganizationId_Name | String | True | |
OverwriteTime | Datetime | True | For internal use only. |
SolutionId | String | True | Unique identifier of the associated solution. |
SourceEntityName | String | False | Name of the source entity for the entity mapping. |
TargetEntityName | String | False | Name of the Microsoft Dynamics CRM entity. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the facility/equipment. |
BusinessUnitId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the associated business unit. |
BusinessUnitId_LogicalName | String | False | |
BusinessUnitId_Name | String | False | |
CalendarId_Id | String | False | Fiscal calendar associated with the facility/equipment. |
CalendarId_LogicalName | String | False | |
CalendarId_Name | String | False | |
CreatedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who created the facility/equipment entry. |
CreatedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | True | |
CreatedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the facility/equipment entry was created. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the equipment. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
Description | String | False | Description of the facility/equipment. |
DisplayInServiceViews | Boolean | False | For internal use only. |
EMailAddress | String | False | Email address of person to contact about the use of the facility/equipment. |
EquipmentId | String | False | Unique identifier of the facility/equipment. |
ExchangeRate | Double | True | Exchange rate for the currency associated with the equipment with respect to the base currency. |
ImportSequenceNumber | Integer | False | Unique identifier of the data import or data migration that created this record. |
IsDisabled | Boolean | False | Whether the facility/equipment is disabled or operational. |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who last modified the facility/equipment. |
ModifiedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | True | |
ModifiedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the facility/equipment entry was last modified. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the equipment. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
Name | String | False | Name of the facility/equipment. |
OrganizationId_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the parent business unit. |
OrganizationId_LogicalName | String | True | |
OrganizationId_Name | String | True | |
OverriddenCreatedOn | Datetime | False | Date and time that the record was migrated. |
SiteId_Id | String | False | Site where the facility/equipment is located. |
SiteId_LogicalName | String | False | |
SiteId_Name | String | False | |
Skills | String | False | Skills needed to operate the facility/equipment. |
TimeZoneCode | Integer | False | Local time zone where the facility/equipment is located. |
TimeZoneRuleVersionNumber | Integer | False | For internal use only. |
TransactionCurrencyId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the currency associated with the equipment. |
TransactionCurrencyId_LogicalName | String | False | |
TransactionCurrencyId_Name | String | False | |
UTCConversionTimeZoneCode | Integer | False | Time zone code that was in use when the record was created. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the fax activity. |
ActivityId | String | False | Unique identifier of the fax activity. |
ActivityTypeCode | String | True | Type of activity. |
ActualDurationMinutes | Integer | False | Actual duration of the fax activity in minutes. |
ActualEnd | Datetime | False | Actual end time of the fax activity. |
ActualStart | Datetime | False | Actual start time of the fax activity. |
BillingCode | String | False | Billing code associated with the sender. |
Category | String | False | Category of the fax activity. |
CoverPageName | String | False | Name of a cover page to use when sending a fax. |
CreatedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who created the fax activity. |
CreatedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | True | |
CreatedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the fax activity was created. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the fax. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
Description | String | False | Description of the fax activity. |
DirectionCode | Boolean | False | Direction code for the fax; incoming or outgoing. |
ExchangeRate | Double | True | Exchange rate for the currency associated with the fax with respect to the base currency. |
FaxNumber | String | False | Telephone number of the receiving fax equipment. |
from_Ids | String | False | Who the fax is from. |
from_LogicalNames | String | False | |
from_Names | String | False | |
ImportSequenceNumber | Integer | False | Unique identifier of the data import or data migration that created this record. |
IsBilled | Boolean | False | Information regarding whether the fax activity was billed as part of resolving a case. |
IsRegularActivity | Boolean | True | Information regarding whether the activity is a regular activity type or event type. |
IsWorkflowCreated | Boolean | False | Indication of whether the fax activity was created by a workflow rule. |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who last modified the fax activity. |
ModifiedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | True | |
ModifiedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the fax activity was last modified. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the fax. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
NumberOfPages | Integer | False | Number of pages in the fax. |
OverriddenCreatedOn | Datetime | False | Date and time that the record was migrated. |
OwnerId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the user or team who owns the fax activity. |
OwnerId_LogicalName | String | False | |
OwnerId_Name | String | False | |
OwningBusinessUnit_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the business unit that owns the fax activity. |
OwningBusinessUnit_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningBusinessUnit_Name | String | True | |
OwningTeam_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the team that owns the fax activity. |
OwningTeam_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningTeam_Name | String | True | |
OwningUser_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user that owns the fax activity. |
OwningUser_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningUser_Name | String | True | |
PriorityCode | String | False | Priority code of the fax activity. |
RegardingObjectId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the object with which the fax activity is associated. |
RegardingObjectId_LogicalName | String | False | |
RegardingObjectId_Name | String | False | |
ScheduledDurationMinutes | Integer | True | Scheduled duration of the fax activity, specified in minutes. |
ScheduledEnd | Datetime | False | Scheduled end time of the fax activity. |
ScheduledStart | Datetime | False | Scheduled start time of the fax activity. |
ServiceId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier for an associated service. |
ServiceId_LogicalName | String | False | |
ServiceId_Name | String | False | |
StateCode | String | True | Status of the fax activity. |
StatusCode | String | False | Reason for the status of the fax activity. |
Subcategory | String | False | Subcategory of the fax activity. |
Subject | String | False | Subject associated with the fax activity. |
TimeZoneRuleVersionNumber | Integer | False | For internal use only. |
to_Ids | String | False | Person who is the receiver of the fax. |
to_LogicalNames | String | False | |
to_Names | String | False | |
TransactionCurrencyId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the currency associated with the fax. |
TransactionCurrencyId_LogicalName | String | False | |
TransactionCurrencyId_Name | String | False | |
Tsid | String | False | Transmitting station identifier (TSID) associated with a send action. |
UTCConversionTimeZoneCode | Integer | False | Time zone code that was in use when the record was created. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the attribute. |
AttributeLogicalName | String | False | Attribute name. |
CanCreate | String | False | Can this Profile create the attribute |
CanRead | String | False | Can this Profile read the attribute |
CanUpdate | String | False | Can this Profile update the attribute |
ComponentState | String | True | For internal use only. |
EntityName | Integer | False | Entity name. |
FieldPermissionId | String | False | Unique identifier of the Field Permission. |
FieldPermissionIdUnique | String | True | For internal use only. |
FieldSecurityProfileId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of profile to which this privilege belongs. |
FieldSecurityProfileId_LogicalName | String | False | |
FieldSecurityProfileId_Name | String | False | |
IsManaged | Boolean | True | Indicates whether the solution component is part of a managed solution. |
OrganizationId_Id | String | True | Unique identifier for the organization |
OrganizationId_LogicalName | String | True | |
OrganizationId_Name | String | True | |
OverwriteTime | Datetime | True | For internal use only. |
SolutionId | String | True | Unique identifier of the associated solution. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the profile. |
ComponentState | String | True | For internal use only. |
CreatedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who created the profile. |
CreatedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | True | |
CreatedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the profile was created. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the role. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
Description | String | False | Description of the Profile |
FieldSecurityProfileId | String | False | Unique identifier of the profile. |
FieldSecurityProfileIdUnique | String | True | For internal use only. |
IsManaged | Boolean | True | Indicates whether the solution component is part of a managed solution. |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who last modified the profile. |
ModifiedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | True | |
ModifiedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the profile was last modified. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the profile. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
Name | String | False | Name of the profile. |
OrganizationId_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the associated organization. |
OrganizationId_LogicalName | String | True | |
OrganizationId_Name | String | True | |
OverwriteTime | Datetime | True | For internal use only. |
SolutionId | String | True | Unique identifier of the associated solution. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the filter template. |
Description | String | False | For internal use only. |
FetchXml | String | False | String that specifies the filter template in Fetch XML language. |
FilterTemplateId | String | False | Unique identifier of the filter template. |
Name | String | False | Name of the filter template. |
QueryType | Integer | False | For internal use only. |
ReturnedTypeCode | Integer | False | For internal use only. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the fixed monthly fiscal calendar. |
BusinessUnitId_Id | String | True | Business unit responsible for the quota associated with this calendar. |
BusinessUnitId_LogicalName | String | True | |
BusinessUnitId_Name | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who created the fiscal calendar. |
CreatedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | True | |
CreatedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the quota for the fixed monthly fiscal calendar was created. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the FixedMonthlyFiscalCalendar. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
EffectiveOn | Datetime | False | Date and time when the fixed monthly fiscal calendar sales quota takes effect. |
ExchangeRate | Double | True | Exchange rate for the currency associated with the fixed monthly fiscal calendar with respect to the base currency. |
FiscalPeriodType | Integer | True | Type of fiscal period used in the fixed monthly fiscal calendar sales quota. |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who last modified the fixed monthly fiscal calendar. |
ModifiedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | True | |
ModifiedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the fixed monthly fiscal calendar was last modified. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the FixedMonthlyFiscalCalendar. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
Period1 | Double | False | Sales quota for the first period in the fiscal year. |
Period1_Base | Double | True | Base currency equivalent of the sales quota for the first period in the fiscal year. |
Period10 | Double | False | Sales quota for the tenth period in the fiscal year. |
Period10_Base | Double | True | Base currency equivalent of the sales quota for the tenth period in the fiscal year. |
Period11 | Double | False | Sales quota for the eleventh period in the fiscal year. |
Period11_Base | Double | True | Base currency equivalent of the sales quota for the eleventh period in the fiscal year. |
Period12 | Double | False | Sales quota for the twelfth period in the fiscal year. |
Period12_Base | Double | True | Base currency equivalent of the sales quota for the twelfth period in the fiscal year. |
Period13 | Double | False | Sales quota for the thirteenth period in the fiscal year. |
Period13_Base | Double | True | Base currency equivalent of the sales quota for the thirteenth period in the fiscal year. |
Period2 | Double | False | Sales quota for the second period in the fiscal year. |
Period2_Base | Double | True | Base currency equivalent of the sales quota for the second period in the fiscal year. |
Period3 | Double | False | Sales quota for the third period in the fiscal year. |
Period3_Base | Double | True | Base currency equivalent of the sales quota for the third period in the fiscal year. |
Period4 | Double | False | Sales quota for the fourth period in the fiscal year. |
Period4_Base | Double | True | Base currency equivalent of the sales quota for the fourth period in the fiscal year. |
Period5 | Double | False | Sales quota for the fifth period in the fiscal year. |
Period5_Base | Double | True | Base currency equivalent of the sales quota for the fifth period in the fiscal year. |
Period6 | Double | False | Sales quota for the sixth period in the fiscal year. |
Period6_Base | Double | True | Base currency equivalent of the sales quota for the sixth period in the fiscal year. |
Period7 | Double | False | Sales quota for the seventh period in the fiscal year. |
Period7_Base | Double | True | Base currency equivalent of the sales quota for the seventh period in the fiscal year. |
Period8 | Double | False | Sales quota for the eighth period in the fiscal year. |
Period8_Base | Double | True | Base currency equivalent of the sales quota for the eighth period in the fiscal year. |
Period9 | Double | False | Sales quota for the ninth period in the fiscal year. |
Period9_Base | Double | True | Base currency equivalent of the sales quota for the ninth period in the fiscal year. |
SalesPersonId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the associated salesperson. |
SalesPersonId_LogicalName | String | False | |
SalesPersonId_Name | String | False | |
TimeZoneRuleVersionNumber | Integer | False | For internal use only. |
TransactionCurrencyId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the currency associated with the fixed monthly fiscal calendar. |
TransactionCurrencyId_LogicalName | String | False | |
TransactionCurrencyId_Name | String | False | |
UserFiscalCalendarId | String | False | Unique identifier of the user of the fiscal calendar. |
UTCConversionTimeZoneCode | Integer | False | Time zone code that was in use when the record was created. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the goal. |
ActualDecimal | Double | False | Actual value (decimal type) against the target. |
ActualInteger | Integer | False | Actual value (integer type) against the target. |
ActualMoney | Double | False | Actual value (money type) against the target. |
ActualMoney_Base | Double | True | Actual value (money type) in base currency against the target. |
ActualString | String | True | Actual Value of the goal. |
AmountDataType | String | False | Data type of the amount. |
ComputedTargetAsOfTodayDecimal | Double | True | A system-generated expected amount for Actual (decimal) against the target goal. |
ComputedTargetAsOfTodayInteger | Integer | True | A system-generated expected amount for Actual (integer) against the target goal. |
ComputedTargetAsOfTodayMoney | Double | True | A system-generated expected amount for Actual (money) against the target goal. |
ComputedTargetAsOfTodayMoney_Base | Double | True | A system-generated expected amount in base currency for Actual (money) against the target goal. |
ComputedTargetAsOfTodayPercentageAchieved | Double | True | A system-generated expected value for percentage achieved against the target goal. |
ConsiderOnlyGoalOwnersRecords | Boolean | False | Indicates whether only the goal owner's records, or all records, will be rolled up. |
CreatedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who created the record. |
CreatedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | True | |
CreatedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the record was created. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the record. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
CustomRollupFieldDecimal | Double | False | Placeholder rollup field for value (decimal) against the target. |
CustomRollupFieldInteger | Integer | False | Placeholder rollup field for value (integer) against the target. |
CustomRollupFieldMoney | Double | False | Placeholder rollup field for value (money) against the target. |
CustomRollupFieldMoney_Base | Double | True | Placeholder rollup field for value (money) in base currency against the target. |
CustomRollupFieldString | String | True | Placeholder rollup field for the goal. |
Depth | Integer | True | Depth of the goal in the tree. |
ExchangeRate | Double | True | Exchange rate between the currency associated with the entity and the base currency. |
FiscalPeriod | String | False | Fiscal period for the goal. |
FiscalYear | String | False | Fiscal year for the goal. |
GoalEndDate | Datetime | False | End date for the goal period. |
GoalId | String | False | Unique identifier of the goal. |
GoalOwnerId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the user or team who needs to meet the goal. |
GoalOwnerId_LogicalName | String | False | |
GoalOwnerId_Name | String | False | |
GoalStartDate | Datetime | False | Start date for the goal period. |
GoalWithErrorId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the goal that caused an error in the rollup of the goal hierarchy. |
GoalWithErrorId_LogicalName | String | False | |
GoalWithErrorId_Name | String | False | |
ImportSequenceNumber | Integer | False | Sequence number of the import that created this record. |
InProgressDecimal | Double | False | In-progress value (decimal) against the target. |
InProgressInteger | Integer | False | In-progress value (integer) against the target. |
InProgressMoney | Double | False | In-progress value (money) against the target. |
InProgressMoney_Base | Double | True | In-progress value (money) in base currency against the goal. |
InProgressString | String | True | In-progress value of the goal. |
IsAmount | Boolean | False | Indicates whether the metric type is Count or Amount. |
IsFiscalPeriodGoal | Boolean | False | Indicates whether the goal period is a fiscal period or a custom period. |
IsOverridden | Boolean | False | Indicates whether the system rollup fields are updated. If set to Yes, system rollup will not update the values of the rollup fields. |
IsOverride | Boolean | False | Indicates whether the values of system rollup fields can be updated. |
LastRolledupDate | Datetime | False | Date and time when the data for this goal was last rolled up. |
MetricId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the metric associated with the goal. |
MetricId_LogicalName | String | False | |
MetricId_Name | String | False | |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who modified the record. |
ModifiedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | True | |
ModifiedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the record was modified. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who modified the record. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
OverriddenCreatedOn | Datetime | False | Date and time that the record was migrated. |
OwnerId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the manager of the goal. |
OwnerId_LogicalName | String | False | |
OwnerId_Name | String | False | |
OwningBusinessUnit_Id | String | True | Unique identifier for the business unit that owns the record. |
OwningBusinessUnit_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningBusinessUnit_Name | String | True | |
OwningTeam_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the team who owns the goal. |
OwningTeam_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningTeam_Name | String | True | |
OwningUser_Id | String | True | Unique identifier for the user who owns the record. |
OwningUser_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningUser_Name | String | True | |
ParentGoalId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the parent goal to which the goal is connected. |
ParentGoalId_LogicalName | String | False | |
ParentGoalId_Name | String | False | |
Percentage | Double | False | Percentage achieved against the target goal. |
RollupErrorCode | Integer | False | Error code associated with rollup. |
RollupOnlyFromChildGoals | Boolean | False | Indicates whether the data should be rolled up only from the child goals. |
RollUpQueryActualDecimalId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the rollup query for the actual (decimal) rollup field. |
RollUpQueryActualDecimalId_LogicalName | String | False | |
RollUpQueryActualDecimalId_Name | String | False | |
RollupQueryActualIntegerId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the rollup query for the actual (integer) rollup field. |
RollupQueryActualIntegerId_LogicalName | String | False | |
RollupQueryActualIntegerId_Name | String | False | |
RollUpQueryActualMoneyId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the rollup query for the actual (money) rollup field. |
RollUpQueryActualMoneyId_LogicalName | String | False | |
RollUpQueryActualMoneyId_Name | String | False | |
RollUpQueryCustomDecimalId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the rollup query for the custom rollup field (decimal). |
RollUpQueryCustomDecimalId_LogicalName | String | False | |
RollUpQueryCustomDecimalId_Name | String | False | |
RollUpQueryCustomIntegerId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the rollup query for the custom rollup field (integer). |
RollUpQueryCustomIntegerId_LogicalName | String | False | |
RollUpQueryCustomIntegerId_Name | String | False | |
RollUpQueryCustomMoneyId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the rollup query for the custom rollup field (money). |
RollUpQueryCustomMoneyId_LogicalName | String | False | |
RollUpQueryCustomMoneyId_Name | String | False | |
RollUpQueryInprogressDecimalId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the rollup query for the in-progress (decimal) rollup field. |
RollUpQueryInprogressDecimalId_LogicalName | String | False | |
RollUpQueryInprogressDecimalId_Name | String | False | |
RollUpQueryInprogressIntegerId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the rollup query for the in-progress (integer) rollup field. |
RollUpQueryInprogressIntegerId_LogicalName | String | False | |
RollUpQueryInprogressIntegerId_Name | String | False | |
RollUpQueryInprogressMoneyId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the rollup query for the in-progress (money) rollup field. |
RollUpQueryInprogressMoneyId_LogicalName | String | False | |
RollUpQueryInprogressMoneyId_Name | String | False | |
StateCode | String | True | Status of the goal. |
StatusCode | String | False | Reason for the status of the goal. |
StretchTargetDecimal | Double | False | Stretch target (decimal) of the goal. |
StretchTargetInteger | Integer | False | Stretch target (integer) of the goal. |
StretchTargetMoney | Double | False | Stretch target (money) of the goal. |
StretchTargetMoney_Base | Double | True | Value of the stretch target (money) in base currency. |
StretchTargetString | String | True | Stretch target value for all data types. |
TargetDecimal | Double | False | Goal target of the decimal type. |
TargetInteger | Integer | False | Goal target of the integer type. |
TargetMoney | Double | False | Goal target of the money type. |
TargetMoney_Base | Double | True | Goal target of the money type in base currency. |
TargetString | String | True | Target value of the goal. |
TimeZoneRuleVersionNumber | Integer | False | For internal use only. |
Title | String | False | Title of the goal. |
TransactionCurrencyId_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the currency associated with the entity. |
TransactionCurrencyId_LogicalName | String | True | |
TransactionCurrencyId_Name | String | True | |
TreeId | String | True | Unique identifier of the goal tree. |
UTCConversionTimeZoneCode | Integer | False | Time zone code that was in use when the record was created. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the goal rollup query. |
CreatedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who created the record. |
CreatedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | True | |
CreatedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the record was created. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the record. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
FetchXml | String | False | String that specifies the condition criteria in FetchXML. |
GoalRollupQueryId | String | False | Unique identifier of the rollup query. |
ImportSequenceNumber | Integer | False | Sequence number of the import that created this record. |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who modified the record. |
ModifiedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | True | |
ModifiedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the record was modified. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who modified the record. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
Name | String | False | Name of the rollup query. |
OverriddenCreatedOn | Datetime | False | Date and time that the record was migrated. |
OwnerId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the user or team who owns the goal rollup query. |
OwnerId_LogicalName | String | False | |
OwnerId_Name | String | False | |
OwningBusinessUnit_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the business unit that owns the record. |
OwningBusinessUnit_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningBusinessUnit_Name | String | True | |
OwningTeam_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the team who owns the record. |
OwningTeam_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningTeam_Name | String | True | |
OwningUser_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who owns the record. |
OwningUser_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningUser_Name | String | True | |
QueryEntityType | String | False | Entity type of the rollup query. |
StateCode | String | True | Status of the goal rollup query. |
StatusCode | String | False | Reason for the status of the goal rollup query. |
TimeZoneRuleVersionNumber | Integer | False | For internal use only. |
UTCConversionTimeZoneCode | Integer | False | Time zone code that was in use when the record was created. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the import job. |
CreatedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who created the import job. |
CreatedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | True | |
CreatedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the import job was created. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the import. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
EMailAddress | String | False | email address to send notification to. |
ImportId | String | False | Unique identifier of the import job. |
IsImport | Boolean | False | Information about whether the source of this import job is data import or data migration. |
ModeCode | String | False | Information about whether to create or update records. |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who last modified the import job. |
ModifiedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | True | |
ModifiedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the import job was last modified. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the import. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
Name | String | False | Name of the import job. |
OwnerId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the user or team who owns the import job. |
OwnerId_LogicalName | String | False | |
OwnerId_Name | String | False | |
OwningBusinessUnit_Id | String | True | Business unit that owns the import job. |
OwningBusinessUnit_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningBusinessUnit_Name | String | True | |
OwningTeam_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the team who owns the import. |
OwningTeam_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningTeam_Name | String | True | |
OwningUser_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who owns the import. |
OwningUser_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningUser_Name | String | True | |
SendNotification | Boolean | False | Information about whether to send notification. |
Sequence | Integer | True | Order in which the import was created. |
StateCode | String | True | Status of the import job. |
StatusCode | String | False | Reason for the status of the import job. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the import data. |
CreatedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who created the import data. |
CreatedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | True | |
CreatedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the import data was created. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the import data. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
Data | String | False | Data row of the import file. |
ErrorType | String | False | Type of the import error. |
HasError | Boolean | False | Information about whether this import data has an error. |
ImportDataId | String | False | Unique identifier of the import data. |
ImportFileId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the import file for this import data. |
ImportFileId_LogicalName | String | False | |
ImportFileId_Name | String | False | |
LineNumber | Integer | False | Original line number of the data present in the file. |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who last modified the import data. |
ModifiedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | True | |
ModifiedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the import data was last modified. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the import data. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
OwnerId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the user or team who owns the import data. |
OwnerId_LogicalName | String | False | |
OwnerId_Name | String | False | |
OwningBusinessUnit_Id | String | True | Business unit that owns the import data. |
OwningBusinessUnit_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningBusinessUnit_Name | String | True | |
OwningTeam_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the team who owns the import data. |
OwningTeam_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningTeam_Name | String | True | |
OwningUser_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who owns the import data. |
OwningUser_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningUser_Name | String | True | |
RecordId | String | False | Unique identifier of the record. |
StateCode | String | True | Status of the import data. |
StatusCode | String | False | Reason for the status of the import data. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the import entity mapping. |
CreatedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who created the import entity mapping. |
CreatedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | True | |
CreatedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the import entity mapping was created. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the importentitymapping. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
DeDupe | String | False | Information about whether the entity needs to be processed to find and delete duplicate records. |
ImportEntityMappingId | String | False | Unique identifier of the import entity mapping. |
ImportMapId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the associated data map. |
ImportMapId_LogicalName | String | False | |
ImportMapId_Name | String | False | |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who last modified the import entity mapping. |
ModifiedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | True | |
ModifiedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the import entity mapping was last modified. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the importentitymapping. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
ProcessCode | String | False | Information about whether the import entity mapping needs to be processed. |
SourceEntityName | String | False | Name of the source entity. |
StateCode | String | True | Status of the import entity mapping. |
StatusCode | String | False | Reason for the status of the import entity mapping. |
TargetEntityName | String | False | Name of the Microsoft Dynamics CRM entity. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the import file. |
AdditionalHeaderRow | String | True | System generated heading row used for processing transformations. |
CompletedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the import was completed for this import file. |
Content | String | False | Content of the import file. |
CreatedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who created the import file record. |
CreatedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | True | |
CreatedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the import file was created. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the import file. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
DataDelimiterCode | String | False | Single character data delimiter used in the import file. |
EnableDuplicateDetection | Boolean | False | Information about whether duplicate detection is enabled. |
FailureCount | Integer | True | Number of records in this file that could not be imported. |
FieldDelimiterCode | String | False | Single character field delimiter used in the import file. |
FileTypeCode | String | False | File type of the uploaded source file |
HeaderRow | String | True | Header row of the import file. |
ImportFileId | String | False | Unique identifier of the import file. |
ImportId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the import job for this import file. |
ImportId_LogicalName | String | False | |
ImportId_Name | String | False | |
ImportMapId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the associated data map. |
ImportMapId_LogicalName | String | False | |
ImportMapId_Name | String | False | |
IsFirstRowHeader | Boolean | False | Information about whether the first row contains column headings. |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who last modified the import file. |
ModifiedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | True | |
ModifiedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the import file was last modified. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the importfile. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
Name | String | False | Name of the import file. |
OwnerId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the user or team who owns the import file. |
OwnerId_LogicalName | String | False | |
OwnerId_Name | String | False | |
OwningBusinessUnit_Id | String | True | Business unit that owns the import file. |
OwningBusinessUnit_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningBusinessUnit_Name | String | True | |
OwningTeam_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the team who owns the import file. |
OwningTeam_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningTeam_Name | String | True | |
OwningUser_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who owns the import file. |
OwningUser_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningUser_Name | String | True | |
ParsedTableColumnPrefix | String | True | Prefix of the column in the parsed table. |
ParsedTableColumnsNumber | Integer | True | Total number of columns present in the parsed table. |
ParsedTableName | String | True | Name of the table that contains the parsed data of the import file. |
PartialFailureCount | Integer | True | Number of records in this file that had failures in updating. |
ProcessCode | String | False | Information about whether the import file needs to be processed. |
ProcessingStatus | String | True | Detailed status showing how much the import file has been processed. |
ProgressCounter | Integer | True | Indicates how much of a particular operation has been completed. Used when resuming a paused import job. |
RecordsOwnerId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the owner to whom records imported from this file are assigned. |
RecordsOwnerId_LogicalName | String | False | |
RecordsOwnerId_Name | String | False | |
RelatedEntityColumns | String | False | Related Entity Columns |
Size | String | False | Size of the import file. |
Source | String | False | Source of the import file. |
SourceEntityName | String | False | Name of the source entity. |
StateCode | String | True | Status of the import file. |
StatusCode | String | False | Reason for the status of the import file. |
SuccessCount | Integer | True | Number of records in this file that were imported successfully. |
TargetEntityName | String | False | Name of the Microsoft Dynamics CRM entity. |
TimeZoneRuleVersionNumber | Integer | False | For internal use only. |
TotalCount | Integer | True | Number of records processed in this file. |
UseSystemMap | Boolean | False | Information about whether to use the system map. |
UTCConversionTimeZoneCode | Integer | False | Time zone code that was in use when the record was created. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the import job. |
CompletedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the import job was completed. |
CreatedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who created the importJob. |
CreatedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | True | |
CreatedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the import job record was created. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the import job record. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
Data | String | False | Unstructured data associated with the import job. |
ImportJobId | String | False | Unique identifier of the import job. |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who modified the importJob. |
ModifiedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | True | |
ModifiedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the import job was last modified. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who modified the import job record. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
Name | String | False | Name of the import job. |
OrganizationId_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the organization associated with the importjob. |
OrganizationId_LogicalName | String | True | |
OrganizationId_Name | String | True | |
Progress | Double | False | Import Progress Percentage. |
SolutionName | String | False | Unique identifier of the solution. |
StartedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the import job was started. |
TimeZoneRuleVersionNumber | Integer | False | For internal use only. |
UTCConversionTimeZoneCode | Integer | False | Time zone code that was in use when the record was created. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the import log. |
AdditionalInfo | String | False | Additional information related to the error. |
ColumnValue | String | False | Value in the column. |
CreatedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who created the import log. |
CreatedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | True | |
CreatedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the import log was created. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the import log. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
ErrorDescription | String | False | Description of an error. |
ErrorNumber | Integer | False | Error code of an error. |
HeaderColumn | String | False | Name of the column heading. |
ImportDataId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the import data for this import log. |
ImportDataId_LogicalName | String | False | |
ImportDataId_Name | String | False | |
ImportFileId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the import file for this import log. |
ImportFileId_LogicalName | String | False | |
ImportFileId_Name | String | False | |
ImportLogId | String | False | Unique identifier of the import log. |
LineNumber | Integer | False | Original line number of the data used in this log. |
LogPhaseCode | String | False | Phase for which the log is recorded. |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who last modified the import log. |
ModifiedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | True | |
ModifiedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the import log was last modified. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the importlog. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
OwnerId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the user or team who owns the import log. |
OwnerId_LogicalName | String | False | |
OwnerId_Name | String | False | |
OwningBusinessUnit_Id | String | True | Business unit that owns the import log. |
OwningBusinessUnit_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningBusinessUnit_Name | String | True | |
OwningTeam_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the team who owns the import log. |
OwningTeam_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningTeam_Name | String | True | |
OwningUser_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who owns the import log. |
OwningUser_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningUser_Name | String | True | |
SequenceNumber | Integer | True | Sequence number of the error in this log. |
StateCode | String | True | Status of the import log. |
StatusCode | String | False | Reason for the status of the import log. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the data map. |
CreatedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who created the data map. |
CreatedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | True | |
CreatedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the data map was created. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the data map. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
Description | String | False | Description of the data map. |
EntitiesPerFile | String | False | Denotes if a data file can have data for one or more entity |
ImportMapId | String | False | Unique identifier of the data map. |
ImportMapType | String | False | Type of data map. |
IsValidForImport | Boolean | True | Information about whether the data map is valid for use with data import. |
IsWizardCreated | Boolean | False | Information about whether this data map was created by the Data Migration Manager. |
MapCustomizations | String | False | Customizations XML |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who last modified the data map. |
ModifiedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | True | |
ModifiedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the data map was last modified. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the data map. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
Name | String | False | Name of the data map. |
OwnerId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the user or team who owns the data map. |
OwnerId_LogicalName | String | False | |
OwnerId_Name | String | False | |
OwningBusinessUnit_Id | String | True | Business unit that owns the data map. |
OwningBusinessUnit_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningBusinessUnit_Name | String | True | |
OwningTeam_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the team who owns the data map. |
OwningTeam_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningTeam_Name | String | True | |
OwningUser_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who owns the data map. |
OwningUser_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningUser_Name | String | True | |
Source | String | False | Name of the migration source for which this data map is used. |
SourceType | String | False | Type of the migration source for which this data map is used. |
SourceUserIdentifierForSourceCRMUserLink | String | False | Source user value for source Microsoft Dynamics CRM user link. |
SourceUserIdentifierForSourceDataSourceUserLink | String | False | Column in the source file that uniquely identifies a user. |
StateCode | String | True | Status of the data map. |
StatusCode | String | False | Reason for the status of the data map. |
TargetEntity | String | True | Name of the Microsoft Dynamics CRM record type for which this data map is defined. |
TargetUserIdentifierForSourceCRMUserLink | String | False | Microsoft Dynamics CRM user. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the case. |
AccountId_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the account with which the case is associated. |
AccountId_LogicalName | String | True | |
AccountId_Name | String | True | |
ActualServiceUnits | Integer | False | Actual number of service units provided for the case. |
BilledServiceUnits | Integer | False | Number of service units billed for the case. |
CaseOriginCode | String | False | Information that specifies the source of the case information, such as Web, telephone, or email. |
CaseTypeCode | String | False | Information that specifies the type of case. |
ContactId_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the contact associated with the case. |
ContactId_LogicalName | String | True | |
ContactId_Name | String | True | |
ContractDetailId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the specific contract line item that is referenced in the case. |
ContractDetailId_LogicalName | String | False | |
ContractDetailId_Name | String | False | |
ContractId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the contract referenced in the case. |
ContractId_LogicalName | String | False | |
ContractId_Name | String | False | |
ContractServiceLevelCode | String | False | Response level for the case. The response level corresponds to the level of service specified in the contract. |
CreatedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who created the case. |
CreatedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | True | |
CreatedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the case was created. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the incident. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
CustomerId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the account or contact associated with the case. |
CustomerId_LogicalName | String | False | |
CustomerId_Name | String | False | |
CustomerSatisfactionCode | String | False | Customer's level of satisfaction with the resolution of the case. |
Description | String | False | Description of the case. |
ExchangeRate | Double | True | Exchange rate for the currency associated with the incident with respect to the base currency. |
FollowupBy | Datetime | False | Date by which the customer support representative needs to follow up the case. |
ImportSequenceNumber | Integer | False | Unique identifier of the data import or data migration that created this record. |
IncidentId | String | False | Unique identifier of the case. |
IncidentStageCode | String | False | Stage of the resolution process for the case. |
IsDecrementing | Boolean | False | Information that specifies whether the case is decrementing. |
KbArticleId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the knowledge base article associated with the case. |
KbArticleId_LogicalName | String | False | |
KbArticleId_Name | String | False | |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who last modified the case. |
ModifiedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | True | |
ModifiedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the case was last modified. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the incident. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
OverriddenCreatedOn | Datetime | False | Date and time that the record was migrated. |
OwnerId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the user or team who owns the case. |
OwnerId_LogicalName | String | False | |
OwnerId_Name | String | False | |
OwningBusinessUnit_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the business unit that owns the case. |
OwningBusinessUnit_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningBusinessUnit_Name | String | True | |
OwningTeam_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the team who owns the case. |
OwningTeam_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningTeam_Name | String | True | |
OwningUser_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who owns the case. |
OwningUser_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningUser_Name | String | True | |
PriorityCode | String | False | Priority of the case. |
ProductId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the product associated with the case. |
ProductId_LogicalName | String | False | |
ProductId_Name | String | False | |
ProductSerialNumber | String | False | Serial number of the product that is referenced in the case. |
ResponsibleContactId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the contact responsible for resolving the case. |
ResponsibleContactId_LogicalName | String | False | |
ResponsibleContactId_Name | String | False | |
SeverityCode | String | False | Severity of the case. |
StateCode | String | True | Status of the case. |
StatusCode | String | False | Reason for the status of the case. |
SubjectId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the subject associated with the case. |
SubjectId_LogicalName | String | False | |
SubjectId_Name | String | False | |
TicketNumber | String | False | Auto-generated case number. |
TimeZoneRuleVersionNumber | Integer | False | For internal use only. |
Title | String | False | Title of the case. |
TransactionCurrencyId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the currency associated with the incident. |
TransactionCurrencyId_LogicalName | String | False | |
TransactionCurrencyId_Name | String | False | |
UTCConversionTimeZoneCode | Integer | False | Time zone code that was in use when the record was created. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the case resolution activity. |
ActivityId | String | False | Unique identifier of the case resolution activity. |
ActivityTypeCode | String | True | Type of activity. |
ActualDurationMinutes | Integer | False | Actual duration of the case resolution activity in minutes. |
ActualEnd | Datetime | False | Actual end time of the case resolution activity. |
ActualStart | Datetime | False | Actual start time of the case resolution activity. |
Category | String | False | Category for the case resolution activity. |
CreatedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who created the case resolution activity. |
CreatedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | True | |
CreatedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the case resolution activity was created. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the incidentresolution. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
Description | String | False | Special type of activity that includes such information as the description of the resolution, billing status, and the duration of a case. |
ImportSequenceNumber | Integer | False | Unique identifier of the data import or data migration that created this record. |
IncidentId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the case. |
IncidentId_LogicalName | String | False | |
IncidentId_Name | String | False | |
IsBilled | Boolean | False | Information about whether the case resolution activity was billed as part of resolving a case. |
IsRegularActivity | Boolean | True | Information regarding whether the activity is a regular activity type or event type. |
IsWorkflowCreated | Boolean | False | Information that specifies if the case resolution activity was created from a workflow rule. |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who last modified the case resolution activity. |
ModifiedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | True | |
ModifiedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the case resolution activity was last modified. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the incidentresolution. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
OverriddenCreatedOn | Datetime | False | Date and time that the record was migrated. |
OwnerId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the user or team who owns the case resolution activity. |
OwnerId_LogicalName | String | False | |
OwnerId_Name | String | False | |
OwningBusinessUnit_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the business unit that owns the case resolution activity. |
OwningBusinessUnit_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningBusinessUnit_Name | String | True | |
OwningTeam_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the team who owns the case resolution. |
OwningTeam_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningTeam_Name | String | True | |
OwningUser_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who owns the case resolution. |
OwningUser_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningUser_Name | String | True | |
ScheduledDurationMinutes | Integer | True | Scheduled duration of the case resolution activity, specified in minutes. |
ScheduledEnd | Datetime | False | Scheduled end time of the case resolution activity. |
ScheduledStart | Datetime | False | Scheduled start time of the case resolution activity. |
ServiceId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the service with which the case resolution activity is associated. |
ServiceId_LogicalName | String | False | |
ServiceId_Name | String | False | |
StateCode | String | True | Status of the case resolution activity. |
StatusCode | String | False | Reason for the status of the case resolution activity. |
Subcategory | String | False | Subcategory of the case resolution activity. |
Subject | String | False | Subject associated with the case resolution activity. |
TimeSpent | Integer | False | Time spent on the case resolution activity. |
TimeZoneRuleVersionNumber | Integer | False | For internal use only. |
UTCConversionTimeZoneCode | Integer | False | Time zone code that was in use when the record was created. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the integration status. |
CreatedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who created the integration status. |
CreatedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | True | |
CreatedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the integration status was created. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the integrationstatus. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
IntegrationEntryId | String | False | For internal use only. |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who last modified the integration status. |
ModifiedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | True | |
ModifiedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the integration status was last modified. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the integrationstatus. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
ObjectId | String | True | For internal use only. |
ObjectTypeCode | String | True | Type of entity with which the integration status is associated. |
OrganizationId | String | True | Unique identifier of the organization associated with the integration status. |
StateCode | String | False | Status of the integration. |
StateDescription | String | False | For internal use only. |
StatusCode | String | False | Reason for the status of the integration. |
StatusDescription | String | False | For internal use only. |
SystemName | String | True | For internal use only. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the internal address. |
AddressNumber | Integer | False | Information about which internal address is applicable. |
AddressTypeCode | String | False | Type of address for the internal address. |
City | String | False | City name in the internal address. |
Country | String | False | Country/region name in the internal address. |
County | String | False | County name in the internal address. |
CreatedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who created the internal address record. |
CreatedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | True | |
CreatedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the internal address was created. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the internal address. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
Fax | String | False | Fax number for the internal address. |
InternalAddressId | String | False | Unique identifier of the internal address. |
Latitude | Double | False | Latitude for the internal address. |
Line1 | String | False | First line for entering address information. |
Line2 | String | False | Second line for entering address information. |
Line3 | String | False | Third line for entering address information. |
Longitude | Double | False | Longitude for the internal address. |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who last modified the internal address. |
ModifiedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | True | |
ModifiedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the internal address record was last modified. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the internaladdress. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
Name | String | False | Name used to identify the internal address. |
ObjectTypeCode | String | False | Type of entity with which the internal address is associated. |
ParentId | String | False | Unique identifier of the parent object with which the internal address is associated. |
PostalCode | String | False | ZIP Code or postal code in the internal address. |
PostOfficeBox | String | False | Post office box number in the internal address. |
ShippingMethodCode | String | False | Method of shipment for the internal address. |
StateOrProvince | String | False | State or province in the internal address. |
Telephone1 | String | False | First telephone number for the internal address. |
Telephone2 | String | False | Second telephone number for an internal address. |
Telephone3 | String | False | Third telephone number for an internal address. |
UPSZone | String | False | United Parcel Service (UPS) zone for the internal address. |
UTCOffset | Integer | False | UTC offset for the internal address. The difference between local time and standard Coordinated Universal Time. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the interprocess lock record. |
InterProcessLockId | String | False | Unique identifier of the interprocess lock record. |
