Localization for Custom Interfaces

A customInterfaceLocale.xml resource file is provided in the JSXAPPS\base\locale directory to support localization of text strings associated with custom interfaces.

Empty customInterfaceLocale.ll_CC.xml resource files are also provided for various locales supported by Workspace, where ll is a lowercase, two-letter ISO 639-1 language code and CC is an uppercase, two-letter ISO 3166 country code.

When defining a custom interface menu, menu item, or toolbar button, three text strings may be defined that are displayed in Workspace:

  • Display Text - This is the label text that displays on the menu, menu item, or toolbar button.
  • Description - This is the text that describes the custom interface in the Configuration Administrator when configuring user access.
  • Tool Tip - This is the text that displays when the cursor hovers over the custom interface menu or toolbar button (not applicable to menu items).

If localization of these strings is desired, a record must be created in customInterfaceLocale.xml with the English version of the text. For example:

<record id="displayText.Accounts" text="Accounts"/>
<record id="description.Accounts" text="Accounts user access"/>
<record id="tooltip.Accounts" text="Open Accounts interface"/>

Each record contains two attributes:

  • id - A unique identifier for the record.
  • text - The English version of the string that displays in Workspace.

For each language that is to be supported, the record must be duplicated in the corresponding custom interface locale file, with the "text" attribute translated to the appropriate language. For instance, if Workspace is configured to support German, the customInterfaceLocale.de.xml file must be edited to include a translated version of the records in customInterfaceLocale.xml. For example:

<record id="displayText.Accounts" text="Konten"/>
<record id="description.Accounts" text="Konten Benutzer Zugriff"/>
<record id="tooltip.Accounts" text="offene Rechnungen Schnittstelle"/>

If you are configuring custom interfaces manually by editing the customInterfaces.xml file, enter the appropriate id values in the displayText, description, and toolTip attributes. For example:

<menu name="Accounts" displayText="displayText.Accounts"

And if you are configuring custom interfaces using the Configuration Administrator, enter the appropriate id values in the Display Text, Description, and Tool Tip fields. For example:

At runtime, if the German language has been selected for Workspace, the localized text in customInterfaceLocale.de.xml is displayed. If the record does not exist, the default English version in customInterfaceLocale.xml is displayed. If the values specified for Display Text, Description and Tool Tip do not exist in either locale file, the value itself will be displayed. If localization is not desired, the actual text may be entered for these values rather than the "id" of a locale record.

For more information about localizing Workspace, see Localization.