Class TemplateConfig<ST extends SourceTable<?,​?>,​TT extends TargetTable<?,​?>>

  • public final class TemplateConfig<ST extends SourceTable<?,​?>,​TT extends TargetTable<?,​?>>
    extends java.lang.Object
    Configures a user template.

    This allows modification of an existing configuration in a user template.

    See Also:
    • Method Detail

      • forTable

        public static <ST extends SourceTable<?,​?>,​TT extends TargetTable<?,​?>> TemplateConfig<ST,​TT> forTable​(java.lang.String templateName,
                                                                                                                                       com.onwbp.adaptation.AdaptationTable table)
        Specifies a template by name at the table level.
        templateName - The unique name of the template for each data model.
        table - The table used to look up the template with the specified template name.
      • forDataset

        public static <ST extends SourceTable<?,​?>,​TT extends TargetTable<?,​?>> TemplateConfig<ST,​TT> forDataset​(java.lang.String templateName,
                                                                                                                                         com.onwbp.adaptation.Adaptation dataset)
        Specifies a template by name at the dataset level.
        templateName - The unique name of the template for each data model.
        dataset - The dataset used to look up the template with the specified template name.