Package com.tibco.bpm.web.client.model.pagebus.hub

Interface Summary

Class Summary
EventCache Handles the JSNI interface to query and store methods which are common to the Simple PageBus interface and ManagedHub and Hub client instances.
HubPolicy Wrapper for a native implementation of the PageBus.policy.HubPolicy interface.
IframeAttributes Used to pass attributes to the iframe element that is created for the IframeContainer.
IframeContainer Wraps the TIBCO PageBus JavaScript IframeContainer providing a JSNI interface enabling the use of Managed Hub events.
IframeHubClient Wraps the TIBCO PageBus JavaScript IframeHubClient providing a JSNI interface enabling the use of Managed Hub events.
InlineContainer Wraps the TIBCO PageBus JavaScript InlineContainer providing a JSNI interface enabling the use of Managed Hub events.
InlineHubClient Wraps the TIBCO PageBus JavaScript InlineHubClient providing a JSNI interface enabling the use of Managed Hub events.
ManagedEvent<H extends EventHandler> The ManagedEvent class extends the normal GWT Event/Handler model and results in a PageBusMessage being transparently published on the ManagedHub.
ManagedEventBus An EventBus extension that enables the use of the ManagedEvent class to pass events over the PageBus ManagedHub.
ManagedEventBusError An error type to indicate errors that occur while registering or unregistering a ManagedEvent.
ManagedEventClient Encapsulates the details of creating an IframeHubClient and adding subscribers, events, and handlers.
ManagedEventHub Encapsulates the details of creating a ManagedHubFrame and adding subscribers, events, and handlers.
ManagedEventService The abstract super class for the ManagedEvent services as implemented by one of the concrete subclasses: ManagedEventFrame ManagedEventClient Encapsulates the details of creating a ManagedEventFrame or ManagedEventClient and adding subscribers, events, and handlers.
ManagedHandlerRegistration A registration returned when registering a HasHandlers implementation with ManagedEventBus addManagedHander.
ManagedHub The ManagedHub class provides a GWT JSNI interface to the TIBCO PageBus(TM) version 2.0.0 manager-side APIs to the Managed Hub.
ManagedHubFrame An extension to Frame that enables the iframe widget to communicate with the containing application or other iframe elements using the TIBCO PageBus Managed Hub.
NativeManagedObject Java class overlay for an opaque JavaScript ManagedObject.

Enum Summary
HubPolicy.Operation Specifies the operation used as parameters by the grant() and revoke() methods.
ManagedEvent.DispatchScope Controls how a ManagedEvent is dispatched:

LOCAL - Dispatch is done locally only. MANAGED_HUB - Dispatch is done on the Managed Hub only. BOTH - Dispatch is done both locally and on the Managed Hub.

This value is set on the dispatchScope property.


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