Class: ProcessInstance

new ProcessInstance()

Type to describe a process instance. Constructs a new ProcessInstance.

The following features are supported:


activityFaultData :string

Activity fault data. This property holds the value of the 'Activity Fault Data' attribute.
  • string

activityFaultName :string

Activity fault name. This property holds the value of the 'Activity Fault Name' attribute.
  • string

completionTime :Date

Date/time the process instance reached one of the terminal states. This property holds the value of the 'Completion Time' attribute.
  • Date


List of user-defined attributes. This property holds the value of the 'Custom Attributes' containment reference.

failedActivityName :string

Name of the failed activity. This property holds the value of the 'Failed Activity Name' attribute.
  • string

id :string

Unique ID assigned to the process instance. This property holds the value of the 'Id' attribute.
  • string

originatorName :string

username who sent the request that results in the creation of the process instance. This property holds the value of the 'Originator Name' attribute.
  • string

parentProcessID :string

Unique ID of the parent process instance, in cases where the process instance was created via a sub-process call. This property holds the value of the 'Parent Process ID' attribute.
  • string

priority :number

Priority of the process instance, used to schedule its execution. This property holds the value of the 'Priority' attribute.
  • number


Fully qualified name of the process template from which the process instance was created. This property holds the value of the 'Process QName' containment reference.

startTime :Date

Date/time when the process instance first became active. This property holds the value of the 'Start Time' attribute.
  • Date

state :string

Current state of the process instance - for example ACTIVE or SUSPENDED. For a complete list of the possible states and their meanings, see the Openspace User's Guide or Workspace User's Guide. This property holds the value of the 'State' attribute.
  • string

userID :string

ID of the user who sent the request that results in the creation of the process instance. This ID is determined from the user/security-context. This property holds the value of the 'User ID' attribute.
  • string

waitingWorkCount :number

Count of the number of user task instances waiting for a response from Business Resource Management (BRM). This indirectly provides a count of the number of outstanding work items associated with the process instance. This property holds the value of the 'Waiting Work Count' attribute.
  • number