Uses of Class

Packages that use OSAuditConstants.managedObjectTypeEnum

Uses of OSAuditConstants.managedObjectTypeEnum in com.tibco.bpm.web.client.model.types

Methods in com.tibco.bpm.web.client.model.types that return OSAuditConstants.managedObjectTypeEnum
 OSAuditConstants.managedObjectTypeEnum ECQueryResult.getManagedObjectTypeEnum()
          Enum value to allow task types to be selected using an integer comparison rather than String comparison.
static OSAuditConstants.managedObjectTypeEnum OSAuditConstants.managedObjectTypeEnum.valueOf(java.lang.String name)
          Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
static OSAuditConstants.managedObjectTypeEnum[] OSAuditConstants.managedObjectTypeEnum.values()
          Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.

Methods in com.tibco.bpm.web.client.model.types with parameters of type OSAuditConstants.managedObjectTypeEnum
 void ECQueryResult.setManagedObjectTypeEnum(OSAuditConstants.managedObjectTypeEnum managedObjectTypeEnum)
          Enum value to allow task types to be selected using an integer comparison rather than String comparison.

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