
The ProcessManagementService contains functions to manage process templates and process instances.

The table below lists the functions available from the ProcessManagementService.

For more information about processes, see Processes.

Function Description Returns
cancelAdhocActivity Cancels the currently active ad-hoc activity.
Note: Cancelling a process instance also cancels all currently active ad-hoc activities associated with the cancelled process instance.

Required system action: StartAndCancelAdhocActivity

cancelProcessInstance Cancels a specific process instance.

If successful, returns "OK" in the response body.

Required system action: cancelProcessInstance

cancelProcessInstances Cancels all process instances for the specified process templates.

Returns the number of process instances that were cancelled.

Required system action: bulkCancelProcessInstances

checkPurgeTerminatedProcessInstances Checks the status of a purge job started with the purgeTerminatedProcessInstances function (see below).

Required system action: bulkPurgeProcessInstances

clearMigrationRules Clears all currently set process instance migration rules for the specified process templates.

If successful, returns "OK" in the response body.

For information about process migration, see Migrating a Process Instance to a Different Version.

Required system action: handleProcessMigration

createProcessInstance Creates (starts) a process instance using a starter operation.

This function is used to create an instance of a process that has a start event with a trigger type of "None". If the process has a start event with a trigger type of "Message", it must be started either using a business service, if it was published as a business service, or by using the startProcessIncomingReceiveTask function (see below), if it was published as a REST Service.

Returns the ID of the created process instance.

Required system action: startprocess

decodeProcessId Decodes "process" IDs into "database" IDs.

Process IDs written to the log and returned from Process Manager are in the form "pvm:nnnn". Whereas, PVM engine tables use database IDs (dbId). In order to debug PVM engine tables, you can use this function to correlate the process IDs with the database IDs.

Required system action: queryProcessInstance

getActivityInstanceStatus Gets the status of an activity for a particular process instance.

The response returns status information for the specified activity. This includes the activityID, which is used when setting a deadline time on an activity - see the setDeadlineExpiration function (see below).

Required system action: queryProcessInstance

getAvailableProcessInstanceVariables Gets the details for all variables (or for a specific variable) that are available to the failed activity for a particular halted process instance.

Also see the setAvailableProcessInstanceVariables function (below).

Required system action: haltedProcessAdministration

getMigrationPoints Lists the permissible process instance migration points for the specified process templates. (Migration points are the points in the process from which a process instance can be migrated to a different version.)

For information about process migration, see Migrating a Process Instance to a Different Version.

Required system action: handleProcessMigration

getParameterValue Gets the value of a specific parameter (also referred to as "custom attributes") for a particular process instance.

Required system action: queryProcessInstance

getProcessInstanceStatus Gets the status of a particular process instance.

Required system action: queryProcessInstance

getProcessInstanceSummary Gets a full summary report on a specific process instance (this operation is most useful for debugging).

The response returns (in a formatted string) all information relevant to the specified process instance, including a snapshot of all process variables' values.

Required system action: queryProcessInstance

getStarterOperationInfo Lists the parameter details for a particular starter operation. Starter operations refer to start events of processes.

To be able to directly start an instance of a process template, the start event of the process must have a trigger type of "None" (as opposed to a trigger type of "Message", which requires that the process be started by a business service).

Required system action: queryProcessTemplate

ignoreProcessInstance Resumes execution of a process instance that has halted as a result of an activity failure, ignoring the failed activity. Execution continues from the point in the process after the failed activity, as if the failed activity had not been processed.

Also see the cancelProcessInstances, resumeHaltedProcessInstance, retryProcessInstance, and queryHaltedProcessInstances functions in this topic.

Required system action: haltedProcessAdministration

ignoreProcessInstances Ignores failed activities and resume the execution of all halted process instances for the specified process templates. For each process instance, execution continues from the point in the process after the failed activity, as if the failed activity had not been processed.

Also see the cancelProcessInstance, resumeHaltedProcessInstance, retryProcessInstance, and queryHaltedProcessInstances functions in this topic.

Required system action: haltedProcessAdministration

isSetMigrationRule Tests whether any process instance migration rules are set for a particular qualified task name.

The request must specify the qualified task name that is to be tested. (The qualified task name includes the task name and its parent process template, module and template/module version.)

