set file_log

Use the set file_log command to enable or disable event logging.


set file_log log_level <string>
        [log_file <string>]
        [log_limit <integer>]
        [log_append (true | false)]
        [log_count <integer>]
        [log_size <integer>]


The following table describes the parameters for this command.

set file log Parameters
Parameter Description
log_level A string that specifies the log level for the file logging. Can be one of the following:
  • fatal
  • error,
  • warning
  • info
  • fine
  • finer
  • finest
  • none

To disable file logging, specify none.

log_file Optional. You can specify the log_file parameter to specify a file name or a fully qualified file name for the log file.

Note that when specifying a fully qualified file name for the log file, Windows paths must have the backslash ('\') character escaped ('\\'). The default log file for logging events is:

<current directory>/log/as-events-<pid>.log

where pid is the process ID of the as-admin process.

log_limit Specifies an integer that sets the maximum size allowed for a log file, in bytes. The default value is -1 (no limit).

Specifies a boolean value that determines whether data can be appended to a log file. The default value is true.

log_count Specifies an integer that determines the number of log files that the system retains. Use this option in combination with the log_size parameter to implement the rolling log file feature. With rolling log files, if a log file reaches the maximum size configured with the log_limit parameter, additional log files are created, up to the number of log files specified with the log_count parameter.
log_size Specifies an integer that determines the maximum size of all log files combined.