ModifiedOn | Datetime | False | Date and time when the record was last modified. |
Token | String | False | Lock token. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the invalid dependency. |
ExistingComponentId | String | True | Unique identifier of the object that has an invalid dependency |
ExistingComponentType | String | True | Component type of the object that has an invalid dependency |
ExistingDependencyType | String | True | The dependency type of the invalid dependency. |
InvalidDependencyId | String | True | Unique identifier of the invalid dependency. |
IsExistingNodeRequiredComponent | Boolean | True | Indicates whether the existing node is the required component in the dependency |
MissingComponentId | String | False | Unique identifier of the missing component. |
MissingComponentInfo | String | True | |
MissingComponentLookupType | Integer | True | The lookup type of the missing component. |
MissingComponentType | String | True | The object type code of the missing component. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the invoice. |
AccountId_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the account with which the invoice is associated. |
AccountId_LogicalName | String | True | |
AccountId_Name | String | True | |
BillTo_City | String | False | City name in the billing address. |
BillTo_Country | String | False | Country/region name in the billing address. |
BillTo_Fax | String | False | Fax number for the billing address. |
BillTo_Line1 | String | False | First line for entering billing address information. |
BillTo_Line2 | String | False | Second line for entering billing address information. |
BillTo_Line3 | String | False | Third line for entering billing address information. |
BillTo_Name | String | False | Name to enter for the billing address. |
BillTo_PostalCode | String | False | ZIP Code or postal code in the billing address. |
BillTo_StateOrProvince | String | False | State or province in the billing address. |
BillTo_Telephone | String | False | Telephone number associated with the billing address. |
ContactId_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the contact associated with the invoice. |
ContactId_LogicalName | String | True | |
ContactId_Name | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who created the invoice. |
CreatedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | True | |
CreatedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the invoice was created. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the invoice. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
CustomerId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the account or contact associated with the invoice. |
CustomerId_LogicalName | String | False | |
CustomerId_Name | String | False | |
DateDelivered | Datetime | False | Date all products in the invoice were delivered. |
Description | String | False | Description of the invoice. |
DiscountAmount | Double | False | Discount specified as a monetary amount for the invoice. |
DiscountAmount_Base | Double | True | Base currency equivalent of the discount specified as a monetary amount for the invoice. |
DiscountPercentage | Double | False | Discount specified as a percentage for the invoice. |
DueDate | Datetime | False | Date by which the invoice needs to be paid. |
ExchangeRate | Double | True | Exchange rate for the currency associated with the invoice with respect to the base currency. |
FreightAmount | Double | False | Cost of freight for the invoice. |
FreightAmount_Base | Double | True | Base currency equivalent of the cost of freight for the invoice. |
ImportSequenceNumber | Integer | False | Unique identifier of the data import or data migration that created this record. |
InvoiceId | String | False | Unique identifier of the invoice. |
InvoiceNumber | String | False | Invoice number. |
IsPriceLocked | Boolean | True | Information about whether invoice pricing is locked. |
LastBackofficeSubmit | Datetime | False | Date and time when the invoice was last submitted to Microsoft Great Plains. |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who last modified the invoice. |
ModifiedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | True | |
ModifiedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the invoice was last modified. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the invoice. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
Name | String | False | Name of the invoice. |
OpportunityId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the opportunity with which the invoice is associated. |
OpportunityId_LogicalName | String | False | |
OpportunityId_Name | String | False | |
OverriddenCreatedOn | Datetime | False | Date and time that the record was migrated. |
OwnerId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the user or team who owns the invoice. |
OwnerId_LogicalName | String | False | |
OwnerId_Name | String | False | |
OwningBusinessUnit_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the business unit that owns the invoice. |
OwningBusinessUnit_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningBusinessUnit_Name | String | True | |
OwningTeam_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the team who owns the invoice. |
OwningTeam_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningTeam_Name | String | True | |
OwningUser_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who owns the invoice. |
OwningUser_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningUser_Name | String | True | |
PaymentTermsCode | String | False | Payment terms for the invoice. |
PriceLevelId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the price list associated with the invoice. |
PriceLevelId_LogicalName | String | False | |
PriceLevelId_Name | String | False | |
PricingErrorCode | String | False | Type of pricing error for the invoice. |
PriorityCode | String | False | Priority of the invoice. |
SalesOrderId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the order that is associated with the invoice. |
SalesOrderId_LogicalName | String | False | |
SalesOrderId_Name | String | False | |
ShippingMethodCode | String | False | Method of shipment for the invoice. |
ShipTo_City | String | False | City name in the shipping address. |
ShipTo_Country | String | False | Country/region name in the shipping address. |
ShipTo_Fax | String | False | Fax number for the shipping address. |
ShipTo_FreightTermsCode | String | False | Freight terms for the shipping address. |
ShipTo_Line1 | String | False | First line for entering shipping address information. |
ShipTo_Line2 | String | False | Second line for entering shipping address information. |
ShipTo_Line3 | String | False | Third line for entering shipping address information. |
ShipTo_Name | String | False | Name to enter for the shipping address. |
ShipTo_PostalCode | String | False | ZIP Code or postal code in the shipping address. |
ShipTo_StateOrProvince | String | False | State or province in the shipping address. |
ShipTo_Telephone | String | False | Telephone number associated with the shipping address. |
StateCode | String | True | Status of the invoice. |
StatusCode | String | False | Reason for the status of the invoice. |
TimeZoneRuleVersionNumber | Integer | False | For internal use only. |
TotalAmount | Double | True | Total price for the invoice. |
TotalAmount_Base | Double | True | Base currency equivalent of the total price for the invoice. |
TotalAmountLessFreight | Double | True | Total price minus the freight charges for the invoice. |
TotalAmountLessFreight_Base | Double | True | Base currency equivalent of the total price minus the freight charges for the invoice. |
TotalDiscountAmount | Double | True | Total discount for the invoice. |
TotalDiscountAmount_Base | Double | True | Base currency equivalent of the total discount for the invoice. |
TotalLineItemAmount | Double | True | Total line item amount for the invoice. |
TotalLineItemAmount_Base | Double | True | Base currency equivalent of the total line item amount for the invoice |
TotalLineItemDiscountAmount | Double | True | Total line item discount for the invoice. |
TotalLineItemDiscountAmount_Base | Double | True | Base currency equivalent of the total line item discount for the invoice. |
TotalTax | Double | True | Total tax for the invoice. |
TotalTax_Base | Double | True | Base currency equivalent of the total tax for the invoice. |
TransactionCurrencyId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the currency associated with the invoice. |
TransactionCurrencyId_LogicalName | String | False | |
TransactionCurrencyId_Name | String | False | |
UTCConversionTimeZoneCode | Integer | False | Time zone code that was in use when the record was created. |
WillCall | Boolean | False | Information about whether the customer will call for the invoiced products or the products are to be shipped. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the invoice product line item. |
ActualDeliveryOn | Datetime | False | Date on which the product on the invoice is delivered. |
BaseAmount | Double | True | Subtotal for the invoice product before discounts are applied and taxes are added. |
BaseAmount_Base | Double | True | Base currency equivalent of the subtotal for the invoice product before discounts are applied and taxes are added. |
CreatedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who created the invoice product line item. |
CreatedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | True | |
CreatedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the invoice product line item was created. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the invoice detail. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
Description | String | False | Description of the invoice product line item. |
ExchangeRate | Double | True | Exchange rate for the currency associated with the invoice detail with respect to the base currency. |
ExtendedAmount | Double | True | Subtotal of the invoice product after discounts are applied and taxes are added. |
ExtendedAmount_Base | Double | True | Base currency equivalent of the subtotal of the invoice product after discounts are applied and taxes are added. |
ImportSequenceNumber | Integer | False | Unique identifier of the data import or data migration that created this record. |
InvoiceDetailId | String | False | Unique identifier of the invoice product line item. |
InvoiceId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the invoice associated with the invoice product line item. |
InvoiceId_LogicalName | String | False | |
InvoiceId_Name | String | False | |
InvoiceIsPriceLocked | Boolean | True | Information about whether invoice product pricing is locked. |
InvoiceStateCode | String | True | Status of the invoice product. |
IsCopied | Boolean | False | Information about whether the invoice line item is copied. |
IsPriceOverridden | Boolean | False | Information about whether to override product catalog pricing. |
IsProductOverridden | Boolean | False | Information about whether the product is a write-in product or an existing product. |
LineItemNumber | Integer | False | Line item number of the invoice product. |
ManualDiscountAmount | Double | False | Customized discount amount for the invoice product line item. |
ManualDiscountAmount_Base | Double | True | Base currency equivalent of the customized discount amount for the invoice product line item. |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who last modified the invoice product line item. |
ModifiedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | True | |
ModifiedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the invoice product line item was last modified. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the invoicedetail. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
OverriddenCreatedOn | Datetime | False | Date and time that the record was migrated. |
OwnerId_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user or team who owns the invoice detail. |
OwnerId_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwnerId_Name | String | True | |
OwningBusinessUnit | String | True | Unique identifier of the business unit that owns the invoice product line item. |
OwningUser | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who owns the invoice product line item. |
PricePerUnit | Double | False | Price per unit for the invoice product line item. |
PricePerUnit_Base | Double | True | Base currency equivalent of the price per unit for the invoice product line item. |
PricingErrorCode | String | False | Pricing error for the invoice product line item. |
ProductDescription | String | False | Product description for the invoice product line item. |
ProductId_Id | String | False | Product identifier for the invoice product line item. |
ProductId_LogicalName | String | False | |
ProductId_Name | String | False | |
Quantity | Double | False | Product quantity specified for the invoice product line item. |
QuantityBackordered | Double | False | Product quantity that has been backordered for the invoice product line item. |
QuantityCancelled | Double | False | Product quantity that was canceled for the invoice product line item. |
QuantityShipped | Double | False | Product quantity shipped for the product line item specified on the invoice. |
SalesRepId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the sales person associated with the invoice product line item. |
SalesRepId_LogicalName | String | False | |
SalesRepId_Name | String | False | |
ShippingTrackingNumber | String | False | Tracking number for shipping the invoiced product line item. |
ShipTo_City | String | False | City name in the shipping address. |
ShipTo_Country | String | False | Country/region name in the shipping address. |
ShipTo_Fax | String | False | Fax number for the shipping address. |
ShipTo_FreightTermsCode | String | False | Freight terms for the shipping address. |
ShipTo_Line1 | String | False | First line for entering shipping address information. |
ShipTo_Line2 | String | False | Second line for entering shipping address information. |
ShipTo_Line3 | String | False | Third line for entering shipping address information. |
ShipTo_Name | String | False | Name to enter for the shipping address. |
ShipTo_PostalCode | String | False | ZIP Code or postal code in the shipping address. |
ShipTo_StateOrProvince | String | False | State or province in the shipping address. |
ShipTo_Telephone | String | False | Telephone number associated with the shipping address. |
Tax | Double | False | Tax amount for the invoice product line item. |
Tax_Base | Double | True | Base currency equivalent of the tax amount for the invoice product line item. |
TimeZoneRuleVersionNumber | Integer | False | For internal use only. |
TransactionCurrencyId_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the currency associated with the invoice detail. |
TransactionCurrencyId_LogicalName | String | True | |
TransactionCurrencyId_Name | String | True | |
UoMId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier for unit that is associated with the invoice product line item. |
UoMId_LogicalName | String | False | |
UoMId_Name | String | False | |
UTCConversionTimeZoneCode | Integer | False | Time zone code that was in use when the record was created. |
VolumeDiscountAmount | Double | True | Volume discount amount for the invoice product line item. |
VolumeDiscountAmount_Base | Double | True | Base currency equivalent of the volume discount amount for the invoice product line item. |
WillCall | Boolean | False | Information about whether the customer will call for the invoiced products or the products are to be shipped. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the ISV configuration. |
ConfigXML | String | False | Structured XML data representing the customizations. |
CreatedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who created the ISV configuration. |
CreatedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | True | |
CreatedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the ISV configuration was created. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the isvconfig. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
IsvConfigId | String | False | Unique identifier of the ISV configuration. |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who last modified the ISV configuration. |
ModifiedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | True | |
ModifiedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the ISV configuration was last modified. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the ISV configuration. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
OrganizationId | String | True | Unique identifier of the organization associated with the ISV configuration XML. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the data map. |
CreatedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who created the data map. |
CreatedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | True | |
CreatedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the data map was created. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the data map. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
Description | String | False | Description of the data map. |
EntitiesPerFile | String | False | Denotes if a data file can have data for one or more entity |
ImportMapId | String | False | Unique identifier of the data map. |
ImportMapType | String | False | Type of data map. |
IsValidForImport | Boolean | True | Information about whether the data map is valid for use with data import. |
IsWizardCreated | Boolean | False | Information about whether this data map was created by the Data Migration Manager. |
MapCustomizations | String | False | Customizations XML |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who last modified the data map. |
ModifiedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | True | |
ModifiedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the data map was last modified. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the data map. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
Name | String | False | Name of the data map. |
OwnerId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the user or team who owns the data map. |
OwnerId_LogicalName | String | False | |
OwnerId_Name | String | False | |
OwningBusinessUnit_Id | String | True | Business unit that owns the data map. |
OwningBusinessUnit_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningBusinessUnit_Name | String | True | |
OwningTeam_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the team who owns the data map. |
OwningTeam_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningTeam_Name | String | True | |
OwningUser_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who owns the data map. |
OwningUser_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningUser_Name | String | True | |
Source | String | False | Name of the migration source for which this data map is used. |
SourceType | String | False | Type of the migration source for which this data map is used. |
SourceUserIdentifierForSourceCRMUserLink | String | False | Source user value for source Microsoft Dynamics CRM user link. |
SourceUserIdentifierForSourceDataSourceUserLink | String | False | Column in the source file that uniquely identifies a user. |
StateCode | String | True | Status of the data map. |
StatusCode | String | False | Reason for the status of the data map. |
TargetEntity | String | True | Name of the Microsoft Dynamics CRM record type for which this data map is defined. |
TargetUserIdentifierForSourceCRMUserLink | String | False | Microsoft Dynamics CRM user. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the case. |
AccountId_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the account with which the case is associated. |
AccountId_LogicalName | String | True | |
AccountId_Name | String | True | |
ActualServiceUnits | Integer | False | Actual number of service units provided for the case. |
BilledServiceUnits | Integer | False | Number of service units billed for the case. |
CaseOriginCode | String | False | Information that specifies the source of the case information, such as Web, telephone, or email. |
CaseTypeCode | String | False | Information that specifies the type of case. |
ContactId_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the contact associated with the case. |
ContactId_LogicalName | String | True | |
ContactId_Name | String | True | |
ContractDetailId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the specific contract line item that is referenced in the case. |
ContractDetailId_LogicalName | String | False | |
ContractDetailId_Name | String | False | |
ContractId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the contract referenced in the case. |
ContractId_LogicalName | String | False | |
ContractId_Name | String | False | |
ContractServiceLevelCode | String | False | Response level for the case. The response level corresponds to the level of service specified in the contract. |
CreatedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who created the case. |
CreatedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | True | |
CreatedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the case was created. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the incident. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
CustomerId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the account or contact associated with the case. |
CustomerId_LogicalName | String | False | |
CustomerId_Name | String | False | |
CustomerSatisfactionCode | String | False | Customer's level of satisfaction with the resolution of the case. |
Description | String | False | Description of the case. |
ExchangeRate | Double | True | Exchange rate for the currency associated with the incident with respect to the base currency. |
FollowupBy | Datetime | False | Date by which the customer support representative needs to follow up the case. |
ImportSequenceNumber | Integer | False | Unique identifier of the data import or data migration that created this record. |
IncidentId | String | False | Unique identifier of the case. |
IncidentStageCode | String | False | Stage of the resolution process for the case. |
IsDecrementing | Boolean | False | Information that specifies whether the case is decrementing. |
KbArticleId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the knowledge base article associated with the case. |
KbArticleId_LogicalName | String | False | |
KbArticleId_Name | String | False | |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who last modified the case. |
ModifiedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | True | |
ModifiedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the case was last modified. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the incident. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
OverriddenCreatedOn | Datetime | False | Date and time that the record was migrated. |
OwnerId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the user or team who owns the case. |
OwnerId_LogicalName | String | False | |
OwnerId_Name | String | False | |
OwningBusinessUnit_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the business unit that owns the case. |
OwningBusinessUnit_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningBusinessUnit_Name | String | True | |
OwningTeam_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the team who owns the case. |
OwningTeam_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningTeam_Name | String | True | |
OwningUser_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who owns the case. |
OwningUser_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningUser_Name | String | True | |
PriorityCode | String | False | Priority of the case. |
ProductId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the product associated with the case. |
ProductId_LogicalName | String | False | |
ProductId_Name | String | False | |
ProductSerialNumber | String | False | Serial number of the product that is referenced in the case. |
ResponsibleContactId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the contact responsible for resolving the case. |
ResponsibleContactId_LogicalName | String | False | |
ResponsibleContactId_Name | String | False | |
SeverityCode | String | False | Severity of the case. |
StateCode | String | True | Status of the case. |
StatusCode | String | False | Reason for the status of the case. |
SubjectId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the subject associated with the case. |
SubjectId_LogicalName | String | False | |
SubjectId_Name | String | False | |
TicketNumber | String | False | Auto-generated case number. |
TimeZoneRuleVersionNumber | Integer | False | For internal use only. |
Title | String | False | Title of the case. |
TransactionCurrencyId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the currency associated with the incident. |
TransactionCurrencyId_LogicalName | String | False | |
TransactionCurrencyId_Name | String | False | |
UTCConversionTimeZoneCode | Integer | False | Time zone code that was in use when the record was created. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the case resolution activity. |
ActivityId | String | False | Unique identifier of the case resolution activity. |
ActivityTypeCode | String | True | Type of activity. |
ActualDurationMinutes | Integer | False | Actual duration of the case resolution activity in minutes. |
ActualEnd | Datetime | False | Actual end time of the case resolution activity. |
ActualStart | Datetime | False | Actual start time of the case resolution activity. |
Category | String | False | Category for the case resolution activity. |
CreatedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who created the case resolution activity. |
CreatedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | True | |
CreatedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the case resolution activity was created. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the incidentresolution. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
Description | String | False | Special type of activity that includes such information as the description of the resolution, billing status, and the duration of a case. |
ImportSequenceNumber | Integer | False | Unique identifier of the data import or data migration that created this record. |
IncidentId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the case. |
IncidentId_LogicalName | String | False | |
IncidentId_Name | String | False | |
IsBilled | Boolean | False | Information about whether the case resolution activity was billed as part of resolving a case. |
IsRegularActivity | Boolean | True | Information regarding whether the activity is a regular activity type or event type. |
IsWorkflowCreated | Boolean | False | Information that specifies if the case resolution activity was created from a workflow rule. |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who last modified the case resolution activity. |
ModifiedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | True | |
ModifiedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the case resolution activity was last modified. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the incidentresolution. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
OverriddenCreatedOn | Datetime | False | Date and time that the record was migrated. |
OwnerId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the user or team who owns the case resolution activity. |
OwnerId_LogicalName | String | False | |
OwnerId_Name | String | False | |
OwningBusinessUnit_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the business unit that owns the case resolution activity. |
OwningBusinessUnit_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningBusinessUnit_Name | String | True | |
OwningTeam_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the team who owns the case resolution. |
OwningTeam_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningTeam_Name | String | True | |
OwningUser_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who owns the case resolution. |
OwningUser_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningUser_Name | String | True | |
ScheduledDurationMinutes | Integer | True | Scheduled duration of the case resolution activity, specified in minutes. |
ScheduledEnd | Datetime | False | Scheduled end time of the case resolution activity. |
ScheduledStart | Datetime | False | Scheduled start time of the case resolution activity. |
ServiceId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the service with which the case resolution activity is associated. |
ServiceId_LogicalName | String | False | |
ServiceId_Name | String | False | |
StateCode | String | True | Status of the case resolution activity. |
StatusCode | String | False | Reason for the status of the case resolution activity. |
Subcategory | String | False | Subcategory of the case resolution activity. |
Subject | String | False | Subject associated with the case resolution activity. |
TimeSpent | Integer | False | Time spent on the case resolution activity. |
TimeZoneRuleVersionNumber | Integer | False | For internal use only. |
UTCConversionTimeZoneCode | Integer | False | Time zone code that was in use when the record was created. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the integration status. |
CreatedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who created the integration status. |
CreatedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | True | |
CreatedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the integration status was created. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the integrationstatus. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
IntegrationEntryId | String | False | For internal use only. |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who last modified the integration status. |
ModifiedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | True | |
ModifiedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the integration status was last modified. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the integrationstatus. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
ObjectId | String | True | For internal use only. |
ObjectTypeCode | String | True | Type of entity with which the integration status is associated. |
OrganizationId | String | True | Unique identifier of the organization associated with the integration status. |
StateCode | String | False | Status of the integration. |
StateDescription | String | False | For internal use only. |
StatusCode | String | False | Reason for the status of the integration. |
StatusDescription | String | False | For internal use only. |
SystemName | String | True | For internal use only. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the internal address. |
AddressNumber | Integer | False | Information about which internal address is applicable. |
AddressTypeCode | String | False | Type of address for the internal address. |
City | String | False | City name in the internal address. |
Country | String | False | Country/region name in the internal address. |
County | String | False | County name in the internal address. |
CreatedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who created the internal address record. |
CreatedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | True | |
CreatedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the internal address was created. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the internal address. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
Fax | String | False | Fax number for the internal address. |
InternalAddressId | String | False | Unique identifier of the internal address. |
Latitude | Double | False | Latitude for the internal address. |
Line1 | String | False | First line for entering address information. |
Line2 | String | False | Second line for entering address information. |
Line3 | String | False | Third line for entering address information. |
Longitude | Double | False | Longitude for the internal address. |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who last modified the internal address. |
ModifiedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | True | |
ModifiedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the internal address record was last modified. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the internaladdress. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
Name | String | False | Name used to identify the internal address. |
ObjectTypeCode | String | False | Type of entity with which the internal address is associated. |
ParentId | String | False | Unique identifier of the parent object with which the internal address is associated. |
PostalCode | String | False | ZIP Code or postal code in the internal address. |
PostOfficeBox | String | False | Post office box number in the internal address. |
ShippingMethodCode | String | False | Method of shipment for the internal address. |
StateOrProvince | String | False | State or province in the internal address. |
Telephone1 | String | False | First telephone number for the internal address. |
Telephone2 | String | False | Second telephone number for an internal address. |
Telephone3 | String | False | Third telephone number for an internal address. |
UPSZone | String | False | United Parcel Service (UPS) zone for the internal address. |
UTCOffset | Integer | False | UTC offset for the internal address. The difference between local time and standard Coordinated Universal Time. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the interprocess lock record. |
InterProcessLockId | String | False | Unique identifier of the interprocess lock record. |
ModifiedOn | Datetime | False | Date and time when the record was last modified. |
Token | String | False | Lock token. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the invalid dependency. |
ExistingComponentId | String | True | Unique identifier of the object that has an invalid dependency |
ExistingComponentType | String | True | Component type of the object that has an invalid dependency |
ExistingDependencyType | String | True | The dependency type of the invalid dependency. |
InvalidDependencyId | String | True | Unique identifier of the invalid dependency. |
IsExistingNodeRequiredComponent | Boolean | True | Indicates whether the existing node is the required component in the dependency |
MissingComponentId | String | False | Unique identifier of the missing component. |
MissingComponentInfo | String | True | |
MissingComponentLookupType | Integer | True | The lookup type of the missing component. |
MissingComponentType | String | True | The object type code of the missing component. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the invoice. |
AccountId_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the account with which the invoice is associated. |
AccountId_LogicalName | String | True | |
AccountId_Name | String | True | |
BillTo_City | String | False | City name in the billing address. |
BillTo_Country | String | False | Country/region name in the billing address. |
BillTo_Fax | String | False | Fax number for the billing address. |
BillTo_Line1 | String | False | First line for entering billing address information. |
BillTo_Line2 | String | False | Second line for entering billing address information. |
BillTo_Line3 | String | False | Third line for entering billing address information. |
BillTo_Name | String | False | Name to enter for the billing address. |
BillTo_PostalCode | String | False | ZIP Code or postal code in the billing address. |
BillTo_StateOrProvince | String | False | State or province in the billing address. |
BillTo_Telephone | String | False | Telephone number associated with the billing address. |
ContactId_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the contact associated with the invoice. |
ContactId_LogicalName | String | True | |
ContactId_Name | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who created the invoice. |
CreatedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | True | |
CreatedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the invoice was created. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the invoice. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
CustomerId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the account or contact associated with the invoice. |
CustomerId_LogicalName | String | False | |
CustomerId_Name | String | False | |
DateDelivered | Datetime | False | Date all products in the invoice were delivered. |
Description | String | False | Description of the invoice. |
DiscountAmount | Double | False | Discount specified as a monetary amount for the invoice. |
DiscountAmount_Base | Double | True | Base currency equivalent of the discount specified as a monetary amount for the invoice. |
DiscountPercentage | Double | False | Discount specified as a percentage for the invoice. |
DueDate | Datetime | False | Date by which the invoice needs to be paid. |
ExchangeRate | Double | True | Exchange rate for the currency associated with the invoice with respect to the base currency. |
FreightAmount | Double | False | Cost of freight for the invoice. |
FreightAmount_Base | Double | True | Base currency equivalent of the cost of freight for the invoice. |
ImportSequenceNumber | Integer | False | Unique identifier of the data import or data migration that created this record. |
InvoiceId | String | False | Unique identifier of the invoice. |
InvoiceNumber | String | False | Invoice number. |
IsPriceLocked | Boolean | True | Information about whether invoice pricing is locked. |
LastBackofficeSubmit | Datetime | False | Date and time when the invoice was last submitted to Microsoft Great Plains. |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who last modified the invoice. |
ModifiedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | True | |
ModifiedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the invoice was last modified. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the invoice. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
Name | String | False | Name of the invoice. |
OpportunityId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the opportunity with which the invoice is associated. |
OpportunityId_LogicalName | String | False | |
OpportunityId_Name | String | False | |
OverriddenCreatedOn | Datetime | False | Date and time that the record was migrated. |
OwnerId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the user or team who owns the invoice. |
OwnerId_LogicalName | String | False | |
OwnerId_Name | String | False | |
OwningBusinessUnit_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the business unit that owns the invoice. |
OwningBusinessUnit_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningBusinessUnit_Name | String | True | |
OwningTeam_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the team who owns the invoice. |
OwningTeam_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningTeam_Name | String | True | |
OwningUser_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who owns the invoice. |
OwningUser_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningUser_Name | String | True | |
PaymentTermsCode | String | False | Payment terms for the invoice. |
PriceLevelId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the price list associated with the invoice. |
PriceLevelId_LogicalName | String | False | |
PriceLevelId_Name | String | False | |
PricingErrorCode | String | False | Type of pricing error for the invoice. |
PriorityCode | String | False | Priority of the invoice. |
SalesOrderId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the order that is associated with the invoice. |
SalesOrderId_LogicalName | String | False | |
SalesOrderId_Name | String | False | |
ShippingMethodCode | String | False | Method of shipment for the invoice. |
ShipTo_City | String | False | City name in the shipping address. |
ShipTo_Country | String | False | Country/region name in the shipping address. |
ShipTo_Fax | String | False | Fax number for the shipping address. |
ShipTo_FreightTermsCode | String | False | Freight terms for the shipping address. |
ShipTo_Line1 | String | False | First line for entering shipping address information. |
ShipTo_Line2 | String | False | Second line for entering shipping address information. |
ShipTo_Line3 | String | False | Third line for entering shipping address information. |
ShipTo_Name | String | False | Name to enter for the shipping address. |
ShipTo_PostalCode | String | False | ZIP Code or postal code in the shipping address. |
ShipTo_StateOrProvince | String | False | State or province in the shipping address. |
ShipTo_Telephone | String | False | Telephone number associated with the shipping address. |
StateCode | String | True | Status of the invoice. |
StatusCode | String | False | Reason for the status of the invoice. |
TimeZoneRuleVersionNumber | Integer | False | For internal use only. |
TotalAmount | Double | True | Total price for the invoice. |
TotalAmount_Base | Double | True | Base currency equivalent of the total price for the invoice. |
TotalAmountLessFreight | Double | True | Total price minus the freight charges for the invoice. |
TotalAmountLessFreight_Base | Double | True | Base currency equivalent of the total price minus the freight charges for the invoice. |
TotalDiscountAmount | Double | True | Total discount for the invoice. |
TotalDiscountAmount_Base | Double | True | Base currency equivalent of the total discount for the invoice. |
TotalLineItemAmount | Double | True | Total line item amount for the invoice. |
TotalLineItemAmount_Base | Double | True | Base currency equivalent of the total line item amount for the invoice |
TotalLineItemDiscountAmount | Double | True | Total line item discount for the invoice. |
TotalLineItemDiscountAmount_Base | Double | True | Base currency equivalent of the total line item discount for the invoice. |
TotalTax | Double | True | Total tax for the invoice. |
TotalTax_Base | Double | True | Base currency equivalent of the total tax for the invoice. |
TransactionCurrencyId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the currency associated with the invoice. |
TransactionCurrencyId_LogicalName | String | False | |
TransactionCurrencyId_Name | String | False | |
UTCConversionTimeZoneCode | Integer | False | Time zone code that was in use when the record was created. |
WillCall | Boolean | False | Information about whether the customer will call for the invoiced products or the products are to be shipped. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the invoice product line item. |
ActualDeliveryOn | Datetime | False | Date on which the product on the invoice is delivered. |
BaseAmount | Double | True | Subtotal for the invoice product before discounts are applied and taxes are added. |
BaseAmount_Base | Double | True | Base currency equivalent of the subtotal for the invoice product before discounts are applied and taxes are added. |
CreatedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who created the invoice product line item. |
CreatedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | True | |
CreatedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the invoice product line item was created. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the invoice detail. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
Description | String | False | Description of the invoice product line item. |
ExchangeRate | Double | True | Exchange rate for the currency associated with the invoice detail with respect to the base currency. |
ExtendedAmount | Double | True | Subtotal of the invoice product after discounts are applied and taxes are added. |
ExtendedAmount_Base | Double | True | Base currency equivalent of the subtotal of the invoice product after discounts are applied and taxes are added. |
ImportSequenceNumber | Integer | False | Unique identifier of the data import or data migration that created this record. |
InvoiceDetailId | String | False | Unique identifier of the invoice product line item. |
InvoiceId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the invoice associated with the invoice product line item. |
InvoiceId_LogicalName | String | False | |
InvoiceId_Name | String | False | |
InvoiceIsPriceLocked | Boolean | True | Information about whether invoice product pricing is locked. |
InvoiceStateCode | String | True | Status of the invoice product. |
IsCopied | Boolean | False | Information about whether the invoice line item is copied. |
IsPriceOverridden | Boolean | False | Information about whether to override product catalog pricing. |
IsProductOverridden | Boolean | False | Information about whether the product is a write-in product or an existing product. |
LineItemNumber | Integer | False | Line item number of the invoice product. |
ManualDiscountAmount | Double | False | Customized discount amount for the invoice product line item. |
ManualDiscountAmount_Base | Double | True | Base currency equivalent of the customized discount amount for the invoice product line item. |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who last modified the invoice product line item. |
ModifiedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | True | |
ModifiedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the invoice product line item was last modified. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the invoicedetail. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
OverriddenCreatedOn | Datetime | False | Date and time that the record was migrated. |
OwnerId_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user or team who owns the invoice detail. |
OwnerId_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwnerId_Name | String | True | |
OwningBusinessUnit | String | True | Unique identifier of the business unit that owns the invoice product line item. |
OwningUser | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who owns the invoice product line item. |
PricePerUnit | Double | False | Price per unit for the invoice product line item. |
PricePerUnit_Base | Double | True | Base currency equivalent of the price per unit for the invoice product line item. |
PricingErrorCode | String | False | Pricing error for the invoice product line item. |
ProductDescription | String | False | Product description for the invoice product line item. |
ProductId_Id | String | False | Product identifier for the invoice product line item. |
ProductId_LogicalName | String | False | |
ProductId_Name | String | False | |
Quantity | Double | False | Product quantity specified for the invoice product line item. |
QuantityBackordered | Double | False | Product quantity that has been backordered for the invoice product line item. |
QuantityCancelled | Double | False | Product quantity that was canceled for the invoice product line item. |
QuantityShipped | Double | False | Product quantity shipped for the product line item specified on the invoice. |
SalesRepId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the sales person associated with the invoice product line item. |
SalesRepId_LogicalName | String | False | |
SalesRepId_Name | String | False | |
ShippingTrackingNumber | String | False | Tracking number for shipping the invoiced product line item. |
ShipTo_City | String | False | City name in the shipping address. |
ShipTo_Country | String | False | Country/region name in the shipping address. |
ShipTo_Fax | String | False | Fax number for the shipping address. |
ShipTo_FreightTermsCode | String | False | Freight terms for the shipping address. |
ShipTo_Line1 | String | False | First line for entering shipping address information. |
ShipTo_Line2 | String | False | Second line for entering shipping address information. |
ShipTo_Line3 | String | False | Third line for entering shipping address information. |
ShipTo_Name | String | False | Name to enter for the shipping address. |
ShipTo_PostalCode | String | False | ZIP Code or postal code in the shipping address. |
ShipTo_StateOrProvince | String | False | State or province in the shipping address. |
ShipTo_Telephone | String | False | Telephone number associated with the shipping address. |
Tax | Double | False | Tax amount for the invoice product line item. |
Tax_Base | Double | True | Base currency equivalent of the tax amount for the invoice product line item. |
TimeZoneRuleVersionNumber | Integer | False | For internal use only. |
TransactionCurrencyId_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the currency associated with the invoice detail. |
TransactionCurrencyId_LogicalName | String | True | |
TransactionCurrencyId_Name | String | True | |
UoMId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier for unit that is associated with the invoice product line item. |
UoMId_LogicalName | String | False | |
UoMId_Name | String | False | |
UTCConversionTimeZoneCode | Integer | False | Time zone code that was in use when the record was created. |
VolumeDiscountAmount | Double | True | Volume discount amount for the invoice product line item. |
VolumeDiscountAmount_Base | Double | True | Base currency equivalent of the volume discount amount for the invoice product line item. |
WillCall | Boolean | False | Information about whether the customer will call for the invoiced products or the products are to be shipped. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the ISV configuration. |
ConfigXML | String | False | Structured XML data representing the customizations. |
CreatedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who created the ISV configuration. |
CreatedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | True | |
CreatedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the ISV configuration was created. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the isvconfig. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
IsvConfigId | String | False | Unique identifier of the ISV configuration. |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who last modified the ISV configuration. |
ModifiedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | True | |
ModifiedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the ISV configuration was last modified. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the ISV configuration. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
OrganizationId | String | True | Unique identifier of the organization associated with the ISV configuration XML. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the knowledge base article. |
ArticleXml | String | False | XML data for the knowledge base article. |
Comments | String | False | Comments regarding the knowledge base article. |
Content | String | True | Description of the content of the knowledge base article. |
CreatedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who created the knowledge base article. |
CreatedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | True | |
CreatedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the knowledge base article was created. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the article. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
Description | String | False | Description of the knowledge base article. |
ExchangeRate | Double | True | |
ImportSequenceNumber | Integer | False | Unique identifier of the data import or data migration that created this record. |
KbArticleId | String | False | Unique identifier of the knowledge base article. |
KbArticleTemplateId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the template associated with the knowledge base article. |
KbArticleTemplateId_LogicalName | String | False | |
KbArticleTemplateId_Name | String | False | |
KeyWords | String | False | Keywords to be used for searches in knowledge base articles. |
LanguageCode | Integer | False | Language of the Article Template |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who last modified the knowledge base article. |
ModifiedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | True | |
ModifiedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the knowledge base article was last modified. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the kbarticle. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
Number | String | True | Knowledge base article number. |
OrganizationId_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the organization associated with the article. |
OrganizationId_LogicalName | String | True | |
OrganizationId_Name | String | True | |
OverriddenCreatedOn | Datetime | False | Date and time that the record was migrated. |
StateCode | String | True | Status of the knowledge base article. |
StatusCode | String | False | Reason for the status of the knowledge base article. |
SubjectId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the subject associated with the knowledge base article. |
SubjectId_LogicalName | String | False | |
SubjectId_Name | String | False | |
Title | String | False | Title of the knowledge base article. |
TransactionCurrencyId_Id | String | False | |
TransactionCurrencyId_LogicalName | String | False | |
TransactionCurrencyId_Name | String | False |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the knowledge base article. |
CommentText | String | False | Comment text for the knowledge base article. |
CreatedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who created the knowledge base article comment. |
CreatedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | True | |
CreatedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the knowledge base article comment was created. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the KB article comment. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
KbArticleCommentId | String | False | Unique identifier of the knowledge base article comment. |
KbArticleId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the knowledge base article to which the comment applies. |
KbArticleId_LogicalName | String | False | |
KbArticleId_Name | String | False | |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who last modified the knowledge base article comment. |
ModifiedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | True | |
ModifiedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the knowledge base article comment was last modified. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the kbarticlecomment. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
OrganizationId | String | True | Unique identifier of the organization with which the article comment is associated. |
Title | String | False | Title of the knowledge base article comment. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the knowledge base article template. |
ComponentState | String | True | For internal use only. |
CreatedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who created the knowledge base article template. |
CreatedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | True | |
CreatedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the knowledge base article template was created. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the kbarticletemplate. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
Description | String | False | Description of the knowledge base article template. |
FormatXml | String | False | XML format of the knowledge base article template. |
ImportSequenceNumber | Integer | False | Unique identifier of the data import or data migration that created this record. |
IsActive | Boolean | False | Information about whether the knowledge base article is active. |
IsManaged | Boolean | True | |
KbArticleTemplateId | String | False | Unique identifier of the knowledge base article template. |
KbArticleTemplateIdUnique | String | True | For internal use only. |
LanguageCode | Integer | False | Language of the Article Template |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who last modified the knowledge base article template. |
ModifiedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | True | |
ModifiedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the knowledge base article template was last modified. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the kbarticletemplate. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
OrganizationId_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the organization associated with the template. |
OrganizationId_LogicalName | String | True | |
OrganizationId_Name | String | True | |
OverriddenCreatedOn | Datetime | False | Date and time that the record was migrated. |
OverwriteTime | Datetime | True | For internal use only. |
SolutionId | String | True | Unique identifier of the associated solution. |
StructureXml | String | False | XML structure of the knowledge base article. |
Title | String | False | Title of the knowledge base article template. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the lead. |
AccountId_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the account with which the lead is associated. |
AccountId_LogicalName | String | True | |
AccountId_Name | String | True | |
Address1_AddressId | String | False | Unique identifier for address 1. |
Address1_AddressTypeCode | String | False | Type of address for address 1, such as billing, shipping, or primary address. |
Address1_City | String | False | City name for address 1. |
Address1_Country | String | False | Country/region name for address 1. |
Address1_County | String | False | County name for address 1. |
Address1_Fax | String | False | Fax number for address 1. |
Address1_Latitude | Double | False | Latitude for address 1. |
Address1_Line1 | String | False | First line for entering address 1 information. |
Address1_Line2 | String | False | Second line for entering address 1 information. |
Address1_Line3 | String | False | Third line for entering address 1 information. |
Address1_Longitude | Double | False | Longitude for address 1. |
Address1_Name | String | False | Name to enter for address 1. |
Address1_PostalCode | String | False | ZIP Code or postal code for address 1. |
Address1_PostOfficeBox | String | False | Post office box number for address 1. |
Address1_ShippingMethodCode | String | False | Method of shipment for address 1. |
Address1_StateOrProvince | String | False | State or province for address 1. |
Address1_Telephone1 | String | False | First telephone number associated with address 1. |
Address1_Telephone2 | String | False | Second telephone number associated with address 1. |
Address1_Telephone3 | String | False | Third telephone number associated with address 1. |
Address1_UPSZone | String | False | United Parcel Service (UPS) zone for address 1. |
Address1_UTCOffset | Integer | False | UTC offset for address 1. This is the difference between local time and standard Coordinated Universal Time. |
Address2_AddressId | String | False | Unique identifier for address 2. |
Address2_AddressTypeCode | String | False | Type of address for address 2, such as billing, shipping, or primary address. |
Address2_City | String | False | City name for address 2. |
Address2_Country | String | False | Country/region name for address 2. |
Address2_County | String | False | County name for address 2. |
Address2_Fax | String | False | Fax number for address 2. |
Address2_Latitude | Double | False | Latitude for address 2. |
Address2_Line1 | String | False | First line for entering address 2 information. |
Address2_Line2 | String | False | Second line for entering address 2 information. |
Address2_Line3 | String | False | Third line for entering address 2 information. |
Address2_Longitude | Double | False | Longitude for address 2. |
Address2_Name | String | False | Name to enter for address 2. |
Address2_PostalCode | String | False | ZIP Code or postal code for address 2. |
Address2_PostOfficeBox | String | False | Post office box number for address 2. |
Address2_ShippingMethodCode | String | False | Method of shipment for address 2. |
Address2_StateOrProvince | String | False | State or province for address 2. |
Address2_Telephone1 | String | False | First telephone number associated with address 2. |
Address2_Telephone2 | String | False | Second telephone number associated with address 2. |
Address2_Telephone3 | String | False | Third telephone number associated with address 2. |
Address2_UPSZone | String | False | United Parcel Service (UPS) zone for address 2. |