For information about process migration, see Migrating a Process Instance to a Different Version.

Required system action: handleProcessMigration

listAdhocActivitiesByGlobalRef Lists all ad-hoc activities associated with the specified global data reference.

The response lists all ad-hoc activities for all process instances that reference the global data.

Required system action: None

listAdhocActivitiesById Lists all ad-hoc activities associated with the specified process ID.

The response lists all ad-hoc activities associated with the identified process instance.

Required system action: None

listMigrationRules Lists the process instance migration rules that are set for the specified process templates.

For information about process migration, see Migrating a Process Instance to a Different Version.

Required system action: handleProcessMigration

listProcessInstanceAttributes Lists process instance attributes for the specified process templates (these attributes can be used in process instance queries).

Also see the listSetofProcessInstanceAttributes function (below).

Required system action: queryProcessInstance

listProcessInstances Lists the process instances for the specified process template.

This is a convenience function: the queryProcessInstances function (see below) can return the same information, but requires more input.

The listProcessInstances response can contain a maximum of 500 process instances. This limit is fixed and cannot be configured. If you are expecting a response that exceeds 500 process instances, use the queryProcessInstances function (see below) with a positive pageSize parameter instead.

Required system action: queryProcessInstance

listProcessTemplateAttributes List process template attributes. These attributes, which are pre-defined variables and are the same for all process templates, can be used in queries for process templates.

Also see the queryProcessTemplates and queryProcessTemplatesAlt functions in this topic.

Required system action: queryProcessTemplate

listProcessTemplates Lists process templates that match the input criteria.

This is a convenience function: the queryProcessTemplates function (see below) can return the same information, but requires more input.

Required system action: queryProcessTemplate

listServices Lists the processes that have been "published as a REST service" in TIBCO Business Studio.

The processes/services returned by this function can be started using the startProcessIncomingReceiveTask function (see below).

Required system action: queryProcessTemplate

listSetofProcessInstanceAttributes Lists process instance attributes for a set of process templates (these attributes can be used in process instance queries.

Also see the listProcessInstanceAttributes function (above).

Required system action: queryProcessInstance

listStarterOperations Lists available starter operations for the specified process template.

Also see the createProcessInstance function (see above).

Starter operations refer to start events of processes. To be able to directly start an instance of a process template, the start event of the process must have a trigger type of "None" (as opposed to a trigger type of "Message", which requires that the process be started by a business service).

Required system action: queryProcessTemplate

purgeTerminatedProcessInstances Purges saved process instances with terminal states that correspond to one or more of the specified marked process templates. There can only be one outstanding purge job at one time. 1

Required system action: bulkPurgeProcessInstances

queryApplications Returns all process template(s) belonging to the specified application(s).

Required system action: queryProcessTemplate

queryDone Releases all resources associated with a particular paged result set. An application must call this operation whenever it has finished with a particular paged result set.

The request must include a paging ID, which can be obtained using queryProcessInstances, queryProcessInstancesAlt, queryProcessTemplates, or queryProcessTemplatesAlt (see below).

Required system action: queryProcessInstance

queryFirstPage Lists the first page of data from the result set of a particular query operation.

The request must include a paging ID, which can be obtained using queryProcessInstances, queryProcessInstancesAlt, queryProcessTemplates, or queryProcessTemplatesAlt (see below).

Required system action: queryProcessInstance

queryHaltedProcessInstances Lists process instances that have halted (as a result of an activity failure) that match certain criteria.
Note: This function only queries HALTED process instances. To list process instances that are in a state other than HALTED, use queryProcessInstances or queryProcessInstancesAlt instead (see below).

Also see the cancelProcessInstance, ignoreProcessInstance, resumeHaltedProcessInstance, retryProcessInstance, getAvailableProcessInstanceVariables, and setAvailableProcessInstanceVariables functions in this topic.

Required system action: queryProcessInstance

queryLastPage Lists the last page of data from the result set of a particular query operation.

The request must include a paging ID, which can be obtained using queryProcessInstances, queryProcessInstancesAlt, queryProcessTemplates, or queryProcessTemplatesAlt (see below).

