Viewing Event Information Associated with Case Data

Events are actions that have taken place, for example, logging in, opening a work item, submitting a work item, suspending a process instance, and so on. You can view information about the events that have taken place for a selected case.


You must be logged in to Openspace as a user that has privileges with the correct system action assigned to view the work lists.


  1. From the Case Management gadget, perform a search to retrieve a list of cases. See Performing an Ad-hoc Search or Performing an Advanced Case Data Search.
  2. Select a case.
    If required, use the Search facility to find your case. See Searching Cases.
  3. Select Case Navigation > View Audit/Events.
    The event list for the selected case displays.
  4. You can choose what columns are displayed. See Configuring Columns in Case Navigation.
  5. Select the event you want to view.
    Note that:
    • By default, a maximum of 10 items display, depending on how many events are associated with the case. You can change how many items are displayed by clicking the up or down arrow in the Page Size box.
    • You can use the arrows to scroll through the list.

    The following table describes the information that is displayed for each event.

    Option Description
    Creation Time The date and time the event occurred.
    Principal Name The name of the resource that performed the event.
    Message ID The unique identifier of the event.
    Severity The message level that is set for that event. See Setting the Message Level.
  6. You can refresh the event list at any time by selecting .
  7. Select to close the Event List page.