Creating Overlay Calendars


  1. From the Calendar gadget, click Manage.
  2. Click New Overlay. The New Overlay dialog displays.
  3. Complete the dialog as follows:
    Note: You must complete all the fields in the dialog to create a new base calendar.
    • Name: The name of the new overlay calendar.
    • Category: A category for the new overlay calendar. Calendars are grouped by category when opening and copying calendars. See Opening Calendars and Copying Calendars.
  4. Click OK to create the new overlay calendar or Cancel to cancel your changes.
  5. Once you have created your overlay calendar, you can specify the exclusions in the same way you did for the system calendar. See Creating System Calendar Exclusions.
  6. Once you have created your overlay calendar you must map it to an organizational entity before you can use it. See Assigning Calendars to Organizational Entities.