Required system action: queryProcessInstance

queryNextPage Lists the next page of data from the result set of a particular query operation.

The request must include a paging ID, which can be obtained using queryProcessInstances, queryProcessInstancesAlt, queryProcessTemplates, or queryProcessTemplatesAlt (see below).

Required system action: queryProcessInstance

queryPreviousPage Lists the previous page of data from the result set of a particular query operation.

The request must include a paging ID, which can be obtained using queryProcessInstances, queryProcessInstancesAlt, queryProcessTemplates, or queryProcessTemplatesAlt (see below).

Required system action: queryProcessInstance

queryProcessInstanceCount Counts the number of process instances that match certain criteria.

Required system action: queryProcessInstance

queryProcessInstanceCountAlt Counts the number of process instances that match certain criteria. You can specify the status (ACTIVE, TERMINATED, ACTIVE_AND_TERMINATED) of the process instances to count.

Required system action: queryProcessInstance

queryProcessInstances Lists the process instances that match specified criteria.

The response returns information from process instances according to the specified criteria, either as a complete list or as the first page of a paged list (in which case a paging ID is also returned).

The paging ID can be used with the queryFirstPage, queryNextPage, queryPreviousPage, queryLastPage, and queryDone functions (see above).

Required system action: queryProcessInstance

queryProcessInstancesAlt Queries information about process instances that match specified criteria.

This is a variation of queryProcessInstances (see above), in which the query string is divided into its constituent parts.

The response returns information from process instances according to the specified criteria, either as a complete list or as the first page of a paged list (in which case a paging ID is also returned).

To list process instances that are in a HALTED state, use queryHaltedProcessInstances instead (see above).

Required system action: queryProcessInstance

queryProcessTemplateCount Counts the number of process templates that match certain criteria.

Required system action: queryProcessTemplate

queryProcessTemplates Queries and returns information about process templates that match specified criteria.

The response returns information from process templates according to the specified criteria, either as a complete list or as the first page of a paged list (in which case a paging ID is also returned).

The paging ID can be used with the queryFirstPage, queryNextPage, queryPreviousPage, queryLastPage, and queryDone functions (see above).

Also see the queryProcessTemplatesAlt function (below) for an alternative method of querying process templates.

Required system action: queryProcessTemplate

queryProcessTemplatesAlt Lists process templates that match certain criteria.

This is a variation of queryProcessTemplates (see above) in which the query string is divided into its constituent parts.

The response returns the process templates that match the specified criteria, either as a complete list or as the first page of a paged list (in which case a paging ID is also returned).

The paging ID can be used with the queryFirstPage, queryNextPage, queryPreviousPage, queryLastPage, and queryDone functions (see above).

Required system action: queryProcessTemplate

replaceUser Accepts a list of process IDs or a user name as input, and uses the Subject on this request to replace the Subject associated with each of the referenced process instances or user. If the specified process instance has sub-processes, those Subjects of the sub-processes are replaced as well. GeneralStatusType
resumeHaltedProcessInstance Resumes execution of a process instance that has halted as a result of an activity failure. Execution continues as if the activity had failed.
Note: The process instance immediately enters a FAILED state. This operation effectively allows the erroring process instance to resume and then fail as if it had never halted. It can be used when investigation of the halted process instance indicates that nothing can be done to retrieve it.

Also see the cancelProcessInstance, ignoreProcessInstance, retryProcessInstance, and queryHaltedProcessInstances functions in this topic.

This function can only be used on a process instance that is in a HALTED state. To resume a process instance that is in a SUSPENDED state, use the resumeProcessInstance function instead (see below).

Required system action: haltedProcessAdministration

resumeHaltedProcessInstances Resumes execution of all process instances for the specified process templates, where those instances have halted as a result of an activity failure. Execution of each process instance continues as if the activity had failed.
Note: Each process instance immediately enters a FAILED state. This operation effectively allows the erroring process instances to resume and then fail as if they had never halted. It can be used when investigation of the halted process instances indicates that nothing can be done to retrieve them.

Returns an integer indicating the number of process instances that were resumed.

Also see the cancelProcessInstances, ignoreProcessInstances, retryProcessInstances, and queryHaltedProcessInstances functions in this topic.

