Overview of the Steps Required to Manually Localize Openspace

To make Openspace available in different languages and localizations, you must manually translate the Openspace application files and add the new language/country combination to the locale.properties file.

  1. See Manually Translating Openspace Application Resource Bundles for information on how to manually translate Openspace application files.
  2. Add the new language/country combination as a property to the locale.properties file. The locale.properties file contains the list of locales that Openspace supports. Adding the new language/country combination as a property to the locale.properties file enables the new language to be available for selection from the Locale Selector box within Openspace. See Adding the New Language as a Property to the locale.properties File.
  3. Create your language pack as a composite application. To do this, perform the following tasks in order:
    1. Create an SOA Project
    2. Configure the Composite
    3. Create the Distributed Application Archive (DAA)
    4. Deploying the DAA