Class: QueryProcessTemplatesRequest


new QueryProcessTemplatesRequest(query, pageSize)

Object QueryProcessTemplatesRequest Usage: RestApiService.getProcessManagementService().queryProcessTemplates(request, callback);
Name Type Description
query string Full (SQL syntax) query string. The "FROM process" clause should be included in the query.
pageSize number (Java type: int) Page size to be used to return the list of process templates. One of the following values:
  • 0: Return the entire result set in a single, non-paged list. The result set when using this value is restricted to 500 entries.
  • -1: Return the result set in a paged list, using the default page size.
  • positive integer: return the result set in a paged list, with the specified number of items on each page.

If you specify a paged result (pageSize = -1 or a number greater than 0), use the queryFirstPage, queryLastPage, queryNextPage, and queryPreviousPage functions to navigate the paged list, and queryDone to clear resources when you are finished with the paged list. (Note that the result limit for non-paginated queries (pageSize=0) is 500.)

  • 4.0.0