Package com.tibco.bpm.web.client.model.pagebus.callbacks

Interface Summary

Class Summary
OnCompleteCallback This callback is invoke when an asynchronous API call completes.
OnConnectCallback This callback is invoked when a Container's client connects to the ManagedHub.
OnDataCallback Extending classes implement the onData callback for subscriptions where the message must be JSON serializable.
OnDisconnectCallback This callback is invoked when a Container's client disconnects from the ManagedHub.
OnLogCallback This callback is invoked for log messages configured for any of the following PageBus classes:

* ManagedHub
* IframeContainer
* InlineContainer
* IframeHubClient
* InlineHubClient
* HubPolicy

These log messages are provided by the build-in logging from the PageBus.

OnManagedEventBusErrorCallback This callback is invoke when an error is returned on subscribing or unsubscribing to a ManagedEvent topic.
OnPublishCallback This callback is invoked when a message is published.
OnSecurityAlertCallback This callback is invoked when a security alert is raised.
OnSeedCallback This callback is invoked when creating an IframeContainer of IframeHubClient and the value returned is used to seed the generator which is used to create security tokens.
OnSubscribeCallback This callback is invoked when subscription is made.
OnSubscribeCompleteCallback This callback is invoke when an asynchronous API call completes.
OnUnsubscribeCallback This callback is invoked when a client unsubscribes.

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