Call State Model Resource Reference

The Call State Model resource allows you to call any state machine that is at the same level or higher in the inheritance chain.

Note: The state machine of a concept cannot call the state machine of a concept that is lower in the inheritance chain, and you cannot call a state machine recursively. That is, you cannot call a state machine from within itself either directly or indirectly.
Field Global Var? Description
Name No The name to appear as the label for the resource. Names follow Java variable naming restrictions. Do not use any reserved words. Names must be unique within a folder.
Description No Short description of the resource.
Call Explicitly No If checked, the call is an explicit call.

If unchecked, the call is a virtual call.

At design time, you may have concepts in the same inheritance chain that include same-named state machines. The Call Explicitly checkbox allows you to select the state machine you need.

With the Call Explicitly checkbox unchecked, the call is similar to a Java or C++ virtual function call.

See Call State Machine Resource for a more detailed explanation.

State Model Name   The name of the state model that is called at runtime.