Process Views

The Process Views component displays a list of the process views that the user has created. By default, one process view is provided when you first start the Workspace for the first time — the All Instances view.

The process view list also contains a wizard that the user can use to create new process views.

An example process view list is shown below:

For information about the functions available from this component, see the "Using Views" topic in the TIBCO Workspace User’s Guide.

Access to each of the functions available in the process view list is controlled by properties on the Process Views component (in conjunction with user access sets, which are described in the TIBCO Workspace Customization and Configuration guide). For information about setting these properties, see Process Views Component Properties.

The Process Views component also publishes events for actions executed from the process view list. For information about these events, see Process Views Component Events.

Subscribe To:

To display the Process Views component, subscribe to:

  • Login component:
    • “Login Complete” event

Process Views Component Properties

The Process Views component contains the following properties, which are used to control access to each of the functions available from the process view list (these properties are used in conjunction with "user access sets" to control access — for more information, see Properties Editor).

Property Description
New Process View Enables/disables the ability to create a new process view.

Controls access to the Create New View button on the toolbar, as well as the New selection on the process view list Tools menu.

Edit Process View Enables/disables the ability to edit an existing process view.

Controls access to the Edit View button on the toolbar, as well as the Edit selection on the process view list Tools menu.

Remove Process View Enables/disables the ability to remove an existing process view.

Controls access to the Remove View button on the toolbar, as well as the Remove selection on the process view list Tools menu.

Process Views Component Events

The Process Views component publishes the following events, which fire when the action described by the event occurs:

Event Description
List Item Select
(single click) Indicates the user has selected a view in the process view list.

Fires when the user single-clicks a view in the process view list, or when the user moves the highlight bar on the process view list using the keyboard arrow keys. Note, however, that this event fires only when a view other than the one currently selected is selected. In other words, clicking on the view already selected does not fire this event.

This event also automatically fires when the process view list is displayed. It fires because the first view in the list is automatically selected when the list is displayed. (If there are no views in the list when it is initially displayed, the event does not fire.)

List Item Removed Indicates the user has removed a process view.

Fires when the user either clicks on the Remove View button or chooses the Remove menu selection on the process view list, then clicks OK on the confirmation dialog.

Note that when a process view is removed, if at least one other view exists, the first view in the list is automatically selected, causing the "List Item Select (single-click)" event to also fire.

List Item Execute
(double click) Indicates the user has executed a process view in the process view list.

Fires when the user double-clicks a view in the process view list, or when the user presses Enter when a view is already selected (highlighted).