Language Resource File Deployment

Resource files created as described here must be deployed to the node to be usable in a deployed application. This can be done in a number of ways, depending on whether you already have a deployed Workspace application, an already deployed custom WCC application, or a custom WCC application that is not yet deployed.

  • Deployed Workspace application - The Workspace application that is installed with a BPM runtime system has an extension point defined in the composite. You can use this extension point to add or update files in the deployed application at a later time. Resource files can be added to the deployed Workspace application using this extension point—this process is described in the steps in Deploying Language Resource Files.
  • Deployed custom WCC application - The way in which you deploy resource files to an already deployed custom WCC application depends on whether or not an extension point was defined in the application when it was deployed.
    • If an extension point had been defined, you can deploy the resource files using the extension point, just like you would for a deployed Workspace application, except you would use the extension point name that was specified when it was defined in the custom WCC application. In this situation, you can use the same procedure as described in Deploying Language Resource Files, except in step 21 you would use the name of the extension point for that application rather than the one shown for the Workspace application.
    • If an extension point had not been defined in the custom WCC application, the application would need to be undeployed, the resource files manually added to the appropriate directory, then the application re-deployed (when re-deployed, an extension point could be defined for later use to update files in the deployed application).
  • Undeployed custom WCC application - In an undeployed custom WCC application, resource files can be manually added to the appropriate directories—when the application is deployed, those files are available to the deployed application, providing translated strings.

    When the custom WCC application is deployed, an extension point can be defined for later use to update files in the deployed application.

For information about deploying custom WCC application, as well as defining an extension at that time, see Deploying an Application After Customizing.