Supported Operators

TIBCO BusinessEvents Decision Manager supports several operators for Decision Tables that you can use in the expressions.

Named or Scoped Conditions must Evaluate to Boolean

For logical operators, named conditions will have to use them explicitly from the second operand onwards.

For example, if the LHS of the condition is the column name, bankuser.Age, the following are valid entries:

50 || ==60 , 40 && ==80, 20 || >=80

Custom Conditions must Evaluate to Boolean

Same as earlier specified condition, except that you must specify the entire Boolean expression in the cell, including LHS.

Actions or Custom Actions

Named actions perform assignment of the cell expression to the column name property.

Custom actions are treated as normal strings and can be anything that you would enter in the THEN section of rules (LHS included).

Supported Operators
Operator Description
== Equals to
!= Does not equal to
> Greater than
>= Greater than or equals to
< Less than
<= Less than or equals to
|| Logical OR
&& Logical AND
+ Addition or String concatenation (depending on context)
! Logical NOT (only with boolean)
- Subtraction
* “Don’t Care” (that is, ignore), or multiplication (depending on context)
/ Division
= Assignment
. Scope resolution
() Operator precedence order or function call (depending on context)
[] Array declaration or array indexing (depending on context)
{} Block resolution or array Initialization (depending on context)
?: Ternary conditional
++ Increment (used only with custom actions)
-- Decrement (used only with custom actions)