Digital Asset Manager Add-on Documentation > User Guide > Getting started
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Creating a Drive

Configuration task map

The following map shows where you are in the add-on configuration process:


The following section outlines the steps to complete Task 2: Creating a Drive.

Steps to complete Task 2

A Drive specifies an asset storage location and options related to acceptable file size and storage limitations. The following example points to a location on the local machine, however the API also allows you to point to a cloud storage location. For more information, see the Java API documentation.

To create a Drive:

  1. Navigate to Administration > User interface > TIBCO EBX® Digital Asset Manager Add-on > Drive and open the Drive table. This table stores asset storage configuration information.

  2. Create a new Drive configuration. When filling required fields, you can hover your mouse over the property and click the ? icon to view online help, or you can refer to the Drive group section in this guide. The following image highlights some configuration options.


Troubleshooting Drive error messages

The following table provides troubleshooting tips for Drive configuration error messages.



You path is a file; not a folder

The path specified in the Physical root path field points to a file when it should point to a folder.

You do not have write permission in this folder

The add-on does not have sufficient system permission to manage assets in the specified location. You may need a system administrator to raise permission levels, or use a different storage location.

This folder is not empty

You will see this message if the storage location you choose already contains files. When creating a new Drive, the storage location should be empty to avoid potential duplication of an asset's unique identifier.

Cannot create folder using this path

If the folder you specify doesn't exist, the add-on checks whether it can create the folder using the specified path. This message displays when it cannot create the folder automatically.


Displays comments applied to this asset version.

Current version

Indicates whether this version is considered the current version.

Digital asset

The digital asset of which this is a version.