Component Reference

This guide does not provide detailed information about using the functions provided by WCC components. For those details, see the TIBCO Workspace User’s Guide.

Composite Components

Data Mask Component

  • Data Mask Component - block that displays “Loading Data…” mask while the application is retrieving data from the server.

List Container Components

  • Event Views - list of event views created by the user.
  • Event Viewer - list of events that are in the currently selected event view.
  • Process Templates - list of process templates available on the system. This component is used by the Start Instance Component to display the list of processes the user can start an instance of. It provides a flat list of available process templates.
  • Process Templates Ex - list of process templates available on the system. This component is used by the Create / Edit Process View wizard to display the list of processes that the user can include in the process view. This component provides a tree structure with expandable / collapsible nodes, each node representing a process template. Expanding a node causes all versions of the process template to be displayed below the process template name.
  • Process Views - list of views of process instances, for a set of process templates, created by the user.
  • Process Instances - list of all process instances in the currently selected process view (does not include the preview pane — for a preview pane, see the Process Instances Preview composite component).
  • Work Views - list of views of work items created by the user.
  • Work Items - list of work items in the selected work view (does not include the preview pane — for a preview pane, see the Work Items Preview composite component).
  • Business Services - list of business services available to the user.
  • Data Views - list of data views1 created by the user.
  • Data View List - list of case references for the selected data view1.

Login Component


Toolbar Button Component

Organization Browser Components

  • Organization Browser - displays a graphical representation of the organization model. Also allows the user to create LDAP containers, which contain resources that can be mapped to groups and positions in the organization model.
  • Organization Resource List - displays a list of resources that have been added to the selected LDAP container, or that have been mapped to the selected organizational entity.

Start Instance Component

1 The preview pane is viewed as a separate component in the context of composite components, although it cannot be installed separately.
2 As of version 4.0 of Workspace, "data views" are now called "case views". Although, in General Interface Builder, the term "data view" is still used, the component appears as a "case view" in the application.