The Metaspace type exposes the following members.


Public methodAlterSpace
Alters a user Space. If spacedef is not defined, alter space will define it. If new space definition is not compatible with existing one, exception is provided with the cause of offending attribute
Public methodBeginTransaction
Begin transaction starts a transaction.Any operations on a Space in this Metaspace will be in a transaction, until either commitTransaction or rollbackTransaction is invoked. Transaction is scoped by the current thread context.
Public methodBrowse(String, BrowserDef..::..BrowserType, BrowserDef)
Return a browser for all the entries in the Space which match the specified filter.
Public methodBrowse(String, BrowserDef..::..BrowserType, BrowserDef, String)
Return a browser for all the entries in the Space which match the specified filter.
Public methodBrowseEvents(String, EventBrowserDef)
Return a browser for all the events generated by changes in Space.
Public methodBrowseEvents(String, EventBrowserDef, String)
Return a browser for all the events generated by changes in Space for tuples which match the specified filter.
Public methodClose
Releases the metaspace handle.
Public methodCloseAll
Closes the connection to a Metaspace.
Public methodCommitTransaction
Commits all of the Space operations invoked in this thread since beginTransaction was called.
Public methodStatic memberConnect()()()()
Establishes a default connection to a Metaspace using "ms" as the metaspace name and default MemberDef attributes
Public methodStatic memberConnect(String, MemberDef)
Establishes a connection to a Metaspace
Public methodStatic memberConnect(String, String)
Establishes a connection to a Metaspace
Public methodStatic memberConnect(String, MemberDef, IDictionary<(Of <<'(String, String>)>>))
Establishes a connection to a Metaspace
Public methodStatic memberConnect(String, String, String)
Establishes a connection to a Metaspace
Public methodDefineSpace
Defines a user Space. Does not automatically join the Space.
Public methodDropSpace(String)
Deletes the Space Definitions only if no Members are joined to the space.
Public methodDropSpace(String, Boolean)
Deletes the Space Definitions only if no Members are joined to the space.
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodFinalize
Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetCumulativeSpaceStats
Gets the cumulative statistics of the space.
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetMember
Gets the member.
Public methodGetSpace(String)
Return the space after joining it, if it is not already joined. If it is already joined, the role will not be changed and a valid reference counted handle to the space will be returned.
Public methodGetSpace(String, DistributionRole)
Return the space after joining it, if it is not already joined.
Public methodGetSpace(String, SpaceMemberDef)
Return the space after joining it with the specified spaceMemberDef, if it is not already joined.
Public methodGetSpaceDef
Gets space definition given Space name.
Public methodGetSpaceMembers
Return the collection of Member from the space
Public methodGetSpaceRemoteMembers
Return the collection of Remote Member from the metaspace
Public methodGetSpaceState
Gets the state of the space.
Public methodGetSpaceStatsByMember
Gets the statistics of the space by member
Public methodGetType
Gets the type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodListen(String, Listener)
Return a listener on a space for receiving event notifications.
Public methodListen(String, Listener, ListenerDef)
Return a listener on a space for receiving event notifications.
Public methodListen(String, Listener, String)
Return a listener on a space for receiving event notifications.
Public methodListen(String, Listener, ListenerDef, String)
Return a listener on a space for receiving event notifications.
Public methodListenMetaspaceMembers
Listen to metaspace membership events
Public methodListenMetaspaceRemoteMembers
Listen to remote metaspace membership events
Public methodListenSpaceDefs(SpaceDefListener)
Listen to space definitions. Get notification about new spaces being defined in the metaspace
Public methodListenSpaceDefs(SpaceDefListener, ListenerDef)
Listen to space definitions. Get notification about new spaces being defined in the metaspace
Public methodListenSpaceMembers(SpaceMemberListener)
Listen to space membership events on all spaces
Public methodListenSpaceMembers(String, SpaceMemberListener)
Listen to space membership events
Public methodListenSpaceRemoteMembers(SpaceRemoteMemberListener)
Listen to remote space membership events on all spaces
Public methodListenSpaceRemoteMembers(String, SpaceRemoteMemberListener)
Listen to remote space membership events
Public methodListenSpaceState(SpaceStateListener)
Listens space state updates for all spaces
Public methodListenSpaceState(String, SpaceStateListener)
Listens space state updates for the specified space name
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodRecover()()()()
Recovers the metaspace with default recovery options.
Public methodRecover(RecoveryOptions)
Recovers the metaspace.
Public methodRecoverSpace(String)
Recovers the space with default recovery options.
Public methodRecoverSpace(String, RecoveryOptions)
Recovers the space.
Public methodReleaseContext
Releases the context.
Public methodReleaseTransaction Obsolete.
Return TransactionID
Public methodResume
Resumes the metaspace.
Public methodResumePersistence
Resumes the persistence
Public methodResumeSpace
Resumes the space.
Public methodRollbackTransaction
Reverses all of the Space operations invoked in this thread since beginTransaction was called.
Public methodStopListener
Stops a listener and associated thread that was previously created.
Public methodSuspend
Suspend the metaspace.
Public methodSuspendPersistence
Suspends the persistence
Public methodTakeContext
Takes the context.
Public methodTakeTransaction Obsolete.
Take the Transaction
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)


Public propertyConnectionDef
Get the metaspace connection definition attributes
Public propertyDiscoveryUrl
Return multicast URL
Public propertyListenUrl
Return unicast URL
Public propertyMetaspaceMembers
Return the collection of Member from the metaspace
Public propertyMetaspaceRemoteMembers
Return the collection of Remote Member from the metaspace
Public propertyName
Return metaspace name
Public propertyRemoteDiscoveryUrl
Return remote discovery URL
Public propertyRemoteListenUrl
Return proxy listen URL
Public propertySelfMember
Return the Member for this Metaspace connection.
Public propertyUserSpaceNames
Return the user space names
Public propertyStatic memberVersion
Return the version of Activespaces product.

See Also