Spotfire® Enterprise Runtime for R Service Installation and Administration

JMX monitoring

You can use an installation of Java Management Extensions (JMX) and the Remote Method Invocation (RMI) connector to monitor the TERR service.

Remove the comment marker and set the properties to connect to JMX using RMI in the custom properties file. To use JMX monitoring, you must provide valid settings for all five of these properties.
Important: Because JMX monitoring requires connecting to the specific IP address of the node, you must create a custom configuration for each node to monitor.
Configuration property Default setting Description
jmx.rmi.username None Set this value to the JMX user name.
jmx.rmi.password None Set this value to the JMX password. None Set this value to the IP address of the host computer (that is, the computer where the node manager and the TERR service are installed.)
jmx.rmi.port 1099 Set this value to an available port for the RMI connection with JMX. None Set this value to TRUE to activate JMX.

For more information, see Monitoring the Service using JMX.