Viewing the Space Seeder Operation Statistics


Follow the Monitoring a Metaspace procedure to monitor the metaspace.


  1. From the left pane, click the metaspace to list the spaces under the metaspace.
  2. 2. Click one of the spaces to monitor the space.
  3. Click Members > Space Seeder Operation Statistics to see the operation statistics on every seeder contributing to the space.
    The following details are displayed:
    • Seeder: Name of the seeder space member.
    • Puts: Number of Put operations executed by the seeder.
    • Gets: Number of Get operations executed by the seeder.
    • Takes: Number of Take operations executed by the seeder.
    • Queries: Number of Browser Queries performed by the seeder.
    • Expires: Number of entries expired on the seeder.
    • Evicts: Number of entries evicted on the seeder.
    Space Seeder Operation Statistics
    Space Seeder Operation