Address2_UTCOffset | Integer | False | UTC offset for address 2. This is the difference between local time and standard Coordinated Universal Time. |
CampaignId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the source campaign associated with the lead. |
CampaignId_LogicalName | String | False | |
CampaignId_Name | String | False | |
CompanyName | String | False | Name of the company with which the lead is associated. |
ContactId_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the contact with which the lead is associated. |
ContactId_LogicalName | String | True | |
ContactId_Name | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who created the lead. |
CreatedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | True | |
CreatedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the lead was created. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the lead. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
CustomerId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier for the account or contact associated with the lead. |
CustomerId_LogicalName | String | False | |
CustomerId_Name | String | False | |
Description | String | False | Description of the lead. |
DoNotBulkEMail | Boolean | False | Information about whether to allow sending direct email to the lead. |
DoNotEMail | Boolean | False | Information about whether to allow sending email to the lead. |
DoNotFax | Boolean | False | Information about whether to allow sending fax transmittals to the lead. |
DoNotPhone | Boolean | False | Information about whether to allow phone calls to the lead. |
DoNotPostalMail | Boolean | False | Information about whether to allow sending postal mail to the lead. |
DoNotSendMM | Boolean | False | Information regarding whether to allow sending marketing mail to the lead. |
EMailAddress1 | String | False | First email address for the lead. |
EMailAddress2 | String | False | Second email address for the lead. |
EMailAddress3 | String | False | Third email address for the lead. |
EstimatedAmount | Double | False | Estimated value of the opportunity that was generated from the lead. |
EstimatedAmount_Base | Double | True | Base currency equivalent of the estimated value of the opportunity that was generated from the lead. |
EstimatedCloseDate | Datetime | False | Estimated date on which the opportunity that was generated from the lead is expected to close. |
EstimatedValue | Double | False | Estimated value of the opportunity that was generated from the lead. |
ExchangeRate | Double | True | Exchange rate for the currency associated with the lead with respect to the base currency. |
Fax | String | False | Fax number for the lead. |
FirstName | String | False | First name for the lead. |
FullName | String | True | Full name for the lead. |
ImportSequenceNumber | Integer | False | Unique identifier of the data import or data migration that created this record. |
IndustryCode | String | False | Type of industry with which the company or organization of the lead is associated. |
JobTitle | String | False | Job title of the lead. |
LastName | String | False | Last name for the lead. |
LastUsedInCampaign | Datetime | False | Date and time when the lead was last contacted as a part of a marketing campaign. |
LeadId | String | False | Unique identifier of the lead. |
LeadQualityCode | String | False | Quality of the lead, such as hot, warm, or cold. |
LeadSourceCode | String | False | Source of the lead. |
MasterId_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the master lead for merge. |
MasterId_LogicalName | String | True | |
MasterId_Name | String | True | |
Merged | Boolean | True | Information regarding whether the account has been merged with a master lead. |
MiddleName | String | False | Middle name for the lead. |
MobilePhone | String | False | Mobile phone number for the lead. |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who last modified the lead. |
ModifiedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | True | |
ModifiedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the lead was last modified. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the lead. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
NumberOfEmployees | Integer | False | Number of employees at the lead's company. |
OverriddenCreatedOn | Datetime | False | Date and time that the record was migrated. |
OwnerId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the user or team who owns the lead record. |
OwnerId_LogicalName | String | False | |
OwnerId_Name | String | False | |
OwningBusinessUnit_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the business unit that owns the lead. |
OwningBusinessUnit_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningBusinessUnit_Name | String | True | |
OwningTeam_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the team who owns the lead. |
OwningTeam_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningTeam_Name | String | True | |
OwningUser_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who owns the lead. |
OwningUser_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningUser_Name | String | True | |
Pager | String | False | Pager number for the lead. |
ParticipatesInWorkflow | Boolean | False | Information about whether the lead participates in workflow rules. |
PreferredContactMethodCode | String | False | Preferred contact method for the lead. |
PriorityCode | String | False | Priority of the lead. |
Revenue | Double | False | Revenue amount for the lead. |
Revenue_Base | Double | True | Base currency equivalent of the revenue amount for the lead. |
SalesStageCode | String | False | Current stage of the sales process for the lead. |
Salutation | String | False | Salutation for correspondence with the lead. |
SIC | String | False | Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) code for the lead. |
StateCode | String | True | Status of the lead. |
StatusCode | String | False | Reason for the status of the lead. |
Subject | String | False | Subject associated with the lead. |
Telephone1 | String | False | First telephone number for the lead. |
Telephone2 | String | False | Second telephone number for the lead. |
Telephone3 | String | False | Third telephone number for the lead. |
TimeZoneRuleVersionNumber | Integer | False | For internal use only. |
TransactionCurrencyId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the currency associated with the lead. |
TransactionCurrencyId_LogicalName | String | False | |
TransactionCurrencyId_Name | String | False | |
UTCConversionTimeZoneCode | Integer | False | Time zone code that was in use when the record was created. |
WebSiteUrl | String | False | Web site URL for the lead. |
YomiCompanyName | String | False | Name of the company with which the lead is associated. |
YomiFirstName | String | False | Hiragana or Katakana phonetic guide for the lead first name, used for Yomi sorting. |
YomiFullName | String | True | Hiragana or Katakana phonetic guide for the lead full name, used for Yomi sorting. |
YomiLastName | String | False | Hiragana or Katakana phonetic guide for the lead last name, used for Yomi sorting. |
YomiMiddleName | String | False | Hiragana or Katakana phonetic guide for the lead middle name, used for Yomi sorting. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the lead address. |
AddressNumber | Integer | False | Information about the address for the lead. |
AddressTypeCode | String | False | Type of address for the lead address. |
City | String | False | City name in the address for the lead. |
Country | String | False | Country/region name in the address for the lead. |
County | String | False | County name in the address for the lead. |
CreatedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who created the lead address. |
CreatedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | True | |
CreatedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the lead address was created. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the leadaddress. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
ExchangeRate | Double | True | Exchange rate for the currency associated with the leadaddress with respect to the base currency. |
Fax | String | False | Fax number for the address for the lead. |
Latitude | Double | False | Latitude for the address for the lead. |
LeadAddressId | String | False | Unique identifier of the lead address. |
Line1 | String | False | First line for entering address information. |
Line2 | String | False | Second line for entering address information. |
Line3 | String | False | Third line for entering address information. |
Longitude | Double | False | Longitude for the address for the lead. |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who last modified the lead address. |
ModifiedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | True | |
ModifiedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the lead address was last modified. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the leadaddress. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
Name | String | False | Name used to identify the lead address. |
ParentId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the parent object with which the lead address is associated. |
ParentId_LogicalName | String | False | |
ParentId_Name | String | False | |
PostalCode | String | False | ZIP Code or postal code in the address for the lead. |
PostOfficeBox | String | False | Post office box number in the address for the lead. |
ShippingMethodCode | String | False | Method of shipment for the lead. |
StateOrProvince | String | False | State or province in the address for the lead. |
Telephone1 | String | False | First telephone number for the lead address. |
Telephone2 | String | False | Second telephone number for the lead address. |
Telephone3 | String | False | Third telephone number for the lead address. |
TransactionCurrencyId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the currency associated with the leadaddress. |
TransactionCurrencyId_LogicalName | String | False | |
TransactionCurrencyId_Name | String | False | |
UPSZone | String | False | United Parcel Service (UPS) zone for the address of the lead. |
UTCOffset | Integer | False | UTC offset for the lead address. This is the difference between local time and standard Coordinated Universal Time. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the lead competitor. |
CompetitorId | String | True | |
LeadCompetitorId | String | False | Unique identifier of the lead competitor. |
LeadId | String | True |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the lead product. |
LeadId | String | True | |
LeadProductId | String | False | Unique identifier of the lead product. |
ProductId | String | True |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the letter activity. |
ActivityId | String | False | Unique identifier of the letter activity. |
ActivityTypeCode | String | True | Type of activity. |
ActualDurationMinutes | Integer | False | Actual duration of the letter activity in minutes. |
ActualEnd | Datetime | False | Actual end time of the letter activity. |
ActualStart | Datetime | False | Actual start time of the letter activity. |
Address | String | False | Address for the letter. |
bcc_Ids | String | False | Blind carbon copy (BCC) recipient of the letter. |
bcc_LogicalNames | String | False | |
bcc_Names | String | False | |
Category | String | False | Category of the letter. |
cc_Ids | String | False | Carbon copy (CC) recipient of the letter. |
cc_LogicalNames | String | False | |
cc_Names | String | False | |
CreatedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who created the letter activity. |
CreatedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | True | |
CreatedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the letter activity was created. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the letter. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
Description | String | False | Description of the letter activity. |
DirectionCode | Boolean | False | Direction code for the letter: incoming or outgoing. |
ExchangeRate | Double | True | Exchange rate for the currency associated with the letter with respect to the base currency. |
from_Ids | String | False | Who the letter is from. |
from_LogicalNames | String | False | |
from_Names | String | False | |
ImportSequenceNumber | Integer | False | Unique identifier of the data import or data migration that created this record. |
IsBilled | Boolean | False | Information regarding whether the letter activity was billed as part of resolving a case. |
IsRegularActivity | Boolean | True | Information regarding whether the activity is a regular activity type or event type. |
IsWorkflowCreated | Boolean | False | Indication of whether the letter activity was created by a workflow rule. |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who last modified the letter activity. |
ModifiedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | True | |
ModifiedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the letter activity was last modified. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the letter. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
OverriddenCreatedOn | Datetime | False | Date and time that the record was migrated. |
OwnerId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the user or team who owns the letter activity. |
OwnerId_LogicalName | String | False | |
OwnerId_Name | String | False | |
OwningBusinessUnit_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the business unit that owns the letter activity. |
OwningBusinessUnit_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningBusinessUnit_Name | String | True | |
OwningTeam_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the team that owns the letter activity. |
OwningTeam_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningTeam_Name | String | True | |
OwningUser_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user that owns the letter activity. |
OwningUser_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningUser_Name | String | True | |
PriorityCode | String | False | Priority code of the letter. |
RegardingObjectId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the object with which the letter activity is associated. |
RegardingObjectId_LogicalName | String | False | |
RegardingObjectId_Name | String | False | |
ScheduledDurationMinutes | Integer | True | Scheduled duration of the letter activity, specified in minutes. |
ScheduledEnd | Datetime | False | Scheduled end time of the letter activity. |
ScheduledStart | Datetime | False | Scheduled start time of the letter activity. |
ServiceId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier for an associated service. |
ServiceId_LogicalName | String | False | |
ServiceId_Name | String | False | |
StateCode | String | True | Status of the letter activity. |
StatusCode | String | False | Reason for the status of the letter activity. |
Subcategory | String | False | Subcategory of the letter activity. |
Subject | String | False | Subject associated with the letter activity. |
TimeZoneRuleVersionNumber | Integer | False | For internal use only. |
to_Ids | String | False | Who the letter is sent to. |
to_LogicalNames | String | False | |
to_Names | String | False | |
TransactionCurrencyId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the currency associated with the letter. |
TransactionCurrencyId_LogicalName | String | False | |
TransactionCurrencyId_Name | String | False | |
UTCConversionTimeZoneCode | Integer | False | Time zone code that was in use when the record was created. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the lead competitor. |
CompetitorId | String | True | |
LeadCompetitorId | String | False | Unique identifier of the lead competitor. |
LeadId | String | True |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the lead product. |
LeadId | String | True | |
LeadProductId | String | False | Unique identifier of the lead product. |
ProductId | String | True |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the letter activity. |
ActivityId | String | False | Unique identifier of the letter activity. |
ActivityTypeCode | String | True | Type of activity. |
ActualDurationMinutes | Integer | False | Actual duration of the letter activity in minutes. |
ActualEnd | Datetime | False | Actual end time of the letter activity. |
ActualStart | Datetime | False | Actual start time of the letter activity. |
Address | String | False | Address for the letter. |
bcc_Ids | String | False | Blind carbon copy (BCC) recipient of the letter. |
bcc_LogicalNames | String | False | |
bcc_Names | String | False | |
Category | String | False | Category of the letter. |
cc_Ids | String | False | Carbon copy (CC) recipient of the letter. |
cc_LogicalNames | String | False | |
cc_Names | String | False | |
CreatedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who created the letter activity. |
CreatedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | True | |
CreatedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the letter activity was created. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the letter. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
Description | String | False | Description of the letter activity. |
DirectionCode | Boolean | False | Direction code for the letter: incoming or outgoing. |
ExchangeRate | Double | True | Exchange rate for the currency associated with the letter with respect to the base currency. |
from_Ids | String | False | Who the letter is from. |
from_LogicalNames | String | False | |
from_Names | String | False | |
ImportSequenceNumber | Integer | False | Unique identifier of the data import or data migration that created this record. |
IsBilled | Boolean | False | Information regarding whether the letter activity was billed as part of resolving a case. |
IsRegularActivity | Boolean | True | Information regarding whether the activity is a regular activity type or event type. |
IsWorkflowCreated | Boolean | False | Indication of whether the letter activity was created by a workflow rule. |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who last modified the letter activity. |
ModifiedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | True | |
ModifiedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the letter activity was last modified. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the letter. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
OverriddenCreatedOn | Datetime | False | Date and time that the record was migrated. |
OwnerId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the user or team who owns the letter activity. |
OwnerId_LogicalName | String | False | |
OwnerId_Name | String | False | |
OwningBusinessUnit_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the business unit that owns the letter activity. |
OwningBusinessUnit_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningBusinessUnit_Name | String | True | |
OwningTeam_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the team that owns the letter activity. |
OwningTeam_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningTeam_Name | String | True | |
OwningUser_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user that owns the letter activity. |
OwningUser_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningUser_Name | String | True | |
PriorityCode | String | False | Priority code of the letter. |
RegardingObjectId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the object with which the letter activity is associated. |
RegardingObjectId_LogicalName | String | False | |
RegardingObjectId_Name | String | False | |
ScheduledDurationMinutes | Integer | True | Scheduled duration of the letter activity, specified in minutes. |
ScheduledEnd | Datetime | False | Scheduled end time of the letter activity. |
ScheduledStart | Datetime | False | Scheduled start time of the letter activity. |
ServiceId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier for an associated service. |
ServiceId_LogicalName | String | False | |
ServiceId_Name | String | False | |
StateCode | String | True | Status of the letter activity. |
StatusCode | String | False | Reason for the status of the letter activity. |
Subcategory | String | False | Subcategory of the letter activity. |
Subject | String | False | Subject associated with the letter activity. |
TimeZoneRuleVersionNumber | Integer | False | For internal use only. |
to_Ids | String | False | Who the letter is sent to. |
to_LogicalNames | String | False | |
to_Names | String | False | |
TransactionCurrencyId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the currency associated with the letter. |
TransactionCurrencyId_LogicalName | String | False | |
TransactionCurrencyId_Name | String | False | |
UTCConversionTimeZoneCode | Integer | False | Time zone code that was in use when the record was created. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the license. |
InstalledOn | Datetime | False | Date and time when the license was installed. |
LicenseId | String | False | Unique identifier of the license. |
LicenseKey | String | False | Key for the license. |
LicenseType | String | False | Type of license, such as Professional, Standard, or Suite. |
OrganizationId_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the organization associated with the license. |
OrganizationId_LogicalName | String | True | |
OrganizationId_Name | String | True | |
TimeZoneRuleVersionNumber | Integer | False | For internal use only. |
UTCConversionTimeZoneCode | Integer | False | Time zone code that was in use when the record was created. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the marketing list. |
Cost | Double | False | Cost of the marketing list. |
Cost_Base | Double | True | Base currency equivalent of the cost of the marketing list. |
CreatedBy_Id | String | True | Unique Identifier of the user who created the marketing list. |
CreatedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | True | |
CreatedFromCode | String | False | Information about how the marketing list was created. Restricts the type of objects that can be added to the list. |
CreatedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the marketing list was created. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the list. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
Description | String | False | Description of the marketing list. |
DoNotSendOnOptOut | Boolean | False | Information about whether to send marketing material to list members that prohibit sending of marketing material. |
ExchangeRate | Double | True | Exchange rate for the currency associated with the list with respect to the base currency. |
IgnoreInactiveListMembers | Boolean | False | Information about whether to ignore inactive marketing list members during propagation/execution. |
ImportSequenceNumber | Integer | False | Unique identifier of the data import or data migration that created this record. |
LastUsedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the list was last used in a campaign, to create activities, or to create opportunities. |
ListId | String | False | Unique identifier of the marketing list. |
ListName | String | False | User-defined name of the marketing list. |
LockStatus | Boolean | False | Indicates whether the marketing list is locked. |
MemberCount | Integer | True | Total number of members in the marketing list. |
MemberType | Integer | False | Type of the members that can be stored in the marketing list. |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who last modified the marketing list. |
ModifiedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | True | |
ModifiedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the marketing list was last modified. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the list. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
OverriddenCreatedOn | Datetime | False | Date and time that the record was migrated. |
OwnerId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the user or team who owns the marketing list. |
OwnerId_LogicalName | String | False | |
OwnerId_Name | String | False | |
OwningBusinessUnit_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the business unit that owns the marketing list. |
OwningBusinessUnit_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningBusinessUnit_Name | String | True | |
OwningTeam_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the team who owns the marketing list. |
OwningTeam_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningTeam_Name | String | True | |
OwningUser_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who owns the marketing list. |
OwningUser_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningUser_Name | String | True | |
Purpose | String | False | Reason why the marketing list was created. |
Query | String | False | Query used for retrieving members of marketing list. |
Source | String | False | Source of the marketing list. |
StateCode | String | True | Status of the marketing list. |
StatusCode | String | False | Reason for the status of the marketing list. |
TimeZoneRuleVersionNumber | Integer | False | For internal use only. |
TransactionCurrencyId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the currency associated with the list. |
TransactionCurrencyId_LogicalName | String | False | |
TransactionCurrencyId_Name | String | False | |
Type | Boolean | False | Type of marketing list (Static or Dynamic). |
UTCConversionTimeZoneCode | Integer | False | Time zone code that was in use when the record was created. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the list member. |
CreatedBy_Id | String | True | |
CreatedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | True | |
CreatedOn | Datetime | True | |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
EntityId_Id | String | False | |
EntityId_LogicalName | String | False | |
EntityId_Name | String | False | |
EntityType | Integer | False | |
ListId_Id | String | False | |
ListId_LogicalName | String | False | |
ListId_Name | String | False | |
ListMemberId | String | False | |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who last modified the list member. |
ModifiedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | True | |
ModifiedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the list member was last modified. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the listmember. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
OwnerId_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user or team who owns the list member. |
OwnerId_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwnerId_Name | String | True | |
OwningBusinessUnit | String | True | |
OwningUser | String | True |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the lookup mapping. |
ColumnMappingId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the column mapping with which this lookup mapping is associated. |
ColumnMappingId_LogicalName | String | False | |
ColumnMappingId_Name | String | False | |
CreatedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who created the lookup mapping. |
CreatedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | True | |
CreatedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the lookup mapping was created. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the lookupmapping. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
LookUpAttributeName | String | False | Name of the field with which the lookup is associated. |
LookUpEntityName | String | False | Name of the entity with which the lookup is associated. |
LookUpMappingId | String | False | Unique identifier of the lookup mapping. |
LookUpSourceCode | String | False | Lookup source code for lookup mapping. |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who last modified the lookup mapping. |
ModifiedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | True | |
ModifiedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the lookup mapping was last modified. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the lookupmapping. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
ProcessCode | String | False | Information about whether the lookup mapping has to be processed. |
StateCode | String | True | Status of the lookup mapping. |
StatusCode | String | False | Reason for the status of the lookup mapping. |
TransformationParameterMappingId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the transformation parameter mapping with which this lookup mapping is associated. |
TransformationParameterMappingId_LogicalName | String | False | |
TransformationParameterMappingId_Name | String | False |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the mail merge template. |
Body | String | False | Body text of the mail merge template. |
ComponentState | String | True | For internal use only. |
CreatedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who created the mail merge template. |
CreatedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | True | |
CreatedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the mail merge template was created. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the mailmergetemplate. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
DefaultFilter | String | False | Default data fields associated with the mail merge template. |
Description | String | False | Description of the mail merge template. |
DocumentFormat | String | False | Version of the Microsoft Office Word XML format used by the template. |
ExchangeRate | Double | True | Exchange rate for the currency associated with the mailmergetemplate with respect to the base currency. |
FileName | String | False | File name of the mail merge template. |
FileSize | Integer | True | File size of the mail merge template. |
IsManaged | Boolean | True | Indicates whether the solution component is part of a managed solution. |
IsPersonal | Boolean | False | Information about whether the mail merge template is personal or is available to all users. |
LanguageCode | Integer | False | Language of the mail merge template. |
MailMergeTemplateId | String | False | Unique identifier of the mail merge template. |
MailMergeTemplateIdUnique | String | True | For internal use only. |
MailMergeType | String | False | Drop-down list for selecting the type of the mail merge. |
MimeType | String | False | MIME type of the mail merge template. |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who last modified the mail merge template. |
ModifiedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | True | |
ModifiedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the mail merge template was last modified. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the mailmergetemplate. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
Name | String | False | Name of the mail merge template. |
OverwriteTime | Datetime | True | For internal use only. |
OwnerId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the user or team who owns the mail merge template. |
OwnerId_LogicalName | String | False | |
OwnerId_Name | String | False | |
OwningBusinessUnit_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the business unit that owns the mail merge template. |
OwningBusinessUnit_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningBusinessUnit_Name | String | True | |
OwningTeam_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the team who owns the mail merge template. |
OwningTeam_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningTeam_Name | String | True | |
OwningUser_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who owns the mail merge template. |
OwningUser_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningUser_Name | String | True | |
ParameterXml | String | True | Parameter Xml. |
SolutionId | String | True | Unique identifier of the associated solution. |
StateCode | String | True | Status of the mail merge template. |
StatusCode | String | False | Reason for the status of the mail merge template. |
TemplateTypeCode | String | False | Type of mail merge template. |
TimeZoneRuleVersionNumber | Integer | False | For internal use only. |
TransactionCurrencyId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the currency associated with the mailmergetemplate. |
TransactionCurrencyId_LogicalName | String | False | |
TransactionCurrencyId_Name | String | False | |
UTCConversionTimeZoneCode | Integer | False | Time zone code that was in use when the record was created. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the goal metric. |
AmountDataType | String | False | Data type of the amount. |
CreatedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who created the record. |
CreatedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | True | |
CreatedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the record was created. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the record. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
Description | String | False | Description of the goal metric. |
ImportSequenceNumber | Integer | False | Sequence number of the import that created this record. |
IsAmount | Boolean | False | Information that indicates whether the metric type is Count or Amount. |
IsStretchTracked | Boolean | False | Indicates whether the goal metric tracks stretch targets. |
MetricId | String | False | Unique identifier of the goal metric. |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who modified the record. |
ModifiedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | True | |
ModifiedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the record was modified. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who modified the record. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
Name | String | False | Name of the goal metric. |
OrganizationId_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the organization. |
OrganizationId_LogicalName | String | True | |
OrganizationId_Name | String | True | |
OverriddenCreatedOn | Datetime | False | Date and time that the record was migrated. |
StateCode | String | True | Status of the goal metric. |
StatusCode | String | False | Reason for the status of the goal metric. |
TimeZoneRuleVersionNumber | Integer | False | For internal use only. |
UTCConversionTimeZoneCode | Integer | False | Time zone code that was in use when the record was created. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the monthly fiscal calendar. |
BusinessUnitId_Id | String | True | |
BusinessUnitId_LogicalName | String | True | |
BusinessUnitId_Name | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who created the fiscal calendar. |
CreatedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | True | |
CreatedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the quota for the monthly fiscal calendar was modified. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the MonthlyFiscalCalendar. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
EffectiveOn | Datetime | False | Date and time when the monthly fiscal calendar sales quota takes effect. |
ExchangeRate | Double | True | Exchange rate for the currency associated with the monthly fiscal calendar with respect to the base currency. |
FiscalPeriodType | Integer | True | Type of fiscal period used in the sales quota. |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who last modified the quota for the monthly fiscal calendar. |
ModifiedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | True | |
ModifiedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the quota for the monthly fiscal calendar was last modified. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the MonthlyFiscalCalendar. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
month1 | Double | False | Sales quota for the first month in the fiscal year. |
month1_base | Double | True | Base currency equivalent of the sales quota for the first month in the fiscal year. |
month10 | Double | False | Sales quota for the tenth month in the fiscal year. |
month10_base | Double | True | Base currency equivalent of the sales quota for the tenth month in the fiscal year. |
month11 | Double | False | Sales quota for the eleventh month in the fiscal year. |
month11_base | Double | True | Base currency equivalent of the sales quota for the eleventh month in the fiscal year. |
month12 | Double | False | Sales quota for the twelfth month in the fiscal year. |
month12_base | Double | True | Base currency equivalent of the sales quota for the twelfth month in the fiscal year. |
month2 | Double | False | Sales quota for the second month in the fiscal year. |
month2_base | Double | True | Base currency equivalent of the sales quota for the second month in the fiscal year. |
month3 | Double | False | Sales quota for the third month in the fiscal year. |
month3_base | Double | True | Base currency equivalent of the sales quota for the third month in the fiscal year. |
month4 | Double | False | Sales quota for the fourth month in the fiscal year. |
month4_base | Double | True | Base currency equivalent of the sales quota for the fourth month in the fiscal year. |
month5 | Double | False | Sales quota for the fifth month in the fiscal year. |
month5_base | Double | True | Base currency equivalent of the sales quota for the fifth month in the fiscal year. |
month6 | Double | False | Sales quota for the sixth month in the fiscal year. |
month6_base | Double | True | Base currency equivalent of the sales quota for the sixth month in the fiscal year. |
month7 | Double | False | Sales quota for the seventh month in the fiscal year. |
month7_base | Double | True | Base currency equivalent of the sales quota for the seventh month in the fiscal year. |
month8 | Double | False | Sales quota for the eighth month in the fiscal year. |
month8_base | Double | True | Base currency equivalent of the sales quota for the eighth month in the fiscal year. |
month9 | Double | False | Sales quota for the ninth month in the fiscal year. |
month9_base | Double | True | Base currency equivalent of the sales quota for the ninth month in the fiscal year. |
SalesPersonId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the associated salesperson. |
SalesPersonId_LogicalName | String | False | |
SalesPersonId_Name | String | False | |
TimeZoneRuleVersionNumber | Integer | False | For internal use only. |
TransactionCurrencyId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the currency associated with the monthly fiscal calendar. |
TransactionCurrencyId_LogicalName | String | False | |
TransactionCurrencyId_Name | String | False | |
UserFiscalCalendarId | String | False | Unique identifier of the monthly fiscal calendar. |
UTCConversionTimeZoneCode | Integer | False | Time zone code that was in use when the record was created. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the notification. |
CreatedOn | Datetime | True | For internal use only. |
CreatedOnString | String | True | For internal use only. |
EventData | String | False | For internal use only. |
EventId | Integer | False | For internal use only. |
NotificationId | String | False | For internal use only. |
NotificationNumber | Integer | True | For internal use only. |
OrganizationId | String | False | For internal use only. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the opportunity. |
AccountId_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the account with which the opportunity is associated. |
AccountId_LogicalName | String | True | |
AccountId_Name | String | True | |
ActualCloseDate | Datetime | False | Date when the opportunity was closed. |
ActualValue | Double | False | Actual revenue for the opportunity. |
ActualValue_Base | Double | True | Base currency equivalent of the actual revenue for the opportunity. |
CampaignId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier for the source campaign associated with the opportunity. |
CampaignId_LogicalName | String | False | |
CampaignId_Name | String | False | |
CloseProbability | Integer | False | Likelihood of closing the opportunity. |
ContactId_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the contact associated with the opportunity. |
ContactId_LogicalName | String | True | |
ContactId_Name | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who created the opportunity. |
CreatedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | True | |
CreatedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the opportunity was created. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the opportunity. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
CustomerId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the account or contact associated with the opportunity. |
CustomerId_LogicalName | String | False | |
CustomerId_Name | String | False | |
Description | String | False | Description of the opportunity. |
DiscountAmount | Double | False | Discount specified as a monetary amount for the opportunity. |
DiscountAmount_Base | Double | True | Base currency equivalent of the discount specified as a monetary amount for the opportunity. |
DiscountPercentage | Double | False | Discount specified as a percentage for the opportunity. |
EstimatedCloseDate | Datetime | False | Estimated date on which the opportunity is expected to close. |
EstimatedValue | Double | False | Estimated value of the opportunity. |
EstimatedValue_Base | Double | True | Base currency equivalent of the estimated value of the opportunity. |
ExchangeRate | Double | True | Exchange rate for the currency associated with the opportunity with respect to the base currency. |
FreightAmount | Double | False | Cost of freight for the opportunity. |
FreightAmount_Base | Double | True | Base currency equivalent of the cost of freight for the opportunity |
ImportSequenceNumber | Integer | False | Unique identifier of the data import or data migration that created this record. |
IsRevenueSystemCalculated | Boolean | False | Specifies whether estimated revenue is to be calculated by the system or provided by the user. |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who last modified the opportunity. |
ModifiedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | True | |
ModifiedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the opportunity was last modified. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the opportunity. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
Name | String | False | Name of the opportunity. |
OpportunityId | String | False | Unique identifier of the opportunity. |
OpportunityRatingCode | String | False | Quality of the opportunity, such as hot. |
OriginatingLeadId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the lead that originated the opportunity. |
OriginatingLeadId_LogicalName | String | False | |
OriginatingLeadId_Name | String | False | |
OverriddenCreatedOn | Datetime | False | Date and time that the record was migrated. |
OwnerId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the user or team who owns the opportunity. |
OwnerId_LogicalName | String | False | |
OwnerId_Name | String | False | |
OwningBusinessUnit_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the business unit that owns the opportunity. |
OwningBusinessUnit_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningBusinessUnit_Name | String | True | |
OwningTeam_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the team who owns the opportunity. |
OwningTeam_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningTeam_Name | String | True | |
OwningUser_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who owns the opportunity. |
OwningUser_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningUser_Name | String | True | |
ParticipatesInWorkflow | Boolean | False | Information about whether the opportunity participates in workflow rules. |
PriceLevelId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the price list associated with the opportunity. |
PriceLevelId_LogicalName | String | False | |
PriceLevelId_Name | String | False | |
PricingErrorCode | String | False | Pricing error for the opportunity. |
PriorityCode | String | False | Priority of the opportunity. |
SalesStageCode | String | False | Customizable code that represents the current stage of an opportunity in a manual sales process. Designed to support manual sales processes upgraded from earlier versions of Microsoft Dynamics CRM. |
StateCode | String | True | Status of the opportunity. |
StatusCode | String | False | Reason for the status of the opportunity. |
StepId | String | False | Unique identifier of the step in the sales process. |
StepName | String | False | Current phase in the sales pipeline for the opportunity. Designed to be updated by using workflows. |
TimeZoneRuleVersionNumber | Integer | False | For internal use only. |
TotalAmount | Double | True | Total amount for the opportunity. |
TotalAmount_Base | Double | True | Base currency equivalent of the total amount for the opportunity. |
TotalAmountLessFreight | Double | True | Total amount minus the freight charges for the opportunity. |
TotalAmountLessFreight_Base | Double | True | Base currency equivalent of the total amount minus the freight charges for the opportunity. |
TotalDiscountAmount | Double | True | Total discount for the opportunity. |
TotalDiscountAmount_Base | Double | True | Base currency equivalent of the total discount for the opportunity. |
TotalLineItemAmount | Double | True | Total line item amount for the opportunity. |
TotalLineItemAmount_Base | Double | True | Base currency equivalent of the total line item amount for the opportunity. |
TotalLineItemDiscountAmount | Double | True | Total line item discount for the opportunity. |
TotalLineItemDiscountAmount_Base | Double | True | Base currency equivalent of the total line item discount for the opportunity. |
TotalTax | Double | True | Total tax for the opportunity. |
TotalTax_Base | Double | True | Base currency equivalent of the total tax for the opportunity. |
TransactionCurrencyId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the currency associated with the opportunity. |
TransactionCurrencyId_LogicalName | String | False | |
TransactionCurrencyId_Name | String | False | |
UTCConversionTimeZoneCode | Integer | False | Time zone code that was in use when the record was created. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the opportunity closed. |
ActivityId | String | False | Unique identifier of the opportunity close activity. |
ActivityTypeCode | String | True | Type of activity. |
ActualDurationMinutes | Integer | False | Actual duration of the opportunity close activity in minutes. |
ActualEnd | Datetime | False | Actual end time of the opportunity close activity. |
ActualRevenue | Double | False | Actual revenue generated for the opportunity. |
ActualRevenue_Base | Double | True | Base currency equivalent of the actual revenue generated for the opportunity. |
ActualStart | Datetime | False | Actual start time of the opportunity close activity. |
Category | String | False | Category of the opportunity close activity. |
CompetitorId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the competitor with which the opportunity close activity is associated. |
CompetitorId_LogicalName | String | False | |
CompetitorId_Name | String | False | |
CreatedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who created the opportunity close activity. |
CreatedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | True | |
CreatedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the opportunity close activity was created. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the opportunityclose. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
Description | String | False | Activity that is created automatically when an opportunity is closed, containing information such as the description of the closing and actual revenue. |
ExchangeRate | Double | True | Exchange rate for the currency associated with the opportunity close activity with respect to the base currency. |
ImportSequenceNumber | Integer | False | Unique identifier of the data import or data migration that created this record. |
IsBilled | Boolean | False | Information about whether the opportunity close activity was billed as part of resolving a case. |
IsRegularActivity | Boolean | True | Information regarding whether the activity is a regular activity type or event type. |
IsWorkflowCreated | Boolean | False | Information that specifies if the opportunity close activity was created from a workflow rule. |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who last modified the opportunity close activity. |
ModifiedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | True | |
ModifiedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the opportunity close activity was last modified. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the opportunityclose. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
OpportunityId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the opportunity closed. |
OpportunityId_LogicalName | String | False | |
OpportunityId_Name | String | False | |
OverriddenCreatedOn | Datetime | False | Date and time that the record was migrated. |
OwnerId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the user or team who owns the opportunity close activity. |
OwnerId_LogicalName | String | False | |
OwnerId_Name | String | False | |
OwningBusinessUnit_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the business unit that owns the opportunity close activity. |
OwningBusinessUnit_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningBusinessUnit_Name | String | True | |
OwningTeam_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the team who owns the opportunity close activity. |
OwningTeam_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningTeam_Name | String | True | |
OwningUser_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who owns the opportunity close activity. |
OwningUser_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningUser_Name | String | True | |
ScheduledDurationMinutes | Integer | True | Scheduled duration of the opportunity close activity, specified in minutes. |
ScheduledEnd | Datetime | False | Scheduled end time of the opportunity close activity. |
ScheduledStart | Datetime | False | Scheduled start time of the opportunity close activity. |
ServiceId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the service with which the opportunity close activity is associated. |
ServiceId_LogicalName | String | False | |
ServiceId_Name | String | False | |
StateCode | String | True | Status of the opportunity close activity. |
StatusCode | String | False | Reason for the status of the opportunity close activity. |
Subcategory | String | False | Subcategory of the opportunity close activity. |
Subject | String | False | Subject associated with the opportunity close activity. |
TimeZoneRuleVersionNumber | Integer | False | For internal use only. |
TransactionCurrencyId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the currency associated with the opportunity close. |
TransactionCurrencyId_LogicalName | String | False | |
TransactionCurrencyId_Name | String | False | |
UTCConversionTimeZoneCode | Integer | False | Time zone code that was in use when the record was created. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the opportunity competitor. |
CompetitorId | String | True | |
OpportunityCompetitorId | String | False | Unique identifier of the opportunity competitor. |
OpportunityId | String | True |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the opportunity product. |
BaseAmount | Double | True | Subtotal for the opportunity product before discounts are applied and taxes are added. |
BaseAmount_Base | Double | True | Base currency equivalent of the subtotal for the opportunity product before discounts are applied and taxes are added. |
CreatedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who created the opportunity product. |
CreatedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | True | |
CreatedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the opportunity product was created. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the opportunity product. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
Description | String | False | Description of the opportunity product. |
ExchangeRate | Double | True | Exchange rate for the currency associated with the opportunity product with respect to the base currency. |
ExtendedAmount | Double | True | Subtotal of the opportunity product after discounts are applied and taxes are added. |
ExtendedAmount_Base | Double | True | Base currency equivalent of the subtotal of the opportunity product after discounts are applied and taxes are added. |
ImportSequenceNumber | Integer | False | Unique identifier of the data import or data migration that created this record. |
IsPriceOverridden | Boolean | False | Specifies whether to override product catalog pricing. |
IsProductOverridden | Boolean | False | Specifies whether the product is a write-in product or an existing product. |
LineItemNumber | Integer | False | Line item number for the opportunity product. |
ManualDiscountAmount | Double | False | Customized discount amount for the opportunity product. |
ManualDiscountAmount_Base | Double | True | Base currency equivalent of the customized discount amount for the opportunity product. |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who last modified the opportunity product. |
ModifiedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | True | |
ModifiedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the opportunity product was last modified. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the opportunity product. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
OpportunityId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the opportunity with which the opportunity product is associated. |
OpportunityId_LogicalName | String | False | |
OpportunityId_Name | String | False | |
OpportunityProductId | String | False | Unique identifier of the opportunity product. |
OpportunityStateCode | String | True | Status of the opportunity product. |
OverriddenCreatedOn | Datetime | False | Date and time that the record was migrated. |
OwnerId_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user or team who owns the opportunity product. |
OwnerId_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwnerId_Name | String | True | |
OwningBusinessUnit | String | True | Unique identifier of the business unit that owns the opportunity product. |
OwningUser | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who owns the opportunity product. |
PricePerUnit | Double | False | Price per unit for the opportunity product. |
PricePerUnit_Base | Double | True | Base currency equivalent of the price per unit for the opportunity product. |
PricingErrorCode | String | False | Pricing error for the opportunity product. |
ProductDescription | String | False | Product description for the opportunity product. |
ProductId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the product listed for the opportunity product. |
ProductId_LogicalName | String | False | |
ProductId_Name | String | False | |
Quantity | Double | False | Product quantity specified for the opportunity product. |
Tax | Double | False | Tax amount for the opportunity product. |
Tax_Base | Double | True | Base currency equivalent of the tax amount for the opportunity product. |
TimeZoneRuleVersionNumber | Integer | False | For internal use only. |
TransactionCurrencyId_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the currency associated with the opportunity product. |
TransactionCurrencyId_LogicalName | String | True | |
TransactionCurrencyId_Name | String | True | |
UoMId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the unit that is associated with the opportunity product. |
UoMId_LogicalName | String | False | |
UoMId_Name | String | False | |
UTCConversionTimeZoneCode | Integer | False | Time zone code that was in use when the record was created. |
VolumeDiscountAmount | Double | True | Volume discount amount for the opportunity product. |
VolumeDiscountAmount_Base | Double | True | Base currency equivalent of the volume discount amount for the opportunity product. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
TableName [KEY] | String | False | The table to retrieve information about. This must be specified as an input. |
ColumnName [KEY] | String | False | The internal name of the column. |
DisplayName | String | False | The column name. |
OptionSetString | String | False | A string value for the OptionSet column. |
OptionSetInt [KEY] | Integer | False | A int value for the OptionSet column. |
DataType | String | True | The system data type for the column. |
DataSourceDataType | String | True | The Dynamics CRM data type for the column before conversion to the system data type. |
Description | String | True | A description for the column if available. |
IsReadOnly | Boolean | True | Boolean determining if the column is read-only or not. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the order close activity. |
ActivityId | String | False | Unique identifier of the order close activity. |
ActivityTypeCode | String | True | Type of activity. |
ActualDurationMinutes | Integer | False | Actual duration of the order close activity in minutes. |
ActualEnd | Datetime | False | Actual end time of the order close activity. |
ActualStart | Datetime | False | Actual start time of the order close activity. |
Category | String | False | Category of the order close activity. |
CreatedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who created the order close activity. |
CreatedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | True | |
CreatedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the order close activity was created. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the orderclose. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
Description | String | False | Activity generated automatically when an order is closed. |
ImportSequenceNumber | Integer | False | Unique identifier of the data import or data migration that created this record. |
IsBilled | Boolean | False | Information about whether the order close activity was billed as part of resolving a case. |
IsRegularActivity | Boolean | True | Information regarding whether the activity is a regular activity type or event type. |
IsWorkflowCreated | Boolean | False | Information that specifies if the order close activity was created from a workflow rule. |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who last modified the order close activity. |
ModifiedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | True | |
ModifiedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the order close activity was last modified. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the orderclose. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
OrderNumber | String | False | Order number. |
OverriddenCreatedOn | Datetime | False | Date and time that the record was migrated. |
OwnerId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the user or team who owns the order close activity. |
OwnerId_LogicalName | String | False | |
OwnerId_Name | String | False | |
OwningBusinessUnit_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the business unit that owns the order close activity. |
OwningBusinessUnit_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningBusinessUnit_Name | String | True | |
OwningTeam_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the team who owns the order close activity. |
OwningTeam_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningTeam_Name | String | True | |
OwningUser_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who owns the order close activity. |
OwningUser_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningUser_Name | String | True | |
Revision | Integer | False | Order revision number. |
SalesOrderId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the order with which the order close activity is associated. |
SalesOrderId_LogicalName | String | False | |
SalesOrderId_Name | String | False | |
ScheduledDurationMinutes | Integer | True | Scheduled duration of the order close activity, specified in minutes. |
ScheduledEnd | Datetime | False | Scheduled end time of the order close activity. |
ScheduledStart | Datetime | False | Scheduled start time of the order close activity. |
