Class EventCache

  extended by com.tibco.bpm.web.client.model.pagebus.hub.EventCache

public class EventCache
extends java.lang.Object

Handles the JSNI interface to query and store methods which are common to the Simple PageBus interface and ManagedHub and Hub client instances.

©2011 Cloud Software Group, Inc.


Constructor Summary
Method Summary
static PageBusMessage[] query( nativeObj, java.lang.String topic)
          Returns all event cache entries that match the specified topic name (which might be a wildcard topic).
static void store( nativeObj, java.lang.String topic, PageBusMessage message)
          Calls PageBus.publish for cache-enabled topics to store the specified value and notify subscribers of the change.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public EventCache()
Method Detail


public static PageBusMessage[] query( nativeObj,
                                     java.lang.String topic)
Returns all event cache entries that match the specified topic name (which might be a wildcard topic).

The result of a non-wildcard query will contain 0-1 events, depending on whether there is a value in the cache for that topic. A query on a wildcard topic returns 0 or more events, one for each value in the cache whose topic matches the wildcard specified in the query.

Can be safely called from within a PageBus callback.

nativeObj - Instance of native object implementing store function.
topic - The topic name to query. This MAY be a wildcard topic.
An Array of PageBusMessage instances. The topic value is set Each object has the form { topic: topic, value: value }.
BadParametersException - An illegal topic was specified.


public static void store( nativeObj,
                         java.lang.String topic,
                         PageBusMessage message)
Calls PageBus.publish for cache-enabled topics to store the specified value and notify subscribers of the change. Otherwise, throws the NoCacheException.

This function can be safely called from within PageBus callback functions.

nativeObj - Instance of native object implementing store function.
topic - Topic name on which to publish the message. This must NOT be a wildcard topic.
message - Message to be published on the given topic.
BadParametersException - An invalid topic was specified. A topic may be invalid either because it is not a legal topic name or because it is a wildcard topic.
NoCacheException - There is no cache for the specified topic.

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