Opening a Work Item

Opening a work item results in a form opening, a pageflow stating, or work item data being retrieved.

For example:

  • A form is opened - If the user task was designed to display a form, use the openWorkItem request in the WorkPresentationService.

    For additional information about opening a work item and displaying a form, see Displaying a Work Item Form.

    If the user task was designed to display a custom form (rather than a TIBCO Business Studio form), also see Using Custom Forms.

  • A pageflow is started - If the user task was designed to start a pageflow when it is opened, you can either of the following operations:
    • openWorkItem operation in the WorkPresentationService. The response from the openWorkItem operation contains the pageflow details, which you use with the startPageFlow request in the PageFlowService to start the pageflow.
    • openWorkItem operation in the ClientService. When using this operation, you do not need to explicitly start the pageflow. This service handles retrieving the appropriate form for the page activity, and ensures that the work item is completed when the pageflow is completed. Note that this operation is available in REST only.

    For additional information, and an example of starting a pageflow when a work item is opened, see Displaying a Form in a Pageflow.

  • Work item data is retrieved (but no form is displayed) - If the user task was designed to neither open a form nor start a pageflow, use the openWorkItem request in the WorkItemManagementService. This returns all of the associated input and output data for the work item.

    Note that this is typically only used in special use-case client applications.

To use any of the openWorkItem requests, the work item must currently be in a state of Allocated or Pended.

If a work item is currently in a state of Offered, you can use the allocateAndOpenWorkItem and allocateAndOpenNextWorkItem requests in the WorkItemManagementService to allocate and open the work item at the same time.

For more information about work item states, see Work Item States.

For information about additional requests that can be made to progress a work item after opening it, see Progressing a Work Item.