
The navigateCaseDetailed operation allows you to perform searches on case data that have been associated using linkCase.

See also: linkCase.

For example, in an insurance company, you may want to link a customer’s case reference number with their claims. You can then use navigateCaseDetailed to search for claims belonging to that particular customer. In this way, navigateCaseDetailed is very similar to navigateCase. However, navigateCaseDetailed can provide more detailed results than navigateCase, depending on your requirements.
  • If you do not specify a rolename then, navigateCaseDetailed returns results for all roles. This is useful because you may not know what roles currently exist.
  • You can specify that a case summary is included along with each returned case. The content of the case summary is the same as that returned by getCaseSummary.
  • You can specify that labels are included for role names and, if case summary is also included, case summary attributes.
  • The request identifies the case reference of the source case data (in this example, customer) and the rolename of the association that was specified when the association was created using linkCase.
  • The response returns the case references of the case data that matches the search. If the response returns hasMore=true, it means that you have specified queryOptions to limit the number of results returned for each rolename and that, for the given rolename, more results exist.
Required System Action
API Descriptions