TDV Extension API
The TDV Extension API can be found at:
The four packages in this API are:
To view Javadoc descriptions of TDV Extension API components, start with the index file:
Main Data Source Package
The main data source package is com.compositesw.extension.ds. It contains:
• DataSourceContext—A utility class to interact with TDV.
• DataSourceFactory—A factory for specifying customized implementation classes.
• Logger—An interface for adapter providers to produce debug, error, info, and warning log messages.
• Poolable—An interface to activate and deactivate poolable objects; add, remove, and retrieve a list of registered pool listeners; and set the data source context object.
• PoolListener—A listener that gets callbacks when an object is in and out of the pool.
• RelationalConnectionFactory—A factory for connections to the physical data source.
• RelationalConnectionListener—A connection listener interface to get callbacks upon creation or destruction of a connection.
• RelationalDataSourceFactory—A factory for specifying customized implementation classes for relational adapters.
• RelationalShunt—A shunt interface to customize the way values are retrieved from the result set.
• RelationalShuntFactory—An interface to create custom relational shunts.
• StatementListener—Reserved for future use.
Configuration Package
The configuration package is com.compositesw.extension.ds.conf. It contains:
• AdapterConfig—Interface for a data source adapter configuration; can be used to return the current value of adapter properties.
• DataSourceConfig—Interface for a data source configuration; can be used to return the current value of data source properties (encrypted or plain).
Implementation Package
The implementation package is com.compositesw.extension.ds.impl. It contains:
• AbstractRelationalMetaData—Contains an abstract relational metadata implementation class, a base implementation that inherits dozens of fields from the java.sql.DatabaseMetaData interface.
Introspection Package
The introspection package is com.compositesw.extension.ds.introspect. It contains:
• IntrospectionFilter—An interface that can filter out unneeded metadata items.
• RelationalMetaData—An interface for customizing metadata introspection. This interface is extended from DatabaseMetaData. DatabaseMetaData contains comprehensive information about the database as a whole.
• ResultSetToMetadataConverter—An interface to extract metadata information from the result set of a custom SQL query.