
The Workspace application contains an Options dialog from which each user can specify their personal user options. User options establish default settings for each user who logs into the application. These include things such as the list to display first, the size and location of forms, the language to display, etc.

For information about setting user options from the Options dialog, see the TIBCO Workspace User’s Guide.

There are default user options defined in the system that each new user inherits until they specify their own user options on the Options dialog. These default user options are defined in the application’s configuration file, config.xml. (Note that the Options dialog also contains a Defaults button that sets all of the options for the user to the default user options specified in the config.xml file.)


  1. Open the config.xml file.

    For information about how this file should be opened (i.e., via the Configuration Administrator or via the file system, see Introduction).

  2. Locate the Options record:
    <record jsxid="Options" type="Workspace">
          <InitialDisplay initialList="WorkViews"></InitialDisplay>
  3. Using the information in the table shown below, change the values of the appropriate element attributes to the desired values.
  4. When finished, save and close the config.xml file.
    Element Attribute Possible Values Meaning


    initialList WorkViews Displays the work views list after login.
    PTViews Displays the process views list after login (the "PT" is in reference to the former "process template views" name).
    EventViews Displays the event views list after login.


    workView string The name of the work view to display initially. An empty string causes the first work view in the list to be displayed.
    processView string The name of the process view to display initially. An empty string causes the first process view in the list to be displayed.
    eventView string The name of the event view to display initially. An empty string causes the first event view in the list to be displayed.


    workView name Causes the work view name to be displayed in the caption of the work item list after selecting a work view.
    description Causes the work view description to be displayed in the caption of the work item list after selecting a work view.
    processView name Causes the process view name to be displayed in the caption of the process instance list after selecting a process view.
    description Causes the process view description to be displayed in the caption of the process instance list after selecting a process view.
    eventView name Causes the event view name to be displayed in the caption of the event list after selecting an event view.
    description Causes the event view description to be displayed in the caption of the event list after selecting an event view.


    showMilliseconds true Milliseconds are displayed in date/times in the work item and process instance lists.
    false Milliseconds are not displayed in date/times in the work item and process instance lists.


    localeKey string The default locale to use in the application(1) . If this string is empty, or the <Language> element or localeKey attribute is missing, the language defaults to that of the browser. Also, if the locale file specified by the localeKey value cannot be found on the system, "en_US" becomes the default locale.


    refresh true Causes the auto-refresh feature to be on by default on work item lists.
    false Causes the auto-refresh feature to be off by default on work item lists.
    refreshInterval integer Number of seconds between automatic refreshes of work item lists when AutoRefresh = true. Minimum = 5 seconds; Maximum of 8 digits.


    previewForms dock Work item forms are docked in the Preview Pane.
    float Preview Pane is displayed, but work item forms are displayed in floating windows.
    off Preview Pane is turned off. Work item forms are displayed in floating windows.
    previewResize true Causes the Preview Pane to automatically resize when a work item is opened in the Preview Pane. It is resized to the percentage specified in the previewSize attribute.
    false The Preview Pane is not resized when a work item is opened in the Preview Pane.
    previewSize integer The percentage of the viewing area the Preview Pane will occupy when it is automatically resized (previewResize must be set to "true").


    float dialog Floating windows containing a work item form are displayed in a separate dialog.
    browser Floating windows containing a work item form are displayed in a separate browser window.
    floatLeft integer The floating window is positioned this number of pixels from the left. (Only applicable if both the floatFullscreen and floatCenter attributes are false.)
    floatRight integer The floating window is positioned this number of pixels from the top. (Only applicable if both the floatFullscreen and floatCenter attributes are false.)
    floatWidth integer The width (in pixels) of the floating window. (Only applicable if the floatFullscreen attribute is false.)
    floatHeight integer The height (in pixels) of the floating window. (Only applicable if the floatFullscreen attribute is false.)
    floatFullscreen true Floating windows are displayed full screen.
    false Floating windows are not displayed full screen (other attributes specify position/size.)
    floatCenter true Floating windows are displayed centered. (Use floatWidth and floatHeight attributes to determine size.)
    false Floating windows are not displayed centered (other attributes specify position/size.)
    floatRememberPosition true The system remembers the size and position of the floating window if you manually move it on your screen.
    false Future floating windows are opened in the position and size specified by the other float attributes.


    number integer The number of business services that can appear in the Recent section in the business service list. These are the recently started business sevices. Valid entries: 0-10


    openForms dock Business service forms are docked in the Preview Pane.
    float Business service forms are displayed in floating windows.
    float dialog Floating windows containing a business service form are displayed in a separate dialog.
    browser Floating windows containing a business service form are displayed in a separate browser window.
    floatLeft integer The floating window is positioned this number of pixels from the left. (Only applicable if both the floatFullscreen and floatCenter attributes are false.)
    floatRight integer The floating window is positioned this number of pixels from the top. (Only applicable if both the floatFullscreen and floatCenter attributes are false.)
    floatWidth integer The width (in pixels) of the floating window. (Only applicable if the floatFullscreen attribute is false.)
    floatHeight integer The height (in pixels) of the floating window. (Only applicable if the floatFullscreen attribute is false.)
    floatFullscreen true Floating windows are displayed full screen.
    false Floating windows are not displayed full screen (other attributes specify position/size.)


    number integer The number of processes that can appear in the Start Process Instance button drop-down list. This drop-down list shows the user the processes that have been started recently. Valid entry: 0-10


    default side Lists are displayed in a side-by-side format.
    stacked Lists are displayed in stacked (top and bottom) format.
    floating List are displayed in floating windows.


    fontSize default The font size in the application is determined by the setting in the workspaceCSS.xml file.
    small 10px
    medium 12px
    large 14px
    (1) The locale string must be in the form of “ll” or “ll_CC”, where "ll" is a lowercase, two-letter ISO 639-1 language code and "CC" is an uppercase, two-letter ISO 3166 country code. For example “es” for Spanish, or “es_MX” for Spanish Mexico. For more information, see Language Resource Files .