Process Instance List

A process instance list presents all of the process instances that are in a particular process view.

To display a process instance list, click the Process Views button in the lower-left part of the screen, then select (single click) a process view in the process view list.

Initially, the default process view — All Instances — displays a list of the process instances for all processes available on your system. Although you can modify the filter and sort specifications for that view so that it displays a subset of those process instances.

Note: The All Instances view in the process view list is controlled by a user access element. Therefore, if you do not have the proper user access, you will not have this view.

There may also be other process views available that display the process instance list filtered and sorted in different ways. For more information about using views, see Views.

Information about each process instance is provided in the columns of the process instance list. The specific information that is displayed on your system will depend on how your system was set up — see Process Instance List Columns.