ServiceId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the service with which the order close activity is associated. |
ServiceId_LogicalName | String | False | |
ServiceId_Name | String | False | |
StateCode | String | True | Status of the order close activity. |
StatusCode | String | False | Reason for the status of the order close activity. |
Subcategory | String | False | Subcategory of the order close activity. |
Subject | String | False | Subject associated with the order close activity. |
TimeZoneRuleVersionNumber | Integer | False | For internal use only. |
UTCConversionTimeZoneCode | Integer | False | Time zone code that was in use when the record was created. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the organization. |
AcknowledgementTemplateId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the template to be used for acknowledgement when a user unsubscribes. |
AcknowledgementTemplateId_LogicalName | String | False | |
AcknowledgementTemplateId_Name | String | False | |
AllowAddressBookSyncs | Boolean | False | Indicates whether background address book synchronization in Microsoft Office Outlook is allowed. |
AllowAutoResponseCreation | Boolean | False | Indicates whether automatic response creation is allowed. |
AllowAutoUnsubscribe | Boolean | False | Indicates whether automatic unsubscribe is allowed. |
AllowAutoUnsubscribeAcknowledgement | Boolean | False | Indicates whether automatic unsubscribe acknowledgement email is allowed to send. |
AllowClientMessageBarAd | Boolean | False | Indicates whether Outlook Client message bar advertisement is allowed. |
AllowEntityOnlyAudit | Boolean | False | Indicates whether auditing of changes to entity is allowed when no attributes have changed. |
AllowMarketingEmailExecution | Boolean | False | Indicates whether marketing emails execution is allowed. |
AllowOfflineScheduledSyncs | Boolean | False | Indicates whether background offline synchronization in Microsoft Office Outlook is allowed. |
AllowOutlookScheduledSyncs | Boolean | False | Indicates whether scheduled synchronizations to Outlook are allowed. |
AllowUnresolvedPartiesOnEmailSend | Boolean | False | Indicates whether users are allowed to send email to unresolved parties (parties must still have an email address). |
AllowWebExcelExport | Boolean | False | Indicates whether Web-based export of grids to Microsoft Office Excel is allowed. |
AMDesignator | String | False | AM designator to use throughout Microsoft Dynamics CRM. |
BaseCurrencyId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the base currency of the organization. |
BaseCurrencyId_LogicalName | String | False | |
BaseCurrencyId_Name | String | False | |
BaseCurrencyPrecision | Integer | True | Number of decimal places that can be used for the base currency. |
BaseCurrencySymbol | String | True | Symbol used for the base currency. |
BlockedAttachments | String | False | Prevent upload or download of certain attachment types that are considered dangerous. |
BulkOperationPrefix | String | False | Prefix used for bulk operation numbering. |
BusinessClosureCalendarId | String | False | Unique identifier of the business closure calendar of organization. |
CalendarType | Integer | False | Calendar type for the system. Set to Gregorian US by default. |
CampaignPrefix | String | False | Prefix used for campaign numbering. |
CasePrefix | String | False | Prefix to use for all cases throughout Microsoft Dynamics CRM. |
ContractPrefix | String | False | Prefix to use for all contracts throughout Microsoft Dynamics CRM. |
CreatedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who created the organization. |
CreatedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | True | |
CreatedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the organization was created. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the organization. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
CurrencyDecimalPrecision | Integer | False | Number of decimal places that can be used for currency. |
CurrencyDisplayOption | String | False | Indicates whether to display money fields with currency code or currency symbol. |
CurrencyFormatCode | String | False | Information about how currency symbols are placed throughout Microsoft Dynamics CRM. |
CurrencySymbol | String | False | Symbol used for currency throughout Microsoft Dynamics CRM. |
CurrentBulkOperationNumber | Integer | False | Current bulk operation number. |
CurrentCampaignNumber | Integer | False | Current campaign number. |
CurrentCaseNumber | Integer | False | First case number to use. |
CurrentContractNumber | Integer | False | First contract number to use. |
CurrentImportSequenceNumber | Integer | True | Import sequence to use. |
CurrentInvoiceNumber | Integer | False | First invoice number to use. |
CurrentKbNumber | Integer | False | First article number to use. |
CurrentOrderNumber | Integer | False | First order number to use. |
CurrentParsedTableNumber | Integer | True | First parsed table number to use. |
CurrentQuoteNumber | Integer | False | First quote number to use. |
DateFormatCode | String | False | Information about how the date is displayed throughout Microsoft CRM. |
DateFormatString | String | False | String showing how the date is displayed throughout Microsoft CRM. |
DateSeparator | String | False | Character used to separate the month, the day, and the year in dates throughout Microsoft Dynamics CRM. |
DecimalSymbol | String | False | Symbol used for decimal in Microsoft Dynamics CRM. |
DefaultRecurrenceEndRangeType | String | False | Type of default recurrence end range date. |
DisabledReason | String | True | Reason for disabling the organization. |
EmailSendPollingPeriod | Integer | False | Normal polling frequency used for sending email in Microsoft Office Outlook. |
EnablePricingOnCreate | Boolean | False | Enable pricing calculations on a Create call. |
EnableSmartMatching | Boolean | False | Use Smart Matching. |
ExpireSubscriptionsInDays | Integer | False | Maximum number of days before deleting inactive subscriptions. |
FeatureSet | String | False | Features to be enabled as an XML BLOB. |
FiscalCalendarStart | Datetime | False | Start date for the fiscal period that is to be used throughout Microsoft CRM. |
FiscalPeriodFormat | String | False | Information that specifies how the name of the fiscal period is displayed throughout Microsoft CRM. |
FiscalPeriodFormatPeriod | String | False | Format in which the fiscal period will be displayed. |
FiscalPeriodType | Integer | False | Type of fiscal period used throughout Microsoft CRM. |
FiscalSettingsUpdated | Boolean | True | Information that specifies whether the fiscal settings have been updated. |
FiscalYearDisplayCode | Integer | False | Information that specifies whether the fiscal year should be displayed based on the start date or the end date of the fiscal year. |
FiscalYearFormat | String | False | Information that specifies how the name of the fiscal year is displayed throughout Microsoft CRM. |
FiscalYearFormatPrefix | String | False | Prefix for the display of the fiscal year. |
FiscalYearFormatSuffix | String | False | Suffix for the display of the fiscal year. |
FiscalYearFormatYear | String | False | Format for the year. |
FiscalYearPeriodConnect | String | False | Information that specifies how the names of the fiscal year and the fiscal period should be connected when displayed together. |
FullNameConventionCode | String | False | Order in which names are to be displayed throughout Microsoft CRM. |
FutureExpansionWindow | Integer | False | Specifies the maximum number of months in future for which the recurring activities can be created. |
GetStartedPaneContentEnabled | Boolean | False | Indicates whether Get Started content is enabled for this organization. |
GoalRollupExpiryTime | Integer | False | Number of days after the goal's end date after which the rollup of the goal stops automatically. |
GoalRollupFrequency | Integer | False | Number of hours between automatic rollup jobs . |
GrantAccessToNetworkService | Boolean | False | For internal use only. |
HashDeltaSubjectCount | Integer | False | Maximum difference allowed between subject keywords count of the email messaged to be correlated |
HashFilterKeywords | String | False | Filter Subject Keywords |
HashMaxCount | Integer | False | Maximum number of subject keywords or recipients used for correlation |
HashMinAddressCount | Integer | False | Minimum number of recipients required to match for email messaged to be correlated |
IgnoreInternalEmail | Boolean | False | Indicates whether incoming email sent by internal Microsoft Dynamics CRM users or queues should be tracked. |
InitialVersion | String | False | Initial version of the organization. |
IntegrationUserId | String | False | Unique identifier of the integration user for the organization. |
InvoicePrefix | String | False | Prefix to use for all invoice numbers throughout Microsoft Dynamics CRM. |
IsAppMode | Boolean | False | Indicates whether loading of Microsoft Dynamics CRM in a browser window that does not have address, tool, and menu bars is enabled. |
IsAuditEnabled | Boolean | False | Enable or disable auditing of changes. |
IsDisabled | Boolean | True | Information that specifies whether the organization is disabled. |
IsDuplicateDetectionEnabled | Boolean | False | Indicates whether duplicate detection of records is enabled. |
IsDuplicateDetectionEnabledForImport | Boolean | False | Indicates whether duplicate detection of records during import is enabled. |
IsDuplicateDetectionEnabledForOfflineSync | Boolean | False | Indicates whether duplicate detection of records during offline synchronization is enabled. |
IsDuplicateDetectionEnabledForOnlineCreateUpdate | Boolean | False | Indicates whether duplicate detection during online create or update is enabled. |
IsFiscalPeriodMonthBased | Boolean | False | Indicates whether the fiscal period is displayed as the month number. |
IsPresenceEnabled | Boolean | False | Information on whether IM presence is enabled. |
IsRegistered | Boolean | True | For internal use only. |
IsSOPIntegrationEnabled | Boolean | False | Enable sales order processing integration. |
ISVIntegrationCode | String | False | Indicates whether loading of Microsoft Dynamics CRM in a browser window that does not have address, tool, and menu bars is enabled. |
KbPrefix | String | False | Prefix to use for all articles in Microsoft Dynamics CRM. |
LanguageCode | Integer | False | Preferred language for the organization. |
LocaleId | Integer | False | Unique identifier of the locale of the organization. |
LongDateFormatCode | Integer | False | Information that specifies how the Long Date format is displayed in Microsoft Dynamics CRM. |
MaxAppointmentDurationDays | Integer | False | Maximum number of days an appointment can last. |
MaximumTrackingNumber | Integer | False | Maximum tracking number before recycling takes place. |
MaxRecordsForExportToExcel | Integer | False | Maximum number of records that will be exported to a static Microsoft Office Excel worksheet when exporting from the grid. |
MaxRecordsForLookupFilters | Integer | False | Maximum number of lookup and picklist records that can be selected by user for filtering. |
MaxUploadFileSize | Integer | False | Maximum allowed size of an attachment. |
MinAddressBookSyncInterval | Integer | False | Normal polling frequency used for address book synchronization in Microsoft Office Outlook. |
MinOfflineSyncInterval | Integer | False | Normal polling frequency used for background offline synchronization in Microsoft Office Outlook. |
MinOutlookSyncInterval | Integer | False | Minimum allowed time between scheduled Outlook synchronizations. |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who last modified the organization. |
ModifiedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | True | |
ModifiedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the organization was last modified. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the organization. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
Name | String | False | Name of the organization. The name is set when Microsoft CRM is installed and should not be changed. |
NegativeCurrencyFormatCode | Integer | False | Information that specifies how negative currency numbers are displayed throughout Microsoft Dynamics CRM. |
NegativeFormatCode | String | False | Information that specifies how negative numbers are displayed throughout Microsoft CRM. |
NextTrackingNumber | Integer | False | Next token to be placed on the subject line of an email message. |
NumberFormat | String | False | Specification of how numbers are displayed throughout Microsoft CRM. |
NumberGroupFormat | String | False | Specifies how numbers are grouped in Microsoft Dynamics CRM. |
NumberSeparator | String | False | Symbol used for number separation in Microsoft Dynamics CRM. |
OrderPrefix | String | False | Prefix to use for all orders throughout Microsoft Dynamics CRM. |
OrganizationId | String | True | Unique identifier of the organization. |
OrgDbOrgSettings | String | False | Organization settings stored in Organization Database. |
ParsedTableColumnPrefix | String | True | Prefix used for parsed table columns. |
ParsedTablePrefix | String | True | Prefix used for parsed tables. |
PastExpansionWindow | Integer | False | Specifies the maximum number of months in past for which the recurring activities can be created. |
Picture | String | False | For internal use only. |
PinpointLanguageCode | Integer | False | |
PMDesignator | String | False | PM designator to use throughout Microsoft Dynamics CRM. |
PricingDecimalPrecision | Integer | False | Number of decimal places that can be used for prices. |
PrivilegeUserGroupId | String | False | Unique identifier of the default privilege for users in the organization. |
PrivReportingGroupId | String | False | For internal use only. |
PrivReportingGroupName | String | False | For internal use only. |
QuotePrefix | String | False | Prefix to use for all quotes throughout Microsoft Dynamics CRM. |
RecurrenceDefaultNumberOfOccurrences | Integer | False | Specifies the default value for number of occurrences field in the recurrence dialog. |
RecurrenceExpansionJobBatchInterval | Integer | False | Specifies the interval (in seconds) for pausing expansion job. |
RecurrenceExpansionJobBatchSize | Integer | False | Specifies the value for number of instances created in on demand job in one shot. |
RecurrenceExpansionSynchCreateMax | Integer | False | Specifies the maximum number of instances to be created synchronously after creating a recurring appointment. |
ReferenceSiteMapXml | String | False | XML string that defines the navigation structure for the application. This is the site map from the previously upgraded build and is used in a 3-way merge during upgrade. |
RenderSecureIFrameForEmail | Boolean | False | Flag to render the body of email in the Web form in an IFRAME with the security='restricted' attribute set. This is additional security but can cause a credentials prompt. |
ReportingGroupId | String | False | For internal use only. |
ReportingGroupName | String | False | For internal use only. |
ReportScriptErrors | String | False | Picklist for selecting the organization preference for reporting scripting errors. |
RequireApprovalForQueueEmail | Boolean | False | Indicates whether Send As Other User privilege is enabled. |
RequireApprovalForUserEmail | Boolean | False | Indicates whether Send As Other User privilege is enabled. |
SampleDataImportId | String | False | Unique identifier of the sample data import job. |
SchemaNamePrefix | String | False | Prefix used for custom entities and attributes. |
ShareToPreviousOwnerOnAssign | Boolean | False | Information that specifies whether to share to previous owner on assign. |
ShowWeekNumber | Boolean | False | Information that specifies whether to display the week number in calendar displays throughout Microsoft CRM. |
SiteMapXml | String | False | XML string that defines the navigation structure for the application. |
SortId | Integer | False | For internal use only. |
SqlAccessGroupId | String | False | For internal use only. |
SqlAccessGroupName | String | False | For internal use only. |
SQMEnabled | Boolean | False | Setting for SQM data collection, 0 no, 1 yes enabled |
SupportUserId | String | False | Unique identifier of the support user for the organization. |
SystemUserId | String | False | Unique identifier of the system user for the organization. |
TagMaxAggressiveCycles | Integer | False | Maximum number of aggressive polling cycles executed for email auto-tagging when a new email is received. |
TagPollingPeriod | Integer | False | Normal polling frequency used for email receive auto-tagging in outlook. |
TimeFormatCode | String | False | Information that specifies how the time is displayed throughout Microsoft CRM. |
TimeFormatString | String | False | Text for how time is displayed in Microsoft Dynamics CRM. |
TimeSeparator | String | False | Text for how the time separator is displayed throughout Microsoft Dynamics CRM. |
TimeZoneRuleVersionNumber | Integer | False | For internal use only. |
TokenExpiry | Integer | False | Duration used for token expiration. |
TrackingPrefix | String | False | History list of tracking token prefixes. |
TrackingTokenIdBase | Integer | False | Base number used to provide separate tracking token identifiers to users belonging to different deployments. |
TrackingTokenIdDigits | Integer | False | Number of digits used to represent a tracking token identifier. |
UniqueSpecifierLength | Integer | False | Number of characters appended to invoice, quote, and order numbers. |
UserGroupId | String | False | Unique identifier of the default group of users in the organization. |
UTCConversionTimeZoneCode | Integer | False | Time zone code that was in use when the record was created. |
V3CalloutConfigHash | String | True | Hash of the V3 callout configuration file. |
WeekStartDayCode | String | False | Designated first day of the week throughout Microsoft Dynamics CRM. |
YearStartWeekCode | Integer | False | Information that specifies how the first week of the year is specified in Microsoft Dynamics CRM. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the statistic measurement. |
Hour | Integer | True | Hour that the statistic measurement was taken. |
OrganizationStatisticId | String | True | Unique identifier of the record. |
ServerName | String | True | Server that owns this record. |
StatisticType | Integer | True | Statistic type that is being measured. |
StatisticValue | Integer | True | Value of the statistic. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the organization UI entity. |
ComponentState | String | True | For internal use only. |
FieldXml | String | False | For internal use only. |
FormId | String | False | Unique identifier of the record type form. |
FormIdUnique | String | True | Unique identifier of the form used when synchronizing customizations for the Microsoft Dynamics CRM client for Outlook. |
FormXml | String | False | XML representation of the form layout. |
GridIcon | String | False | Binary representation of the icon used in record type grid views. |
IsManaged | Boolean | True | |
LargeEntityIcon | String | False | Binary representation of the large icon used in the record type form. |
ObjectTypeCode | String | False | Code that represents the record type. |
OrganizationId_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the organization. |
OrganizationId_LogicalName | String | True | |
OrganizationId_Name | String | True | |
OutlookShortcutIcon | String | False | Binary representation of the large icon used in the Microsoft Dynamics CRM client for Outlook for this record type. |
OverwriteTime | Datetime | True | For internal use only. |
PreviewColumnsetXml | String | False | For internal use only. |
PreviewXml | String | False | For internal use only. |
SolutionId | String | True | Unique identifier of the associated solution. |
Version | Integer | False | For internal use only. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the owner. |
Name | String | True | Name of the Owner. |
OwnerId | String | False | Unique identifier for the owner: systemuserid or teamid. |
OwnerIdType | Integer | True | |
YomiName | String | True | Pronunciation of the name of the owner, written in phonetic hiragana or katakana characters. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the owner mapping. |
CreatedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who created the owner mapping. |
CreatedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | True | |
CreatedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the owner mapping was created. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the ownermapping. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
ImportMapId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the data map with which the owner mapping is associated. |
ImportMapId_LogicalName | String | False | |
ImportMapId_Name | String | False | |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who last modified the lookup mapping. |
ModifiedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | True | |
ModifiedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the owner mapping was last modified. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the ownermapping. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
OwnerMappingId | String | False | Unique identifier of the owner mapping. |
ProcessCode | String | False | Code that indicates whether the owner mapping has to be processed |
SourceSystemUserName | String | False | Source user name that has to be replaced |
SourceUserValueForSourceCRMUserLink | String | False | Source user value for source Microsoft Dynamics CRM user link. |
StateCode | String | True | Status of the owner mapping. |
StatusCode | String | False | Reason for the status of the owner mapping. |
TargetSystemUserDomainName | String | False | Microsoft Dynamics CRM logon name with which the source user name should be replaced. |
TargetSystemUserId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the Microsoft Dynamics CRM user. |
TargetSystemUserId_LogicalName | String | False | |
TargetSystemUserId_Name | String | False | |
TargetUserValueForSourceCRMUserLink | String | False | Microsoft Dynamics CRM user. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the phone call activity. |
ActivityId | String | False | Unique identifier of the phone call activity. |
ActivityTypeCode | String | True | Type of activity. |
ActualDurationMinutes | Integer | False | Actual duration of the phone call activity in minutes. |
ActualEnd | Datetime | False | Actual end time of the phone call activity. |
ActualStart | Datetime | False | Actual start time of the phone call activity. |
Category | String | False | Category of the phone call activity. |
CreatedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who created the phone call activity. |
CreatedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | True | |
CreatedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the phone call activity was created. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the phonecall. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
Description | String | False | Description of the phone call activity. |
DirectionCode | Boolean | False | Direction code for the phone call; incoming or outgoing. |
ExchangeRate | Double | True | Exchange rate for the currency associated with the phonecall with respect to the base currency. |
from_Ids | String | False | Who the phone call is from. |
from_LogicalNames | String | False | |
from_Names | String | False | |
ImportSequenceNumber | Integer | False | Unique identifier of the data import or data migration that created this record. |
IsBilled | Boolean | False | Information which specifies whether the phone call activity was billed as part of resolving a case. |
IsRegularActivity | Boolean | True | Information regarding whether the activity is a regular activity type or event type. |
IsWorkflowCreated | Boolean | False | Indication which specifies if the phone call activity was created by a workflow rule. |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who last modified the phone call activity. |
ModifiedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | True | |
ModifiedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the email phone call activity was last modified. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the phonecall. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
OverriddenCreatedOn | Datetime | False | Date and time that the record was migrated. |
OwnerId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the user or team who owns the phone call activity. |
OwnerId_LogicalName | String | False | |
OwnerId_Name | String | False | |
OwningBusinessUnit_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the business unit that owns the phone call activity. |
OwningBusinessUnit_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningBusinessUnit_Name | String | True | |
OwningTeam_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the team that owns the phone call activity. |
OwningTeam_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningTeam_Name | String | True | |
OwningUser_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user that owns the phone call activity. |
OwningUser_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningUser_Name | String | True | |
PhoneNumber | String | False | Telephone number associated with the phone call activity. |
PriorityCode | String | False | Priority of the phone call activity. |
RegardingObjectId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the object with which the phone call activity is associated. |
RegardingObjectId_LogicalName | String | False | |
RegardingObjectId_Name | String | False | |
ScheduledDurationMinutes | Integer | True | Scheduled duration of the phone call activity, specified in minutes. |
ScheduledEnd | Datetime | False | Scheduled end time of the phone call activity. |
ScheduledStart | Datetime | False | Scheduled start time of the phone call activity. |
ServiceId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier for an associated service. |
ServiceId_LogicalName | String | False | |
ServiceId_Name | String | False | |
StateCode | String | True | Status of the phone call activity. |
StatusCode | String | False | Reason for the status of the phone call activity. |
Subcategory | String | False | Subcategory of the phone call activity. |
Subject | String | False | Subject associated with the phone call activity. |
TimeZoneRuleVersionNumber | Integer | False | For internal use only. |
to_Ids | String | False | Person that is being called. |
to_LogicalNames | String | False | |
to_Names | String | False | |
TransactionCurrencyId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the currency associated with the phonecall. |
TransactionCurrencyId_LogicalName | String | False | |
TransactionCurrencyId_Name | String | False | |
UTCConversionTimeZoneCode | Integer | False | Time zone code that was in use when the record was created. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the list value mapping. |
ColumnMappingId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the column mapping with which this list value mapping is associated. |
ColumnMappingId_LogicalName | String | False | |
ColumnMappingId_Name | String | False | |
CreatedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who created the list value mapping. |
CreatedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | True | |
CreatedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the list value mapping was created. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the picklistmapping. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who last modified the list value mapping. |
ModifiedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | True | |
ModifiedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the list value mapping was last modified. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the picklistmapping. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
PickListMappingId | String | False | Unique identifier of the picklist mapping. |
ProcessCode | String | False | Information about whether the list value mapping needs to be processed. |
SourceValue | String | False | Source value to be replaced. |
StateCode | String | True | Status of the picklist mapping. |
StatusCode | String | False | Reason for the status of the picklist mapping. |
TargetValue | Integer | False | Microsoft Dynamics CRM list value with which to replace the source value. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the plug-in assembly. |
ComponentState | String | True | For internal use only. |
Content | String | False | Bytes of the assembly, in Base64 format. |
CreatedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who created the plug-in assembly. |
CreatedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | True | |
CreatedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the plug-in assembly was created. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the plug-in assembly. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
Culture | String | False | Culture code for the plug-in assembly. |
CustomizationLevel | Integer | True | Customization Level. |
Description | String | False | Description of the plug-in assembly. |
IsManaged | Boolean | True | Information that specifies whether this component is managed. |
IsolationMode | String | False | Information about how the plug-in assembly is to be isolated at execution time; None / Sandboxed. |
Major | Integer | True | Major of the assembly version. |
Minor | Integer | True | Minor of the assembly version. |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who last modified the plug-in assembly. |
ModifiedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | True | |
ModifiedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the plug-in assembly was last modified. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the plug-in assembly. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
Name | String | False | Name of the plug-in assembly. |
OrganizationId_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the organization with which the plug-in assembly is associated. |
OrganizationId_LogicalName | String | True | |
OrganizationId_Name | String | True | |
OverwriteTime | Datetime | True | For internal use only. |
Path | String | False | File name of the plug-in assembly. Used when the source type is set to 1. |
PluginAssemblyId | String | False | Unique identifier of the plug-in assembly. |
PluginAssemblyIdUnique | String | True | Unique identifier of the plug-in assembly. |
PublicKeyToken | String | False | Public key token of the assembly. This value can be obtained from the assembly by using reflection. |
SolutionId | String | True | Unique identifier of the associated solution. |
SourceHash | String | False | Hash of the source of the assembly. |
SourceType | String | False | Location of the assembly, for example 0=database, 1=on-disk. |
Version | String | False | Version number of the assembly. The value can be obtained from the assembly through reflection. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the plugin-type. |
AssemblyName | String | True | Full path name of the plug-in assembly. |
ComponentState | String | True | For internal use only. |
CreatedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who created the plug-in type. |
CreatedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | True | |
CreatedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the plug-in type was created. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the plug-in type. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
Culture | String | True | Culture code for the plug-in assembly. |
CustomizationLevel | Integer | True | Customization level of the plug-in type. |
Description | String | False | Description of the plug-in type. |
FriendlyName | String | False | User friendly name for the plug-in. |
IsManaged | Boolean | True | |
IsWorkflowActivity | Boolean | True | Indicates if the plug-in is a custom activity for workflows. |
Major | Integer | True | Major of the version number of the assembly for the plug-in type. |
Minor | Integer | True | Minor of the version number of the assembly for the plug-in type. |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who last modified the plug-in type. |
ModifiedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | True | |
ModifiedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the plug-in type was last modified. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the plug-in type. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
Name | String | False | Name of the plug-in type. |
OrganizationId_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the organization with which the plug-in type is associated. |
OrganizationId_LogicalName | String | True | |
OrganizationId_Name | String | True | |
OverwriteTime | Datetime | True | For internal use only. |
PluginAssemblyId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the plug-in assembly that contains this plug-in type. |
PluginAssemblyId_LogicalName | String | False | |
PluginAssemblyId_Name | String | False | |
plug-in typeId | String | False | Unique identifier of the plug-in type. |
plug-in typeIdUnique | String | True | Unique identifier of the plug-in type. |
PublicKeyToken | String | True | Public key token of the assembly for the plug-in type. |
SolutionId | String | True | Unique identifier of the associated solution. |
TypeName | String | False | Fully qualified type name of the plug-in type. |
Version | String | True | Version number of the assembly for the plug-in type. |
WorkflowActivityGroupName | String | False | Group name of workflow custom activity. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the plugin-type statistic. |
AverageExecuteTimeInMilliseconds | Integer | True | The average execution time (in milliseconds) for the plug-in type statistic. |
CrashContributionPercent | Integer | True | The plug-in type percentage contribution to crashes. |
CrashCount | Integer | True | Number of times the plug-in type has crashed. |
CrashPercent | Integer | True | Percentage of crashes for the plug-in type. |
CreatedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who created the plug-in type statistic. |
CreatedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | True | |
CreatedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the plug-in type statistic was created. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the plug-in type statistic. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
ExecuteCount | Integer | True | Number of times the plug-in type has been executed. |
FailureCount | Integer | True | Number of times the plug-in type has failed. |
FailurePercent | Integer | True | Percentage of failures for the plug-in type. |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who last modified the plug-in type statistic. |
ModifiedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | True | |
ModifiedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the plug-in type statistic was last modified. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who modified the plug-in type statistic. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
OrganizationId_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the organization with which the plug-in type statistic is associated. |
OrganizationId_LogicalName | String | True | |
OrganizationId_Name | String | True | |
PluginTypeId_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the plug-in type associated with this plug-in type statistic. |
PluginTypeId_LogicalName | String | True | |
PluginTypeId_Name | String | True | |
PluginTypeStatisticId | String | True | Unique identifier of the plug-in type statistic. |
TerminateCpuContributionPercent | Integer | True | The plug-in type percentage contribution to Worker process termination due to excessive CPU usage. |
TerminateHandlesContributionPercent | Integer | True | The plug-in type percentage contribution to Worker process termination due to excessive handle usage. |
TerminateMemoryContributionPercent | Integer | True | The plug-in type percentage contribution to Worker process termination due to excessive memory usage. |
TerminateOtherContributionPercent | Integer | True | The plug-in type percentage contribution to Worker process termination due to unknown reasons. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the price list. |
BeginDate | Datetime | False | Date on which the price list becomes effective. |
CreatedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who created the price list. |
CreatedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | True | |
CreatedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the price list was created. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the pricelevel. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
Description | String | False | Description of the price list. |
EndDate | Datetime | False | Date that is the last day the price list is valid. |
ExchangeRate | Double | True | |
FreightTermsCode | String | False | Freight terms for the price list. |
ImportSequenceNumber | Integer | False | Unique identifier of the data import or data migration that created this record. |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who last modified the price list. |
ModifiedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | True | |
ModifiedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the price list was last modified. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the pricelevel. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
Name | String | False | Name of the price list. |
OrganizationId_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the organization associated with the price list. |
OrganizationId_LogicalName | String | True | |
OrganizationId_Name | String | True | |
OverriddenCreatedOn | Datetime | False | Date and time that the record was migrated. |
PaymentMethodCode | String | False | Payment terms to use with the price list. |
PriceLevelId | String | False | Unique identifier of the price list. |
ShippingMethodCode | String | False | Method of shipment for products in the price list. |
StateCode | String | True | Status of the price list. |
StatusCode | String | False | Reason for the status of the price list. |
TimeZoneRuleVersionNumber | Integer | False | For internal use only. |
TransactionCurrencyId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the currency associated with the price level. |
TransactionCurrencyId_LogicalName | String | False | |
TransactionCurrencyId_Name | String | False | |
UTCConversionTimeZoneCode | Integer | False | Time zone code that was in use when the record was created. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the principal attribute access map. |
AttributeId | String | False | |
CreateAccess | String | False | |
PrincipalAttributeAccessMapId | String | False | Unique identifier of the principal attribute access map. |
PrincipalId | String | False | |
ReadAccess | String | False | |
UpdateAccess | String | False |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the principal entity map. |
ObjectTypeCode | String | True | |
PrincipalEntityMapId | String | False | For internal use only. |
PrincipalId | String | True |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the principal object access. |
AccessRightsMask | Integer | False | |
ChangedOn | Datetime | False | |
InheritedAccessRightsMask | Integer | False | |
ObjectId | String | True | |
ObjectTypeCode | String | False | |
PrincipalId | String | True | |
PrincipalObjectAccessId | String | False | Unique identifier of the principal object access. |
PrincipalTypeCode | String | False | |
TimeZoneRuleVersionNumber | Integer | False | For internal use only. |
UTCConversionTimeZoneCode | Integer | False | Time zone code that was in use when the record was created. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the shared secured field. |
AttributeId | String | False | Unique identifier of the shared secured field. |
ObjectId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the entity instance with shared secured field. |
ObjectId_LogicalName | String | False | |
ObjectId_Name | String | False | |
OrganizationId_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the associated organization. |
OrganizationId_LogicalName | String | True | |
OrganizationId_Name | String | True | |
PrincipalId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the principal to which secured field is shared |
PrincipalId_LogicalName | String | False | |
PrincipalId_Name | String | False | |
PrincipalObjectAttributeAccessId | String | False | Unique identifier of the shared secured field instance. |
ReadAccess | Boolean | False | Read permission for secured field instance. |
UpdateAccess | Boolean | False | Update permission for secured field instance. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the privelege. |
AccessRight | Integer | False | Rights a user has to an instance of an entity. |
CanBeBasic | Boolean | False | Information that specifies whether the privilege applies to the user, the user's team, or objects shared by the user. |
CanBeDeep | Boolean | False | Information that specifies whether the privilege applies to child business units of the business unit associated with the user. |
CanBeGlobal | Boolean | False | Information that specifies whether the privilege applies to the entire organization. |
CanBeLocal | Boolean | False | Information that specifies whether the privilege applies to the user's business unit. |
Name | String | False | Name of the privilege. |
PrivilegeId | String | False | Unique identifier of the privilege. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the privilege object type code. |
ObjectTypeCode | Integer | False | For internal use only. |
PrivilegeId_Id | String | False | For internal use only. |
PrivilegeId_LogicalName | String | False | |
PrivilegeId_Name | String | False | |
PrivilegeObjectTypeCodeId | String | False | For internal use only. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the dialog session. |
ActivityName | String | False | Name of the activity that is being executed. |
CanceledBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who canceled the dialog session. |
CanceledBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CanceledBy_Name | String | True | |
CanceledOn | Datetime | False | Date and time when the dialog session was canceled. |
Comments | String | False | User comments. |
CompletedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who completed the dialog session. |
CompletedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CompletedBy_Name | String | True | |
CompletedOn | Datetime | False | Date and time when the dialog session was completed. |
CreatedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who started the dialog session. |
CreatedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | True | |
CreatedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the dialog session was created. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the dialog session. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
ErrorCode | Integer | False | Error code related to the dialog session. |
ExecutedBy_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the user who ran the dialog process. |
ExecutedBy_LogicalName | String | False | |
ExecutedBy_Name | String | False | |
ExecutedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the dialog process was run. |
InputArguments | String | False | Input arguments for the child dialog process. |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who last modified the dialog session. |
ModifiedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | True | |
ModifiedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the dialog session was last modified. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who modified the dialog session. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
Name | String | False | Name of the dialog session. |
NextLinkedSessionId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the succeeding linked dialog session. |
NextLinkedSessionId_LogicalName | String | False | |
NextLinkedSessionId_Name | String | False | |
OriginatingSessionId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the originating dialog session. |
OriginatingSessionId_LogicalName | String | False | |
OriginatingSessionId_Name | String | False | |
OwnerId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the user or team who owns the dialog session. |
OwnerId_LogicalName | String | False | |
OwnerId_Name | String | False | |
OwningBusinessUnit_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the business unit that owns the dialog session. |
OwningBusinessUnit_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningBusinessUnit_Name | String | True | |
OwningTeam_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the team who owns the dialog session. |
OwningTeam_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningTeam_Name | String | True | |
OwningUser_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who owns the dialog session. |
OwningUser_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningUser_Name | String | True | |
PreviousLinkedSessionId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the preceding linked dialog session. |
PreviousLinkedSessionId_LogicalName | String | False | |
PreviousLinkedSessionId_Name | String | False | |
ProcessId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the process activation record that is related to the dialog session. |
ProcessId_LogicalName | String | False | |
ProcessId_Name | String | False | |
ProcessSessionId | String | False | Unique identifier of the dialog session. |
ProcessStageName | String | False | Name of the dialog stage. |
ProcessState | String | False | State of the dialog process. |
RegardingObjectId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the object with which the dialog session is associated. |
RegardingObjectId_LogicalName | String | False | |
RegardingObjectId_Name | String | False | |
StartedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who started the dialog session. |
StartedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
StartedBy_Name | String | True | |
StartedOn | Datetime | False | Date and time when the dialog session was started. |
StateCode | String | True | Status of the dialog session. |
StatusCode | String | False | Reason for the status of the dialog session. |
StepName | String | False | Name of the dialog step. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the product. |
CreatedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who created the product. |
CreatedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | True | |
CreatedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the product was created. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the product. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
CurrentCost | Double | False | Current cost for the product item. Used in price calculations. |
CurrentCost_Base | Double | True | Base currency equivalent of the current cost for the product item. |
DefaultUoMId_Id | String | False | Default unit for the product. |
DefaultUoMId_LogicalName | String | False | |
DefaultUoMId_Name | String | False | |
DefaultUoMScheduleId_Id | String | False | Default unit group for the product. |
DefaultUoMScheduleId_LogicalName | String | False | |
DefaultUoMScheduleId_Name | String | False | |
Description | String | False | Description of the product. |
ExchangeRate | Double | True | Exchange rate for the currency associated with the product with respect to the base currency. |
ImportSequenceNumber | Integer | False | Unique identifier of the data import or data migration that created this record. |
IsKit | Boolean | False | Information that specifies whether the product is a kit. |
IsStockItem | Boolean | False | Information about whether the product is a stock item. |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who last modified the product. |
ModifiedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | True | |
ModifiedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the product was last modified. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the product. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
Name | String | False | Name of the product. |
OrganizationId_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the organization associated with the product. |
OrganizationId_LogicalName | String | True | |
OrganizationId_Name | String | True | |
OverriddenCreatedOn | Datetime | False | Date and time that the record was migrated. |
Price | Double | False | List price of the product. |
Price_Base | Double | True | Base currency equivalent of the list price of the product |
PriceLevelId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the price list associated with the product. |
PriceLevelId_LogicalName | String | False | |
PriceLevelId_Name | String | False | |
ProductId | String | False | Unique identifier of the product. |
ProductNumber | String | False | User-defined product number. |
ProductTypeCode | String | False | Type of product. |
ProductUrl | String | False | URL for the Web site associated with the product. |
QuantityDecimal | Integer | False | Number of decimal places that can be used in monetary amounts for the product. |
QuantityOnHand | Double | False | Quantity of the product in stock. |
Size | String | False | Product size. |
StandardCost | Double | False | Standard cost of the product. |
StandardCost_Base | Double | True | Base currency equivalent of the standard cost of the product. |
StateCode | String | True | Status of the product. |
StatusCode | String | False | Reason for the status of the product. |
StockVolume | Double | False | Stock volume of the product. |
StockWeight | Double | False | Stock weight of the product. |
SubjectId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the subject associated with the product. |
SubjectId_LogicalName | String | False | |
SubjectId_Name | String | False | |
SupplierName | String | False | Name of the product's supplier. |
TimeZoneRuleVersionNumber | Integer | False | For internal use only. |
TransactionCurrencyId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the currency associated with the product. |
TransactionCurrencyId_LogicalName | String | False | |
TransactionCurrencyId_Name | String | False | |
UTCConversionTimeZoneCode | Integer | False | Time zone code that was in use when the record was created. |
VendorName | String | False | Name of the product vendor. |
VendorPartNumber | String | False | Part number for the vendor's product. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the product association. |
AssociatedProduct | String | False | |
ProductAssociationId | String | False | Unique identifier of the product association. |
ProductId | String | False |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the price list. |
Amount | Double | False | Monetary amount for the price list. |
Amount_Base | Double | True | Base currency equivalent of the monetary amount for the price list. |
CreatedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who created the price list. |
CreatedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | True | |
CreatedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the price list was created. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the lead. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
DiscountTypeId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the discount list associated with the price list. |
DiscountTypeId_LogicalName | String | False | |
DiscountTypeId_Name | String | False | |
ExchangeRate | Double | True | Exchange rate for the currency associated with the product price level with respect to the base currency. |
ImportSequenceNumber | Integer | False | Unique identifier of the data import or data migration that created this record. |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who last modified the price list. |
ModifiedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | True | |
ModifiedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the price list was last modified. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the lead. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
OrganizationId | String | True | Unique identifier of the organization associated with the price list. |
OverriddenCreatedOn | Datetime | False | Date and time that the record was migrated. |
Percentage | Double | False | Percentage for the price list. |
PriceLevelId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the price level associated with this price list. |
PriceLevelId_LogicalName | String | False | |
PriceLevelId_Name | String | False | |
PricingMethodCode | String | False | Pricing method applied to the price list. |
ProductId_Id | String | False | Product associated with the price list. |
ProductId_LogicalName | String | False | |
ProductId_Name | String | False | |
ProductPriceLevelId | String | False | Unique identifier of the price list. |
QuantitySellingCode | String | False | Quantity of the product that must be sold for a given price level. |
RoundingOptionAmount | Double | False | Rounding option amount for the price list. |
RoundingOptionAmount_Base | Double | True | Base currency equivalent of the rounding option amount for the price list. |
RoundingOptionCode | String | False | Option for rounding the price list. |
RoundingPolicyCode | String | False | Policy for rounding the price list. |
TransactionCurrencyId_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the currency associated with the product price level. |
TransactionCurrencyId_LogicalName | String | True | |
TransactionCurrencyId_Name | String | True | |
UoMId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the unit for the price list. |
UoMId_LogicalName | String | False | |
UoMId_Name | String | False | |
UoMScheduleId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the unit schedule for the price list. |
UoMScheduleId_LogicalName | String | False | |
UoMScheduleId_Name | String | False |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the product sales literature associated with this price list. |
ProductId | String | True | |
ProductSalesLiteratureId | String | False | Unique identifier of the product sales literature associated with this price list. |
SalesLiteratureId | String | True |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the product substitute. |
ProductId | String | False | |
ProductSubstituteId | String | False | Unique identifier of the product substitute. |
SubstitutedProductId | String | False |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the publisher. |
Address1_AddressId | String | False | Unique identifier for address 1. |
Address1_AddressTypeCode | String | False | Type of address for address 1, such as billing, shipping, or primary address. |
Address1_City | String | False | City name for address 1. |
Address1_Country | String | False | Country/region name for address 1. |
Address1_County | String | False | County name for address 1. |
Address1_Fax | String | False | Fax number for address 1. |
Address1_Latitude | Double | False | Latitude for address 1. |
Address1_Line1 | String | False | First line for entering address 1 information. |
Address1_Line2 | String | False | Second line for entering address 1 information. |
Address1_Line3 | String | False | Third line for entering address 1 information. |
Address1_Longitude | Double | False | Longitude for address 1. |
Address1_Name | String | False | Name to enter for address 1. |
Address1_PostalCode | String | False | ZIP Code or postal code for address 1. |
Address1_PostOfficeBox | String | False | Post office box number for address 1. |
Address1_ShippingMethodCode | String | False | Method of shipment for address 1. |
Address1_StateOrProvince | String | False | State or province for address 1. |
Address1_Telephone1 | String | False | First telephone number associated with address 1. |
Address1_Telephone2 | String | False | Second telephone number associated with address 1. |
Address1_Telephone3 | String | False | Third telephone number associated with address 1. |
Address1_UPSZone | String | False | United Parcel Service (UPS) zone for address 1. |
Address1_UTCOffset | Integer | False | UTC offset for address 1. This is the difference between local time and standard Coordinated Universal Time. |
Address2_AddressId | String | False | Unique identifier for address 2. |
Address2_AddressTypeCode | String | False | Type of address for address 2. such as billing, shipping, or primary address. |
Address2_City | String | False | City name for address 2. |
Address2_Country | String | False | Country/region name for address 2. |
Address2_County | String | False | County name for address 2. |
Address2_Fax | String | False | Fax number for address 2. |
Address2_Latitude | Double | False | Latitude for address 2. |
Address2_Line1 | String | False | First line for entering address 2 information. |
Address2_Line2 | String | False | Second line for entering address 2 information. |
Address2_Line3 | String | False | Third line for entering address 2 information. |
Address2_Longitude | Double | False | Longitude for address 2. |
Address2_Name | String | False | Name to enter for address 2. |
Address2_PostalCode | String | False | ZIP Code or postal code for address 2. |
Address2_PostOfficeBox | String | False | Post office box number for address 2. |
Address2_ShippingMethodCode | String | False | Method of shipment for address 2. |
Address2_StateOrProvince | String | False | State or province for address 2. |
Address2_Telephone1 | String | False | First telephone number associated with address 2. |
Address2_Telephone2 | String | False | Second telephone number associated with address 2. |
Address2_Telephone3 | String | False | Third telephone number associated with address 2. |
Address2_UPSZone | String | False | United Parcel Service (UPS) zone for address 2. |
Address2_UTCOffset | Integer | False | UTC offset for address 2. This is the difference between local time and standard Coordinated Universal Time. |
CreatedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who created the publisher. |
CreatedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | True | |
CreatedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the publisher was created. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the publisher. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
CustomizationOptionValuePrefix | Integer | False | Default option value prefix used for newly created options for solutions associated with this publisher. |
CustomizationPrefix | String | False | Prefix used for new entities, attributes, and entity relationships for solutions associated with this publisher. |
Description | String | False | Description of the solution. |
EMailAddress | String | False | email address for the publisher. |
FriendlyName | String | False | User display name for this publisher. |
IsReadonly | Boolean | True | Indicates whether the publisher was created as part of a managed solution installation. |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who last modified the publisher. |
ModifiedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | True | |
ModifiedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the publisher was last modified. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who modified the publisher. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
OrganizationId_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the organization associated with the publisher. |
OrganizationId_LogicalName | String | True | |
OrganizationId_Name | String | True | |
PinpointPublisherDefaultLocale | String | True | Default locale of the publisher in Microsoft Pinpoint. |
PublisherId | String | False | Unique identifier of the publisher. |
SupportingWebsiteUrl | String | False | URL for the supporting web site of this publisher. |
UniqueName | String | False | The unique name of this publisher. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the publisher address. |
AddressNumber | Integer | False | Specifies which publisher address is applicable. |
AddressTypeCode | String | False | Type of address for the publisher, such as billing, shipping, or primary address. |
