Class OnLogCallback

  extended by com.tibco.bpm.web.client.model.pagebus.callbacks.OnLogCallback

public abstract class OnLogCallback
extends java.lang.Object

This callback is invoked for log messages configured for any of the following PageBus classes:

* ManagedHub
* IframeContainer
* InlineContainer
* IframeHubClient
* InlineHubClient
* HubPolicy

These log messages are provided by the build-in logging from the PageBus.

Log messages:

* are technical in nature
* are unsuitable for end users
* are not necessarily localized
* contain content that is not defined by any standard and may differ from one implementation or version to another.

Thus, a log callback function SHOULD only be supplied during developer troubleshooting, and application code SHOULD NOT parse log messages and make decisions based on their contents.

This type of callback function SHOULD NOT throw exceptions.

Host applications that use the Hub SHOULD code their log functions carefully to prevent cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks. In particular, host applications SHOULD avoid simple innerHTML assignments of the log messages to prevent malicious components from injecting executable content (e.g., a script element) through the logging mechanism.

©2011 Cloud Software Group, Inc.


Constructor Summary
Method Summary
static getNativeCallback(OnLogCallback instance)
protected abstract  void onLog(java.lang.String logMsg)
          Callback handler.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public OnLogCallback()
Method Detail


protected abstract void onLog(java.lang.String logMsg)
Callback handler.

message - The log message.


public static final getNativeCallback(OnLogCallback instance)

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