
The following table describes the fields in the General tab of the QueryDocument activity.

Field Module Property ? Description
Name No The name of the activity displayed in the process. The default value is QueryDocument.
MongoDB Connection Yes Select a shared resource by completing the following steps:
  1. Click the Choose/Create Default Resource icon to open the Select MongodbconnectionResource Resource Template window, where all the available resources are listed.
  2. In the Matching items panel, select one shared resource by clicking it. Click OK.
Collection Name Yes Specify the name for the collection where documents are queried.
Note: Adhere to the following rules when specifying the collection name:
  • Do not start the collection name with system.
  • Do not contain empty strings, and characters such as $.
Query Type Yes Specify the query type that you want to use. Select one from the following list:

    Finds the first document that matches the query condition.


    Finds all documents that match the query condition.


    Counts the total number of documents that match the query condition.


    Finds an array of distinct values for a specified field in documents.


    Processes documents in a collection by using versatile stage-based data processing pipeline or map-reduce operations.

Read Preference Yes Select the read preference when the plug-in queries documents from a collection. Select one from the following list:

    Reads from the primary member of a replica set.


    Reads from the primary member preferentially, but if the primary member is unavailable, reads from secondary members of a replica set.


    Reads from secondary members of a replica set.


    Reads from secondary members preferentially, but if no secondary members are available, reads from the primary member of a replica set.


    Reads from a member of a replica set with the least network latency, irrespective of the member type of the replica set.

Note: The query preference functionality does not support the aggregate query type. When you select AGGREGATE from the Query Type list, the Read Preference list is unavailable.
Is GridFS Yes Select this check box if you want to query one or more files from a bucket.
Note: GridFS is a specification for storing and retrieving files that exceed the BSON-document size limit of 16 MB.
File Query Type Yes Select a file query type from the following list:

    Finds the first file that matches the query condition.


    Finds all files that match the query condition.

Available only when the Is GridFS check box is selected.

File Content Output Type Yes Select an output type for a file from the following list:

    Produces an object which contains the returned file content as the output.


    Produces a byte array as the output.


    Creates a new file that contains the returned file content.

Available only when the Is GridFS check box is selected.