Language Resource Files

WCC applications use language resource files to store text strings, which are displayed in the application at runtime.

The following types of resource files required for each language:

  • locale.ll.xml - These are the “general” resource files that contain text strings that are used throughout the application.
  • eventLocale.ll.xml - These resource files contain text strings that are used specifically in the event view list and the Event Viewer. (For more information about how these event-related strings are used, see Event-Related Text.)
  • customInterfaceLocale.ll.xml - These resource files contain text strings that are used with custom interfaces. (For more information about how these strings are used, see Localization for Custom Interfaces.)


Note that unlike resource files for all other languages, the default English (United States) resource files do not include the language code in their names. The default English (United States) resource files are:
Note: The locale file names may also include a “country code” following the language code. For example “locale.fr_FR.xml”. For information, see Country-Specific Translations .

Resource files consist of records with attributes that contain localized strings that are displayed in the application at runtime. For example:

<record jsxid="lblRefreshing" jsxtext="Refreshing..."/>
<record jsxid="lblSaveView" jsxtext="Save View"/>
<record jsxid="lblSaveViewAs" jsxtext="Save View As..."/>

The resource files are located in the following directory:


By default, the only resource files that contain text strings are the English (United States) locale files: locale.xml and eventLocale.xml.

All of the other provided resource files (for example,,, etc.) are templates that do not contain any text strings—these are used as templates to create your own localized resource files.

Modifying an Existing Resource File

As this information is primarily about creating new resource files for a language, you are also free to modify the text strings in any of the existing resource files. Simply open the desired resource files in an editor, and modify the text strings as desired.