
connect is used to connect to a metaspace. Connecting to a metaspace is a necessary initializing step for the Admin CLI to begin working with ActiveSpaces, just as it is for an ActiveSpaces application. The Admin CLI can only be connected to one metaspace at a time.

You cannot specify a token file and a policy file at the same time.


connect [name <string>] [discovery <string>] [listen <string>] 
[member_name <string>] [security_token <string>] 
[security_policy <string>] [identity_password <string>]
[authentication_domain <string>]
[authentication_username <string>]
[authentication_password <string>]
[authentication_keyfile <string>]


The table lists the parameters for this command with a description of each parameter.

connect Parameters
Parameter Description
name Optional. If a metaspace with this name does not exist, it will be created as a result of this command. If no name is specified, the Admin CLI will connect to the default metaspace, called ms.
discovery Optional. The discovery URL can take one of three forms:

NOTE: If you are using ActiveSpaces security, you must use TCP discovery.

  • If Unicast discovery is used, then a list of 'well known' IP addresses and ports must be passed in a URL with the following syntax:


  • If multicast discovery is to be used then the URL must be as follows:

    tibpgm://destination port/interface;discovery group address/optional transport arguments

    See “PGM (Pragmatic General Multicast) URL Format” in the TIBC0 ActiveSpaces Developer’s Guide for more information on PGM discovery URLs.

    Warning: If you are connecting as a security domain controller or as a security domain requestor, do not specify the discovery parameter. If you do specify a discovery parameter, it will be overwritten by the discovery parameter specified in the security policy file or the security token file specified with the connect command.
listen Optional. Specifies which interface and port the administrative process should create its listening TCP socket on.


See “Listen URL Format” in the TIBC0 ActiveSpaces Developer’s Guide for more information on listen URLs.

member_name Optional. Specifies a member name for the member. This helps to identify which member name is associated with which member ID. The show members command displays the member name if one has been assigned; otherwise, a default member name is assigned that is constructed from the member ID.
security_token Optional. Specifies the token file for a security domain requestor that must be authenticated by a security domain controller.

If TIBCO ActiveSpaces security is implemented and you are connecting from a requestor node, and the metaspace to which you are connecting requires a token file, specify the security_token parameter and provide the directory path and filename for the token file.

If you specify a token file, do not specify the security_policy parameter.

security_policy Optional. If TIBCO ActiveSpaces security is implemented and you are connecting from a domain security controller node, specify the security_policy parameter and provide the directory path and filename for the policy file.

If you specify a policy file, do not specify the security_token parameter.

identity_password Optional. A string containing the password for the identity key in the security policy file.
authentication _domain Optional. A string containing the domain name for user authentication.
authentication_username Optional. A string containing the username to authenticate.
authentication_password Optional. A string containing the password for the username
authentication_keyfile Optional. A string containing the full path for a file containing the key to use for authentication.
member_timeout Specifies the time in milliseconds to wait for a member to reconnect. The default is 30000.
cluster_suspend_threshold Specifies the lost hosts allowed before membership operations are suspended. By default, it is not suspended.
connect_timeout Specifies the time to wait to connect to the metaspace.


connect name 'ms' discovery 'tcp://'
Note: Parameter values must be enclosed in either single or double quotes.

The following examples illustrate the syntax of the connect command:

  • connect
  • connect name <metaspace_name>
  • connect discovery <discovery_url>
  • connect listen <listen_url>
  • connect discovery <discovery_url> listen <listen_url>
  • connect name <metaspace_name> discovery <discovery_url>
  • connect name <metaspace_name> discovery <discovery_url> listen <listen_url>
  • connect name <metaspace_name> discovery <discovery_url> listen <listen_url> member_name <member_name>
  • connect security_policy ’mypolicy.txt’ name ’ms’ listen ’tcp://’
  • connect security_token ’mytoken.txt’ name ’ms’ listen ’tcp://’