City | String | False | City name in the publisher address. |
Country | String | False | Country/region name in the publisher address. |
County | String | False | County name in the publisher address. |
CreatedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who created the publisher address. |
CreatedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | True | |
CreatedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the publisher address was created. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the publisher address. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
Fax | String | False | Fax number for the publisher address. |
FreightTermsCode | String | False | Freight terms for the publisher address. |
ImportSequenceNumber | Integer | False | Unique identifier of the data import or data migration that created this record. |
Latitude | Double | False | Latitude for the publisher address. |
Line1 | String | False | First line for entering address information. |
Line2 | String | False | Second line for entering address information. |
Line3 | String | False | Third line for entering address information. |
Longitude | Double | False | Longitude for the publisher address. |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who last modified the publisher address. |
ModifiedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | True | |
ModifiedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the publisher address was last modified. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who modified the publisher address. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
Name | String | False | Name used to identify the publisher address. |
ParentId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the parent object with which the publisher address is associated. |
ParentId_LogicalName | String | False | |
ParentId_Name | String | False | |
PostalCode | String | False | ZIP Code or postal code in the publisher address. |
PostOfficeBox | String | False | Post office box number in the publisher address. |
PrimaryContactName | String | False | Name of the primary contact at the publisher address. |
PublisherAddressId | String | False | Unique identifier of the publisher address. |
ShippingMethodCode | String | False | Method of shipment for the publisher address. |
StateOrProvince | String | False | State or province in the publisher address. |
Telephone1 | String | False | First telephone number for the publisher address. |
Telephone2 | String | False | Second telephone number for the publisher address. |
Telephone3 | String | False | Third telephone number for the publisher address. |
TimeZoneRuleVersionNumber | Integer | False | For internal use only. |
UPSZone | String | False | United Parcel Service (UPS) zone for the address of the publisher. |
UTCConversionTimeZoneCode | Integer | False | Time zone code that was in use when the record was created. |
UTCOffset | Integer | False | UTC offset for the address. This is the difference between local time and standard Coordinated Universal Time. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the quarterly fiscal calendar. |
BusinessUnitId_Id | String | True | |
BusinessUnitId_LogicalName | String | True | |
BusinessUnitId_Name | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who created the quarterly fiscal calendar. |
CreatedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | True | |
CreatedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the quota for the quarterly fiscal calendar was created. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the QuarterlyFiscalCalendar. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
EffectiveOn | Datetime | False | Date and time when the quarterly fiscal calendar sales quota takes effect. |
ExchangeRate | Double | True | Exchange rate for the currency associated with the quarterly fiscal calendar with respect to the base currency. |
FiscalPeriodType | Integer | True | Type of fiscal period used in the sales quota. |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who last modified the quarterly fiscal calendar. |
ModifiedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | True | |
ModifiedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the quarterly fiscal calendar was last modified. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the QuarterlyFiscalCalendar. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
quarter1 | Double | False | Sales quota for the first quarter in the fiscal year. |
quarter1_base | Double | True | Base currency equivalent of the sales quota for the first quarter in the fiscal year. |
quarter2 | Double | False | Sales quota for the second quarter in the fiscal year. |
quarter2_base | Double | True | Base currency equivalent of the sales quota for the second quarter in the fiscal year |
quarter3 | Double | False | Sales quota for the third quarter in the fiscal year. |
quarter3_base | Double | True | Base currency equivalent of the sales quota for the third quarter in the fiscal year. |
quarter4 | Double | False | Sales quota for the fourth quarter in the fiscal year. |
quarter4_base | Double | True | Base currency equivalent of the sales quota for the fourth quarter in the fiscal year. |
SalesPersonId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the associated salesperson. |
SalesPersonId_LogicalName | String | False | |
SalesPersonId_Name | String | False | |
TimeZoneRuleVersionNumber | Integer | False | For internal use only. |
TransactionCurrencyId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the currency associated with the quarterly fiscal calendar. |
TransactionCurrencyId_LogicalName | String | False | |
TransactionCurrencyId_Name | String | False | |
UserFiscalCalendarId | String | False | Unique identifier of the quarterly fiscal calendar. |
UTCConversionTimeZoneCode | Integer | False | Time zone code that was in use when the record was created. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the queue. |
AllowEmailCredentials | Boolean | False | Information about whether a user wants to specify email credentials for the email router. |
BusinessUnitId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the business unit with which the queue is associated. |
BusinessUnitId_LogicalName | String | False | |
BusinessUnitId_Name | String | False | |
CreatedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who created the queue record. |
CreatedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | True | |
CreatedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the queue was created. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the queue. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
Description | String | False | Description of the queue. |
EMailAddress | String | False | email address that is associated with the queue. |
EmailPassword | String | False | Password for email. |
EmailRouterAccessApproval | String | False | Shows the status of the primary email address. |
EmailUsername | String | False | User name for email. |
ExchangeRate | Double | True | Exchange rate for the currency associated with the queue with respect to the base currency. |
IgnoreUnsolicitedEmail | Boolean | False | Information that specifies whether a queue is to ignore unsolicited email (deprecated). |
ImportSequenceNumber | Integer | False | Unique identifier of the data import or data migration that created this record. |
IncomingEmailDeliveryMethod | String | False | Incoming email delivery method for the queue. |
IncomingEmailFilteringMethod | String | False | Incoming email filtering method. |
IsFaxQueue | Boolean | True | Indication of whether a queue is the fax delivery queue. |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who last modified the queue. |
ModifiedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | True | |
ModifiedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the queue was last modified. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the queue. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
Name | String | False | Name of the queue. |
OrganizationId_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the organization associated with the queue. |
OrganizationId_LogicalName | String | True | |
OrganizationId_Name | String | True | |
OutgoingEmailDeliveryMethod | String | False | Outgoing email delivery method for the queue. |
OverriddenCreatedOn | Datetime | False | Date and time that the record was migrated. |
OwnerId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the user or team who owns the queue. |
OwnerId_LogicalName | String | False | |
OwnerId_Name | String | False | |
OwningBusinessUnit_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the business unit that owns the queue. |
OwningBusinessUnit_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningBusinessUnit_Name | String | True | |
OwningTeam_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the team who owns the queue. |
OwningTeam_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningTeam_Name | String | True | |
OwningUser_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who owns the queue. |
OwningUser_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningUser_Name | String | True | |
PrimaryUserId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the owner of the queue. |
PrimaryUserId_LogicalName | String | False | |
PrimaryUserId_Name | String | False | |
QueueId | String | False | Unique identifier of the queue. |
QueueSemantics | Integer | False | For internal use only. |
QueueTypeCode | String | True | Type of queue that is automatically assigned when a user or queue is created. The type can be public, private, or work in process. |
StateCode | String | True | Status of the queue. |
StatusCode | String | False | Reason for the status of the queue. |
TransactionCurrencyId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the currency associated with the queue. |
TransactionCurrencyId_LogicalName | String | False | |
TransactionCurrencyId_Name | String | False |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the queue item. |
CreatedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who created the queue item. |
CreatedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | True | |
CreatedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the queue item was created. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the queueitem. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
EnteredOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the queue item was entered. |
ExchangeRate | Double | True | Exchange rate for the currency associated with the queueitem with respect to the base currency. |
ImportSequenceNumber | Integer | False | Unique identifier of the data import or data migration that created this record. |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who last modified the queue item. |
ModifiedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | True | |
ModifiedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the queue item was last modified. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the queueitem. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
ObjectId_Id | String | False | The unique identifier of the entity that is in the queue. |
ObjectId_LogicalName | String | False | |
ObjectId_Name | String | False | |
ObjectTypeCode | String | True | Identifies the type of queue item, such as the specific activity type, case, or article. |
OrganizationId_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the organization with which the queue item is associated. |
OrganizationId_LogicalName | String | True | |
OrganizationId_Name | String | True | |
OverriddenCreatedOn | Datetime | False | Date and time that the record was migrated. |
OwnerId_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user or team who owns the queue item. |
OwnerId_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwnerId_Name | String | True | |
OwningBusinessUnit_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the business unit that owns the queue item. |
OwningBusinessUnit_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningBusinessUnit_Name | String | True | |
OwningUser_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who owns the queue item. |
OwningUser_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningUser_Name | String | True | |
Priority | Integer | False | Priority of the queue item. |
QueueId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the queue in which the queue item resides. |
QueueId_LogicalName | String | False | |
QueueId_Name | String | False | |
QueueItemId | String | False | Unique identifier of the queue item. |
Sender | String | False | Sender who created the queue item. |
State | Integer | False | Status of the queue item. |
StateCode | String | True | Status of the queue item. |
Status | Integer | False | Reason for the status of the queue item. |
StatusCode | String | False | Reason for the status of the queue item. |
TimeZoneRuleVersionNumber | Integer | False | For internal use only. |
Title | String | True | Title of the queue item. |
ToRecipients | String | False | Recipients listed on the To line of the message for email queue items. |
TransactionCurrencyId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the currency associated with the queueitem. |
TransactionCurrencyId_LogicalName | String | False | |
TransactionCurrencyId_Name | String | False | |
UTCConversionTimeZoneCode | Integer | False | Time zone code that was in use when the record was created. |
WorkerId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the user or team that is working on the queue item. |
WorkerId_LogicalName | String | False | |
WorkerId_Name | String | False | |
WorkerIdModifiedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the queue item was assigned a worker. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the quote. |
AccountId_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the account with which the quote is associated. |
AccountId_LogicalName | String | True | |
AccountId_Name | String | True | |
BillTo_AddressId | String | False | Unique identifier of the billing address. |
BillTo_City | String | False | City name in the billing address. |
BillTo_ContactName | String | False | Contact name for the billing address. |
BillTo_Country | String | False | Country/region name in the billing address. |
BillTo_Fax | String | False | Fax number for the billing address. |
BillTo_Line1 | String | False | First line for entering billing address information. |
BillTo_Line2 | String | False | Second line for entering billing address information. |
BillTo_Line3 | String | False | Third line for entering billing address information. |
BillTo_Name | String | False | Name to enter for the billing address. |
BillTo_PostalCode | String | False | ZIP Code or postal code in the billing address. |
BillTo_StateOrProvince | String | False | State or province in the billing address. |
BillTo_Telephone | String | False | Telephone number associated with the billing address. |
CampaignId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the source campaign associated with the quote. |
CampaignId_LogicalName | String | False | |
CampaignId_Name | String | False | |
ClosedOn | Datetime | False | Date and time when the quote is to be closed. |
ContactId_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the contact associated with the quote. |
ContactId_LogicalName | String | True | |
ContactId_Name | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who created the quote record. |
CreatedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | True | |
CreatedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the quote was created. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the quote. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
CustomerId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the account or contact associated with the quote. |
CustomerId_LogicalName | String | False | |
CustomerId_Name | String | False | |
Description | String | False | Description of the quote. |
DiscountAmount | Double | False | Discount specified as a monetary amount for the quote. |
DiscountAmount_Base | Double | True | Base currency equivalent of the discount specified as a monetary amount for the quote. |
DiscountPercentage | Double | False | Discount specified as a percentage for the quote. |
EffectiveFrom | Datetime | False | Date and time when the quote becomes effective. |
EffectiveTo | Datetime | False | Date that is the last day the quote is in effect. |
ExchangeRate | Double | True | Exchange rate for the currency associated with the quote with respect to the base currency. |
ExpiresOn | Datetime | False | Date when the quote expires. |
FreightAmount | Double | False | Cost of freight for the quote. |
FreightAmount_Base | Double | True | Base currency equivalent of the cost of freight for the quote |
FreightTermsCode | String | False | Freight terms for the quote. |
ImportSequenceNumber | Integer | False | Unique identifier of the data import or data migration that created this record. |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who last modified the quote record. |
ModifiedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | True | |
ModifiedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the quote was last modified. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the quote. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
Name | String | False | Name of the quote. |
OpportunityId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the opportunity with which the quote is associated. |
OpportunityId_LogicalName | String | False | |
OpportunityId_Name | String | False | |
OverriddenCreatedOn | Datetime | False | Date and time that the record was migrated. |
OwnerId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the user or team who owns the quote. |
OwnerId_LogicalName | String | False | |
OwnerId_Name | String | False | |
OwningBusinessUnit_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the business unit that owns the quote. |
OwningBusinessUnit_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningBusinessUnit_Name | String | True | |
OwningTeam_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the team who owns the quote. |
OwningTeam_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningTeam_Name | String | True | |
OwningUser_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who owns the quote. |
OwningUser_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningUser_Name | String | True | |
PaymentTermsCode | String | False | Payment terms for the quote. |
PriceLevelId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the price list associated with the quote. |
PriceLevelId_LogicalName | String | False | |
PriceLevelId_Name | String | False | |
PricingErrorCode | String | False | Pricing error for the quote. |
QuoteId | String | False | Unique identifier of the quote. |
QuoteNumber | String | False | Quote number. |
RequestDeliveryBy | Datetime | False | Requested delivery date for the quote. |
RevisionNumber | Integer | True | Revision number for the quote. |
ShippingMethodCode | String | False | Method of shipment for the quote. |
ShipTo_AddressId | String | False | Unique identifier of the shipping address. |
ShipTo_City | String | False | City name in the shipping address. |
ShipTo_ContactName | String | False | Contact name for the shipping address. |
ShipTo_Country | String | False | Country/region name in the shipping address. |
ShipTo_Fax | String | False | Fax number for the shipping address. |
ShipTo_FreightTermsCode | String | False | Freight terms for the shipping address. |
ShipTo_Line1 | String | False | First line for entering shipping address information. |
ShipTo_Line2 | String | False | Second line for entering shipping address information. |
ShipTo_Line3 | String | False | Third line for entering shipping address information. |
ShipTo_Name | String | False | Name to enter for the shipping address. |
ShipTo_PostalCode | String | False | ZIP Code or postal code in the shipping address. |
ShipTo_StateOrProvince | String | False | State or province in the shipping address. |
ShipTo_Telephone | String | False | Telephone number associated with the shipping address. |
StateCode | String | True | Status of the quote. |
StatusCode | String | False | Reason for the status of the quote. |
TimeZoneRuleVersionNumber | Integer | False | For internal use only. |
TotalAmount | Double | True | Total amount for the quote. |
TotalAmount_Base | Double | True | Base currency equivalent of the total amount for the quote. |
TotalAmountLessFreight | Double | True | Total amount minus the freight charges for the quote. |
TotalAmountLessFreight_Base | Double | True | Base currency equivalent of the total amount minus the freight charges for the quote. |
TotalDiscountAmount | Double | True | Total discount for the quote. |
TotalDiscountAmount_Base | Double | True | Base currency equivalent of the total discount for the quote. |
TotalLineItemAmount | Double | True | Total line item amount for the quote. |
TotalLineItemAmount_Base | Double | True | Base currency equivalent of the total line item amount for the quote. |
TotalLineItemDiscountAmount | Double | True | Total line item discount for the quote. |
TotalLineItemDiscountAmount_Base | Double | True | Base currency equivalent of the total line item discount for the quote. |
TotalTax | Double | True | Total tax for the quote. |
TotalTax_Base | Double | True | Base currency equivalent of the total tax for the quote. |
TransactionCurrencyId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the currency associated with the quote. |
TransactionCurrencyId_LogicalName | String | False | |
TransactionCurrencyId_Name | String | False | |
UTCConversionTimeZoneCode | Integer | False | Time zone code that was in use when the record was created. |
WillCall | Boolean | False | Information about whether the customer will call for the quoted products or the products are to be shipped. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the quote close activity. |
ActivityId | String | False | Unique identifier of the quote close activity. |
ActivityTypeCode | String | True | Type of activity. |
ActualDurationMinutes | Integer | False | Actual duration of the quote close activity in minutes. |
ActualEnd | Datetime | False | Actual end time of the quote close activity. |
ActualStart | Datetime | False | Actual start time of the quote close activity. |
Category | String | False | Category of the quote close activity. |
CreatedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who created the quote close activity. |
CreatedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | True | |
CreatedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the quote close activity was created. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the quoteclose. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
Description | String | False | Activity generated when a quote is closed. |
ImportSequenceNumber | Integer | False | Unique identifier of the data import or data migration that created this record. |
IsBilled | Boolean | False | Information about whether the quote close activity was billed as part of resolving a case. |
IsRegularActivity | Boolean | True | Information regarding whether the activity is a regular activity type or event type. |
IsWorkflowCreated | Boolean | False | Information that specifies if the quote close activity was created from a workflow rule. |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who last modified the quote close activity. |
ModifiedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | True | |
ModifiedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the quote close activity was last modified. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the quoteclose. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
OverriddenCreatedOn | Datetime | False | Date and time that the record was migrated. |
OwnerId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the user or team who owns the quote close activity. |
OwnerId_LogicalName | String | False | |
OwnerId_Name | String | False | |
OwningBusinessUnit_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the business unit that owns the quote close activity. |
OwningBusinessUnit_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningBusinessUnit_Name | String | True | |
OwningTeam_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the team who owns the quote close activity. |
OwningTeam_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningTeam_Name | String | True | |
OwningUser_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who owns the quote close activity. |
OwningUser_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningUser_Name | String | True | |
QuoteId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the quote with which the quote close activity is associated. |
QuoteId_LogicalName | String | False | |
QuoteId_Name | String | False | |
QuoteNumber | String | False | Quote number. |
Revision | Integer | False | Quote revision number. |
ScheduledDurationMinutes | Integer | True | Scheduled duration of the quote close activity, specified in minutes. |
ScheduledEnd | Datetime | False | Scheduled end time of the quote close activity. |
ScheduledStart | Datetime | False | Scheduled start time of the quote close activity. |
ServiceId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the service with which the quote close activity is associated. |
ServiceId_LogicalName | String | False | |
ServiceId_Name | String | False | |
StateCode | String | True | Status of the quote close activity. |
StatusCode | String | False | Reason for the status of the quote close activity. |
Subcategory | String | False | Subcategory of the quote close activity. |
Subject | String | False | Subject associated with the quote close activity. |
TimeZoneRuleVersionNumber | Integer | False | For internal use only. |
UTCConversionTimeZoneCode | Integer | False | Time zone code that was in use when the record was created. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the quote detail. |
BaseAmount | Double | True | Subtotal of the quote product before discounts are applied and taxes are added. |
BaseAmount_Base | Double | True | Base currency equivalent of the subtotal of the quote product before discounts are applied and taxes are added. |
CreatedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who created the quote product. |
CreatedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | True | |
CreatedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the quote product was created. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the quotedetail. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
Description | String | False | Description of the quote product. |
ExchangeRate | Double | True | Exchange rate for the currency associated with the quote detail with respect to the base currency. |
ExtendedAmount | Double | True | Subtotal of the quote product after discounts are applied and taxes are added. |
ExtendedAmount_Base | Double | True | Base currency equivalent of the subtotal of the quote product after discounts are applied and taxes are added. |
ImportSequenceNumber | Integer | False | Unique identifier of the data import or data migration that created this record. |
IsPriceOverridden | Boolean | False | Information about whether to override product catalog pricing. |
IsProductOverridden | Boolean | False | Information about whether the product is a write-in product or an existing product. |
LineItemNumber | Integer | False | Line item number for the quote product. |
ManualDiscountAmount | Double | False | Customized discount amount for the quote product. |
ManualDiscountAmount_Base | Double | True | Base currency equivalent of the customized discount amount for the quote product. |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who last modified the quote product. |
ModifiedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | True | |
ModifiedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the quote product was last modified. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the quotedetail. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
OverriddenCreatedOn | Datetime | False | Date and time that the record was migrated. |
OwnerId_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user or team who owns the quote detail. |
OwnerId_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwnerId_Name | String | True | |
OwningBusinessUnit | String | True | Unique identifier of the business unit that owns the quote detail. |
OwningUser | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who owns the quote detail. |
PricePerUnit | Double | False | Price per unit for the quote product. |
PricePerUnit_Base | Double | True | Base currency equivalent of the price per unit for the quote product. |
PricingErrorCode | String | False | Pricing error for the quote product. |
ProductDescription | String | False | Product description for the quote product. |
ProductId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the product associated with the quote product. |
ProductId_LogicalName | String | False | |
ProductId_Name | String | False | |
Quantity | Double | False | Product quantity specified for the quote product. |
QuoteDetailId | String | False | Unique identifier of the product line item in the quote. |
QuoteId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the quote for the quote product. |
QuoteId_LogicalName | String | False | |
QuoteId_Name | String | False | |
QuoteStateCode | String | True | Status of the quote product. |
RequestDeliveryBy | Datetime | False | Requested delivery date for the quote product. |
SalesRepId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the salesperson associated with the quote product. |
SalesRepId_LogicalName | String | False | |
SalesRepId_Name | String | False | |
ShipTo_AddressId | String | False | Unique identifier of the shipping address. |
ShipTo_City | String | False | City name in the shipping address. |
ShipTo_ContactName | String | False | Contact name for the shipping address. |
ShipTo_Country | String | False | Country/region name in the shipping address. |
ShipTo_Fax | String | False | Fax number for the shipping address. |
ShipTo_FreightTermsCode | String | False | Freight terms for the shipping address. |
ShipTo_Line1 | String | False | First line for entering shipping address information. |
ShipTo_Line2 | String | False | Second line for entering shipping address information. |
ShipTo_Line3 | String | False | Third line for entering shipping address information. |
ShipTo_Name | String | False | Name to enter for the shipping address. |
ShipTo_PostalCode | String | False | ZIP Code or postal code in the shipping address. |
ShipTo_StateOrProvince | String | False | State or province in the shipping address. |
ShipTo_Telephone | String | False | Telephone number associated with the shipping address. |
Tax | Double | False | Tax amount for the quote product. |
Tax_Base | Double | True | Base currency equivalent of the tax amount for the quote product. |
TimeZoneRuleVersionNumber | Integer | False | For internal use only. |
TransactionCurrencyId_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the currency associated with the quote detail. |
TransactionCurrencyId_LogicalName | String | True | |
TransactionCurrencyId_Name | String | True | |
UoMId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the unit that is associated with the quote product. |
UoMId_LogicalName | String | False | |
UoMId_Name | String | False | |
UTCConversionTimeZoneCode | Integer | False | Time zone code that was in use when the record was created. |
VolumeDiscountAmount | Double | True | Volume discount amount for the quote product. |
VolumeDiscountAmount_Base | Double | True | Base currency equivalent of the volume discount amount for the quote product. |
WillCall | Boolean | False | Information about whether the customer will call for the quoted products or the products are to be shipped. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the recurrence rule. |
CreatedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who created the recurrence rule. |
CreatedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | True | |
CreatedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the recurrence rule was created. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the recurrence rule. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
DayOfMonth | Integer | False | The day of the month on which the recurring appointment or task occurs. |
DaysOfWeekMask | Integer | False | Bitmask representing the days of the week on which the recurring appointment or task occurs. |
Duration | Integer | False | Duration of the recurrence pattern in minutes. |
EffectiveEndDate | Datetime | False | The actual end date for expansion of the recurrence pattern. |
EffectiveStartDate | Datetime | False | The actual start date for expansion of the recurrence pattern. |
EndTime | Datetime | False | End time of the associated activity. |
FirstDayOfWeek | Integer | False | First day Of week for the recurrence pattern. |
Instance | String | False | Specifies the count for which the recurrence pattern is valid for a given interval. |
Interval | Integer | False | Number of units of a given recurrence type between occurrences. |
IsNthMonthly | Boolean | False | Specifies whether the monthly recurrence pattern is Nth monthly, valid only for monthly recurrence. |
IsNthYearly | Boolean | False | Specifies whether the yearly recurrence pattern is Nth yearly, valid only for yearly recurrence. |
IsRegenerate | Boolean | False | Valid only for task type recurrence,indicates whether task should be regenerated. |
IsWeekDayPattern | Boolean | False | Specifies whether the weekly recurrence pattern is actually a daily every weekday pattern, valid only for weekly recurrence. |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who last modified the recurrence rule. |
ModifiedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | True | |
ModifiedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the recurrence rule was last modified. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who modified the recurrence rule. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
MonthOfYear | String | False | Specifies the month of the year valid for the recurrence pattern. |
ObjectId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the object with which the recurrence rule is associated. |
ObjectId_LogicalName | String | False | |
ObjectId_Name | String | False | |
Occurrences | Integer | False | Number of occurrences of the recurrence pattern. |
OwnerId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the user or team who owns the recurrence rule. |
OwnerId_LogicalName | String | False | |
OwnerId_Name | String | False | |
OwningBusinessUnit_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the business unit that owns the recurrence rule. |
OwningBusinessUnit_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningBusinessUnit_Name | String | True | |
OwningTeam_Id | String | True | |
OwningTeam_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningTeam_Name | String | True | |
OwningUser_Id | String | True | |
OwningUser_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningUser_Name | String | True | |
PatternEndDate | Datetime | False | End date of the Recurrence Range. |
PatternEndType | String | False | Pattern End Type of a recurring series. |
PatternStartDate | Datetime | False | Start date of the Recurrence Range. |
RecurrencePatternType | String | False | Type of Recurrence. |
RuleId | String | False | Unique identifier of the entity associated with recurrence rule. |
StartTime | Datetime | False | Start time of the recurring activity. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the recurring appoint. |
ActivityId | String | False | Unique identifier of the recurring appointment series. |
ActivityTypeCode | String | True | Type of activity. |
Category | String | False | Category of the recurring appointment series. |
CreatedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who created the recurring appointment series. |
CreatedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | True | |
CreatedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the recurring appointment series was created. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the recurring appointment series. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
DayOfMonth | Integer | False | The day of the month on which the recurring appointment occurs. |
DaysOfWeekMask | Integer | False | Bitmask that represents the days of the week on which the recurring appointment occurs. |
DeletedExceptionsList | String | True | List of deleted instances of the recurring appointment series. |
Description | String | False | Description of the recurring appointment series. |
Duration | Integer | False | Duration of the recurring appointment series in minutes. |
EffectiveEndDate | Datetime | False | Actual end date of the recurring appointment series based on the specified end date and recurrence pattern. |
EffectiveStartDate | Datetime | False | Actual start date of the recurring appointment series based on the specified start date and recurrence pattern. |
EndTime | Datetime | False | End time of the associated activity. |
ExchangeRate | Double | True | Exchange rate between the currency associated with the recurring appointment series and the base currency. |
ExpansionStateCode | String | True | State code to indicate whether the recurring appointment series is expanded fully or partially. |
FirstDayOfWeek | Integer | False | First day of week for the recurrence pattern. |
GlobalObjectId | String | False | Unique Outlook identifier to correlate recurring appointment series across Exchange mailboxes. |
GroupId_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the recurring appointment series for which the recurrence information was updated. |
GroupId_LogicalName | String | True | |
GroupId_Name | String | True | |
ImportSequenceNumber | Integer | False | Unique identifier of the data import or data migration that created this record. |
Instance | String | False | Specifies the recurring appointment series to occur on every Nth day of a month. Valid for monthly and yearly recurrence patterns only. |
InstanceTypeCode | String | True | Type of instance of a recurring appointment series. |
Interval | Integer | False | Number of units of a given recurrence type between occurrences. |
IsAllDayEvent | Boolean | False | Indicates whether the recurring appointment series is an all day event. |
IsBilled | Boolean | False | Indicates whether the recurring appointment series was billed as part of resolving a case. |
IsNthMonthly | Boolean | False | Indicates whether the recurring appointment series should occur after every N months. Valid for monthly recurrence pattern only. |
IsNthYearly | Boolean | False | Indicates whether the recurring appointment series should occur after every N years. Valid for yearly recurrence pattern only. |
IsRegenerate | Boolean | False | For internal use only. |
IsRegularActivity | Boolean | True | Indicates whether the activity is a regular activity type or event type. |
IsWeekDayPattern | Boolean | False | Indicates whether the weekly recurrence pattern is a daily weekday pattern. Valid for weekly recurrence pattern only. |
IsWorkflowCreated | Boolean | False | Indicates whether the recurring appointment series was created from a workflow rule. |
LastExpandedInstanceDate | Datetime | True | Date of last expanded instance of a recurring appointment series. |
Location | String | False | Location where the recurring appointment series will occur. |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who last modified the recurring appointment series. |
ModifiedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | True | |
ModifiedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the recurring appointment series was last modified. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who modified the recurring appointment series. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
MonthOfYear | String | False | Indicates the month of the year for the recurrence pattern. |
NextExpansionInstanceDate | Datetime | True | Date of the next expanded instance of a recurring appointment series. |
Occurrences | Integer | False | Number of appointment occurrences in a recurring appointment series. |
OptionalAttendees_Ids | String | False | List of optional attendees for the recurring appointment series. |
OptionalAttendees_LogicalNames | String | False | |
OptionalAttendees_Names | String | False | |
Organizer_Ids | String | False | Person who organized the recurring appointment series. |
Organizer_LogicalNames | String | False | |
Organizer_Names | String | False | |
OutlookOwnerApptId | Integer | False | Unique identifier of the Microsoft Office Outlook recurring appointment series owner that correlates to the PR_OWNER_APPT_ID MAPI property. |
OverriddenCreatedOn | Datetime | False | Date and time that the record was migrated. |
OwnerId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the user or team who owns the recurring appointment series. |
OwnerId_LogicalName | String | False | |
OwnerId_Name | String | False | |
OwningBusinessUnit_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the business unit that owns the recurring appointment series. |
OwningBusinessUnit_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningBusinessUnit_Name | String | True | |
OwningTeam_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the team who owns the recurring appointment series. |
OwningTeam_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningTeam_Name | String | True | |
OwningUser_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who owns the recurring appointment series. |
OwningUser_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningUser_Name | String | True | |
PatternEndDate | Datetime | False | End date of the recurrence range. |
PatternEndType | String | False | End type of the recurrence range. |
PatternStartDate | Datetime | False | Start date of the recurrence range. |
PriorityCode | String | False | Priority of the recurring appointment series. |
RecurrencePatternType | String | False | Type of recurrence pattern. |
RegardingObjectId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the object with which the recurring appointment series is associated. |
RegardingObjectId_LogicalName | String | False | |
RegardingObjectId_Name | String | False | |
RequiredAttendees_Ids | String | False | List of required attendees for the recurring appointment series. |
RequiredAttendees_LogicalNames | String | False | |
RequiredAttendees_Names | String | False | |
RuleId_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the recurrence rule that is associated with the recurring appointment series. |
RuleId_LogicalName | String | True | |
RuleId_Name | String | True | |
ScheduledEnd | Datetime | True | Scheduled end time of the recurring appointment series. |
ScheduledStart | Datetime | True | Scheduled start time of the recurring appointment series. |
SeriesStatus | Boolean | False | Indicates whether the recurring appointment series is active or inactive. |
ServiceId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier for an associated service. |
ServiceId_LogicalName | String | False | |
ServiceId_Name | String | False | |
StartTime | Datetime | False | Start time of the recurring appointment series. |
StateCode | String | False | Status of the recurring appointment series. |
StatusCode | String | False | Reason for the status of the recurring appointment series. |
Subcategory | String | False | Sub-category of the recurring appointment series. |
Subject | String | False | Subject associated with the recurring appointment series. |
TimeZoneRuleVersionNumber | Integer | False | For internal use only. |
TransactionCurrencyId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the currency associated with the recurring appointment series. |
TransactionCurrencyId_LogicalName | String | False | |
TransactionCurrencyId_Name | String | False | |
UTCConversionTimeZoneCode | Integer | False | Time zone code that was in use when the record was created. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the relationship role. |
CreatedBy_Id | String | True | Unique Identifier of the user who created the relationship role. |
CreatedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | True | |
CreatedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the relationship role was created. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the relationshiprole. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
Description | String | False | Description of the relationship role. |
ImportSequenceNumber | Integer | False | Unique identifier of the data import or data migration that created this record. |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who last modified the relationship role. |
ModifiedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | True | |
ModifiedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the relationship role was last modified. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the relationshiprole. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
Name | String | False | Name of the relationship role. |
OrganizationId_Id | String | True | Unique Identifier of the organization that this relationship role belongs to. |
OrganizationId_LogicalName | String | True | |
OrganizationId_Name | String | True | |
RelationshipRoleId | String | False | Unique identifier of the relationship role. |
StateCode | String | True | Status of the relationship role. |
StatusCode | String | False | Reason for the status of the relationship role. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the relationship role mapping. |
AssociateObjectTypeCode | String | False | Type of the associated entity in the relationship role mapping. |
CreatedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who created the relationship role map. |
CreatedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | True | |
CreatedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the relationship role mapping was created. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the relationship role mapping. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who last modified the relationship role mapping. |
ModifiedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | True | |
ModifiedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the relationship role mapping record was last modified. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the relationship role mapping. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
OrganizationId | String | True | Unique identifier of the organization with which the relationship role mapping is associated. |
PrimaryObjectTypeCode | String | False | Type of the primary entity in the relationship role mapping. |
RelationshipRoleId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the relationship role. This relationship role is only valid in a relationship between an entity of type specified in the PrimaryObjectTypeCode property and an entity of type specified in the AssociatedObjectTypeCode property. |
RelationshipRoleId_LogicalName | String | False | |
RelationshipRoleId_Name | String | False | |
RelationshipRoleMapId | String | False | Unique identifier of the relationship role mapping. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the report. |
BodyBinary | String | False | Binary report contents (base-64 encoded). |
BodyText | String | False | Text contents of the RDL file for a Reporting Services report. |
BodyUrl | String | False | URL for a linked report. |
ComponentState | String | True | For internal use only. |
CreatedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who created the report. |
CreatedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | True | |
CreatedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the report was created. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the report. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
CustomReportXml | String | True | XML used to define a custom report. |
DefaultFilter | String | False | Default filter for the report. |
Description | String | False | Description of the report. |
FileName | String | False | File name of the report. |
FileSize | Integer | True | File size of the report. |
IsCustomReport | Boolean | True | Information about whether the report is a custom report. |
IsManaged | Boolean | True | Indicates whether the solution component is part of a managed solution. |
IsPersonal | Boolean | False | Information about whether the report is personal or is available to all users. |
IsScheduledReport | Boolean | True | Information about whether the report is a scheduled report. |
LanguageCode | Integer | False | Language in which the report will be displayed. |
MimeType | String | False | MIME type of the report. |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who last modified the report. |
ModifiedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | True | |
ModifiedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the report was last modified. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the report. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
Name | String | False | Name of the report. |
OriginalBodyText | String | True | Original Text contents of the RDL file for a Reporting Services report. |
OverwriteTime | Datetime | True | For internal use only. |
OwnerId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the user or team who owns the report. |
OwnerId_LogicalName | String | False | |
OwnerId_Name | String | False | |
OwningBusinessUnit_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the business unit that owns the report. |
OwningBusinessUnit_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningBusinessUnit_Name | String | True | |
OwningTeam_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the team who owns the report. |
OwningTeam_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningTeam_Name | String | True | |
OwningUser_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who owns the report. |
OwningUser_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningUser_Name | String | True | |
ParentReportId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the parent report. |
ParentReportId_LogicalName | String | False | |
ParentReportId_Name | String | False | |
QueryInfo | String | True | For internal use only. |
ReportId | String | False | Unique identifier of the report. |
ReportIdUnique | String | True | For internal use only. |
ReportNameOnSRS | String | True | Name of the report on SRS. |
ReportTypeCode | String | False | Type of the report. |
ScheduleXml | String | True | XML used for defining the report schedule. |
SignatureDate | Datetime | False | Report signature date, used to identify a report for upgrades and hotfixes. |
SignatureId | String | False | Unique identifier of the report signature used to identify a report for upgrades and hotfixes. |
SignatureLcid | Integer | False | Report signature language code used to identify a report for upgrades and hotfixes. |
SignatureMajorVersion | Integer | False | Report signature major version, used to identify a report for upgrades and hotfixes. |
SignatureMinorVersion | Integer | False | Report signature minor version, used to identify a report for upgrades and hotfixes. |
SolutionId | String | True | Unique identifier of the associated solution. |
TimeZoneRuleVersionNumber | Integer | False | For internal use only. |
UTCConversionTimeZoneCode | Integer | False | Time zone code that was in use when the record was created. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the report category. |
CategoryCode | String | False | Category of the report. |
ComponentState | String | True | For internal use only. |
CreatedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who created the report category. |
CreatedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | True | |
CreatedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the report category record was created. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the report category. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
ExchangeRate | Double | True | Exchange rate for the currency associated with the report category with respect to the base currency. |
ImportSequenceNumber | Integer | False | Unique identifier of the data import or data migration that created this record. |
IsManaged | Boolean | True | Indicates whether the solution component is part of a managed solution. |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who last modified the report category. |
ModifiedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | True | |
ModifiedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the report category was last modified. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the report category. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
OverwriteTime | Datetime | True | For internal use only. |
OwnerId_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user or team who owns the report category. |
OwnerId_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwnerId_Name | String | True | |
OwningBusinessUnit | String | True | Unique identifier of the business unit that owns the report category. |
OwningUser | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who owns the report category. |
ReportCategoryId | String | False | Unique identifier of the report category. |
ReportCategoryIdUnique | String | True | For internal use only. |
ReportId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the report. |
ReportId_LogicalName | String | False | |
ReportId_Name | String | False | |
SolutionId | String | True | Unique identifier of the associated solution. |
TimeZoneRuleVersionNumber | Integer | False | For internal use only. |
TransactionCurrencyId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the currency associated with the Report category. |
TransactionCurrencyId_LogicalName | String | False | |
TransactionCurrencyId_Name | String | False | |
UTCConversionTimeZoneCode | Integer | False | Time zone code that was in use when the record was created. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the report record. |
ComponentState | String | True | For internal use only. |
CreatedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who created the report record. |
CreatedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | True | |
CreatedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the report record was created. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the reportentity. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
ImportSequenceNumber | Integer | False | Unique identifier of the data import or data migration that created this record. |
IsFilterable | Boolean | False | Information about whether the report is filterable. |
IsManaged | Boolean | True | |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who last modified the report record. |
ModifiedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | True | |
ModifiedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the report record was last modified. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the reportentity. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
ObjectTypeCode | String | False | Type of record with which the report is associated. |
OverwriteTime | Datetime | True | For internal use only. |
OwnerId_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user or team who owns the report entity. |
OwnerId_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwnerId_Name | String | True | |
OwningBusinessUnit | String | True | Unique identifier of the business unit that owns the report record. |
OwningUser | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who owns the report record. |
ReportEntityId | String | False | Unique identifier of the report record. |
ReportEntityIdUnique | String | True | For internal use only. |
ReportId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the report. |
ReportId_LogicalName | String | False | |
ReportId_Name | String | False | |
SolutionId | String | True | Unique identifier of the associated solution. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the report link. |
CreatedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who created the report link. |
CreatedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | True | |
CreatedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the report link record was created. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the reportlink. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
ImportSequenceNumber | Integer | False | Unique identifier of the data import or data migration that created this record. |
LinkedReportId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the linked report. |
LinkedReportId_LogicalName | String | False | |
LinkedReportId_Name | String | False | |
LinkedReportName | String | False | Name of the linked report. |
LinkTypeCode | String | False | Link type of the report. |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who last modified the report link. |
ModifiedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | True | |
ModifiedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the report link was last modified. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the reportlink. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
OwnerId_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user or team who owns the report link. |
OwnerId_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwnerId_Name | String | True | |
OwningBusinessUnit | String | True | Unique identifier of the business unit that owns the report link. |
OwningUser | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who owns the report link. |
ReportId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the main report. |
ReportId_LogicalName | String | False | |
ReportId_Name | String | False | |
ReportLinkId | String | False | Unique identifier of the report link. |
ReportLinkIdUnique | String | True | For internal use only. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the report visibility record. |
ComponentState | String | True | For internal use only. |
CreatedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who created the report visibility record. |
CreatedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | True | |
CreatedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the report visibility record was created. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the reportvisibility. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
ImportSequenceNumber | Integer | False | Unique identifier of the data import or data migration that created this record. |
IsManaged | Boolean | True | |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who last modified the report visibility record. |
ModifiedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | True | |
ModifiedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the report visibility record was last modified. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the reportvisibility. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
OverwriteTime | Datetime | True | For internal use only. |
OwnerId_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user or team who owns the report visibility. |
OwnerId_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwnerId_Name | String | True | |
OwningBusinessUnit | String | True | Unique identifier of the business unit that owns the report visibility record. |
OwningUser | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who owns the report visibility record. |
ReportId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the report. |
ReportId_LogicalName | String | False | |
ReportId_Name | String | False | |
ReportVisibilityId | String | False | Unique identifier of the report visibility record. |
ReportVisibilityIdUnique | String | True | For internal use only. |
SolutionId | String | True | Unique identifier of the associated solution. |
VisibilityCode | String | False | Type of visibility of the report. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the resource. |
BusinessUnitId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the business unit with which the resource is associated. |
