Production Machine: Creating a BPM Node

To create a BPM node on the Production machine, run the Create TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM Server wizard on the Production machine.


  1. In TIBCO Configuration Tool, choose the Create TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM Server Wizard.
  2. Make sure that you complete the following screens/fields as shown.
    Screen Requirement
    ActiveMatrix BPM: Database Administrator Enter the details of the database server that will be used to host the ActiveMatrix BPM database for the new ActiveMatrix BPM system. (See Configuring the BPM Database Server.)

    This can either be the same database server that is hosting any existing ActiveMatrix BPM databases, or a different database server.

    ActiveMatrix BPM: Runtime Database Configuration Enter the details of the ActiveMatrix BPM database for the new ActiveMatrix BPM system.
    ActiveMatrix BPM: Configuration Change AMX-BPM Application Name to a unique name (not used by any other BPM system) in this ActiveMatrix environment.
    ActiveMatrix BPM: LDAP Configuration Select Use External LDAP Server and specify the connection details for an external LDAP server.
    ActiveMatrix BPM: Administrator Server Configuration
    1. Select Use Existing ActiveMatrix Administrator Server.
    2. Specify the details of the ActiveMatrix Administrator server being used by the development BPM system.
    ActiveMatrix BPM: Host and Node Configuration
    1. Host: Enter the name of the TIBCO Host instance on which the BPM system will be created. This must be an existing host that is bound to the specified ActiveMatrix Administrator server (for example, in Example: Two separate BPM systems in a single ActiveMatrix Enterprise, BPM_Prod_Host).
    2. Environment Name: Enter the name of the ActiveMatrix environment in which the BPM system will be created. This can be either:
    3. Node Name: Enter a unique name for the ActiveMatrix node on which the BPM system will be created (for example, in Example: Two separate BPM systems in a single ActiveMatrix Enterprise, BPM_Prod_Node).
    4. Node Management Port: Enter a unique port number.
    Administrator Server Configuration: Summary Select Create ActiveMatrix BPM, then:
    • If the string [Creating Database Instance] is appended to the Create ActiveMatrix BPM action (indicating that you chose to automatically create the ActiveMatrix BPM database), click Configure.
    • If the string [Not Creating Database Instance] is appended to the Create ActiveMatrix BPM action (indicating that you chose to manually create the ActiveMatrix BPM database):
      1. Click Save to save the configuration information gathered in the preceding screens to the specified Session Scripts and Log Folder.
      2. Click Cancel to exit the Create TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM Server wizard.
      3. Get a database administrator to manually create the BPM database - see Manually Running BPM Database Upgrade Scripts.
      4. Run the Create TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM Server wizard again.
      5. Click Load, then select the Session Scripts and Log Folder in which you saved the configuration information.
      6. Click OK when the Loaded data model successful message is displayed.
      7. Click Next repeatedly until you reach the ActiveMatrix BPM: Runtime Database Configuration screen, then click Test Connection (to verify that TIBCO Configuration Tool can connect to the BPM database).
      8. Click Next repeatedly until you reach the Administrator Server Configuration: Summary screen, then click Configure.


TIBCO Configuration Tool:

  • creates and starts a BPM node (of type BPM Node) on the specified TIBCO host instance.
  • adds the new node to the specified ActiveMatrix environment (creating that environment if necessary).

For example, in Example: Two separate BPM systems in a single ActiveMatrix Enterprise:

  • BPM_Prod_Node is started on BPM_Prod_Host.
  • BPMProdEnvironment is created to include BPM_Prod_Node.