Production Machine: Creating a Host Instance

To create a host instance on the Production machine, run the Create TIBCO Host Instance wizard on the Production machine.


  1. In TIBCO Configuration Tool, choose the Create TIBCO Host Instance Wizard.
  2. Make sure that you complete the following screens/fields as shown.
    Screen Requirement
    TIBCO Host Instance Configuration: Details
    1. Enter a unique Name for this TIBCO Host instance.
    2. Enter the ActiveMatrix Enterprise Name.
    TIBCO Host instance Configuration: Administrator Server
    1. Select Bind to Administrator server.
    2. Enter the Machine Name on which the ActiveMatrix Administrator server is running.
    TIBCO Host Instance Configuration: Summary Select:
    • Create TIBCO Host instance
    • Launch TIBCO Host instance
    • Register TIBCO Host instance to the Administrator server

    then click Configure.


TIBCO Configuration Tool creates the specified TIBCO host instance (if it does not already exist), binding it to the ActiveMatrix Administrator server.

For example, in Example: Two separate BPM systems in a single ActiveMatrix Enterprise, BPM_Prod_Host is created on the Production machine and bound to the ActiveMatrix Administrator server.