Work Item State

There are two columns available on the work item list that indicate the work item’s current state: State Image and State. The only difference is that one is an image and the other is text.

By default, the first column in the work item list displays icons that indicate the work item’s status. The following table shows the possible icons and their meanings:

State Image State Description
Offered The work item is being offered to you to work on. When a work item is in an Offered state, you can:
  • open and work on the work item (while it is open, its state changes to Opened),
  • allocate the work item to yourself, causing it to be removed from all other user’s work lists,
  • allocate the work item to another user, causing it to be removed from all work lists other than the user’s to which it was allocated, or
  • skip the work item, causing it to be submitted and the process to advance to the next task (all required fields must be filled in.

    For more information, see Allocating Work Items and Skipping Work Items .

Allocated A work item with an allocated state appears only in your work list.

Work items can be allocated to a specific user in the following ways:

  • by the system when it is initially distributed,
  • you can allocate a work item to yourself, or
  • you can allocate a work item to another user.

    For more information, see Allocating Work Items.

Created The work item has been created, but not yet enabled. The functionality needed to get a work item to this state has not been implemented.
Opened The work item is currently open by the logged-in user. Opening a work item implicitly allocates it to the user who opened it. The work item is removed from the work lists of other users to whom the work item had been offered.
Pended This occurs when you open a work item, perform some work on it, then close it without submitting it. Once it is in this state, the work item will appear only in your Inbox.
Pend Hidden The work item has been pended until a specific date/time, or for a specified period of time. (Note that to see this state, you must be viewing hidden work items — see Displaying Visible Hidden Work Items .)

For more information, see Pending Work Items .

Suspended The process instance to which this work item is associated is currently suspended. (Note that to see this state, you must be viewing hidden work items — see Displaying Visible Hidden Work Items .)