wccPassThruManagedHub Sample Application

The wccPassThruManagedHub sample application illustrates how to use the methods in the IframeContainer class.

This sample application illustrates how to do the following when using the PageBus Managed Hub:

  • Initialize a login for a WCC application running in an iframe, by utilizing a login from a previous login session.
  • Publish a passThruEvent event, which passes through the TIBCO PageBus Managed Hub, where the IframeClient subscribes to the event and displays either a work item list or process instance list, depending on the payload in the published event.

The sample is set up to run on a web server at the following URLs:


Note that two URL host names are used in this example, specifically to illustrate the TIBCO PageBus Managed Hub iframe setup:


This sample application can be run on a single computer running the web server by setting the host names in the computer's /etc/hosts file (C:\WINDOWS\System32\drivers\etc\hosts on Windows):

  • wccloginmanagedhubmainsource
  • wccloginmanagedhubiframesource

Since this is a local alias, the web browser must be running on the same computer as the web server for this setup to work.