Interface HubClient

All Known Implementing Classes:
IframeHubClient, InlineHubClient

public interface HubClient

Method Summary
 void connect(OnCompleteCallback onCompleteCallback)
          Requests a connection to the ManagedHub, via the Container associated with this HubClient.
 void disconnect(OnCompleteCallback onCompleteCallback)
          Disconnect from the ManagedHub

Disconnect immediately:


 java.lang.String getClientId()
          Returns the client ID of this HubClient
 java.lang.String getPartnerOrigin()
          If DISCONNECTED: Returns null

If CONNECTED: Returns the origin associated with the window containing the Container associated with this HubClient instance.


Method Detail


void connect(OnCompleteCallback onCompleteCallback)
Requests a connection to the ManagedHub, via the Container associated with this HubClient.

If the Container accepts the connection request, the HubClient's state is set to CONNECTED and the HubClient invokes the onComplete callback function.

If the Container refuses the connection request, the HubClient invokes the onComplete callback function with an error code. The error code might, for example, indicate that the Container is being destroyed.

In most implementations, this function operates asynchronously, so the onComplete callback function is the only reliable way to determine when this function completes and whether it has succeeded or failed.

A component within a Container application may call HubClient.disconnect and then call HubClient.connect.

onCompleteCallback - Callback function to call when this operation completes.
DuplicateException - if the HubClient is already connected.


void disconnect(OnCompleteCallback onCompleteCallback)
Disconnect from the ManagedHub

Disconnect immediately:

This function operates asynchronously, so the onComplete callback function is the only reliable way to determine when this function completes and whether it has succeeded or failed.

A client application is allowed to call HubClient.disconnect and then call HubClient.connect.

onCompleteCallback - Callback function to call when this operation completes.
DisconnectedException - if the HubClient is already disconnected


java.lang.String getPartnerOrigin()
If DISCONNECTED: Returns null

If CONNECTED: Returns the origin associated with the window containing the Container associated with this HubClient instance. The origin has the format



[protocol] is "http" or "https"
[host] is the hostname of the partner page.


java.lang.String getClientId()
Returns the client ID of this HubClient

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