This operation only affects process instance that are in a HALTED state. To resume process instances that are in a SUSPENDED state, use the resumeProcessInstances function instead (see below).

Required system action: haltedProcessAdministration

resumeProcessInstance Resumes a previously suspended process instance.

Also see the suspendProcessInstance function (below).

Required system action: resumeProcessInstance

resumeProcessInstances Resumes all process instances for the specified process templates.

Returns an integer indicating the number of process instances that were resumed.

Also see the suspendProcessInstances function (below).

Required system action: bulkResumeProcessInstances

retryProcessInstance Resumes execution of a process instance that has halted as a result of an activity failure. Execution continues by retrying the failed activity.

Also see the cancelProcessInstance, ignoreProcessInstance, and resumeProcessInstance functions in this topic.

Required system action: haltedProcessAdministration

retryProcessInstances Resumes the execution of all halted process instances for the specified process templates, in each case retrying the activity that caused the process instance to fail. For each process instance, execution continues by retrying the failed activity.

Returns an integer indicating the number of process instances that were resumed.

Also see the cancelProcessInstances, ignoreProcessInstances, and resumeHaltedProcessInstances functions in this topic.

Required system action: haltedProcessAdministration

runAdhocActivity Invokes the identified ad-hoc activity. This function is applicable only to manual ad-hoc activities, not automatic ad-hoc activities (automatic ad-hoc activities are automatically invoked when they become enabled).
The ad-hoc activity must be enabled before it can be invoked. An ad-hoc activity is enabled when:
  • any initializer activity specified in the ad-hoc activity definition has completed, and
  • a pre-condition specified in the ad-hoc activity definition is true.

To determine if an ad-hoc activity is enabled, use the listAdhocActivities function (see above), and view the enabled element in the response.

If an attempt is made to invoke an ad-hoc activity that is already active, the invocation is discarded, and an audit record is created for the request.

Required system action: StartAndCancelAdhocActivity






Specifies which process templates to save. This means all process instances started from the process template will be saved in the database when their status is complete.

Required system action: bulkPurgeProcessInstances

setAvailableProcessInstanceVariables Sets the value of one or more variables that are available to the failed activity for a particular halted process instance.

Also see the getAvailableProcessInstanceVariables function (above).

Required system action: haltedProcessAdministration

setDeadlineExpiration Changes the deadline value for an activity.

An active deadline must be in use (that is, it cannot be expired) on an activity (using an intermediate timer event) to be able to set the expiration time with this function.

Required system action: setDeadlineExpiration

setMigrationRules Sets one or more process instance migration rules.

Each migration rule consists of a unique set of module name, module version from which to migrate, process template name, task name from which to migrate, and module version to which to migrate.

For information about process migration, see Migrating a Process Instance to a Different Version.

Required system action: handleProcessMigration

setPriority Changes the scheduling priority for execution of a process instance.

Required system action: setPriority

startProcessIncomingReceiveTask Starts an instance of a process template that was "published as a REST Service" in TIBCO Business Studio.

For details about publishing a process as a REST service, see the "Exposing the Web Service Operation as a REST Service" section in the TIBCO Business Studio - BPM Implementation guide.

You can also start instances of process templates using the createProcessInstance function (see above), or by starting a business service (see startBusinessService).

Required system action: startprocess

stopPurgeTerminatedProcessInstances Stops the purge job started with the purgeTerminatedProcessInstances function (see above). Only effective when purge job is run in the background.

Also see the purgeTerminatedProcessInstances function (above).

Required system action: bulkPurgeProcessInstances

suspendProcessInstance Suspends a process instance from being scheduled for execution.

Also see the resumeProcessInstance function (above).

Required system action: suspendProcessInstance

suspendProcessInstances Suspends all process instances for the specified process templates from being scheduled for execution.

Returns an integer indicating the number of process instances that were suspended.

Also see the resumeProcessInstances function (above).

Required system action: bulkSuspendProcessInstances

unsetMigrationRules Unsets one or more currently set process instance migration rules.

For information about process migration, see Migrating a Process Instance to a Different Version.

Required system action: handleProcessMigration

1 The ProcessManagementService contains a purgeProcessInstances function that is a private API -- it is for internal use only.