Setting up the Summary Task

The Summary task presents a form which gives a summary of the patient information, including which test or tests are necessary and the appointment times allocated. This information is set up by the Set Appointment Time script task.


  1. Select the Set Appointment Time task.
  2. In the Script Defined As field, select JavaScript.
  3. Enter the following in the Describe Task Script field:
    for (var ix = 0; ix < DeptArr.size(); ix++)
    	var test = DeptArr.get(ix);
    	if (test.toString() == "BLOODTEST") {
    		BloodTestAppointment = ApptTimeArr.get(ix);
    	} else if (test.toString() == "XRAY") {
    		XRayAppointment = ApptTimeArr.get(ix);
  4. Save the project.