BusinessUnitId_LogicalName | String | False | |
BusinessUnitId_Name | String | False | |
CalendarId | String | False | Unique identifier of the calendar for the resource. |
DisplayInServiceViews | Boolean | False | For internal use only. |
IsDisabled | Boolean | False | Information about whether the resource is enabled. |
Name | String | False | Name of the resource. |
ObjectTypeCode | String | False | Type of entity with which the resource is associated. |
OrganizationId_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the organization with which the resource is associated. |
OrganizationId_LogicalName | String | True | |
OrganizationId_Name | String | True | |
ResourceId | String | False | Unique identifier of the resource. |
SiteId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the site at which the resource is located. |
SiteId_LogicalName | String | False | |
SiteId_Name | String | False |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the scheduling group. |
BusinessUnitId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the business unit with which the scheduling group is associated. |
BusinessUnitId_LogicalName | String | False | |
BusinessUnitId_Name | String | False | |
GroupTypeCode | String | True | Scheduling group type code. |
Name | String | False | Name of the scheduling group. |
ObjectTypeCode | String | False | Type of entity with which the scheduling group is associated. |
OrganizationId_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the organization associated with the scheduling group. |
OrganizationId_LogicalName | String | True | |
OrganizationId_Name | String | True | |
ResourceGroupId | String | False | Unique identifier of the scheduling group. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the resource expansion record. |
ItemId | String | False | Item that is part of expansion of resource identified by object Id. One object Id can have many item Ids. |
MethodCode | String | False | Code for retrieval method. |
ModifiedOn | Datetime | False | Date and time when the record was last modified. |
ObjectId | String | False | Object being expanded. |
ResourceGroupExpansionId | String | False | Unique identifier of the resource expansion record. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the resource specification. |
BusinessUnitId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the business unit with which the resource specification is associated. |
BusinessUnitId_LogicalName | String | False | |
BusinessUnitId_Name | String | False | |
Constraints | String | False | Additional constraints, specified as expressions, which are used to filter a set of valid resources. |
CreatedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who created the resource specification. |
CreatedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | True | |
CreatedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the resource specification was created. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the resourcespec. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
Description | String | False | Selection rule that allows the scheduling engine to select a number of resources from a pool of resources. The rules can be associated with a service. |
EffortRequired | Double | False | Number that specifies the minimal effort required from resources. |
GroupObjectId | String | False | Unique identifier of the scheduling group with which the resource specification is associated. |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who last modified the resource specification. |
ModifiedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | True | |
ModifiedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the resource specification was last modified. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the resourcespec. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
Name | String | False | Name of the resource specification. |
ObjectiveExpression | String | False | Search strategy to use for the resource specification. |
ObjectTypeCode | String | False | Type of entity with which the resource specification is associated. |
OrganizationId_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the organization with which the resource specification is associated. |
OrganizationId_LogicalName | String | True | |
OrganizationId_Name | String | True | |
RequiredCount | Integer | False | Required number of resources that must be available. Use -1 to indicate all resources. |
ResourceSpecId | String | False | Unique identifier of the resource specification. |
SameSite | Boolean | False | Value that specifies that all valid and available resources must be in the same site. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the ribbon command. |
Command | String | False | The command's Id. |
CommandDefinition | String | False | The JScript library and function to run when this command is executed. |
ComponentState | String | True | For internal use only. |
Entity | String | False | The entity this rule applies to, also the entity this rule was imported from, will be exported to. |
IsManaged | Boolean | True | |
OrganizationId_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the organization. |
OrganizationId_LogicalName | String | True | |
OrganizationId_Name | String | True | |
OverwriteTime | Datetime | True | For internal use only. |
RibbonCommandId | String | False | Unique identifier. |
RibbonCommandUniqueId | String | True | Unique identifier of the form used when synchronizing customizations for the Microsoft Dynamics CRM client for Outlook. |
RibbonCustomizationId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the ribbon customization with which the ribbon command is associated. |
RibbonCustomizationId_LogicalName | String | False | |
RibbonCustomizationId_Name | String | False | |
SolutionId | String | True | Unique identifier of the associated solution. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the group of contextual tabs. |
ComponentState | String | True | For internal use only. |
ContextGroupId | String | False | The id of a group of contextual tabs. |
ContextGroupXml | String | False | Layout XML for a contextual group header |
Entity | String | False | The entity this rule applies to, also the entity this rule was imported from, will be exported to. |
IsManaged | Boolean | True | |
OrganizationId_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the organization. |
OrganizationId_LogicalName | String | True | |
OrganizationId_Name | String | True | |
OverwriteTime | Datetime | True | For internal use only. |
RibbonContextGroupId | String | False | Unique identifier. |
RibbonContextGroupUniqueId | String | True | Unique identifier of the form used when synchronizing customizations for the Microsoft Dynamics CRM client for Outlook. |
RibbonCustomizationId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the ribbon customization with which the ribbon command is associated. |
RibbonCustomizationId_LogicalName | String | False | |
RibbonCustomizationId_Name | String | False | |
SolutionId | String | True | Unique identifier of the associated solution. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the ribbon customization. |
ComponentState | String | True | For internal use only. |
Entity | String | False | Specifies which entity's ribbons this customization applies to. If null, then the customizations apply to the global ribbons. |
IsManaged | Boolean | True | |
OrganizationId_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the organization. |
OrganizationId_LogicalName | String | True | |
OrganizationId_Name | String | True | |
OverwriteTime | Datetime | True | For internal use only. |
PublishedOn | Datetime | True | |
RibbonCustomizationId | String | False | Unique identifier. |
RibbonCustomizationUniqueId | String | True | Unique identifier for this row. |
SolutionId | String | True | Unique identifier of the associated solution. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the ribbon definition. |
ComponentState | String | True | For internal use only. |
ContextGroupId | String | False | Unique identifier of the context group for this tab. If this ribbon definition adds a new tab, then it is a contextual tab. |
DiffId | String | False | The string ID of this ribbon definition. |
DiffType | String | True | Indicates the type of ribbon definition. |
Entity | String | False | The entity this rule applies to, also the entity this rule was imported from, will be exported to. |
IsManaged | Boolean | True | |
OrganizationId_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the organization. |
OrganizationId_LogicalName | String | True | |
OrganizationId_Name | String | True | |
OverwriteTime | Datetime | True | For internal use only. |
RDX | String | False | Ribbon definition XML string that contains one change action. |
RibbonCustomizationId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the ribbon customization with which the ribbon command is associated. |
RibbonCustomizationId_LogicalName | String | False | |
RibbonCustomizationId_Name | String | False | |
RibbonDiffId | String | False | Unique identifier. |
RibbonDiffUniqueId | String | True | Unique identifier of the form used when synchronizing customizations for the Microsoft Dynamics CRM client for Outlook. |
Sequence | Integer | False | Sequence in which the definition is to be applied. |
SolutionId | String | True | Unique identifier of the associated solution. |
TabId | String | False | The ID of the tab this definition applies to. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the ribbon rule. |
ComponentState | String | True | For internal use only. |
Entity | String | False | The entity this rule applies to, also the entity this rule was imported from, will be exported to. |
IsManaged | Boolean | True | |
OrganizationId_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the organization. |
OrganizationId_LogicalName | String | True | |
OrganizationId_Name | String | True | |
OverwriteTime | Datetime | True | For internal use only. |
RibbonCustomizationId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the ribbon customization with which the ribbon command is associated. |
RibbonCustomizationId_LogicalName | String | False | |
RibbonCustomizationId_Name | String | False | |
RibbonRuleId | String | False | Unique identifier. |
RibbonRuleUniqueId | String | True | Unique identifier of the form used when synchronizing customizations for the Microsoft Dynamics CRM client for Outlook. |
RuleDefinition | String | False | The definition of the rule - what entities, permissions, data values, etc. can change when this rule is true or false. |
RuleId | String | False | The Id of a rule |
RuleType | String | False | The type of a rule |
SolutionId | String | True | Unique identifier of the associated solution. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the ribbon tab. |
Command | String | False | A command Id of a control within that tab. |
ComponentState | String | True | For internal use only. |
ControlId | String | False | A control id within that tab. |
Entity | String | False | The entity this rule applies to, also the entity this rule was imported from, will be exported to. |
IsManaged | Boolean | True | |
OrganizationId_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the organization. |
OrganizationId_LogicalName | String | True | |
OrganizationId_Name | String | True | |
OverwriteTime | Datetime | True | For internal use only. |
RibbonDiffId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the ribbon customization with which the ribbon command is associated. |
RibbonDiffId_LogicalName | String | False | |
RibbonDiffId_Name | String | False | |
RibbonTabToCommandMapId | String | False | Unique identifier. |
RibbonTabToCommandMapUniqueId | String | True | Unique identifier of the form used when synchronizing customizations for the Microsoft Dynamics CRM client for Outlook. |
SolutionId | String | True | Unique identifier of the associated solution. |
TabId | String | False | The Id of a tab |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the role. |
BusinessUnitId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the business unit with which the role is associated. |
BusinessUnitId_LogicalName | String | False | |
BusinessUnitId_Name | String | False | |
ComponentState | String | True | For internal use only. |
CreatedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who created the role. |
CreatedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | True | |
CreatedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the role was created. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the role. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
ImportSequenceNumber | Integer | False | Unique identifier of the data import or data migration that created this record. |
IsManaged | Boolean | True | Indicates whether the solution component is part of a managed solution. |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who last modified the role. |
ModifiedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | True | |
ModifiedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the role was last modified. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the role. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
Name | String | False | Name of the role. |
OrganizationId | String | True | Unique identifier of the organization associated with the role. |
OverriddenCreatedOn | Datetime | False | Date and time that the record was migrated. |
OverwriteTime | Datetime | True | For internal use only. |
ParentRoleId_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the parent role. |
ParentRoleId_LogicalName | String | True | |
ParentRoleId_Name | String | True | |
ParentRootRoleId_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the parent root role. |
ParentRootRoleId_LogicalName | String | True | |
ParentRootRoleId_Name | String | True | |
RoleId | String | False | Unique identifier of the role. |
RoleIdUnique | String | True | For internal use only. |
RoleTemplateId_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the role template that is associated with the role. |
RoleTemplateId_LogicalName | String | True | |
RoleTemplateId_Name | String | True | |
SolutionId | String | True | Unique identifier of the associated solution. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the role privilege. |
ComponentState | String | True | For internal use only. |
IsManaged | Boolean | True | |
OverwriteTime | Datetime | True | For internal use only. |
PrivilegeDepthMask | Integer | False | System-generated attribute that stores the privileges associated with the role. |
PrivilegeId | String | True | Unique identifier of the privilege associated with the role. |
RoleId | String | True | Unique identifier of the role that is associated with the role privilege. |
RolePrivilegeId | String | False | Unique identifier of the role privilege. |
RolePrivilegeIdUnique | String | True | For internal use only. |
SolutionId | String | True | Unique identifier of the associated solution. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the role template. |
Name | String | False | Name of the role template. |
RoleTemplateId | String | False | Unique identifier of the role template. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the role template. |
IsBasic | Boolean | False | Information about whether the role template applies to the user, the user's team, or objects shared by the user. |
IsDeep | Boolean | False | Information about whether the role template applies to child business units of the business unit associated with the user. |
IsGlobal | Boolean | False | Information about whether the role template applies to the entire organization. |
IsLocal | Boolean | False | Information about whether the role template applies to the user's business unit. |
PrivilegeId | String | True | Unique identifier of the privilege assigned to the role template. |
RoleTemplateId | String | True | Unique identifier of the role template that is associated with the role privilege. |
RoleTemplatePrivilegeId | String | False | Unique identifier of the role template privileges. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the rollup field. |
CreatedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who created the record. |
CreatedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | True | |
CreatedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the record was created. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the record. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
DateAttribute | String | False | Date field that is validated against the goal time period. |
EntityForDateAttribute | String | False | Entity of the date field. |
GoalAttribute | String | False | Goal rollup field. |
ImportSequenceNumber | Integer | False | Sequence number of the import that created this record. |
IsStateParentEntityAttribute | Boolean | False | Indicates whether state or status belong to the parent entity. |
MetricId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the goal metric associated with the rollup field. |
MetricId_LogicalName | String | False | |
MetricId_Name | String | False | |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who modified the record. |
ModifiedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | True | |
ModifiedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the record was modified. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who modified the record. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
OrganizationId_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the organization. |
OrganizationId_LogicalName | String | True | |
OrganizationId_Name | String | True | |
RollupFieldId | String | False | Unique identifier of the rollup field. |
SourceAttribute | String | False | Field from where data is being rolled up. |
SourceEntity | String | False | Entity from where data is being rolled up. |
SourceState | Integer | False | Status of the source entity that is considered for a rollup. |
SourceStatus | Integer | False | Reason for the source entity that is considered for a rollup. |
TimeZoneRuleVersionNumber | Integer | False | For internal use only. |
UTCConversionTimeZoneCode | Integer | False | Time zone code that was in use when the record was created. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the sales literature. |
CreatedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who created the sales literature. |
CreatedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | True | |
CreatedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the sales literature was created. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the salesliterature. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
Description | String | False | Description of the sales literature. |
EmployeeContactId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the user who is responsible for the sales literature. |
EmployeeContactId_LogicalName | String | False | |
EmployeeContactId_Name | String | False | |
ExchangeRate | Double | True | Exchange rate for the currency associated with the salesliterature with respect to the base currency. |
ExpirationDate | Datetime | False | Date when the sales literature item expires. |
HasAttachments | Boolean | False | Information that specifies whether the sales literature has attachments. |
ImportSequenceNumber | Integer | False | Unique identifier of the data import or data migration that created this record. |
IsCustomerViewable | Boolean | False | Information that specifies whether sales literature is to be visible to customers. |
KeyWords | String | False | Keywords to use for searches in the sales literature. |
LiteratureTypeCode | String | False | Type of sales literature. |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who last modified the sales literature. |
ModifiedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | True | |
ModifiedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the sales literature was modified. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the salesliterature. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
Name | String | False | Name of the sales literature. |
OrganizationId_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the organization associated with the sales literature. |
OrganizationId_LogicalName | String | True | |
OrganizationId_Name | String | True | |
OverriddenCreatedOn | Datetime | False | Date and time that the record was migrated. |
SalesLiteratureId | String | False | Unique identifier of the sales literature. |
SubjectId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the subject of the sales literature. |
SubjectId_LogicalName | String | False | |
SubjectId_Name | String | False | |
TimeZoneRuleVersionNumber | Integer | False | For internal use only. |
TransactionCurrencyId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the currency associated with the salesliterature. |
TransactionCurrencyId_LogicalName | String | False | |
TransactionCurrencyId_Name | String | False | |
UTCConversionTimeZoneCode | Integer | False | Time zone code that was in use when the record was created. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the sales literature item. |
Abstract | String | False | Abstract of the document. |
AttachedDocumentUrl | String | False | URL of the Web site on which the document is located. |
AuthorName | String | False | Author name for the document. |
CreatedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who created the document. |
CreatedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | True | |
CreatedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the document was created. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the sales literature item. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
DocumentBody | String | False | Text of the attachment associated with the sales literature. |
FileName | String | False | File name of the document. |
FileSize | Integer | True | File size of the document. |
FileTypeCode | String | False | File type of the document. |
ImportSequenceNumber | Integer | False | Unique identifier of the data import or data migration that created this record. |
IsCustomerViewable | Boolean | False | Information about whether documents are to be visible to customers. |
KeyWords | String | False | Keywords to use for searches in documents. |
MimeType | String | False | MIME type of the document. |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who last modified the document. |
ModifiedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | True | |
ModifiedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the document was last modified. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the sales literature item. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
OrganizationId | String | True | Unique identifier of the organization associated with the document. |
OverriddenCreatedOn | Datetime | False | Date and time that the record was migrated. |
SalesLiteratureId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the sales literature that is associated with the individual item. |
SalesLiteratureId_LogicalName | String | False | |
SalesLiteratureId_Name | String | False | |
SalesLiteratureItemId | String | False | Unique identifier for the document. |
Title | String | False | Title of the document. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the sales order. |
AccountId_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the account associated with the order. |
AccountId_LogicalName | String | True | |
AccountId_Name | String | True | |
BillTo_AddressId | String | False | Unique identifier of the billing address. |
BillTo_City | String | False | City name in the billing address. |
BillTo_ContactName | String | False | Contact name for the billing address. |
BillTo_Country | String | False | Country/region name in the billing address. |
BillTo_Fax | String | False | Fax number for the billing address. |
BillTo_Line1 | String | False | First line for entering billing address information. |
BillTo_Line2 | String | False | Second line for entering billing address information. |
BillTo_Line3 | String | False | Third line for entering billing address information. |
BillTo_Name | String | False | Name to enter for the billing address. |
BillTo_PostalCode | String | False | ZIP Code or postal code in the billing address. |
BillTo_StateOrProvince | String | False | State or province in the billing address. |
BillTo_Telephone | String | False | Telephone number associated with the billing address. |
CampaignId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the source campaign associated with the order. |
CampaignId_LogicalName | String | False | |
CampaignId_Name | String | False | |
ContactId_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the contact associated with the order. |
ContactId_LogicalName | String | True | |
ContactId_Name | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who created the order. |
CreatedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | True | |
CreatedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the order was created. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the salesorder. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
CustomerId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier for the account or contact associated with the order. |
CustomerId_LogicalName | String | False | |
CustomerId_Name | String | False | |
DateFulfilled | Datetime | False | Date on which the order was fulfilled. |
Description | String | False | Description of the order. |
DiscountAmount | Double | False | Discount specified as a monetary amount for the order. |
DiscountAmount_Base | Double | True | Base currency equivalent of the discount specified as a monetary amount for the order. |
DiscountPercentage | Double | False | Discount specified as a percentage for the order. |
ExchangeRate | Double | True | Exchange rate for the currency associated with the sales order with respect to the base currency. |
FreightAmount | Double | False | Cost of freight for the order. |
FreightAmount_Base | Double | True | Base currency equivalent of the cost of freight for the order. |
FreightTermsCode | String | False | Freight terms for the order. |
ImportSequenceNumber | Integer | False | Unique identifier of the data import or data migration that created this record. |
IsPriceLocked | Boolean | True | Information that specifies whether the order pricing is locked. |
LastBackofficeSubmit | Datetime | False | Date and time when the order was last submitted to Microsoft Great Plains. |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who last modified the order. |
ModifiedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | True | |
ModifiedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the order was last modified. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the salesorder. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
Name | String | False | Name of the order. |
OpportunityId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the opportunity with which the order is associated. |
OpportunityId_LogicalName | String | False | |
OpportunityId_Name | String | False | |
OrderNumber | String | False | Order number. |
OverriddenCreatedOn | Datetime | False | Date and time that the record was migrated. |
OwnerId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the user or team who owns the order. |
OwnerId_LogicalName | String | False | |
OwnerId_Name | String | False | |
OwningBusinessUnit_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the business unit that owns the order. |
OwningBusinessUnit_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningBusinessUnit_Name | String | True | |
OwningTeam_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the team who owns the order. |
OwningTeam_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningTeam_Name | String | True | |
OwningUser_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who owns the order. |
OwningUser_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningUser_Name | String | True | |
PaymentTermsCode | String | False | Payment terms for the order. |
PriceLevelId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the price list associated with the order. |
PriceLevelId_LogicalName | String | False | |
PriceLevelId_Name | String | False | |
PricingErrorCode | String | False | Pricing error for the order. |
PriorityCode | String | False | Priority of the order. |
QuoteId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the quote from which the order was created. |
QuoteId_LogicalName | String | False | |
QuoteId_Name | String | False | |
RequestDeliveryBy | Datetime | False | Requested delivery date for the order. |
SalesOrderId | String | False | Unique identifier of the order. |
ShippingMethodCode | String | False | Method of shipment for the order. |
ShipTo_AddressId | String | False | Unique identifier of the shipping address. |
ShipTo_City | String | False | City name in the shipping address. |
ShipTo_ContactName | String | False | Contact name for the shipping address. |
ShipTo_Country | String | False | Country/region name in the shipping address. |
ShipTo_Fax | String | False | Fax number for the shipping address. |
ShipTo_FreightTermsCode | String | False | Freight terms for the shipping address. |
ShipTo_Line1 | String | False | First line for entering shipping address information. |
ShipTo_Line2 | String | False | Second line for entering shipping address information. |
ShipTo_Line3 | String | False | Third line for entering shipping address information. |
ShipTo_Name | String | False | Name to enter for the shipping address. |
ShipTo_PostalCode | String | False | ZIP Code or postal code in the shipping address. |
ShipTo_StateOrProvince | String | False | State or province in the shipping address. |
ShipTo_Telephone | String | False | Telephone number associated with the shipping address. |
StateCode | String | True | Status of the order. |
StatusCode | String | False | Reason for the status of the order. |
SubmitDate | Datetime | False | Date on which the order was submitted. |
SubmitStatus | Integer | False | Submittal status for the order. |
SubmitStatusDescription | String | False | Description of the submittal status for the order. |
TimeZoneRuleVersionNumber | Integer | False | For internal use only. |
TotalAmount | Double | True | Total amount for the order. |
TotalAmount_Base | Double | True | Base currency equivalent of the total amount for the order. |
TotalAmountLessFreight | Double | True | Total amount minus the freight charges for the order. |
TotalAmountLessFreight_Base | Double | True | Base currency equivalent of the total amount minus the freight charges for the order. |
TotalDiscountAmount | Double | True | Total discount for the order. |
TotalDiscountAmount_Base | Double | True | Base currency equivalent of the total discount for the order. |
TotalLineItemAmount | Double | True | Total line item amount for the order. |
TotalLineItemAmount_Base | Double | True | Base currency equivalent of the total line item amount for the order. |
TotalLineItemDiscountAmount | Double | True | Total line item discount for the order. |
TotalLineItemDiscountAmount_Base | Double | True | Base currency equivalent of the total line item discount for the order. |
TotalTax | Double | True | Total tax for the order. |
TotalTax_Base | Double | True | Base currency equivalent of the total tax for the order. |
TransactionCurrencyId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the currency associated with the sales order. |
TransactionCurrencyId_LogicalName | String | False | |
TransactionCurrencyId_Name | String | False | |
UTCConversionTimeZoneCode | Integer | False | Time zone code that was in use when the record was created. |
WillCall | Boolean | False | Information that specifies whether the customer will call for the ordered products or the products are to be shipped. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the sales order detail. |
BaseAmount | Double | True | Price of the order product before discounts are applied and taxes are added. |
BaseAmount_Base | Double | True | Base currency equivalent of the price of the order product before discounts are applied and taxes are added. |
CreatedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who created the order product. |
CreatedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | True | |
CreatedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the order product was created. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the salesorderdetail. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
Description | String | False | Description of the order product. |
ExchangeRate | Double | True | Exchange rate for the currency associated with the sales order detail with respect to the base currency. |
ExtendedAmount | Double | True | Subtotal of the order product after discounts are applied and taxes are added. |
ExtendedAmount_Base | Double | True | Base currency equivalent of the subtotal of the order product after discounts are applied and taxes are added. |
ImportSequenceNumber | Integer | False | Unique identifier of the data import or data migration that created this record. |
IsCopied | Boolean | False | Information that specifies whether the line was copied from a quote. |
IsPriceOverridden | Boolean | False | Information that specifies whether to override product catalog pricing. |
IsProductOverridden | Boolean | False | Information that specifies whether the product is a write-in product or an existing product. |
LineItemNumber | Integer | False | Line item number for the order product. |
ManualDiscountAmount | Double | False | Customized discount amount for the order product. |
ManualDiscountAmount_Base | Double | True | Base currency equivalent of the customized discount amount for the order product. |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who last modified the order product. |
ModifiedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | True | |
ModifiedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the order product was last modified. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the salesorderdetail. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
OverriddenCreatedOn | Datetime | False | Date and time that the record was migrated. |
OwnerId_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user or team who owns the sales order detail. |
OwnerId_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwnerId_Name | String | True | |
OwningBusinessUnit | String | True | Unique identifier of the business unit that owns the order product. |
OwningUser | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who owns the order product. |
PricePerUnit | Double | False | Price per unit for the order product. |
PricePerUnit_Base | Double | True | Base currency equivalent of the price per unit for the order product. |
PricingErrorCode | String | False | Pricing error for the order product. |
ProductDescription | String | False | Product description for the order product. |
ProductId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the product associated with the order product. |
ProductId_LogicalName | String | False | |
ProductId_Name | String | False | |
Quantity | Double | False | Quantity specified for the order product. |
QuantityBackordered | Double | False | Quantity that has been backordered for the order product. |
QuantityCancelled | Double | False | Quantity that was canceled for the order product. |
QuantityShipped | Double | False | Quantity shipped for the product specified on the order. |
RequestDeliveryBy | Datetime | False | Requested delivery date for the order product. |
SalesOrderDetailId | String | False | Unique identifier of the product specified in the order. |
SalesOrderId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the order that is associated with the order product. |
SalesOrderId_LogicalName | String | False | |
SalesOrderId_Name | String | False | |
SalesOrderIsPriceLocked | Boolean | True | Information that specifies whether the order product pricing is locked. |
SalesOrderStateCode | String | True | Status of the order product. |
SalesRepId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the salesperson associated with the order product. |
SalesRepId_LogicalName | String | False | |
SalesRepId_Name | String | False | |
ShipTo_AddressId | String | False | Unique identifier of the shipping address. |
ShipTo_City | String | False | City name in the shipping address. |
ShipTo_ContactName | String | False | Contact name for the shipping address. |
ShipTo_Country | String | False | Country/region name in the shipping address. |
ShipTo_Fax | String | False | Fax number for the shipping address. |
ShipTo_FreightTermsCode | String | False | Freight terms for the shipping address. |
ShipTo_Line1 | String | False | First line for entering shipping address information. |
ShipTo_Line2 | String | False | Second line for entering shipping address information. |
ShipTo_Line3 | String | False | Third line for entering shipping address information. |
ShipTo_Name | String | False | Name to enter for the shipping address. |
ShipTo_PostalCode | String | False | ZIP Code or postal code in the shipping address. |
ShipTo_StateOrProvince | String | False | State or province in the shipping address. |
ShipTo_Telephone | String | False | Telephone number associated with the shipping address. |
Tax | Double | False | Tax amount for the order product. |
Tax_Base | Double | True | Base currency equivalent of the tax amount for the order product. |
TimeZoneRuleVersionNumber | Integer | False | For internal use only. |
TransactionCurrencyId_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the currency associated with the sales order detail. |
TransactionCurrencyId_LogicalName | String | True | |
TransactionCurrencyId_Name | String | True | |
UoMId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier for the unit that is associated with the order product. |
UoMId_LogicalName | String | False | |
UoMId_Name | String | False | |
UTCConversionTimeZoneCode | Integer | False | Time zone code that was in use when the record was created. |
VolumeDiscountAmount | Double | True | Volume discount amount for the order product. |
VolumeDiscountAmount_Base | Double | True | Base currency equivalent of the volume discount amount for the order product. |
WillCall | Boolean | False | Specifies whether the customer will call for the ordered products or the products are to be shipped. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the sales process instance. |
BusinessUnitId_Id | String | True | |
BusinessUnitId_LogicalName | String | True | |
BusinessUnitId_Name | String | True | |
OpportunityId_Id | String | True | |
OpportunityId_LogicalName | String | True | |
OpportunityId_Name | String | True | |
SalesProcessInstanceId | String | True | |
SalesProcessName | String | True | |
SalesStageName | String | True |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the view. |
AdvancedGroupBy | String | False | Advanced Group By column. |
ColumnSetXml | String | False | Definition of the columns included in the view. |
ComponentState | String | True | For internal use only. |
ConditionalFormatting | String | False | Conditional formatting of this view |
CreatedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who created the view. |
CreatedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | True | |
CreatedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the view was created. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the savedquery. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
Description | String | False | Description of the view. |
FetchXml | String | False | String specifying the query in Fetch XML language. |
IsCustomizable | Boolean | False | Information that specifies whether the view can be customized. |
IsDefault | Boolean | False | Information that specifies a default view. |
IsManaged | Boolean | True | Indicates whether the solution component is part of a managed solution. |
IsPrivate | Boolean | True | Indicates whether or not this is viewable by the entire organization. |
IsQuickFindQuery | Boolean | False | Information that specifies a quick find view. |
IsUserDefined | Boolean | True | Information that specifies whether the query was created by a user. |
LayoutXml | String | False | For internal use only. |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who last modified the view. |
ModifiedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | True | |
ModifiedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the view was last modified. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the savedquery. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
Name | String | False | Name of the view. |
OrganizationId_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the organization associated with the view. |
OrganizationId_LogicalName | String | True | |
OrganizationId_Name | String | True | |
OrganizationTabOrder | Integer | True | Default Organization tab order |
OverwriteTime | Datetime | True | For internal use only. |
QueryAPI | String | True | For internal use only. |
QueryAppUsage | Integer | False | For internal use only. |
QueryType | Integer | False | Type of the view. |
ReturnedTypeCode | Integer | False | Type of entity displayed in the view. |
SavedQueryId | String | False | Unique identifier of the view. |
SavedQueryIdUnique | String | True | For internal use only. |
SolutionId | String | True | Unique identifier of the associated solution. |
StateCode | String | True | Status of the view. |
StatusCode | String | False | Reason for the status of the view. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the system chart. |
ComponentState | String | True | For internal use only. |
CreatedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who created the system chart. |
CreatedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | True | |
CreatedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the system chart was created. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the system chart. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
DataDescription | String | False | XML string used to define the underlying data for the system chart. |
Description | String | False | Description of the system chart. |
IsDefault | Boolean | False | Indicates whether the system chart is the default chart for the entity. |
IsManaged | Boolean | True | Indicates whether the solution component is part of a managed solution. |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who last modified the system chart. |
ModifiedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | True | |
ModifiedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the system chart was last modified. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the system chart. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
Name | String | False | Name of the system chart. |
OrganizationId_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the organization associated with the system chart. |
OrganizationId_LogicalName | String | True | |
OrganizationId_Name | String | True | |
OverwriteTime | Datetime | True | For internal use only. |
PresentationDescription | String | False | XML string used to define the presentation properties of the system chart. |
PrimaryEntityTypeCode | Integer | False | Type of entity with which the system chart is attached. |
SavedQueryVisualizationId | String | False | Unique identifier of the system chart. |
SavedQueryVisualizationIdUnique | String | True | For internal use only. |
SolutionId | String | True | Unique identifier of the associated solution. |
WebResourceId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the Web resource that will be displayed in the system chart. |
WebResourceId_LogicalName | String | False | |
WebResourceId_Name | String | False |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the SDK message. |
AutoTransact | Boolean | False | Information about whether the SDK message is automatically transacted. |
Availability | Integer | False | Identifies where a method will be exposed. 0 - Server, 1 - Client, 2 - both. |
CategoryName | String | False | If this is a categorized method, this is the name, otherwise None. |
CreatedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who created the SDK message. |
CreatedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | True | |
CreatedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the SDK message was created. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the sdkmessage. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
CustomizationLevel | Integer | True | Customization level of the SDK message. |
Expand | Boolean | False | Indicates whether the SDK message should have its requests expanded per primary entity defined in its filters. |
IsPrivate | Boolean | False | Indicates whether the SDK message is private. |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who last modified the SDK message. |
ModifiedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | True | |
ModifiedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the SDK message was last modified. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the sdkmessage. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
Name | String | False | Name of the SDK message. |
OrganizationId_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the organization with which the SDK message is associated. |
OrganizationId_LogicalName | String | True | |
OrganizationId_Name | String | True | |
SdkMessageId | String | False | Unique identifier of the SDK message entity. |
SdkMessageIdUnique | String | True | Unique identifier of the SDK message. |
Template | Boolean | False | Indicates whether the SDK message is a template. |
ThrottleSettings | String | True | For internal use only. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the SDK message filter. |
Availability | Integer | False | Identifies where a method will be exposed. 0 - Server, 1 - Client, 2 - both. |
CreatedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who created the SDK message filter. |
CreatedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | True | |
CreatedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the SDK message filter was created. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the sdkmessagefilter. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
CustomizationLevel | Integer | True | Customization level of the SDK message filter. |
IsCustomProcessingStepAllowed | Boolean | False | Indicates whether a custom SDK message processing step is allowed. |
IsVisible | Boolean | True | Indicates whether the filter should be visible. |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who last modified the SDK message filter. |
ModifiedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | True | |
ModifiedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the SDK message filter was last modified. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the sdkmessagefilter. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
OrganizationId_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the organization with which the SDK message filter is associated. |
OrganizationId_LogicalName | String | True | |
OrganizationId_Name | String | True | |
PrimaryObjectTypeCode | String | True | Type of entity with which the SDK message filter is primarily associated. |
SdkMessageFilterId | String | False | Unique identifier of the SDK message filter entity. |
SdkMessageFilterIdUnique | String | True | Unique identifier of the SDK message filter. |
SdkMessageId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the related SDK message. |
SdkMessageId_LogicalName | String | False | |
SdkMessageId_Name | String | False | |
SecondaryObjectTypeCode | String | True | Type of entity with which the SDK message filter is secondarily associated. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the SDK message pair. |
CreatedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who created the SDK message pair. |
CreatedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | True | |
CreatedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the SDK message pair was created. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the sdkmessagepair. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
CustomizationLevel | Integer | True | Customization level of the SDK message filter. |
Endpoint | String | False | Endpoint that the message pair is associated with. |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who last modified the SDK message pair. |
ModifiedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | True | |
ModifiedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the SDK message pair was last modified. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the sdkmessagepair. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
Namespace | String | False | Namespace that the message pair is associated with. |
OrganizationId_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the organization with which the SDK message pair is associated. |
OrganizationId_LogicalName | String | True | |
OrganizationId_Name | String | True | |
SdkMessageId_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the message with which the SDK message pair is associated. |
SdkMessageId_LogicalName | String | True | |
SdkMessageId_Name | String | True | |
SdkMessagePairId | String | False | Unique identifier of the SDK message pair entity. |
SdkMessagePairIdUnique | String | True | Unique identifier of the SDK message pair. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the SDK message processing step. |
AsyncAutoDelete | Boolean | False | Indicates whether the asynchronous system job is automatically deleted on completion. |
ComponentState | String | True | For internal use only. |
Configuration | String | False | Step-specific configuration for the plug-in type. Passed to the plug-in constructor at run time. |
CreatedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who created the SDK message processing step. |
CreatedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | True | |
CreatedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the SDK message processing step was created. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the sdkmessageprocessingstep. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
CustomizationLevel | Integer | True | Customization level of the SDK message processing step. |
Description | String | False | Description of the SDK message processing step. |
EventHandler_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the associated event handler. |
EventHandler_LogicalName | String | False | |
EventHandler_Name | String | False | |
FilteringAttributes | String | False | Comma-separated list of attributes. If at least one of these attributes is modified, the plug-in should execute. |
ImpersonatingUserId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the user to impersonate context when step is executed. |
ImpersonatingUserId_LogicalName | String | False | |
ImpersonatingUserId_Name | String | False | |
InvocationSource | String | False | Identifies if a plug-in should be executed from a parent pipeline, a child pipeline, or both. |
IsManaged | Boolean | True | Information that specifies whether this component is managed. |
Mode | String | False | Run-time mode of execution, for example, synchronous or asynchronous. |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who last modified the SDK message processing step. |
ModifiedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | True | |
ModifiedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the SDK message processing step was last modified. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the sdkmessageprocessingstep. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
Name | String | False | Name of SdkMessage processing step. |
OrganizationId_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the organization with which the SDK message processing step is associated. |
OrganizationId_LogicalName | String | True | |
OrganizationId_Name | String | True | |
OverwriteTime | Datetime | True | For internal use only. |
PluginTypeId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the plug-in type associated with the step. |
PluginTypeId_LogicalName | String | False | |
PluginTypeId_Name | String | False | |
Rank | Integer | False | Processing order within the stage. |
SdkMessageFilterId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the SDK message filter. |
SdkMessageFilterId_LogicalName | String | False | |
SdkMessageFilterId_Name | String | False | |
SdkMessageId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the SDK message. |
SdkMessageId_LogicalName | String | False | |
SdkMessageId_Name | String | False | |
SdkMessageProcessingStepId | String | False | Unique identifier of the SDK message processing step entity. |
SdkMessageProcessingStepIdUnique | String | True | Unique identifier of the SDK message processing step. |
SdkMessageProcessingStepSecureConfigId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the Sdk message processing step secure configuration. |
SdkMessageProcessingStepSecureConfigId_LogicalName | String | False | |
SdkMessageProcessingStepSecureConfigId_Name | String | False | |
SolutionId | String | True | Unique identifier of the associated solution. |
Stage | String | False | Stage in the execution pipeline that the SDK message processing step is in. |
StateCode | String | True | Status of the SDK message processing step. |
StatusCode | String | False | Reason for the status of the SDK message processing step. |
SupportedDeployment | String | False | Deployment that the SDK message processing step should be executed on; server, client, or both. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the SDK message procesing step image. |
Attributes | String | False | Comma-separated list of attributes that are to be passed into the SDK message processing step image. |
ComponentState | String | True | For internal use only. |
CreatedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who created the SDK message processing step image. |
CreatedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | True | |
CreatedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the SDK message processing step image was created. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the sdkmessageprocessingstepimage. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
CustomizationLevel | Integer | True | Customization level of the SDK message processing step image. |
Description | String | False | Description of the SDK message processing step image. |
EntityAlias | String | False | Key name used to access the pre-image or post-image property bags in a step. |
ImageType | String | False | Type of image requested. |
IsManaged | Boolean | True | |
MessagePropertyName | String | False | Name of the property on the Request message. |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who last modified the SDK message processing step. |
ModifiedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | True | |
ModifiedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the SDK message processing step was last modified. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the sdkmessageprocessingstepimage. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
Name | String | False | Name of SdkMessage processing step image. |
OrganizationId_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the organization with which the SDK message processing step is associated. |
OrganizationId_LogicalName | String | True | |
OrganizationId_Name | String | True | |
OverwriteTime | Datetime | True | For internal use only. |
RelatedAttributeName | String | False | Name of the related entity. |
SdkMessageProcessingStepId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the SDK message processing step. |
SdkMessageProcessingStepId_LogicalName | String | False | |
SdkMessageProcessingStepId_Name | String | False | |
SdkMessageProcessingStepImageId | String | False | Unique identifier of the SDK message processing step image entity. |
SdkMessageProcessingStepImageIdUnique | String | True | Unique identifier of the SDK message processing step image. |
SolutionId | String | True | Unique identifier of the associated solution. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the SDK message processing step. |
CreatedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who created the SDK message processing step. |
CreatedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | True | |
CreatedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the SDK message processing step was created. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the sdkmessageprocessingstepsecureconfig. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
CustomizationLevel | Integer | True | Customization level of the SDK message processing step secure configuration. |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who last modified the SDK message processing step. |
ModifiedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | True | |
ModifiedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the SDK message processing step was last modified. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the sdkmessageprocessingstepsecureconfig. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
OrganizationId_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the organization with which the SDK message processing step is associated. |
OrganizationId_LogicalName | String | True | |
OrganizationId_Name | String | True | |
SdkMessageProcessingStepSecureConfigId | String | False | Unique identifier of the SDK message processing step secure configuration. |
SdkMessageProcessingStepSecureConfigIdUnique | String | True | Unique identifier of the SDK message processing step. |
SecureConfig | String | False | Secure step-specific configuration for the plug-in type that is passed to the plug-in's constructor at run time. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the SDK message request. |
CreatedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who created the SDK message request. |
CreatedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | True | |
CreatedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the SDK message request was created. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the sdkmessagerequest. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
CustomizationLevel | Integer | True | Customization level of the SDK message request. |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who last modified the SDK message request. |
ModifiedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | True | |
ModifiedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the SDK message request was last modified. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the sdkmessagerequest. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
Name | String | False | Name of the SDK message request. |
OrganizationId_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the organization with which the SDK message request is associated. |
OrganizationId_LogicalName | String | True | |
OrganizationId_Name | String | True | |
PrimaryObjectTypeCode | String | True | Type of entity with which the SDK request is associated. |
SdkMessagePairId_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the message pair with which the SDK message request is associated. |
SdkMessagePairId_LogicalName | String | True | |
SdkMessagePairId_Name | String | True | |
SdkMessageRequestId | String | False | Unique identifier of the SDK message request entity. |
SdkMessageRequestIdUnique | String | True | Unique identifier of the SDK message request. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the SDK message request field. |
ClrParser | String | False | Common language runtime (CLR)-based parser for the SDK message request field. |
CreatedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who created the SDK message request field. |
CreatedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | True | |
CreatedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the SDK message request field was created. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the sdkmessagerequestfield. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
