show | describe space entries

Lists the entries in a specified space.


show | describe space <string> 
entries [filter <string>] 
[prefetch <integer>] 
[query_limit <integer>] 
[distribution_scope ('all' | 'seeded')] 
[time_scope ('current' | 'snapshot')] 
[output ('console' | <file name string>)]


The following table describes the parameters for this command.

show | describe space entries Parameters
Parameter Description
filter Specifies a filter value that limits the output to entries matching the filter criteria.
prefetch Specifies the number of entries to fetch from the space each time the browser retrieves more entries to buffer. The default prefetch value for snapshot browsers is 0, while the default prefetch value for current browsers is 1.
query_limit Indicates the maximum number of entries a query on this space can return (default 10000).
distribution_scope Indicates whether all space entries should be browsed or just those which are seeded on this member. The default is to browse all entries.
time_scope Specifies to indicate which type of browser to use. The default time_scope is current.
output Specifies whether the results of the command are saved in a file or displayed on the console. By default, the results of any as-admin command are returned to the as-admin member and displayed on its console.

When used with the execute on command to route the command, specifying output 'console' causes the results of the show space entries command to be displayed on the executing member's console.

Any string other than 'console' for the output option is assumed to be a filename. If a filename is specified, the results of the show space entries command are written to the indicated file. If the file already exists, the results are appended to the existing file contents.

Note: The -entry_scope parameter of the show | describe space <string> entries [filter <string>] command is deprecated. Instead, use the -distribution_scope parameter.