Importing the Initial Resources

You will need to open or import the WelcomeUsers project and a separate organization model.

Note: If you are continuing this tutorial directly from a previous one, you have already started TIBCO Business Studio, and the WelcomeUsers project may already be open. If so, skip the first two steps of this procedure.


  1. Start Studio for Designers.
    Note: Following this tutorial will be simpler and clearer if you close any other projects that you may have open in your TIBCO Business Studio workspace, using the Project > Close Project menu option.
  2. If the WelcomeUsers project is not open, import the JobFunctionStart project. Find the file in the location where you installed TIBCO Business Studio and follow the instructions in Verifying the Results to import the project.
  3. In Project Explorer, expand the WelcomeUsers project.
    Note: If you are continuing from previous work with the WelcomeUsers tutorials, the project will be called WelcomeUsers. If you have imported it as in step 2 , you will be using a project with another name. It will be referred to simply as WelcomeUsers for the rest of this tutorial.
  4. Open the WelcomeUsers process.
  5. In the Process Editor view, where the WelcomeUsers process is displayed, open the Tasks drawer on the Palette. Click on the User Task icon, and drag and drop it onto the sequence flow between Display Message and End Event. Name this user task Send out Welcome Pack.
  6. Delete the Organization Model in the WelcomeUsers project by right-clicking on Organization and selecting Delete. You will be asked if you want to delete Organization from the file system. Click OK to confirm.
  7. If you have not already done so in a previous tutorial, import the EasyAsExtendedOMSolution file into your workspace (see Verifying the Results for details of how to import a project).

    Expand the organization model. You will see that the organization model has a Group defined called Managers.