Running the HelloWorld Plug-in

To check whether the HelloWorld plug-in works as expected, you can create a business process using the created SayHello activity.


Ensure that you have added business logic, as described in Adding Business Logic.


  1. In the child TIBCO Business Studio, click File > New > BusinessWorks Resources from the menu.
  2. In the "Select a wizard" dialog, click BusinessWorks Application Module. Click Next.
  3. In the Project dialog, enter HelloWorld in the Project name field. Click Finish to create a HelloWorld project.

    The helloworld process editor is displayed.

  4. From the General Activities palette, select and drop a Timer activity to the process editor. From the HelloWorld palette, select and drop a SayHello activity to the process editor.
  5. Drag the icon to create a transition between the Timer activity and the SayHello activity.
    You can also click in the Palette view to create a transition.
    Note: The icon is displayed only when you select a Timer activity.
  6. In the process editor, double-click the SayHello activity:
    1. In the General tab, enter AAA in the YourName field.
    2. In the Input tab, enter AAA as the value of the YourInput element.
  7. On the toolbar, click to save your configurations.
  8. From the menu, click Run > Debug Configurations. In the "Create, manage, and run configurations" dialog, click BusinessWorks Application > BWApplication in the left panel, and then select HelloWorld.application in the Applications tab.
  9. Click Debug to start the HelloWorld process.


In the Debug perspective, click the BusinessWorks Jobs tab, and then click helloworld.Process > SayHello. Click the Output tab in the Job Data view.

Hello World is displayed in the Output tab.