Process Instance List Columns

By default, certain columns are displayed in a process instance list. You can easily customize the columns that are displayed by either using the Column Selector, or manually.

For information, see Customizing Columns in a List.

The following table describes the columns of information that can be displayed on the process instance list:

Column Description
ID A unique number identifying the process instance.
Outstanding Count This is the number of outstanding work items in this process instance.

Also see, Outstanding Work Items .

Parent Process ID The instance ID of the parent process — only applicable for re-usable sub-processes.
Priority This is a numeric value that has been assigned to the process instance by an administrator. The numeric value assigns a relative importance to the process instance, which allows users to prioritize their work.
Start Date The date and time the process instance was started.
Status Indicates the current status of the process instance.

For a list of the possible statuses, see Process Instance Status .

Version Identifies the version of the process from which the instance was started.
Module Name This is the path to the XPDL file that defines the "process package".
Process Name The name of the process, of which this is an instance.
Status Image An image that indicates the current status of the process instance.

For a list of the possible status images, see Process Instance Status .

Each column in the process instance list represents an attribute, which holds information about the process instance.

When you use the Column Selector to specify the columns to display, both System and Custom columns are listed(1). System columns/attributes contain information that the system entered in the attribute, such as the instance start date, current status, etc. Custom columns/attributes represent customer-specified fields that are added to a process when it is defined. Those fields can then be added to forms. When a user enters information in the fields on a form (e.g., customer name, address, loan amount, etc.), that information is stored in the custom attribute for that field.

Note that the Column Selector will always show all of the system columns/attributes listed in the table above, because those are available in every process instance. However, it will only show the custom columns/attributes that are common to all process instances that were included in the process view.


The listing of custom columns/attributes is controlled via user access profiles. They are shown in the Column Selector only if you have the proper access.