Configuration Elements

The customInterfaces.xml file contains a series of elements that provide the framework to configure custom interfaces.

For example:

Note: This document provides details about configuring custom interfaces via the XML in the customInterfaces.xml file. If desired, you can configure custom interfaces via the Configuration Administrator UI rather than the XML. For information, see Configuration Administrator Interface .

The customInterfaces.xml file contains a root <data> element and a <customInterfaces> sub-element.

Below the <customInterfaces> element are a number of sub-elements that specify the location from which you want the custom interface to be launched; the example above shows three of the location elements: <WorkspaceToolbar> (the main application toolbar), <WorkspaceMasterSelection> (the master selection area of Workspace), and <ProcessTemplatesList> (the process template list). For a complete list, see Configuring <menu> and <menuItem> Elements.