CustomizationLevel | Integer | True | Customization level of the SDK message request field. |
FieldMask | Integer | True | Indicates how field contents are used during message processing. 1 - Primary entity, 2- Secondary entity |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who last modified the SDK message request field. |
ModifiedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | True | |
ModifiedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the SDK message request field was last modified. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the sdkmessagerequestfield. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
Name | String | False | Name of the SDK message request field. |
Optional | Boolean | False | Information about whether SDK message request field is optional. |
OrganizationId_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the organization with which the SDK message request field is associated. |
OrganizationId_LogicalName | String | True | |
OrganizationId_Name | String | True | |
Parser | String | False | Parser for the SDK message request field. |
Position | Integer | True | Position of the Sdk message request field |
PublicName | String | False | Public name of the SDK message request field. |
SdkMessageRequestFieldId | String | False | Unique identifier of the SDK message request field entity. |
SdkMessageRequestFieldIdUnique | String | True | Entity identifier of the SDK message request field. |
SdkMessageRequestId_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the message request with which the SDK message request field is associated. |
SdkMessageRequestId_LogicalName | String | True | |
SdkMessageRequestId_Name | String | True |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the SDK message response. |
CreatedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who created the SDK message response. |
CreatedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | True | |
CreatedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the SDK message response was created. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the sdkmessageresponse. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
CustomizationLevel | Integer | True | Customization level of the SDK message response. |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who last modified the SDK message response. |
ModifiedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | True | |
ModifiedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the SDK message response was last modified. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the sdkmessageresponse. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
OrganizationId_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the organization with which the SDK message response is associated. |
OrganizationId_LogicalName | String | True | |
OrganizationId_Name | String | True | |
SdkMessageRequestId_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the message request with which the SDK message response is associated. |
SdkMessageRequestId_LogicalName | String | True | |
SdkMessageRequestId_Name | String | True | |
SdkMessageResponseId | String | False | Unique identifier of the SDK message response entity. |
SdkMessageResponseIdUnique | String | True | Unique identifier of the SDK message response. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the SDK message response field. |
ClrFormatter | String | False | Common language runtime (CLR)-based formatter of the SDK message response field. |
CreatedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who created the SDK message response field. |
CreatedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | True | |
CreatedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the SDK message response field was created. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the sdkmessageresponsefield. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
CustomizationLevel | Integer | True | Customization level of the SDK message response field. |
Formatter | String | False | Formatter for the SDK message response field. |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who last modified the SDK message response field. |
ModifiedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | True | |
ModifiedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the SDK message response field was last modified. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the sdkmessageresponsefield. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
Name | String | False | Name of the SDK message response field. |
OrganizationId_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the organization with which the SDK message response field is associated. |
OrganizationId_LogicalName | String | True | |
OrganizationId_Name | String | True | |
Position | Integer | True | Position of the Sdk message response field |
PublicName | String | False | Public name of the SDK message response field. |
SdkMessageResponseFieldId | String | False | Unique identifier of the SDK message response field entity. |
SdkMessageResponseFieldIdUnique | String | True | Unique identifier of the SDK message response field. |
SdkMessageResponseId_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the message response with which the SDK message response field is associated. |
SdkMessageResponseId_LogicalName | String | True | |
SdkMessageResponseId_Name | String | True | |
Value | String | False | Actual value of the SDK message response field. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the semiannual fiscal calendar. |
BusinessUnitId_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the business unit with which the calendar is associated. |
BusinessUnitId_LogicalName | String | True | |
BusinessUnitId_Name | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who created the semiannual fiscal calendar. |
CreatedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | True | |
CreatedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the quota for the semiannual fiscal calendar was created. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the SemiAnnualFiscalCalendar. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
EffectiveOn | Datetime | False | Date and time when the semiannual fiscal calendar sales quota takes effect. |
ExchangeRate | Double | True | Exchange rate for the currency associated with the semiannual fiscal calendar with respect to the base currency. |
firsthalf | Double | False | Sales quota for the first half of the fiscal year. |
firsthalf_base | Double | True | Base currency equivalent for the sales quota for the first half of the fiscal year. |
FiscalPeriodType | Integer | True | Type of fiscal period used in the sales quota. |
ImportSequenceNumber | Integer | False | Unique identifier of the data import or data migration that created this record. |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who last modified the semiannual fiscal calendar. |
ModifiedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | True | |
ModifiedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the semiannual fiscal calendar was last modified. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the SemiAnnualFiscalCalendar. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
SalesPersonId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the associated salesperson. |
SalesPersonId_LogicalName | String | False | |
SalesPersonId_Name | String | False | |
secondhalf | Double | False | Sales quota for the second half of the fiscal year. |
secondhalf_base | Double | True | Base currency equivalent of the sales quota for the second half of the fiscal year. |
TimeZoneRuleVersionNumber | Integer | False | For internal use only. |
TransactionCurrencyId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the currency associated with the semiannual fiscal calendar. |
TransactionCurrencyId_LogicalName | String | False | |
TransactionCurrencyId_Name | String | False | |
UserFiscalCalendarId | String | False | Unique identifier for the user who created the semiannual fiscal calendar. |
UTCConversionTimeZoneCode | Integer | False | Time zone code that was in use when the record was created. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the service. |
AnchorOffset | Integer | False | Used in conjunction with granularity to describes when services can be performed in relation to midnight on a given day. |
CalendarId | String | False | Unique identifier of the calendar. |
CreatedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who created the service. |
CreatedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | True | |
CreatedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the service was created. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the service. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
Description | String | False | Description of activity that represents work done to satisfy a customer's need. |
Duration | Integer | False | Duration of the service. |
Granularity | String | False | Describes how often the service is performed. |
ImportSequenceNumber | Integer | False | Unique identifier of the data import or data migration that created this record. |
InitialStatusCode | String | False | Initial status reason for the service activity. |
IsSchedulable | Boolean | False | Information about whether the service can be scheduled. |
IsVisible | Boolean | False | Information about whether the service is visible to users. |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who last modified the service. |
ModifiedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | True | |
ModifiedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the service was last modified. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the service. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
Name | String | False | Name of the service. |
OrganizationId_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the organization with which the service is associated. |
OrganizationId_LogicalName | String | True | |
OrganizationId_Name | String | True | |
OverriddenCreatedOn | Datetime | False | Date and time that the record was migrated. |
ResourceSpecId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the resource specification with which the service is associated. |
ResourceSpecId_LogicalName | String | False | |
ResourceSpecId_Name | String | False | |
ServiceId | String | False | Unique identifier of the associated service. |
ShowResources | Boolean | False | For internal use only. |
StrategyId_Id | String | False | Value that is taken from PluginTypeId in the Plugin Type record for the scheduling strategy. This is the ID of the scheduling strategy plug-in associated with the service. |
StrategyId_LogicalName | String | False | |
StrategyId_Name | String | False |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the service activity. |
ActivityId | String | False | Unique identifier of the service activity. |
ActivityTypeCode | String | True | Type of activity. |
ActualDurationMinutes | Integer | False | Actual duration of the service activity in minutes. |
ActualEnd | Datetime | False | Actual end time of the service activity. |
ActualStart | Datetime | False | Actual start time of the service activity. |
Category | String | False | Category of the service activity. |
CreatedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who created the service activity. |
CreatedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | True | |
CreatedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the service activity was created. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the serviceappointment. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
Customers_Ids | String | False | Customers for whom the service activity is performed. |
Customers_LogicalNames | String | False | |
Customers_Names | String | False | |
Description | String | False | Description of the service activity. |
ExchangeRate | Double | True | Exchange rate for the currency associated with the serviceappointment with respect to the base currency. |
ImportSequenceNumber | Integer | False | Unique identifier of the data import or data migration that created this record. |
IsAllDayEvent | Boolean | False | Information which specifies if the service activity is an all day event. |
IsBilled | Boolean | False | Information which specifies whether the service activity was billed as part of resolving a case. |
IsRegularActivity | Boolean | True | Information regarding whether the activity is a regular activity type or event type. |
IsWorkflowCreated | Boolean | False | Information which specifies if the service activity was created from a workflow rule. |
Location | String | False | Location where the service activity is to occur. |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who last modified the service activity. |
ModifiedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | True | |
ModifiedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the service activity was last modified. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the serviceappointment. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
OverriddenCreatedOn | Datetime | False | Date and time that the record was migrated. |
OwnerId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the user or team who owns the service activity. |
OwnerId_LogicalName | String | False | |
OwnerId_Name | String | False | |
OwningBusinessUnit_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the business unit that owns the service activity. |
OwningBusinessUnit_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningBusinessUnit_Name | String | True | |
OwningTeam_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the team that owns the service activity. |
OwningTeam_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningTeam_Name | String | True | |
OwningUser_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user that owns the service activity. |
OwningUser_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningUser_Name | String | True | |
PriorityCode | String | False | Priority of the service activity. |
RegardingObjectId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the object with which the service activity is associated. |
RegardingObjectId_LogicalName | String | False | |
RegardingObjectId_Name | String | False | |
Resources_Ids | String | False | Users or facility/equipment that are required for the service activity. |
Resources_LogicalNames | String | False | |
Resources_Names | String | False | |
ScheduledDurationMinutes | Integer | False | Scheduled duration of the service activity, specified in minutes. |
ScheduledEnd | Datetime | False | Scheduled end time of the service activity. |
ScheduledStart | Datetime | False | Scheduled start time of the service activity. |
ServiceId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier for an associated service. |
ServiceId_LogicalName | String | False | |
ServiceId_Name | String | False | |
SiteId_Id | String | False | Site where the service activity is located. |
SiteId_LogicalName | String | False | |
SiteId_Name | String | False | |
StateCode | String | True | Status of the service activity. |
StatusCode | String | False | Reason for the status of the service activity. |
Subcategory | String | False | Sub-category of the activity. |
Subject | String | False | Subject associated with the service activity. |
TimeZoneRuleVersionNumber | Integer | False | For internal use only. |
TransactionCurrencyId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the currency associated with the serviceappointment. |
TransactionCurrencyId_LogicalName | String | False | |
TransactionCurrencyId_Name | String | False | |
UTCConversionTimeZoneCode | Integer | False | Time zone code that was in use when the record was created. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the contact of the service contract. |
ContactId | String | True | |
ContractId | String | True | |
ServiceContractContactId | String | False | Unique identifier of the contact of the service contract. |
ServiceLevel | Integer | False |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the service endpoint. |
ComponentState | String | True | For internal use only. |
ConnectionMode | String | False | Connection mode to contact the service endpoint. |
Contract | String | False | Type of the endpoint contract. |
CreatedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who created the service endpoint. |
CreatedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | True | |
CreatedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the service endpoint was created. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the service endpoint. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
Description | String | False | Description of the service endpoint. |
IsManaged | Boolean | True | Information that specifies whether this component is managed. |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who last modified the service endpoint. |
ModifiedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | True | |
ModifiedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the service endpoint was last modified. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who modified the service endpoint. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
Name | String | False | Name of Service end point. |
OrganizationId_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the organization with which the service endpoint is associated. |
OrganizationId_LogicalName | String | True | |
OrganizationId_Name | String | True | |
OverwriteTime | Datetime | True | For internal use only. |
Path | String | False | Path to the service endpoint. |
ServiceEndpointId | String | False | Unique identifier of the service endpoint. |
ServiceEndpointIdUnique | String | True | Unique identifier of the service endpoint. |
SolutionId | String | True | Unique identifier of the associated solution. |
SolutionNamespace | String | False | Namespace of the App Fabric solution. |
UserClaim | String | False | Additional user claim value type. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the SharePoint document location. |
AbsoluteURL | String | False | Absolute URL of the SharePoint document location. |
CreatedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who created the SharePoint document location record. |
CreatedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | True | |
CreatedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the SharePoint document location record was created. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the SharePoint document location record. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
Description | String | False | Description of the SharePoint document location record. |
ExchangeRate | Double | True | Exchange rate between the currency associated with the SharePoint document location record and the base currency. |
ImportSequenceNumber | Integer | False | Sequence number of the import that created the SharePoint document location record. |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who last modified the SharePoint document location record. |
ModifiedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | True | |
ModifiedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the SharePoint document location record was last modified. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who modified the SharePoint document location record. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
Name | String | False | Name of the SharePoint document location record. |
OverriddenCreatedOn | Datetime | False | Date and time that the record was migrated. |
OwnerId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the user or team who owns the SharePoint document location record. |
OwnerId_LogicalName | String | False | |
OwnerId_Name | String | False | |
OwningBusinessUnit_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the business unit that owns the SharePoint document location record. |
OwningBusinessUnit_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningBusinessUnit_Name | String | True | |
OwningTeam_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the team who owns the SharePoint document location record. |
OwningTeam_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningTeam_Name | String | True | |
OwningUser_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who owns the SharePoint document location record. |
OwningUser_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningUser_Name | String | True | |
ParentSiteOrLocation_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the parent site or location. |
ParentSiteOrLocation_LogicalName | String | False | |
ParentSiteOrLocation_Name | String | False | |
RegardingObjectId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the object with which the SharePoint document location record is associated. |
RegardingObjectId_LogicalName | String | False | |
RegardingObjectId_Name | String | False | |
RelativeUrl | String | False | Relative URL of the SharePoint document location. |
SharePointDocumentLocationId | String | False | Unique identifier of the SharePoint document location record. |
SiteCollectionId | String | True | For internal use only. |
StateCode | String | True | Status of the SharePoint document location record. |
StatusCode | String | False | Reason for the status of the SharePoint document location record. |
TimeZoneRuleVersionNumber | Integer | False | For internal use only. |
TransactionCurrencyId_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the currency associated with the SharePoint document location record. |
TransactionCurrencyId_LogicalName | String | True | |
TransactionCurrencyId_Name | String | True | |
UTCConversionTimeZoneCode | Integer | False | Time zone code that was in use when the record was created. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the SharePoint site. |
AbsoluteURL | String | False | Absolute URL of the SharePoint site. |
CreatedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who created the SharePoint site record. |
CreatedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | True | |
CreatedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the SharePoint site record was created. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the SharePoint site record. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
Description | String | False | Description of the SharePoint site record. |
ExchangeRate | Double | True | Exchange rate between the currency associated with the SharePoint site record and the base currency. |
FolderStructureEntity | String | False | Entity on which the folder structure for Microsoft Dynamics CRM records will be created in SharePoint. |
ImportSequenceNumber | Integer | False | Sequence number of the import that created this record. |
IsDefault | Boolean | False | Indicates whether the SharePoint site is the default site or not. |
IsGridPresent | Boolean | False | Indicates if SharePoint Grid is present or not. |
LastValidated | Datetime | False | Date and time when the SharePoint site URL was last validated. |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who last modified the SharePoint site record. |
ModifiedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | True | |
ModifiedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the SharePoint site record was last modified. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who modified the SharePoint site record. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
Name | String | False | Name of the SharePoint site record. |
OverriddenCreatedOn | Datetime | False | Date and time that the record was migrated. |
OwnerId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the user or team who owns the SharePoint site. |
OwnerId_LogicalName | String | False | |
OwnerId_Name | String | False | |
OwningBusinessUnit_Id | String | True | Unique identifier for the business unit that owns the document location record. |
OwningBusinessUnit_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningBusinessUnit_Name | String | True | |
OwningTeam_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the team that owns the SharePoint site record. |
OwningTeam_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningTeam_Name | String | True | |
OwningUser_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who owns the SharePoint site record. |
OwningUser_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningUser_Name | String | True | |
ParentSite_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the parent SharePoint site. |
ParentSite_LogicalName | String | False | |
ParentSite_Name | String | False | |
RelativeUrl | String | False | Relative URL of the SharePoint site. |
SharePointSiteId | String | False | Unique identifier of the SharePoint site in CRM |
SiteCollectionId | String | True | For internal use only. |
StateCode | String | True | Status of the SharePoint site record. |
StatusCode | String | False | Reason for the status of the SharePoint site record. |
TimeZoneRuleVersionNumber | Integer | False | For internal use only. |
TransactionCurrencyId_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the currency associated with the SharePoint site record. |
TransactionCurrencyId_LogicalName | String | True | |
TransactionCurrencyId_Name | String | True | |
UTCConversionTimeZoneCode | Integer | False | Time zone code that was in use when the record was created. |
ValidationStatus | String | False | Validation status of the SharePoint site URL. |
ValidationStatusErrorCode | String | False | Reason for validation status of the URL |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the site. |
Address1_AddressId | String | False | Unique identifier for address 1. |
Address1_AddressTypeCode | String | False | Type of address for address 1, such as billing, shipping, or primary address. |
Address1_City | String | False | City name for address 1. |
Address1_Country | String | False | Country/region name for address 1. |
Address1_County | String | False | County name for address 1. |
Address1_Fax | String | False | Fax number for address 1. |
Address1_Latitude | Double | False | Latitude for address 1. |
Address1_Line1 | String | False | First line for entering address 1 information. |
Address1_Line2 | String | False | Second line for entering address 1 information. |
Address1_Line3 | String | False | Third line for entering address 1 information. |
Address1_Longitude | Double | False | Longitude for address 1. |
Address1_Name | String | False | Name to enter for address 1. |
Address1_PostalCode | String | False | ZIP Code or postal code for address 1. |
Address1_PostOfficeBox | String | False | Post office box number for address 1. |
Address1_ShippingMethodCode | String | False | Method of shipment for address 1. |
Address1_StateOrProvince | String | False | State or province for address 1. |
Address1_Telephone1 | String | False | First telephone number associated with address 1. |
Address1_Telephone2 | String | False | Second telephone number associated with address 1. |
Address1_Telephone3 | String | False | Third telephone number associated with address 1. |
Address1_UPSZone | String | False | United Parcel Service (UPS) zone for address 1. |
Address1_UTCOffset | Integer | False | UTC offset for address 1. This is the difference between local time and standard Coordinated Universal Time. |
Address2_AddressId | String | False | Unique identifier for address 2. |
Address2_AddressTypeCode | String | False | Type of address for address 2, such as billing, shipping, or primary address. |
Address2_City | String | False | City name for address 2. |
Address2_Country | String | False | Country/region name for address 2. |
Address2_County | String | False | County name for address 2. |
Address2_Fax | String | False | Fax number for address 2. |
Address2_Latitude | Double | False | Latitude for address 2. |
Address2_Line1 | String | False | First line for entering address 2 information. |
Address2_Line2 | String | False | Second line for entering address 2 information. |
Address2_Line3 | String | False | Third line for entering address 2 information. |
Address2_Longitude | Double | False | Longitude for address 2. |
Address2_Name | String | False | Name to enter for address 2. |
Address2_PostalCode | String | False | ZIP Code or postal code for address 2. |
Address2_PostOfficeBox | String | False | Post office box number for address 2. |
Address2_ShippingMethodCode | String | False | Method of shipment for address 2. |
Address2_StateOrProvince | String | False | State or province for address 2. |
Address2_Telephone1 | String | False | First telephone number associated with address 2. |
Address2_Telephone2 | String | False | Second telephone number associated with address 2. |
Address2_Telephone3 | String | False | Third telephone number associated with address 2. |
Address2_UPSZone | String | False | United Parcel Service (UPS) zone for address 2. |
Address2_UTCOffset | Integer | False | UTC offset for address 2. This is the difference between local time and standard Coordinated Universal Time. |
CreatedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who created the site. |
CreatedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | True | |
CreatedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the site was created. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the site. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
EMailAddress | String | False | email address for the site. |
ImportSequenceNumber | Integer | False | Unique identifier of the data import or data migration that created this record. |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who last modified the site. |
ModifiedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | True | |
ModifiedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the site was last modified. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the site. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
Name | String | False | Name of the site. |
OrganizationId | String | True | Unique identifier of the organization with which the site is associated. |
OverriddenCreatedOn | Datetime | False | Date and time that the record was migrated. |
SiteId | String | False | Unique identifier of the site. |
TimeZoneCode | Integer | False | Local time zone for the site. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the site map. |
ComponentState | String | True | |
IsManaged | Boolean | True | |
OrganizationId_Id | String | True | |
OrganizationId_LogicalName | String | True | |
OrganizationId_Name | String | True | |
OverwriteTime | Datetime | True | |
SiteMapId | String | True | |
SiteMapIdUnique | String | True | |
SiteMapXml | String | False | |
SolutionId | String | True |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the solution. |
ConfigurationPageId_Id | String | False | A link to an optional configuration page for this solution. |
ConfigurationPageId_LogicalName | String | False | |
ConfigurationPageId_Name | String | False | |
CreatedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who created the solution. |
CreatedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | True | |
CreatedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the solution was created. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the solution. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
Description | String | False | Description of the solution. |
FriendlyName | String | False | User display name for the solution. |
InstalledOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the solution was installed/upgraded. |
IsManaged | Boolean | True | Indicates whether the solution is managed or unmanaged. |
IsVisible | Boolean | True | Indicates whether the solution is visible outside of the platform. |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who last modified the solution. |
ModifiedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | True | |
ModifiedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the solution was last modified. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who modified the solution. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
OrganizationId_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the organization associated with the solution. |
OrganizationId_LogicalName | String | True | |
OrganizationId_Name | String | True | |
PinpointAssetId | String | True | |
PinpointSolutionDefaultLocale | String | True | Default locale of the solution in Microsoft Pinpoint. |
PublisherId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the publisher. |
PublisherId_LogicalName | String | False | |
PublisherId_Name | String | False | |
SolutionId | String | False | Unique identifier of the solution. |
UniqueName | String | False | The unique name of this solution |
Version | String | False | Solution version, used to identify a solution for upgrades and hotfixes. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the solution component. |
ComponentType | String | True | The object type code of the component. |
CreatedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who created the solution |
CreatedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | True | |
CreatedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the solution was created. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the solution. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
IsMetadata | Boolean | True | Indicates whether this component is metadata or data. |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who last modified the solution. |
ModifiedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | True | |
ModifiedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the solution was last modified. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who modified the solution. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
ObjectId | String | True | Unique identifier of the object with which the component is associated. |
SolutionComponentId | String | True | Unique identifier of the solution component. |
SolutionId_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the solution. |
SolutionId_LogicalName | String | True | |
SolutionId_Name | String | True |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the status map. |
IsDefault | Boolean | False | |
ObjectTypeCode | String | True | |
OrganizationId | String | True | |
State | Integer | True | |
Status | Integer | True | |
StatusMapId | String | False | Unique identifier of the status map. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the string map. |
AttributeName | String | True | |
AttributeValue | Integer | True | |
DisplayOrder | Integer | False | |
LangId | Integer | True | |
ObjectTypeCode | String | True | |
OrganizationId | String | True | |
StringMapId | String | False | Unique identifier of the string map. |
Value | String | False |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the subject. |
CreatedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who created the subject. |
CreatedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | True | |
CreatedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the subject was created. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the subject. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
Description | String | False | Description of the subject. |
FeatureMask | Integer | False | Information that specifies when the subject will be displayed in lists of subjects. |
ImportSequenceNumber | Integer | False | Unique identifier of the data import or data migration that created this record. |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who last modified the subject. |
ModifiedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | True | |
ModifiedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the subject was last modified. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the subject. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
OrganizationId_Id | String | True | Unique identifier for the organization associated with the subject. |
OrganizationId_LogicalName | String | True | |
OrganizationId_Name | String | True | |
OverriddenCreatedOn | Datetime | False | Date and time that the record was migrated. |
ParentSubject_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the parent subject. |
ParentSubject_LogicalName | String | False | |
ParentSubject_Name | String | False | |
SubjectId | String | False | Unique identifier of the subject. |
Title | String | False | Title of the subject. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the subscription. |
CompletedSyncStartedOn | Datetime | True | UTC time when the last successfully completed synchronization was started. This is the difference between local time and standard Coordinated Universal Time. |
LastSyncStartedOn | Datetime | True | For internal use only. |
MachineName | String | False | For internal use only. |
ReInitialize | Boolean | False | Database time stamp at the start time of the last successfully completed synchronization. |
SubscriptionId | String | True | For internal use only. |
SubscriptionType | Integer | False | For internal use only. |
SyncEntryTableName | String | True | For internal use only. |
SystemUserId | String | True | For internal use only. |
TimeZoneRuleVersionNumber | Integer | False | For internal use only. |
UTCConversionTimeZoneCode | Integer | False | Time zone code that was in use when the record was created. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the subscription client. |
ClientId | String | True | For internal use only. |
IsPrimaryClient | Boolean | True | For internal use only. |
MachineName | String | False | For internal use only. |
SubscriptionClientId | String | True | For internal use only. |
SubscriptionId | String | False | For internal use only. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the SubscriptionTrackingDeletedObject. |
ObjectId | String | False | Unique identifier of the object with which the subscription is associated. |
ObjectTypeCode | String | False | Type code of the object with which the subscription is associated. |
SubscriptionId | String | False | Unique identifier of the subscription. |
SubscriptionManuallyTrackedObjectId | String | False | For internal use only. |
Track | Boolean | False | Information that specifies if the object is tracked. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the SubscriptionSyncInfo entity. |
ClientVersion | String | False | Client (subscriber) version number. |
DataSize | Integer | False | For internal use only. |
DeleteObjectCount | Integer | False | For internal use only. |
EndTime | Datetime | True | For internal use only. |
InsertObjectCount | Integer | False | For internal use only. |
StartTime | Datetime | True | For internal use only. |
SubscriptionId_Id | String | False | For internal use only. |
SubscriptionId_LogicalName | String | False | |
SubscriptionId_Name | String | False | |
SubscriptionSyncInfoId | Integer | True | For internal use only. |
SyncResult | Boolean | False | For internal use only. |
TimeZoneRuleVersionNumber | Integer | False | For internal use only. |
UTCConversionTimeZoneCode | Integer | False | Time zone code that was in use when the record was created. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the SubscriptionTrackingDeletedObject. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the form or dashboard. |
AncestorFormId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the parent form. |
AncestorFormId_LogicalName | String | False | |
AncestorFormId_Name | String | False | |
ComponentState | String | True | For internal use only. |
Description | String | False | Description of the form or dashboard. |
FormId | String | False | Unique identifier of the record type form. |
FormIdUnique | String | True | Unique identifier of the form used when synchronizing customizations for the Microsoft Dynamics CRM client for Outlook. |
FormXml | String | False | XML representation of the form layout. |
IsDefault | Boolean | False | Information that specifies whether the form or the dashboard is the system default. |
IsManaged | Boolean | True | |
Name | String | False | Name of the form. |
ObjectTypeCode | String | False | Code that represents the record type. |
OrganizationId_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the organization. |
OrganizationId_LogicalName | String | True | |
OrganizationId_Name | String | True | |
OverwriteTime | Datetime | True | For internal use only. |
PublishedOn | Datetime | True | |
SolutionId | String | True | Unique identifier of the associated solution. |
Type | String | False | Type of the form, for example, Dashboard or Preview. |
Version | Integer | False | For internal use only. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the user. |
AccessMode | String | False | Type of user. |
Address1_AddressId | String | False | Unique identifier for address 1. |
Address1_AddressTypeCode | String | False | Type of address for address 1, such as billing, shipping, or primary address. |
Address1_City | String | False | City name for address 1. |
Address1_Country | String | False | Country/region name in address 1. |
Address1_County | String | False | County name for address 1. |
Address1_Fax | String | False | Fax number for address 1. |
Address1_Latitude | Double | False | Latitude for address 1. |
Address1_Line1 | String | False | First line for entering address 1 information. |
Address1_Line2 | String | False | Second line for entering address 1 information. |
Address1_Line3 | String | False | Third line for entering address 1 information. |
Address1_Longitude | Double | False | Longitude for address 1. |
Address1_Name | String | False | Name to enter for address 1. |
Address1_PostalCode | String | False | ZIP Code or postal code for address 1. |
Address1_PostOfficeBox | String | False | Post office box number for address 1. |
Address1_ShippingMethodCode | String | False | Method of shipment for address 1. |
Address1_StateOrProvince | String | False | State or province for address 1. |
Address1_Telephone1 | String | False | First telephone number associated with address 1. |
Address1_Telephone2 | String | False | Second telephone number associated with address 1. |
Address1_Telephone3 | String | False | Third telephone number associated with address 1. |
Address1_UPSZone | String | False | United Parcel Service (UPS) zone for address 1. |
Address1_UTCOffset | Integer | False | UTC offset for address 1. This is the difference between local time and standard Coordinated Universal Time. |
Address2_AddressId | String | False | Unique identifier for address 2. |
Address2_AddressTypeCode | String | False | Type of address for address 2, such as billing, shipping, or primary address. |
Address2_City | String | False | City name for address 2. |
Address2_Country | String | False | Country/region name in address 2. |
Address2_County | String | False | County name for address 2. |
Address2_Fax | String | False | Fax number for address 2. |
Address2_Latitude | Double | False | Latitude for address 2. |
Address2_Line1 | String | False | First line for entering address 2 information. |
Address2_Line2 | String | False | Second line for entering address 2 information. |
Address2_Line3 | String | False | Third line for entering address 2 information. |
Address2_Longitude | Double | False | Longitude for address 2. |
Address2_Name | String | False | Name to enter for address 2. |
Address2_PostalCode | String | False | ZIP Code or postal code for address 2. |
Address2_PostOfficeBox | String | False | Post office box number for address 2. |
Address2_ShippingMethodCode | String | False | Method of shipment for address 2. |
Address2_StateOrProvince | String | False | State or province for address 2. |
Address2_Telephone1 | String | False | First telephone number associated with address 2. |
Address2_Telephone2 | String | False | Second telephone number associated with address 2. |
Address2_Telephone3 | String | False | Third telephone number associated with address 2. |
Address2_UPSZone | String | False | United Parcel Service (UPS) zone for address 2. |
Address2_UTCOffset | Integer | False | UTC offset for address 2. This is the difference between local time and standard Coordinated Universal Time. |
BusinessUnitId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the business unit with which the user is associated. |
BusinessUnitId_LogicalName | String | False | |
BusinessUnitId_Name | String | False | |
CalendarId_Id | String | False | Fiscal calendar associated with the user. |
CalendarId_LogicalName | String | False | |
CalendarId_Name | String | False | |
CALType | String | False | License type of user. |
CreatedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who created the user. |
CreatedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | True | |
CreatedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the user was created. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the systemuser. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
DefaultFiltersPopulated | Boolean | True | Indicates if default outlook filters have been populated. |
DisabledReason | String | True | Reason for disabling the user. |
DisplayInServiceViews | Boolean | False | Whether to display the user in service views. |
DomainName | String | False | Active Directory domain of which the user is a member. |
EmailRouterAccessApproval | String | False | Shows the status of the primary email address. |
EmployeeId | String | False | Employee identifier for the user. |
ExchangeRate | Double | True | Exchange rate for the currency associated with the systemuser with respect to the base currency. |
FirstName | String | False | First name of the user. |
FullName | String | True | Full name of the user. |
GovernmentId | String | False | Government identifier for the user. |
HomePhone | String | False | Home phone number for the user. |
ImportSequenceNumber | Integer | False | Unique identifier of the data import or data migration that created this record. |
IncomingEmailDeliveryMethod | String | False | Incoming email delivery method for the user. |
InternalEMailAddress | String | False | Internal email address for the user. |
InviteStatusCode | String | False | User invitation status. |
IsDisabled | Boolean | True | Information about whether the user is enabled. |
IsIntegrationUser | Boolean | False | Check if user is an integration user. |
JobTitle | String | False | Job title of the user. |
LastName | String | False | Last name of the user. |
MiddleName | String | False | Middle name of the user. |
MobileAlertEMail | String | False | Mobile alert email address for the user. |
MobilePhone | String | False | Mobile phone number for the user. |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who last modified the user. |
ModifiedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | True | |
ModifiedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the user was last modified. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the systemuser. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
NickName | String | False | Nickname of the user. |
OrganizationId | String | True | Unique identifier of the organization associated with the user. |
OutgoingEmailDeliveryMethod | String | False | Outgoing email delivery method for the user. |
OverriddenCreatedOn | Datetime | False | Date and time that the record was migrated. |
ParentSystemUserId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the manager of the user. |
ParentSystemUserId_LogicalName | String | False | |
ParentSystemUserId_Name | String | False | |
PassportHi | Integer | False | For internal use only. |
PassportLo | Integer | False | For internal use only. |
PersonalEMailAddress | String | False | Personal email address of the user. |
PhotoUrl | String | False | URL for the Web site on which a photo of the user is located. |
PreferredAddressCode | String | False | Preferred address for the user. |
PreferredEmailCode | String | False | Preferred email address for the user. |
PreferredPhoneCode | String | False | Preferred phone number for the user. |
QueueId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the default queue for the user. |
QueueId_LogicalName | String | False | |
QueueId_Name | String | False | |
Salutation | String | False | Salutation for correspondence with the user. |
SetupUser | Boolean | False | Check if user is a setup user. |
SiteId_Id | String | False | Site at which the user is located. |
SiteId_LogicalName | String | False | |
SiteId_Name | String | False | |
Skills | String | False | Skill set of the user. |
SystemUserId | String | False | Unique identifier for the user. |
TerritoryId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the territory to which the user is assigned. |
TerritoryId_LogicalName | String | False | |
TerritoryId_Name | String | False | |
TimeZoneRuleVersionNumber | Integer | False | For internal use only. |
Title | String | False | Title of the user. |
TransactionCurrencyId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the currency associated with the systemuser. |
TransactionCurrencyId_LogicalName | String | False | |
TransactionCurrencyId_Name | String | False | |
UTCConversionTimeZoneCode | Integer | False | Time zone code that was in use when the record was created. |
WindowsLiveID | String | False | Windows Live ID |
YomiFirstName | String | False | Pronunciation of the first name of the user, written in phonetic hiragana or katakana characters. |
YomiFullName | String | True | Pronunciation of the full name of the user, written in phonetic hiragana or katakana characters. |
YomiLastName | String | False | Pronunciation of the last name of the user, written in phonetic hiragana or katakana characters. |
YomiMiddleName | String | False | Pronunciation of the middle name of the user, written in phonetic hiragana or katakana characters. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the SystemUserBusinessUnitEntityMap. |
BusinessUnitId | String | True | |
ObjectTypeCode | String | True | |
ReadPrivilegeDepth | Integer | True | |
SystemUserBusinessUnitEntityMapId | String | False | Unique identifier of the SystemUserBusinessUnitEntityMap. |
SystemUserId | String | True |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the user licenses. |
LicenseId | String | True | |
SystemUserId | String | True | |
SystemUserLicenseId | String | False | Unique identifier of the user licenses. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the SystemUserPrincipal. |
PrincipalId | String | False | For internal use only. |
SystemUserId | String | False | For internal use only. |
SystemUserPrincipalId | String | False | For internal use only. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the SystemUserProfile. |
FieldSecurityProfileId | String | True | |
SystemUserId | String | True | |
SystemUserProfileId | String | False | For internal use only. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the SystemUserRole. |
RoleId | String | True | |
SystemUserId | String | True | |
SystemUserRoleId | String | False | For internal use only. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the task. |
ActivityId | String | False | Unique identifier of the task. |
ActivityTypeCode | String | True | Type of activity. |
ActualDurationMinutes | Integer | False | Actual duration of the task in minutes. |
ActualEnd | Datetime | False | Actual end time of the task. |
ActualStart | Datetime | False | Actual start time of the task. |
Category | String | False | Category of the task. |
CreatedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who created the task. |
CreatedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | True | |
CreatedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the task was created. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the task. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
Description | String | False | Description of the task. |
ExchangeRate | Double | True | Exchange rate for the currency associated with the task with respect to the base currency. |
ImportSequenceNumber | Integer | False | Unique identifier of the data import or data migration that created this record. |
IsBilled | Boolean | False | Information which specifies whether the task was billed as part of resolving a case. |
IsRegularActivity | Boolean | True | Information regarding whether the activity is a regular activity type or event type. |
IsWorkflowCreated | Boolean | False | Information which specifies if the task was created from a workflow rule. |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who last modified the task. |
ModifiedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | True | |
ModifiedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the task was last modified. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the task. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
OverriddenCreatedOn | Datetime | False | Date and time that the record was migrated. |
OwnerId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the user or team who owns the task. |
OwnerId_LogicalName | String | False | |
OwnerId_Name | String | False | |
OwningBusinessUnit_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the business unit that owns the task. |
OwningBusinessUnit_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningBusinessUnit_Name | String | True | |
OwningTeam_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the team that owns the task. |
OwningTeam_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningTeam_Name | String | True | |
OwningUser_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user that owns the task. |
OwningUser_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningUser_Name | String | True | |
PercentComplete | Integer | False | How much of the task has been completed, given in a percentage. |
PriorityCode | String | False | Priority of the task. |
RegardingObjectId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the object with which the task is associated. |
RegardingObjectId_LogicalName | String | False | |
RegardingObjectId_Name | String | False | |
ScheduledDurationMinutes | Integer | True | Scheduled duration of the task, specified in minutes. |
ScheduledEnd | Datetime | False | Scheduled end time of the task. |
ScheduledStart | Datetime | False | Scheduled start time of the task. |
ServiceId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier for an associated service. |
ServiceId_LogicalName | String | False | |
ServiceId_Name | String | False | |
StateCode | String | True | Status of the task. |
StatusCode | String | False | Reason for the status of the task. |
Subcategory | String | False | Sub category of the task. |
Subject | String | False | Subject associated with the task. |
TimeZoneRuleVersionNumber | Integer | False | For internal use only. |
TransactionCurrencyId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the currency associated with the task. |
TransactionCurrencyId_LogicalName | String | False | |
TransactionCurrencyId_Name | String | False | |
UTCConversionTimeZoneCode | Integer | False | Time zone code that was in use when the record was created. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the team. |
AdministratorId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the user primary responsible for the team. |
AdministratorId_LogicalName | String | False | |
AdministratorId_Name | String | False | |
BusinessUnitId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the business unit with which the team is associated. |
BusinessUnitId_LogicalName | String | False | |
BusinessUnitId_Name | String | False | |
CreatedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who created the team. |
CreatedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | True | |
CreatedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the team was created. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the team. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
Description | String | False | Description of the team. |
EMailAddress | String | False | email address for the team. |
ExchangeRate | Double | True | Exchange rate for the currency associated with the team with respect to the base currency. |
ImportSequenceNumber | Integer | False | Unique identifier of the data import or data migration that created this record. |
IsDefault | Boolean | True | Information about whether the team is a default business unit team. |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who last modified the team. |
ModifiedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | True | |
ModifiedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the team was last modified. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the team. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
Name | String | False | Name of the team. |
OrganizationId | String | True | Unique identifier of the organization associated with the team. |
OverriddenCreatedOn | Datetime | False | Date and time that the record was migrated. |
QueueId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the default queue for the team. |
QueueId_LogicalName | String | False | |
QueueId_Name | String | False | |
TeamId | String | False | Unique identifier for the team. |
TransactionCurrencyId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the currency associated with the team. |
TransactionCurrencyId_LogicalName | String | False | |
TransactionCurrencyId_Name | String | False | |
YomiName | String | False | Pronunciation of the full name of the team, written in phonetic hiragana or katakana characters. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the team membership. |
SystemUserId | String | True | |
TeamId | String | True | |
TeamMembershipId | String | False | Unique identifier of the team membership. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the team profile. |
FieldSecurityProfileId | String | True | |
TeamId | String | True | |
TeamProfileId | String | False | For internal use only. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the team role. |
RoleId | String | True | |
TeamId | String | True | |
TeamRoleId | String | False | For internal use only. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the template. |
Body | String | False | Body text of the email template. |
ComponentState | String | True | For internal use only. |
CreatedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who created the email template. |
CreatedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | True | |
CreatedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the email template was created. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the template. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
Description | String | False | Description of the email template. |
GenerationTypeCode | Integer | False | For internal use only. |
ImportSequenceNumber | Integer | False | Unique identifier of the data import or data migration that created this record. |
IsManaged | Boolean | True | Indicates whether the solution component is part of a managed solution. |
IsPersonal | Boolean | False | Information about whether the template is personal or is available to all users. |
LanguageCode | Integer | False | Language of the email template. |
MimeType | String | False | MIME type of the email template. |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who last modified the template. |
ModifiedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | True | |
ModifiedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the email template was last modified. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the template. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
OverwriteTime | Datetime | True | For internal use only. |
OwnerId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the user or team who owns the template for the email activity. |
OwnerId_LogicalName | String | False | |
OwnerId_Name | String | False | |
OwningBusinessUnit_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the business unit that owns the template. |
OwningBusinessUnit_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningBusinessUnit_Name | String | True | |
OwningTeam_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the team who owns the template. |
OwningTeam_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningTeam_Name | String | True | |
OwningUser_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who owns the template. |
