Business Services

The Business Services component displays a list of all of the business services that the logged-in user is authorized to start.

An example business service list is illustrated below:

For details about the functions available from the business service list, see the "Business Services" topic in the TIBCO Workspace User’s Guide.

Access to each of the functions available in the business service list is controlled by properties on the Business Services component (in conjunction with user access sets, which are described in the TIBCO Workspace Customization and Configuration guide). For information about setting these properties, see Business Services Component Properties.

The Business Services component also publishes events for actions executed from the business service list. For information about these events, see Business Services Component Events.

Subscribe To:

To display the Business Services component, subscribe to the following event:

  • Login component:
    • “Login Complete” event

Business Services Component Properties

The Business Services component contains the following properties, which are used to control access to each of the functions available from the business service list (these properties are used in conjunction with "user access sets" to control access — for more information, see The Properties Editor is used to specify property definitions for Workspace components.).

Property Description
BusinessServices List Enables/disables the ability to view the business service list.
Start Business Service Enables/disables the ability to start a business service.

Controls access to the Start button on the toolbar, as well as the Start Business Service selection on the business service list Tools menu.

Favorites Enables/disables the ability to add business services to the Favorites section in the business service list.

Controls access to the Add to Favorites button on the toolbar, as well as the Add to Favorites selection on the business service list Tools menu.

Business Services Component Events

The Business Services component publishes the following events, which fire when the action described by the event occurs.

Event Description
List Item Select
(single click) Indicates the user has selected a business service in the business service list.

Fires when the user single-clicks a business service or a category in the business service list, or when the user moves the highlight bar on the business service list using the keyboard arrow keys.

List Item Execute
(double click) Indicates the user has executed a business service in the business service list.

Fires when the user double-clicks a business service in the business service list, or when the user presses Enter when a business service is already selected (highlighted).