TIBCO PageBus Managed Hub

If the non-WCC code and WCC component are isolated in separate iframes in the mash-up application, the TIBCO PageBus Managed Hub must be used to subscribe or publish events across the iframe boundary.

For information about the PageBus Managed Hub, see the TIBCO PageBus Developer’s Guide.

To assist you in accomplishing this, an IframeContainer class has been provided in Workspace that contains methods you can use when working with the PageBus Managed Hub. For information about these methods, see Using the TIBCO PageBus Managed Hub with WCC Components.

Two sample applications are also provided that illustrate the use of the methods in the IframeContainer class:

  • Login Managed Hub Application - This sample application illustrates how to do the following when using the PageBus Managed Hub:
    • Initialize a login for a WCC application running in an iframe, by utilizing a login from a previous login session.
    • Display a WCC component (for example, the Organization Browser) in an iframe.
    • Publish an externalShowEvents event, which allows an external application to add a temporary event view to the event view list.

      For information, see wccLoginManagedHub Sample Application.

  • PassThru Managed Hub Application - This sample application illustrates how to do the following when using the PageBus Managed Hub:
    • Initialize a login for a WCC application running in an iframe, by utilizing a login from a previous login session.
    • Publish a passThruEvent event, which passes through the TIBCO PageBus Managed Hub, where an IframeClient subscribes to the event and displays either a work item list or process instance list, depending on the payload in the published event.

      For information, see wccPassThruManagedHub Sample Application.