OwningUser_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningUser_Name | String | True | |
PresentationXml | String | False | XML data for the body of the email template. |
SolutionId | String | True | Unique identifier of the associated solution. |
Subject | String | False | Subject associated with the email template. |
SubjectPresentationXml | String | False | XML data for the subject of the email template. |
TemplateId | String | False | Unique identifier of the template. |
TemplateIdUnique | String | True | For internal use only. |
TemplateTypeCode | String | False | Type of email template. |
Title | String | False | Title of the template. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the territory. |
CreatedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who created the territory. |
CreatedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | True | |
CreatedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the territory was created. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the territory. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
Description | String | False | Description of the territory. |
ExchangeRate | Double | True | Exchange rate for the currency associated with the territory with respect to the base currency. |
ImportSequenceNumber | Integer | False | Unique identifier of the data import or data migration that created this record. |
ManagerId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the manager of the territory. |
ManagerId_LogicalName | String | False | |
ManagerId_Name | String | False | |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who last modified the territory. |
ModifiedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | True | |
ModifiedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the territory was last modified. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the territory. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
Name | String | False | Name of the territory. |
OrganizationId_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the organization associated with the territory. |
OrganizationId_LogicalName | String | True | |
OrganizationId_Name | String | True | |
OverriddenCreatedOn | Datetime | False | Date and time that the record was migrated. |
TerritoryId | String | False | Unique identifier of the territory. |
TransactionCurrencyId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the currency associated with the territory. |
TransactionCurrencyId_LogicalName | String | False | |
TransactionCurrencyId_Name | String | False |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the time zone definition. |
Bias | Integer | False | Base time bias of the time zone. |
CreatedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who created the time zone record. |
CreatedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | True | |
CreatedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the time zone record was created. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the time zone definition. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
DaylightName | String | False | Time zone name for the daylight time. |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who last modified the time zone record. |
ModifiedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | True | |
ModifiedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the time zone record was modified. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the time zone definition. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
OrganizationId_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the organization associated with the time zone definition. |
OrganizationId_LogicalName | String | True | |
OrganizationId_Name | String | True | |
RetiredOrder | Integer | False | Order an entry for a time zone definition is retired. 0 for the latest entry. |
StandardName | String | False | Time zone name for the standard time. |
TimeZoneCode | Integer | False | Time zone identification code. |
TimeZoneDefinitionId | String | False | Unique identifier of the time zone record. |
UserInterfaceName | String | False | Display name for the time zone in the Microsoft Windows registry. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the time zone localized name. |
CreatedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who created the record. |
CreatedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | True | |
CreatedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the record was created. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the time zone localized name. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
CultureId | Integer | False | Unique identifier of the culture that the UI names are encoded in. |
DaylightName | String | False | Name of the time zone for the daylight time. |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who last modified the time zone localized name. |
ModifiedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | True | |
ModifiedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the record was modified. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the time zone localized name. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
OrganizationId_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the organization associated with the time zone localized name. |
OrganizationId_LogicalName | String | True | |
OrganizationId_Name | String | True | |
StandardName | String | False | Name of the time zone for the standard time. |
TimeZoneDefinitionId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of time zone definition entity instances. |
TimeZoneDefinitionId_LogicalName | String | False | |
TimeZoneDefinitionId_Name | String | False | |
TimeZoneLocalizedNameId | String | False | Unique identifier of entity instances. |
UserInterfaceName | String | False | Unique display name for the time zone in the Microsoft Windows registry. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the time zone rule. |
Bias | Integer | False | Base time bias of the time zone rule. |
CreatedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who created the time zone rule. |
CreatedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | True | |
CreatedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the time zone rule was created. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the time zone rule. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
DaylightBias | Integer | False | Time bias in addition to the base bias for daylight savings time. |
DaylightDay | Integer | False | Day of the month when daylight savings time starts. |
DaylightDayOfWeek | Integer | False | Day of the week when daylight savings time starts. |
DaylightHour | Integer | False | Hour of the day when daylight savings time starts |
DaylightMinute | Integer | False | Minute of the hour when daylight savings time starts. |
DaylightMonth | Integer | False | Month when daylight savings time starts. |
DaylightSecond | Integer | False | Second of the minute when daylight savings time starts |
DaylightYear | Integer | False | Year when daylight savings times starts. |
EffectiveDateTime | Datetime | False | Time that this rule takes effect, in local time. |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who last modified the time zone rule. |
ModifiedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | True | |
ModifiedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the time zone rule was modified. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the time zone rule. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
OrganizationId_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the organization associated with the time zone rule. |
OrganizationId_LogicalName | String | True | |
OrganizationId_Name | String | True | |
StandardBias | Integer | False | Time bias in addition to the base bias for standard time. |
StandardDay | Integer | False | Day of the month when standard time starts. |
StandardDayOfWeek | Integer | False | Day of the week when standard time starts. |
StandardHour | Integer | False | Hour of the day when standard time starts. |
StandardMinute | Integer | False | Minute of the hour when standard time starts. |
StandardMonth | Integer | False | Month when standard time starts. |
StandardSecond | Integer | False | Second of the Minute when standard time starts. |
StandardYear | Integer | False | Year when standard time starts. |
TimeZoneDefinitionId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the time zone definition. |
TimeZoneDefinitionId_LogicalName | String | False | |
TimeZoneDefinitionId_Name | String | False | |
TimeZoneRuleId | String | False | Unique identifier of the time zone rule. |
TimeZoneRuleVersionNumber | Integer | False | For internal use only |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the transaction currency. |
CreatedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who created the transaction currency. |
CreatedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | True | |
CreatedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the transaction currency was created. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the transaction currency. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
CurrencyName | String | False | Name of the transaction currency. |
CurrencyPrecision | Integer | False | Number of decimal places that can be used for currency. |
CurrencySymbol | String | False | Symbol for the transaction currency. |
ExchangeRate | Double | False | Exchange rate between the transaction currency and the base currency. |
ImportSequenceNumber | Integer | False | Unique identifier of the data import or data migration that created this record. |
ISOCurrencyCode | String | False | ISO currency code for the transaction currency. |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who last modified the transaction currency. |
ModifiedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | True | |
ModifiedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the transaction currency was last modified. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the transaction currency. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
OrganizationId_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the organization associated with the transaction currency. |
OrganizationId_LogicalName | String | True | |
OrganizationId_Name | String | True | |
OverriddenCreatedOn | Datetime | False | Date and time that the record was migrated. |
StateCode | String | True | Status of the transaction currency. |
StatusCode | String | False | Reason for the status of the transaction currency. |
TransactionCurrencyId | String | False | Unique identifier of the transaction currency. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the transformation mapping. |
CreatedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who created the transformation mapping. |
CreatedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | True | |
CreatedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the transformation mapping was created. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the transformation mapping. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
ImportMapId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the associated data map. |
ImportMapId_LogicalName | String | False | |
ImportMapId_Name | String | False | |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who last modified the mapping. |
ModifiedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | True | |
ModifiedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the transformation mapping was last modified. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the transformation mapping. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
ProcessCode | String | False | Information about whether the transformation mapping needs to be processed. |
SourceEntityName | String | False | Name of the source entity. |
StateCode | String | True | Status of the transformation mapping. |
StatusCode | String | False | Reason for the status of the transformation mapping. |
TargetEntityName | String | False | Name of the Microsoft Dynamics CRM entity. |
TransformationMappingId | String | False | Unique identifier of the transformation mapping. |
TransformationTypeName | String | False | Type of transformation. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the transformation parameter mapping. |
CreatedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who created the parameter mapping. |
CreatedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | True | |
CreatedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the transformation parameter mapping was created. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the transformation parameter mapping. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
Data | String | False | Transformation data for transformation parameter |
DataTypeCode | String | False | Data type of the transformation parameter. |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who last modified the transformation parameter mapping. |
ModifiedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | True | |
ModifiedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the transformation parameter mapping was last modified. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the transformation parameter mapping. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
ParameterArrayIndex | Integer | False | Index of the array if the input parameter is an array. |
ParameterSequence | Integer | False | Parameter sequence number. |
ParameterTypeCode | String | False | Type of transformation parameter. |
TransformationMappingId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the transformation with which the parameter is associated. |
TransformationMappingId_LogicalName | String | False | |
TransformationMappingId_Name | String | False | |
TransformationParameterMappingId | String | False | Unique identifier of the transformation parameter mapping. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the unresolved address. |
EMailAddress | String | False | For internal use only. |
FullName | String | True | For internal use only. |
Telephone | String | False | For internal use only. |
UnresolvedAddressId | String | False | For internal use only. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the unit of measure. |
BaseUoM_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the base unit for the product. |
BaseUoM_LogicalName | String | False | |
BaseUoM_Name | String | False | |
CreatedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who created the unit. |
CreatedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | True | |
CreatedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the unit was created. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the uom. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
ImportSequenceNumber | Integer | False | Unique identifier of the data import or data migration that created this record. |
IsScheduleBaseUoM | Boolean | True | Information that specifies whether the unit is the base unit for the unit group. |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who last modified the unit. |
ModifiedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | True | |
ModifiedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the unit was last modified. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the uom. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
Name | String | False | Name of the unit. |
OrganizationId | String | True | Unique identifier of the organization associated with the unit of measure. |
OverriddenCreatedOn | Datetime | False | Date and time that the record was migrated. |
Quantity | Double | False | Unit quantity for the product. |
UoMId | String | False | Unique identifier of the unit. |
UoMScheduleId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the unit group with which the unit is associated. |
UoMScheduleId_LogicalName | String | False | |
UoMScheduleId_Name | String | False |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the unit group. |
BaseUoMName | String | False | Name of the base unit. |
CreatedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who created the unit group. |
CreatedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | True | |
CreatedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the unit group was created. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the uomschedule. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
Description | String | False | Description of the unit group. |
ImportSequenceNumber | Integer | False | Unique identifier of the data import or data migration that created this record. |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who last modified the unit group. |
ModifiedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | True | |
ModifiedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the unit group was last modified. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the uomschedule. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
Name | String | False | Name of the unit group. |
OrganizationId_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the organization associated with the unit group. |
OrganizationId_LogicalName | String | True | |
OrganizationId_Name | String | True | |
OverriddenCreatedOn | Datetime | False | Date and time that the record was migrated. |
StateCode | String | True | Status of the Unit Group. |
StatusCode | String | False | Reason for the status of the Unit Group. |
UoMScheduleId | String | False | Unique identifier for the unit group. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the user entity instance data. |
CommonEnd | Datetime | False | Common end date |
CommonStart | Datetime | False | Common start date |
DueDate | Datetime | False | Due Date |
FlagDueBy | Datetime | False | Flag due by |
FlagRequest | String | False | Flag request |
FlagStatus | Integer | False | Flag status. |
ObjectId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the source record. |
ObjectId_LogicalName | String | False | |
ObjectId_Name | String | False | |
ObjectTypeCode | Integer | False | Object Type Code |
OwnerId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the user or team who owns the user entity instance data. |
OwnerId_LogicalName | String | False | |
OwnerId_Name | String | False | |
OwningBusinessUnit_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the business unit that owns this. |
OwningBusinessUnit_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningBusinessUnit_Name | String | True | |
OwningTeam_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the team who owns this object. |
OwningTeam_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningTeam_Name | String | True | |
OwningUser_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who owns this object. |
OwningUser_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningUser_Name | String | True | |
PersonalCategories | String | False | Personal categories |
ReminderSet | Boolean | False | Indicates whether a reminder is set on this object. |
ReminderTime | Datetime | False | Reminder time |
StartTime | Datetime | False | Start Time |
ToDoItemFlags | Integer | False | To Do item flags. |
ToDoOrdinalDate | Datetime | False | For internal use only. |
ToDoSubOrdinal | String | False | For internal use only. |
ToDoTitle | String | False | For internal use only. |
UserEntityInstanceDataId | String | False | Unique identifier user entity |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the user entity UI setting. |
InsertIntoEmailMRUXml | String | False | Describes which entities are most recently inserted into email for this entity |
LastViewedFormXml | String | False | Describes which forms are most recently viewed for this entity. |
LookupMRUXml | String | False | List of most recently used lookup references for this entity |
MRUXml | String | False | Describes which tabs are most recently used for this entity |
ObjectTypeCode | Integer | False | Object Type Code |
OwnerId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the user or team who owns the settings. |
OwnerId_LogicalName | String | False | |
OwnerId_Name | String | False | |
OwningBusinessUnit_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the business unit that owns the user entity UI setting. |
OwningBusinessUnit_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningBusinessUnit_Name | String | True | |
OwningTeam_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the team who owns this saved view. |
OwningTeam_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningTeam_Name | String | True | |
OwningUser_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who owns this saved view. |
OwningUser_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningUser_Name | String | True | |
ReadingPaneXml | String | False | Describes the reading pane formatting of this entity. |
RecentlyViewedXml | String | False | Describes which objects are most recently viewed for this entity. |
ShowInAddressBook | Boolean | False | Determines whether a record type is exposed in the Outlook Address Book. |
TabOrderXml | String | False | Describes the tab ordering for this entity. |
UserEntityUISettingsId | String | False | Unique identifier of the user entity UI setting. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the fiscal calendar. |
BusinessUnitId | String | True | Unique identifier of the business unit with which the user fiscal calendar is associated. |
CreatedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who created the fiscal calendar. |
CreatedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | True | |
CreatedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the fiscal calendar was created. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the userfiscalcalendar. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
EffectiveOn | Datetime | False | Date and time when the fiscal calendar takes effect. |
ExchangeRate | Double | True | Exchange rate for the currency associated with the user fiscal calendar with respect to the base currency. |
FiscalPeriodType | Integer | True | Type of fiscal period used in the fiscal calendar. |
ImportSequenceNumber | Integer | False | Unique identifier of the data import or data migration that created this record. |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who last modified the fiscal calendar. |
ModifiedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | True | |
ModifiedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the fiscal calendar was last modified. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the userfiscalcalendar. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
Period1 | Double | False | Sales quota for the first period in the fiscal year. |
Period1_Base | Double | True | Base currency equivalent of the sales quota for the first period in the fiscal year. |
Period10 | Double | False | Sales quota for the tenth period in the fiscal year. |
Period10_Base | Double | True | Base currency equivalent of the sales quota for the tenth period in the fiscal year. |
Period11 | Double | False | Sales quota for the eleventh period in the fiscal year. |
Period11_Base | Double | True | Base currency equivalent of the sales quota for the eleventh period in the fiscal year. |
Period12 | Double | False | Sales quota for the twelfth period in the fiscal year. |
Period12_Base | Double | True | Base currency equivalent of the sales quota for the twelfth period in the fiscal year. |
Period13 | Double | False | Sales quota for the thirteenth period in the fiscal year. |
Period13_Base | Double | True | Base currency equivalent of the sales quota for the thirteenth period in the fiscal year. |
Period2 | Double | False | Sales quota for the second period in the fiscal year. |
Period2_Base | Double | True | Base currency equivalent of the sales quota for the second period in the fiscal year. |
Period3 | Double | False | Sales quota for the third period in the fiscal year. |
Period3_Base | Double | True | Base currency equivalent of the sales quota for the third period in the fiscal year. |
Period4 | Double | False | Sales quota for the fourth period in the fiscal year. |
Period4_Base | Double | True | Base currency equivalent of the sales quota for the fourth period in the fiscal year. |
Period5 | Double | False | Sales quota for the fifth period in the fiscal year. |
Period5_Base | Double | True | Base currency equivalent of the sales quota for the fifth period in the fiscal year. |
Period6 | Double | False | Sales quota for the sixth period in the fiscal year. |
Period6_Base | Double | True | Base currency equivalent of the sales quota for the sixth period in the fiscal year. |
Period7 | Double | False | Sales quota for the seventh period in the fiscal year. |
Period7_Base | Double | True | Base currency equivalent of the sales quota for the seventh period in the fiscal year. |
Period8 | Double | False | Sales quota for the eighth period in the fiscal year. |
Period8_Base | Double | True | Base currency equivalent of the sales quota for the eighth period in the fiscal year. |
Period9 | Double | False | Sales quota for the ninth period in the fiscal year. |
Period9_Base | Double | True | Base currency equivalent of the sales quota for the ninth period in the fiscal year. |
SalesPersonId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the salesperson to whom the fiscal calendar is assigned. |
SalesPersonId_LogicalName | String | False | |
SalesPersonId_Name | String | False | |
TimeZoneRuleVersionNumber | Integer | False | For internal use only. |
TransactionCurrencyId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the currency associated with the user fiscal calendar. |
TransactionCurrencyId_LogicalName | String | False | |
TransactionCurrencyId_Name | String | False | |
UserFiscalCalendarId | String | False | Unique identifier for the fiscal calendar. |
UTCConversionTimeZoneCode | Integer | False | Time zone code that was in use when the record was created. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the user dashboard. |
CreatedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who created the dashboard. |
CreatedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | True | |
CreatedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the dashboard was created. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the dashboard. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
Description | String | False | Description of the dashboard. |
FormXml | String | False | XML representation of the dashboard layout. |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who last modified the dashboard. |
ModifiedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | True | |
ModifiedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the dashboard was last modified. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who modified the dashboard. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
Name | String | False | Name of the dashboard. |
ObjectTypeCode | String | False | Code that represents the record type. |
OwnerId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the user or team who owns the dashboard. |
OwnerId_LogicalName | String | False | |
OwnerId_Name | String | False | |
OwningBusinessUnit_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the business unit that owns the dashboard. |
OwningBusinessUnit_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningBusinessUnit_Name | String | True | |
OwningTeam_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the team who owns the dashboard. |
OwningTeam_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningTeam_Name | String | True | |
OwningUser_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who owns the dashboard. |
OwningUser_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningUser_Name | String | True | |
Type | String | False | Type of the form, for example, Dashboard or Preview. |
UserFormId | String | False | Unique identifier of the user dashboard. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the saved view. |
AdvancedGroupBy | String | False | Advanced Group By |
ColumnSetXml | String | False | Collection of attributes displayed in the saved view. |
ConditionalFormatting | String | False | User Group By |
CreatedBy_Id | String | True | Unique Identifier of the user who created the saved view. |
CreatedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | True | |
CreatedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the saved view was created. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the userquery. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
Description | String | False | Description of the saved view. |
FetchXml | String | False | String that specifies the query in Fetch XML language. |
LayoutXml | String | False | For internal use only. |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who last modified the saved view. |
ModifiedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | True | |
ModifiedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the saved view was last modified. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the userquery. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
Name | String | False | Name given to the saved view. |
OwnerId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the user or team who owns the saved view. |
OwnerId_LogicalName | String | False | |
OwnerId_Name | String | False | |
OwningBusinessUnit_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the business unit that owns this saved view. |
OwningBusinessUnit_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningBusinessUnit_Name | String | True | |
OwningTeam_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the team who owns this saved view. |
OwningTeam_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningTeam_Name | String | True | |
OwningUser_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who owns this saved view. |
OwningUser_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningUser_Name | String | True | |
ParentQueryId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the Saved Query this was instantiated from. |
ParentQueryId_LogicalName | String | False | |
ParentQueryId_Name | String | False | |
QueryType | Integer | False | Type of saved view. |
ReturnedTypeCode | Integer | False | Type of entity that the saved view displays. |
StateCode | String | True | Status of the view. |
StatusCode | String | True | Reason for the status of the view. |
UserQueryId | String | False | Unique identifier of the saved view. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the user query visualization entity. |
CreatedBy_Id | String | True | Unique Identifier of the user who created the user chart. |
CreatedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | True | |
CreatedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the user chart was created. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the user chart. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
DataDescription | String | False | XML string used to define the underlying data for the user chart. |
Description | String | False | Description of the user chart. |
IsDefault | Boolean | False | Indicates whether the user chart is the default chart for the entity. |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who last modified the user chart. |
ModifiedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | True | |
ModifiedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the user chart was last modified. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who modified the user chart. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
Name | String | False | Name of the user chart. |
OwnerId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the user or team who owns the user chart. |
OwnerId_LogicalName | String | False | |
OwnerId_Name | String | False | |
OwningBusinessUnit_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the business unit that owns the user chart. |
OwningBusinessUnit_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningBusinessUnit_Name | String | True | |
OwningTeam_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the team who owns the user chart. |
OwningTeam_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningTeam_Name | String | True | |
OwningUser_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the team who owns the user chart. |
OwningUser_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningUser_Name | String | True | |
PresentationDescription | String | False | XML string used to define the presentation properties of the user chart. |
PrimaryEntityTypeCode | Integer | False | Type of entity which the user chart is attached. |
UserQueryVisualizationId | String | False | Unique identifier of the user chart. |
WebResourceId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the Web resource that will be displayed in the user chart. |
WebResourceId_LogicalName | String | False | |
WebResourceId_Name | String | False |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the user settings object. |
AddressBookSyncInterval | Integer | False | Normal polling frequency used for address book synchronization in Microsoft Office Outlook. |
AdvancedFindStartupMode | Integer | False | Default mode, such as simple or detailed, for advanced find. |
AllowEmailCredentials | Boolean | False | Indicates whether a user wants to specify email credentials. |
AMDesignator | String | False | AM designator to use in Microsoft Dynamics CRM. |
AutoCreateContactOnPromote | Integer | False | Auto-create contact on client promote |
BusinessUnitId | String | False | Unique identifier of the business unit with which the user is associated. |
CalendarType | Integer | False | Calendar type for the system. Set to Gregorian US by default. |
CreatedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who created the user settings. |
CreatedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | True | |
CreatedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the user settings object was created. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the usersettings. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
CurrencyDecimalPrecision | Integer | False | Number of decimal places that can be used for currency. |
CurrencyFormatCode | Integer | False | Information about how currency symbols are placed in Microsoft Dynamics CRM. |
CurrencySymbol | String | False | Symbol used for currency in Microsoft Dynamics CRM. |
DataValidationModeForExportToExcel | String | False | Information that specifies the level of data validation in excel worksheets exported in a format suitable for import. |
DateFormatCode | Integer | False | Information about how the date is displayed in Microsoft Dynamics CRM. |
DateFormatString | String | False | String showing how the date is displayed throughout Microsoft CRM. |
DateSeparator | String | False | Character used to separate the month, the day, and the year in dates in Microsoft Dynamics CRM. |
DecimalSymbol | String | False | Symbol used for decimal in Microsoft Dynamics CRM. |
DefaultCalendarView | Integer | False | Default calendar view for the user. |
DefaultDashboardId | String | False | Unique identifier of the default dashboard. |
EmailPassword | String | False | email password. |
EmailUsername | String | False | email user name. |
FullNameConventionCode | Integer | False | Order in which names are to be displayed in Microsoft Dynamics CRM. |
GetStartedPaneContentEnabled | Boolean | False | Information that specifies whether the Get Started pane in lists is enabled. |
HelpLanguageId | Integer | False | Unique identifier of the Help language. |
HomepageArea | String | False | Web site home page for the user. |
HomepageLayout | String | False | Configuration of the home page layout. |
HomepageSubarea | String | False | Web site page for the user. |
IgnoreUnsolicitedEmail | Boolean | False | Information that specifies whether a user account is to ignore unsolicited email (deprecated). |
IncomingEmailFilteringMethod | String | False | Incoming email filtering method. |
IsDuplicateDetectionEnabledWhenGoingOnline | Boolean | False | Indicates if duplicate detection is enabled when going online. |
IsSendAsAllowed | Boolean | False | Indicates if send as other user privilege is enabled or not. |
LocaleId | Integer | False | Unique identifier of the user locale. |
LongDateFormatCode | Integer | False | Information that specifies how Long Date is displayed throughout Microsoft CRM. |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who last modified the user settings. |
ModifiedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | True | |
ModifiedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the user settings object was last modified. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the usersettings. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
NegativeCurrencyFormatCode | Integer | False | Information that specifies how negative currency numbers are displayed in Microsoft Dynamics CRM. |
NegativeFormatCode | Integer | False | Information that specifies how negative numbers are displayed in Microsoft Dynamics CRM. |
NextTrackingNumber | Integer | False | Next tracking number. |
NumberGroupFormat | String | False | Information that specifies how numbers are grouped in Microsoft Dynamics CRM. |
NumberSeparator | String | False | Symbol used for number separation in Microsoft Dynamics CRM. |
OfflineSyncInterval | Integer | False | Normal polling frequency used for background offline synchronization in Microsoft Office Outlook. |
OutlookSyncInterval | Integer | False | Normal polling frequency used for record synchronization in Microsoft Office Outlook. |
PagingLimit | Integer | False | Information that specifies how many items to list on a page in list views. |
PersonalizationSettings | String | False | For internal use only. |
PMDesignator | String | False | PM designator to use in Microsoft Dynamics CRM. |
PricingDecimalPrecision | Integer | False | Number of decimal places that can be used for prices. |
ReportScriptErrors | String | False | Picklist for selecting the user preference for reporting scripting errors. |
ShowWeekNumber | Boolean | False | Information that specifies whether to display the week number in calendar displays in Microsoft Dynamics CRM. |
SyncContactCompany | Boolean | False | Indicates if the company field in Microsoft Office Outlook items are set during Outlook synchronization. |
SystemUserId | String | False | Unique identifier of the user. |
TimeFormatCode | Integer | False | Information that specifies how the time is displayed in Microsoft Dynamics CRM. |
TimeFormatString | String | False | Text for how time is displayed in Microsoft Dynamics CRM. |
TimeSeparator | String | False | Text for how time is displayed in Microsoft Dynamics CRM. |
TimeZoneBias | Integer | False | Local time zone adjustment for the user. System calculated based on the time zone selected. |
TimeZoneCode | Integer | False | Local time zone for the user. |
TimeZoneDaylightBias | Integer | False | Local time zone daylight adjustment for the user. System calculated based on the time zone selected. |
TimeZoneDaylightDay | Integer | False | Local time zone daylight day for the user. System calculated based on the time zone selected. |
TimeZoneDaylightDayOfWeek | Integer | False | Local time zone daylight day of week for the user. System calculated based on the time zone selected in Options. |
TimeZoneDaylightHour | Integer | False | Local time zone daylight hour for the user. System calculated based on the time zone selected. |
TimeZoneDaylightMinute | Integer | False | Local time zone daylight minute for the user. System calculated based on the time zone selected. |
TimeZoneDaylightMonth | Integer | False | Local time zone daylight month for the user. System calculated based on the time zone selected. |
TimeZoneDaylightSecond | Integer | False | Local time zone daylight second for the user. System calculated based on the time zone selected. |
TimeZoneDaylightYear | Integer | False | Local time zone daylight year for the user. System calculated based on the time zone selected. |
TimeZoneStandardBias | Integer | False | Local time zone standard time bias for the user. System calculated based on the time zone selected. |
TimeZoneStandardDay | Integer | False | Local time zone standard day for the user. System calculated based on the time zone selected. |
TimeZoneStandardDayOfWeek | Integer | False | Local time zone standard day of week for the user. System calculated based on the time zone selected. |
TimeZoneStandardHour | Integer | False | Local time zone standard hour for the user. System calculated based on the time zone selected. |
TimeZoneStandardMinute | Integer | False | Local time zone standard minute for the user. System calculated based on the time zone selected. |
TimeZoneStandardMonth | Integer | False | Local time zone standard month for the user. System calculated based on the time zone selected. |
TimeZoneStandardSecond | Integer | False | Local time zone standard second for the user. System calculated based on the time zone selected. |
TimeZoneStandardYear | Integer | False | Local time zone standard year for the user. System calculated based on the time zone selected. |
TrackingTokenId | Integer | False | Tracking token ID. |
TransactionCurrencyId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the default currency of the user. |
TransactionCurrencyId_LogicalName | String | False | |
TransactionCurrencyId_Name | String | False | |
UILanguageId | Integer | False | Unique identifier of the language in which to view the user interface (UI). |
UseCrmFormForAppointment | Boolean | False | Indicates whether to use the Microsoft Dynamics CRM appointment form within Microsoft Office Outlook for creating new appointments. |
UseCrmFormForContact | Boolean | False | Indicates whether to use the Microsoft Dynamics CRM contact form within Microsoft Office Outlook for creating new contacts. |
UseCrmFormForEmail | Boolean | False | Indicates whether to use the Microsoft Dynamics CRM email form within Microsoft Office Outlook for creating new emails. |
UseCrmFormForTask | Boolean | False | Indicates whether to use the Microsoft Dynamics CRM task form within Microsoft Office Outlook for creating new tasks. |
UseImageStrips | Boolean | False | Indicates whether image strips are used to render images. |
UserProfile | String | False | Specifies user profile ids in comma separated list. |
VisualizationPaneLayout | String | False | The layout of the visualization pane. |
WorkdayStartTime | String | False | Workday start time for the user. |
WorkdayStopTime | String | False | Workday stop time for the user. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the Web resource. |
ComponentState | String | True | For internal use only. |
Content | String | False | Bytes of the Web resource, in Base 64 format. |
CreatedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who created the Web resource. |
CreatedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | True | |
CreatedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the Web resource was created. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the Web resource. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
Description | String | False | Description of the Web resource. |
DisplayName | String | False | Display name of the Web resource. |
IsManaged | Boolean | True | |
LanguageCode | Integer | False | Language of the Web resource. |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who last modified the Web resource. |
ModifiedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | True | |
ModifiedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the Web resource was last modified. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who modified the Web resource. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
Name | String | False | Name of the Web resource. |
OrganizationId_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the organization associated with the Web resource. |
OrganizationId_LogicalName | String | True | |
OrganizationId_Name | String | True | |
OverwriteTime | Datetime | True | For internal use only. |
SilverlightVersion | String | False | Silverlight runtime version number required by a silverlight Web resource. |
SolutionId | String | True | Unique identifier of the associated solution. |
WebResourceId | String | False | Unique identifier of the Web resource. |
WebResourceIdUnique | String | True | For internal use only. |
WebResourceType | String | False | Drop-down list for selecting the type of the Web resource. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the wizard. |
AccessPrivileges | String | False | Privileges required to use this wizard, separated with commas (,). |
CreatedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who created the wizard definition. |
CreatedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | True | |
CreatedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the wizard definition was created. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the webwizard. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
IsStaticPageSequence | Boolean | False | Information about whether all pages for this wizard are statically defined. |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who last modified the wizard definition. |
ModifiedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | True | |
ModifiedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the wizard definition was last modified. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the webwizard. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
Name | String | False | Name of the wizard |
OrganizationId_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the organization. |
OrganizationId_LogicalName | String | True | |
OrganizationId_Name | String | True | |
StartPageSequenceNumber | Integer | False | Sequence number of the first page of this wizard. |
TitleResourceString | String | False | Title of the wizard. |
WebWizardId | String | False | Unique identifier of the wizard. |
WizardPageHeight | Integer | False | Window height for the wizard. |
WizardPageWidth | Integer | False | Window width for the wizard. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the wizard access privilege record. |
CreatedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who created the wizard access privilege record. |
CreatedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | True | |
CreatedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the wizard access privilege record was created. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the wizardaccessprivilege. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
EntityName | String | False | Logical name of the entity for which access privileges are required. |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who last modified the wizard access privilege record. |
ModifiedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | True | |
ModifiedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the wizard access privilege record was modified. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the wizardaccessprivilege. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
OrganizationId_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the organization associated with the wizard access privilege. |
OrganizationId_LogicalName | String | True | |
OrganizationId_Name | String | True | |
PrivilegeName | String | False | Name of the privilege required to access the wizard. |
WebWizardId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the wizard associated with this wizard access privilege record. |
WebWizardId_LogicalName | String | False | |
WebWizardId_Name | String | False | |
WizardAccessPrivilegeId | String | False | Unique identifier of the access privilege. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the wizard page. |
CreatedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who created the wizard page. |
CreatedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | True | |
CreatedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the wizard page was created. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the wizardpage. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who last modified the wizard page. |
ModifiedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | True | |
ModifiedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the wizard page was last modified. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the wizardpage. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
OrganizationId_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the organization. |
OrganizationId_LogicalName | String | True | |
OrganizationId_Name | String | True | |
PageDataToPost | String | False | Data to post to the wizard page when requesting the page. |
PageSequenceNumber | Integer | False | Sequence number of the wizard page. |
PageUrl | String | False | URL for the wizard page. |
WebWizardId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the wizard associated with this wizard page. |
WebWizardId_LogicalName | String | False | |
WebWizardId_Name | String | False | |
WizardPageId | String | False | Unique identifier of the wizard page. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the process. |
ActiveWorkflowId_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the latest activation record for the process. |
ActiveWorkflowId_LogicalName | String | True | |
ActiveWorkflowId_Name | String | True | |
Activities | String | False | Activities that are part of the business logic of the process. |
AsyncAutoDelete | Boolean | False | Indicates whether the asynchronous system job is automatically deleted on completion. |
Category | String | False | Category of the process. |
ComponentState | String | True | For internal use only. |
CreatedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who created the process. |
CreatedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | True | |
CreatedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the process was created. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the process. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
Description | String | False | Description of the process. |
InputParameters | String | False | Input parameters to the process. |
IsCrmUIWorkflow | Boolean | True | Indicates whether the process was created using the Microsoft Dynamics CRM Web application. |
IsManaged | Boolean | True | Indicates whether the solution component is part of a managed solution. |
LanguageCode | Integer | False | Language of the process. |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who last modified the process. |
ModifiedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | True | |
ModifiedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the process was last modified. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the process. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
Name | String | False | Name of the process. |
OnDemand | Boolean | False | Indicates whether the process is able to run as an on-demand process. |
OverwriteTime | Datetime | True | For internal use only. |
OwnerId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the user or team who owns the process. |
OwnerId_LogicalName | String | False | |
OwnerId_Name | String | False | |
OwningBusinessUnit_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the business unit that owns the process. |
OwningBusinessUnit_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningBusinessUnit_Name | String | True | |
OwningTeam_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the team who owns the process. |
OwningTeam_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningTeam_Name | String | True | |
OwningUser_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who owns the process. |
OwningUser_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningUser_Name | String | True | |
ParentWorkflowId_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the definition for process activation. |
ParentWorkflowId_LogicalName | String | True | |
ParentWorkflowId_Name | String | True | |
PluginTypeId_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the plug-in type. |
PluginTypeId_LogicalName | String | True | |
PluginTypeId_Name | String | True | |
PrimaryEntity | String | False | Primary entity for the process. The process can be associated for one or more SDK operations defined on the primary entity. |
Rules | String | False | Rules that define business logic in the process. |
Scope | String | False | Scope of the process. |
SolutionId | String | True | Unique identifier of the associated solution. |
StateCode | String | True | Status of the process. |
StatusCode | String | False | Additional information about status of the process. |
Subprocess | Boolean | False | Indicates whether the process can be included in other processes as a child process. |
TriggerOnCreate | Boolean | False | Indicates whether the process will be triggered when the primary entity is created. |
TriggerOnDelete | Boolean | False | Indicates whether the process will be triggered on deletion of the primary entity. |
TriggerOnUpdateAttributeList | String | False | Attributes that trigger the process when updated. |
Type | String | False | Type of the process. |
UIData | String | True | For internal use only. |
WorkflowId | String | False | Unique identifier of the process. |
WorkflowIdUnique | String | True | For internal use only. |
Xaml | String | False | XAML that defines the process. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the process dependency. |
CreatedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who created the process dependency. |
CreatedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | True | |
CreatedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the process dependency was created. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the process dependency. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
CustomEntityName | String | False | Name of the entity used in the process. |
DependentAttributeName | String | False | Name of the attribute used in the process. |
DependentEntityName | String | False | Name of the entity used in the process. |
EntityAttributes | String | False | Comma-separated list of attributes that will be passed to process instance. |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who last modified the process dependency. |
ModifiedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | True | |
ModifiedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the process dependency was last modified. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the process dependency. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
OwnerId_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user or team who owns the parent workflow instance. |
OwnerId_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwnerId_Name | String | True | |
OwningBusinessUnit | String | True | Unique identifier of the business unit that owns the process dependency. |
OwningUser | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who owns the process dependency. |
ParameterName | String | False | Name of the process parameter. |
ParameterType | String | False | Fully qualified name of the CLR type of the local parameter. |
RelatedAttributeName | String | False | Attribute of the primary entity that specifies related entity. |
RelatedEntityName | String | False | Name of the related entity. |
SdkMessageId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the SDK message. |
SdkMessageId_LogicalName | String | False | |
SdkMessageId_Name | String | False | |
Type | String | False | Type of the process dependency. |
WorkflowDependencyId | String | False | Unique identifier of the process dependency. |
WorkflowId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the process with which the dependency is associated. |
WorkflowId_LogicalName | String | False | |
WorkflowId_Name | String | False |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the process log. |
ActivityName | String | False | Name of the activity which the process step is currently processing. |
AsyncOperationId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the parent record. |
AsyncOperationId_LogicalName | String | False | |
AsyncOperationId_Name | String | False | |
ChildWorkflowInstanceId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the system job. |
ChildWorkflowInstanceId_LogicalName | String | False | |
ChildWorkflowInstanceId_Name | String | False | |
CompletedOn | Datetime | False | Date and time when the operation was completed. |
CreatedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who created the process log entry. |
CreatedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedBy_Name | String | True | |
CreatedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the process log entry was created. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who created the process log. |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
CreatedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
Description | String | False | Description of the process step. |
ErrorCode | Integer | False | Error code related to process. |
InteractionActivityResult | String | False | String specifying the result of an interaction activity. |
Message | String | False | Message related to process. |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who last modified the process log entry. |
ModifiedBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedBy_Name | String | True | |
ModifiedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the process log entry was last modified. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the delegate user who last modified the process log. |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_LogicalName | String | True | |
ModifiedOnBehalfBy_Name | String | True | |
OwnerId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the user or team who owns the process log. |
OwnerId_LogicalName | String | False | |
OwnerId_Name | String | False | |
OwningBusinessUnit_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the business unit that owns the process. |
OwningBusinessUnit_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningBusinessUnit_Name | String | True | |
OwningTeam_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the team who owns the process log. |
OwningTeam_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningTeam_Name | String | True | |
OwningUser_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who owns the process. |
OwningUser_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwningUser_Name | String | True | |
RegardingObjectId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the associated record. |
RegardingObjectId_LogicalName | String | False | |
RegardingObjectId_Name | String | False | |
StageName | String | False | Name of the process stage. |
Status | String | False | Status of the process step for which process log record has been created: In Progress, Successfully Completed, or Failed. |
StepName | String | False | Name of the process step. |
WorkflowLogId | String | False | Unique identifier of the process log entry. |
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | False | Unique identifier of the subscription. |
AsyncOperationId_Id | String | False | Unique identifier of the asynchronous operation with which the subscription is associated. |
AsyncOperationId_LogicalName | String | False | |
AsyncOperationId_Name | String | False | |
Data | String | False | Unstructured data associated with the subscription. |
EntityId | String | False | Id of entity to which workflow instance subscribes. |
EntityName | String | False | Name of entity to which workflow instance subscribes. |
ModifiedOn | Datetime | True | Date and time when the entity was modified. |
OwnerId_Id | String | True | Unique identifier of the user or team who owns the parent workflow instance. |
OwnerId_LogicalName | String | True | |
OwnerId_Name | String | True | |
OwningBusinessUnit | String | True | Unique identifier of the business unit that owns the parent workflow instance. |
OwningUser | String | True | Unique identifier of the user who owns the parent workflow instance. |
WorkflowWaitSubscriptionId | String | False | Unique identifier of the subscription. |